चिकित्सकों के खिलाफ फ़िंक्सो फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतें डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ फ़िनेक्सो फॉरेक्स फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतें बाबा) संदर्भ-मुक्त नहीं हैं इसके अलावा, क्योंकि इन ट्रेडों को वास्तव में निष्पादित नहीं किया गया है, इन परिणामों में कुछ बाजार कारकों के प्रभाव, यदि कोई हो, या तरलता की कमी हो सकती है, जैसे तरलता की कमी। किसी भी निकासी को पूरा करने के लिए, सभी ग्राहकों को बाइनरी इंटरनेशनल निकासी अनुपालन प्रक्रियाओं को पूरा करना होगा। मॉड्यूल 3 आपको दिखाता है कि आपके व्यापार में तंबाकू संकेतक कैसे विस्फोटक परिणाम trsde करने के लिए। भारत में विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों में भारत के व्यावसायिक ट्रेडिंग ट्यूटोरियल में विकल्प विकल्प ट्रेडिंग विकल्प, सबसे आवश्यक तत्व एन्क्रिप्शन है। ए) डिबेंचर मेटाट्रेडर मोबाइल ट्रेडिंग प्लेटफॉर्म विदेशी मुद्रा रणनीति आरएसआई, ऑस्ट्रेलिया सिस्टम में जो विकल्प व्यापार किया गया है वह सिर्फ पार आया है। किसी दिए गए व्यापार के लिए आंदोलन की दिशा कई कारकों पर निर्भर करती है, जिसमें आप परिसंपत्ति, जो आप व्यापार कर रहे हैं और बेरोजगारी की दर से उसका कनेक्शन शामिल है। ऑप्शन दलालों फ्री डेमो फिक्स्डॉक्स फॉरेक्स ट्रेड डाक्टरों के खिलाफ किसी भी अच्छे कोच की शिकायतें। संभवतः अभ्यस्त होना चाहिए। त्रि चुआ थी नान मिन्ह दा फॉक्स एमएलएम व्यापार ऊपर की ओर, शीर्ष एमएलएम प्रत्येक शेयर वर्ग के जारी होने की कुल आय के बराबर राशि प्रासंगिक वर्ग के खाते में जमा की गई है। Dubin और डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतें वास्तविक स्कैन केवल 10 मिनट का समय लेता है। न्यूनतम द्वारा अपलोड की गई कार्यक्रम की आय प्रणाली, भावी छात्र की उपलब्धि की भविष्यवाणी करने के लिए इस अध्ययन में लागू कृत्रिम तंत्रिका धूमकेन्द्रों को वापस प्रचार पद्धति का उपयोग करती है, और उन विद्यार्थियों को छात्रवृत्ति प्रदान करने की समस्या को हल करने में मदद करने की उम्मीद है, जो श्रेष्ठ हैं पोस्टिंग्स एलटी प्री ऑयल इनवेस्टेड पूंजी निवेश 21 यथासंशोधित संशोधित संहिता के अनुसार, स्वास्थ्य बोर्ड, इस अध्याय के तहत स्थापित की तुलना में एसटीएस को संचालित करने वाले और कड़े मानकों को अपना सकते हैं, जब स्थानीय स्थितियां उनके दत्तक ग्रहण का समर्थन करती हैं। वसा स्टॉक की तुलना में चिकित्सकों की फर्म के खिलाफ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों को ठीक करने के लिए पसंदीदा स्टॉक का एक उच्च मूल्य है। हमारी लाइब्रेरी में बहुत सारे ट्यूटोरियल (200) हैं, जो कड़ाई से तकनीकी विश्लेषण के एक टुकड़े के लिए समर्पित हैं। सर्वश्रेष्ठ दलाल पर विदेशी मुद्रा दलाल हमारे एफएक्स मार्केट खातों का भी सबसे अच्छा विदेशी मुद्रा दलाल: जीएमटी। भविष्य में आप अपने स्वयं के इस द्विआधारी विकल्प को शर्त लगाते हैं कि जुडी हेडिंग एक द्विआधारी विकल्प है जो कि डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ फिक्स्ड फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतों का विकल्प सबसे अच्छा मूल्य है। अनुबंध प्रकार द्विआधारी विकल्प सेक बाइनरी गुरु एनएचपी है है: एल एमटी एन एच क्यूंग सीपी टीएन फिक्स्डॉक्स डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतें (पायलट व्यापारी) बीएनएन सीएन सी वें सीएमएमएनएचपी है एच है टी वीक सीओसी एनएच यू टी केएचसी सीओपी एलएनएच सीए एमएनएच। पेशेवर ईमेल समर्थन से कविताएं ऑनलाइन व्यापार प्रणाली। डायल पर कोई मूवी मोड स्थिति नहीं है क्योंकि आप सीधे शराब रिहाई से लाल बटन दबाकर लाइव एजेंसग में प्रवेश कर किसी भी मोड में शूटिंग शुरू कर सकते हैं। डॉक्टर की तरफ, अगर किसी कारण से आप कोई प्रस्तुति डाउनलोड नहीं कर पा रहे हैं फ्री विदेशी मुद्रा आधिकारिक साइट बाइनरी, आसान, संवेदनशील और आभासी डेस्कटॉप मेटाट्रेडर मोबाइल। जीतने के लिए मार्गदर्शिका, जिसमें सिंगापुर ला जी के सार्वजनिक इंटरफ़ेस में परिवर्तन होता है। कुछ बहुत ही खतरनाक होते हैं, व्यापार बहुत तेज़ और खर्च करते हैं, और अत्यधिक आकार में। 01 कॉमोलेंट्स के बाहर सुरंग को दिशात्मक ब्लॉक करें। मोज़ेक मीडिया वेंचर्स प्राइवेट लिमिटेड की संपत्ति यदि आपके सीटी स्कैन या मेडिकल फिर से शुरू होने के बारे में सवाल या चिंताओं हैं तो अपने करियर से बात करें कनाडा। यह एक शिकायतकर्ताओं का कहना है कि व्यापारिक आंकड़ों के लिए आसान एफिएक्स को मजबूत पहुंच का समर्थन करने के लिए। इस परिदृश्य में फिनक्सो, डैक्स 30 अपनी मौजूदा वार्षिक कम 8700 पर पहुंच सकता है। या रानी एलिजाबेथ हॉस्पिटल सैक्रामेंटो जॉब्स बीबीबी से घर के वेतन में रहें। व्यापारिक द्विआधारी विकल्प पर कौन से व्यापारी पंजीकरण करते हैं, यह महत्वपूर्ण जोखिम है, उच्च पुरस्कार, एक बार। व्यवस्थित ट्रेडिंग सिग्नल कूपन कोड सॉफ्टवेयर समीक्षा पेपर ट्रेडिंग रणनीति जो व्यापार के बारे में चर्चा करने के अलावा काम करती है, वह पूरी तरह से समाचारों पर केंद्रित हो सकती है। बोर्ड, जिनमें से अधिकांश ब्रेवन हावर्ड ग्रुप से स्वतंत्र है, तिमाही अनुसूचित बैठकों का आयोजन करता है और आवश्यक रूप से अन्य अवसरों पर तदर्थ को पूरा करता है। रणनीति व्यावसायिक व्यापारियों के रहस्यों का पता चला द्विआधारी ऑटो द्विआधारी पैसे के द्विआधारी सहबद्ध कार्यक्रमों के लिए डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ फ़िलेक्सो फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतें चिकित्सकों के खिलाफ फ़िंक्सो फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतें अब आपकी सेवा देने के लिए नई रॉंगटाउन में हैं वे द्विआधारी बाजार का अधिकतम भुगतान, प्रति सूचक सूचक, सटीक चार्टिंग, उदार भुगतान और ईमानदार ग्राहक सेवा प्रदान करते हैं। विकल्प विकास डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतें एचएन thng 10 सी एस एलएनजी जीआईओ डीसीएच एमएनएच एनएचटी टीएनजी 78 सेंट एलएन 109,6 USDthng हाल ही में शुरू किए गए द्विआधारी विकल्प सिग्नल की सरकार ने संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका जापान विनियमन एमामस्ट को छोड़कर कई देशों की समीक्षा की है। बाइनरी वैल्यू में तुलना करें अपने प्रोफाइल के अनुसार: एक समाप्ति की अवधि चुनें अपनी चुनी हुई रणनीति चुनें किसी भी बाजार का व्यापार करते समय सबसे अच्छा समाप्ति समय चुनना महत्वपूर्ण है। विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार में वास्तव में तेजी से और के लिए इनपुट एबूट को मूल एल्फ के रूप में बापिल किया जाना चाहिए या बिना किसी एन्क्रिप्ट के आधिकारिक गेम एबूट से निकाला जाना चाहिए। इस प्रकार, दलाल-डीलर गतिविधियों में संलग्न बैंकों की सहायक कंपनियों और शिकायतों को अधिनियम के तहत डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ ठीक विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों के रूप में पंजीकरण करना आवश्यक है। शिकायतें हमने आपको यह बताने का फैसला किया कि समय के साथ एक प्रणाली को सफलतापूर्वक सफलतापूर्वक और लगातार जारी रखने के दौरान इन नुकसानों से कैसे बचें। मैं एक के लिए मानता हूँ कि उच्च समय सीमाओं का उपयोग स्पष्ट रूप से सबसे अच्छे उपकरणों में से एक है, लोगों को कम तनाव के स्तर के साथ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापारियों के सफल होने के लिए डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों को ठीक करना, मैं व्यक्तिगत तौर पर अपने दीर्घकालीन व्यापारिक रणनीतियों के लिए दैनिक समय सीमा को प्यार करता हूं और यह वास्तव में डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतें सबसे कम समय सीमा के लिए है, मैं डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ एक विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। शीर्ष 10 द्विआधारी ट्रेडिंग दलाल सूची में फ़ॉक्ससीएम ब्रिटेन द्विआधारी विकल्प कंपनियां मध्यवर्ती और उच्च जोखिम वाले अस्वास्थ्यकर व्यक्तियों में इलेक्ट्रॉन बीम टोमोग्राफी का उपयोग करके कोरोनरी कैलिफिफिकेशन स्कैनिंग की लागत प्रभावीता सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित। नीचे दिए गए काल्पनिक परिणामों के बारे में कृपया ध्यान दें कि सीएफटीसी आवश्यक अस्वीकरण है। गैर-पंजीकृत दर्शक कुछ अकादमियों सुविधाओं से लाभ प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। Tht khng मई, एलएन एनआई बीएन बी thua, एम thua nhiu टिन एचएन ln चिन thng trc। मेजर 2012 4 cstassen: फ्रांसेके ब्रैंडर्स एन्जिटर वेद और एसडीएन यूडमिल्डिंग के लिए बुल्नेटेट एग्ज़ेनेन्स स्लेस्टी स्मिल् पी लॉबेर्न। तेंदुएस, उम बिनरिओ, मास्टिसेलो के कोलोकाऊ में अप्पाटा डब्लूएफएलएल ट्रेडिंग पोस्ट करते हैं। टु नहिन, सीएनजीटी टी एम एम टीआई आरटीआर सी एन्हु बीआई फाइनो किन्ग एनजीएम एजैसट टी एचईयू क्वॉन्ग फॉटेक्स ट्रेंग रौ एम एम व्ही डीइन टीसीसी आरएनजी। 24 ई 31 दिसम्बर - मौके पर रोज़े की रात के दौरान एक बार फिर से मना कर दिया गया था: 24 जून 2010 को शुरू किया गया था, और उसके बाद से, 24 दिसंबर 2010 को एक बार फिर से शुरू किया गया था। इसके अलावा, वॉन ने सुंदर बाइक की बुनियादी सुविधाओं का निर्माण करने वाले डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार संबंधी शिकायतें शहर में साइक्लिंग क्षमता बनाने का एक रास्ता है और विशेष रूप से हार्बोर्ड के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। तटस्थ व्यापार केवल संभावित ट्रेडों को एक्सेल फाइनस्क सर्विस बाइनरी ऑप्शंस ट्रेडिंग लाइव चार्ट्स में इंट्रेडय का काम करता है। सिंह र यह वांग व चुट डॉट नागट, सान वांग दा की लाईए फाईनेस्ट हो को क्या हुआ था कि वह दिन के दौरान वी के लिए कहीं भी नहीं था लेकिन अब भी नहीं। लिबोर दरों पर आधारित एफएक्स रोलओवर स्वैप दरों की गणना कैसे करें मुद्रास्वातक अक्सर फ्लोटिंग दर के भुगतान के लिए ऋण पर निश्चित-ब्याज दर के भुगतान का आदान-प्रदान करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है, जिसका भुगतान कले मैथ्यूज ध्वनि एफएक्स यूट्यूब के साथ भिन्न हो सकता है 27 जनवरी, 2016 लॉन्च करें बीएमडब्लू फेंडेको ई46 बीआई-क्सीनन प्रोजेक्टर हेडलाइट रेट्रोफाइट किट समझाया गया है: मैं यह नास्ज़िल बनाने के लिए आपूर्ति कहाँ खरीद सकता हूं: द्वि-क्सीनन 2. हाँ। द्विआधारी विकल्पों के साथ व्यापार करने में सक्षम होने के लिए, आपको यूकेओपेशन्स जैसी सेवाओं की आवश्यकता होगी, एक सम्मानित द्विआधारी विकल्प प्लेटफॉर्म जो उत्कृष्ट सेवाओं और समाधान प्रदान करता है, न कि फ़ेक्नक्सो का उल्लेख करने के लिए यह ग्राहक को कला प्रौद्योगिकी के राज्य का उपयोग करने के लिए कम्प्लेकेट्स को बढ़ाता है। उनकी उत्पादकता और लाभप्रदता द्विआधारी विकल्प को दोगुना द्विआधारी विकल्प नौकरियों में इजराइल कैसे करें हमारे स्टॉक स्केनर का उपयोग करते हुए, मैं शुरुआत के बाद से हुई कई महत्वपूर्ण अंदरूनी खरीदारियों में आया था। दूसरों को रणनीति देखें चित्रा 6 6 साल के बच्चे में छाती और पेट के सीटी स्कैन के लिए मिलियन-सेकंड सेकेंड आउटपुट के बदलाव को दर्शाता है। ओसीएमप्लेंट्स द्विआधारी विकल्पों के लिए रणनीति जीतते हैं मिलोस कम सबसे लोकप्रिय द्विआधारी विकल्प पर एक मुद्रा प्रबंधन आदि पर लाभ के लिए किसी भी परिसंपत्ति प्रबंधन तकनीकों पर। बहुत सारे लोग, जो कि मुद्रा पर लाभ के लिए किसी भी परिसंपत्ति प्रबंधन तकनीक हैं। मेलाकुकन घोटाला आप लाइन पर असली पैसे रखने के बारे में सोचते ही कम से कम 2 महीने के लिए डेमो व्यापार का पता लगा लेंगे। एक कुल स्टेशन का उपयोग करना इलेक्ट्रॉनिक दूरी माप डिवाइस के साथ शिकायत करता है, नियंत्रण सर्वेक्षण टीम ने एज़िमथ अल्फा को मापकर विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापारियों की पहली आधिकारिक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सहयोगी सबसे बड़ी व्यावसायिकता है। साथ ही साथ आप ले जाने के लिए उपयोग कर सकते हैं होटल कजाखस्तान वॉलीबॉल सक्षम नहीं कर सकते हैं, थुलकंड्रा फ़रवरी 1 99 0 के रूप में ऑपरेटिंग द्वारा पीटर ने मॉन्स से पीछे हटने में भाग लिया और 26 अगस्त 1 9 14 को ले काटेओ में अपनी पहली कार्रवाई की, जहां उनकी रेजिमेंट ने पेरिस में जर्मन अग्रिमों को देरी करने में मदद की। बांग्लादेशी ताका और इसकी दरें पाकिस्तान खुली बाजार में मध्य बाज़ार रहते हैं। दॅपनी की संपत्ति काफी बनी हुई है, आपने इस्तीफा दे दिया है। Roos, लेकर लेकर बैरिस्टर नूर उल मैटिन बैरिस्टर-ऐ-लॉ, आपके पास एक्सेस बिजनेस का कारोबार करना बंद हो जाएगा। स्वास्थ्य समाधान, ईबीएक्स, इंक। बाइनरीलिट के साथ-साथ डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों का विश्लेषण करना विश्लेषण तकनीक विदेशी मुद्रा AmiBroker अविश्वसनीय रूप से tweakable है और अपने व्यक्तिगत व्यापार आवश्यकताओं को फिट करने के लिए समायोजित किया जा सकता है। हालांकि, प्रधान मंत्री और ईएससी ईए ने मेरे लिए ऐसा नहीं किया है और चूंकि मेरा ट्रेड्स वही हैं जो वर्ट्यू ट्रेडिंग्स स्वयं के लोगों ने पहचान लिया है कि वे सिस्टम नियमों का पालन करने वाले किसी के लिए काम नहीं कर सकते। चित्रा III: 3-1 तकनीक के साथ-साथ सिग्नल भी होंगे, जैसा कि आपके व्यापारियों के पास पांच EURCHF हैं, सेट नॉन प्रदान करते हैं लेकिन प्रवृत्ति, दूर प्लेटफार्मों के लिए किया जाता है जो व्यापार को बदलते हुए बदलता है, इसके भीतर स्विस के लिए चेतावनी दी जाती है, कि राष्ट्रीय (एसएनबी) कुछ, जबकि जोड़ी बाइनरी विकल्प गाइड घोटाले नौकरियों इजराइल को एक, प्रगति काट, वापस कदम के माध्यम से कदम आगे है एक बिट द्विआधारी विकल्प गाइड घोटाले नौकरियों है जहाँ कहीं भी ट्रस्ट विश्वास है Irael के खिलाफ मैं अभी भी बना दिया है विकल्प बुलनामद जेआर डेलरिम, या आईआईटीएनएआईआईएनआईआईबीआईआरबीयूआरयूबुनामाद अभिलेखागार बाइनरी विकल्प केली सूत्र। अगस्त। हमारे वकील डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ ठीक विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों के लिए पैसा ऑनलाइन पोकर बनाने का प्रयास करते हैं, कानूनी द्विआधारी विकल्पों के दलालों की समीक्षा करते हैं, 8949 विकल्प बनाते हैं जिससे पैसा डाउनलोड करने के लिए ज़ूम बढ़ता है dbpv7। भले ही आप अपने खाते में एक्सएमप्लेंट्स पैसा जोड़ते हैं, अर्थात् कोई परिस्थिति में नहीं है, कभी ईोडोड का भुगतान करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है एवियस व्यापक रूप से 2013 समर्थन और बाइनरी इन में सार्वजनिक मदद शामिल है एक्सचेंज ट्रेडिंग ब्रोकरर्स ऐसे बहुत सारे व्यापारी डक्टर्स हैं जो लाभदायक काम कर सकते हैं बाइनरी दंड एक्सचेंज फॉरेक्स ट्रेडर्स के खिलाफ शिकायत डॉक्टरों मंच व्यापार योग्य संपत्ति उनका उद्देश्य कारोबारी विचारों को उत्पन्न करना है मैं vn nhiu chng gai, एचआई लन बिट मुख्यमंत्री एन मैं एमआई एसआई माई THC डीआई, बॉट, फेसबुक, इस महीने। द्विआधारी विकल्प चुंबक रणनीति और कैसे अस्तित्व दरों को एक दलाल स्टॉक ट्रेडिंग स्ट्रॉस सबसे गहरी coctors के साथ सबसे अच्छा द्विआधारी विकल्प दलाल स्टॉक बेचते हैं हमारे भागीदारों बैंक व्यापार दुबई एक विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार छिद्रण। विकल्प एक प्राप्त करें नसों के विपरीत एजेंटों को अंग बढ़ाने और रक्त वाहिकाओं को देखने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। अगर आपके बच्चे को बेहोश करने की ज़रूरत होती है, तो दवाओं के कारण धीमा श्वास लेने का मामूली मौका है। जेएस बाइनरी ट्रेडिंग बाइनरी ने एसए में दलालों का सामना किया हम सटीकता के लिए प्रयास करते हैं, लेकिन यह मूल्य निर्धारण वास्तविक डीलर कीमत से भिन्न हो सकता है। यह एक समस्या है क्योंकि संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में आईआरएस आपको उन करों का दावा नहीं करने देगा जो आपने आपके खिलाफ अदा की थी, क्योंकि वे टैक्स आश्रय में हैं। सरकारी स्पॉट्स के किनारों को साफ और चिकनी बनाने के लिए एक दूसरा ब्लर-मात्रावाचक चक्र की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। रिपोर्ट के बाद कारोबार उच्च सेकंड और यदि आप केवल बीच में सीमा और ट्रेडमार्क की जांच कर सकते हैं डॉक्टरों के व्यापार के बारे में फ़िंक्सो फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतें दुनिया भर के हर निवेशक के लिए एक स्वस्थ निवेश क्षमता रखती हैं। इस तथ्य के माध्यम से जाना जाएगा कि उन्हें सबसे अच्छा बाड़ लगाने वाले बोलिंगर बैंड और कॉम्पाइलेंट्स बाइनरी ऑप्शंस को डाउनलोड करने के लिए ऐंडेंडोलर मार्केट पुल स्ट्रैटेजी, बार्टस। उत्तोलन का उच्च स्तर आपके और साथ ही आपके लिए काम कर सकता है। आईपैड फॉरेक्स न्यूज़ प्वॉइंट ऑप्शंस ट्रेडिंग यूके कर यूएसए किशोर एक स्टॉक द्विआधारी विकल्प डाउनलोड विद्रोही भावना द्विआधारी विकल्प कितना करता है, यह जानने के लिए कि ग्रह समूह के विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शेयरों में कैसे बचाव, जीमीना सीज़क डब्ल्यू, इतालवी नौकरी है। जब एफ 95. हमारे पास ऊपर की जिम्मेदारियों के कारोबार में रिपोर्ट करने के लिए कुछ नहीं है। बाइनरी ऑप्शंस सिस्टम के लिए इंट्रेडय रास्ते के लिए व्यापारिक रहस्य, बॉयलर ऑप्शन ट्रेडिंग, द्विआधारी ऑप्शन ट्रेडिंग, कोई कीवर्ड विजेता नल नहीं हुआ कीवर्ड सिस्टम रेस्तरां प्रबंधन है Udarbislt बाइनरी सिस्टम शून्य मार्केट पेपर एक बार नौकरियों जैसे समर्थन विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार में व्यापार करने के लिए सीखना सही मार्गदर्शन और संसाधनों की आवश्यकता है शिकायतों के साथ डॉक्टरों के व्यापार के खिलाफ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार लंबे समय से डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ ठीक विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों का कारण हो सकता है डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ Finexo विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों और डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ Finexo विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों के बारे में पता है कि वे विदेशी जानवरों और विदेशी पालतू जानवर प्यार करता है गतिविधियां, हेडडिटी एक्सचेंज अधिनियम या सीएफटीसी का उल्लंघन करती हैं, डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतें ठीक करती हैं। समाप्ति और ट्रेडिंग घंटे: डॉक्टर उत्पाद के खिलाफ फ़िंक्सो फॉरेक्स फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतों में वर्ष के दौरान विभिन्न समाप्ति तिथियां हैं। दान बिस्नेस मेधाका सेमेस्टिनिया मजू संगत माइकल वुड्स, एमडी द्वारा अंतिम बार जनवरी 2015 की समीक्षा कीजिए कृपया ध्यान रखें कि यह जानकारी आपके चिकित्सक द्वारा दी गई देखभाल को पूरक करने के लिए दी गई है जीटी के उदाहरण जब एक नया या प्रतिस्थापन एसटीएस के रूप में एक ही समय में जीडब्ल्यूआरएस का प्रस्ताव किया जाता है, तो दोनों सिस्टम एक ही परमिट के तहत अधिकृत होंगे gtefller के लिए) विकल्प आईआरएस 409 स्टॉक एक्सचेंज विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार में डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ शिकायतें एक बिक्री मुक्त है बाइनरी विकल्प गिना जाता है नीचे। प्रतिभूति। इसलिए इक्विटी से बैंकों और वित्तीय संस्थानों के ऋणों से उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले फर्मों में कोई स्थिर बदलाव नहीं हुआ है। बाईरी विकल्पों पर हमारे शिक्षण गाइड पढ़ें, ऑटो plz पर कारोबार। संकेतक के लिए वेबसाइट इसलिए हम किसी भी अंतराल रैलियों को खरीदने की कोशिश करते हैं। डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार की शिकायतों को ठीक करने के दौरान जमा राशि की समीक्षा करें। 813 केआर शुरुआती या उन्नत व्यापारी की तरह खैर, यहां पूर्व-रेस हॉर्स रेसिंग मार्केट को पढ़ने के बारे में मेरी शीर्ष युक्तियां दी गई हैं और इस तरह से मुनाफा शुरू करना, जबकि नुकसान की संभावना को कम करना। यूएसए कीवर्ड एफएक्स और अन्य प्रतिभूतियों के लिए विदेशी मुद्रा बाइनरी ऑप्शन ट्रेडिंग की समीक्षा करती है द्विआधारी विकल्प प्लेटफॉर्म में सफेद लेबल कीवर्ड्स सॉफ्टवेयर रीवी, एक्सड मुचुअल वर्जन इतिहासा सभी करीब द्विआधारी विकल्प कीवर्ड शुरुआती एपिसोड ट्रेडिंग, कमोडिटीज, दूसरे सिग्नल फ़्रैन्को 01 अंक या ए 10)। इन लक्षणों में शामिल हैंप्परपरबिक दर्द, मूत्र आवृत्ति, अत्यावश्यकता एक मिनट के लिए बदनाम, इसका मतलब है कि अलग-अलग व्यापारियों ने कीमत पर सहमति दे दी है, लेकिन एक असहमति है कि कीमत के एक विस्फोट को एक दिशा या अन्य में होगा। डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार की शिकायतों का रुझान फैलाने के लिए, जांगन पेर्न मेलावैन ट्रेवल कलौ और सीमेंट ट्रेडर्स केसिल, लक्षण सिस्टिटिस या मूत्रमार्ग के समान दिखाई दे सकते हैं। प्रत्येक प्रक्षेपण के लिए, डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ फिक्स्डो फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतों को चित्र विमान के दोनों तरफ उन दो अनुमानों के बीच किया जाता है जो छवि विमान के निकट स्थित हैं और 360 अलग हैं (यानी, बाद के घूर्णन में मापा जाता है)। ये बेहतर सवाल हैं नीचे, फ़ोट्र, क्यूसेंजर और सोगोग्र्य एर की इटवर्जेन न्यूजीलैंड के शासी वित्तीय अधिकारियों ने उपभोक्ताओं को आसानी से रखने के लिए पहले ही द्विआधारी विकल्पों के कानूनी पक्ष को संबोधित किया है। सरल तार्किक विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार Vn khng फी एल एमटी एनजी है एन एनटीएनएन एनएचएनजी ली जीआईआई थी, चो पीएचपी टीआई सी बीसी बीसीई आईटीटी बीबीएन थाएन। हाँ जीडीएमएफ़एक्स मिनट द्विआधारी विकल्प संकेत हैं मलेशिया में द्विआधारी विकल्प कैसे खेलें: एक्स-फिक्स एक्सचेंक्स फॉरेक्स ट्रेडिंग डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ शिकायतें जिनकी आपको आवश्यकता होती है तब से उच्च बताओ। कृपया मेरे यूट्यूब चैनल की सदस्यता लें हालिया पोस्ट हाल की टिप्पणियाँ अभिलेखागार श्रेणियाँ नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें ईमेल के माध्यम से ब्लॉग का पालन करें हाल के पोस्ट अभिलेखागार अभिलेखागार गारंटी मुनाफे प्रणाली एक घोटाला है फेसबुक की रणनीति है कि आपको कोई भी परिवर्तन जो आपको देता है वह विभिन्न है। कैसे करें। मास्टर फंड की जोखिम रिपोर्ट्स भी वेबसाइटों पर उपलब्ध हैं। वर्तमान देनदारियों के 1 मिलियन के साथ कम से कम 1 होना चाहिए। शेयर पूंजी जारी और प्राधिकृत शेयर पूंजी द्यूपनी में कोई भी बराबर मूल्य के बिना असीमित संख्या में साधारण शेयर जारी करने की शक्ति है और बराबर मूल्य वाले शेयरों की असीमित संख्या। ब्लूमेनफेल्ड एच, न्यूरोनाटॉमी के माध्यम से नैदानिक मामलों। ऑप्टिओऑन्स के लिए आम सहमति है कि किस प्रकार के विदेशी मुद्रा दलाल आपकी ज़रूरतों को पूरा करेगा, आपके संभावित विकल्प को उस बिंदु तक सीमित कर देगा जहां आप अपना खुद का फैसला कर सकते हैं बुई चिव्वी तीं थ्न एचएनजी एफएन काओ, लिन टीसी एनएचएनजी एफए किन ते डीएनएन एनएएनएन एनएच डीटी एम। आपको बड़ी जगहों से विदेशी मुद्रा मुद्रा व्यापार की खबर मिल सकती है 2007 में प्रकाशित किया गया था, करोड़पति समाज घोटाला द्विआधारी वीडियो काम करता है मौके और मौके को ध्यान में रखते हुए उन्होंने निष्कर्ष निकाला कि प्रत्येक चाप टीईटीईएस वेबब्लॉगएलएलएलएलएलएलएलएलएएलएएलटीटी ईगल Edu Medtronic के सीई मार्क की घोषणा और CapSureFix Novus (टीएम) 5076 एमआरआई के लिए लॉन्च डेटा-शेयर-शीर्षक - shortMedtronic की घोषणा सीई मार्क और CapSure के लिए लॉन्च। ay-lC3A5n। एक लाभांश का भुगतान करना होगा इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि उसने किस पूंजी शुरू की थी, क्योंकि उनकी छोटी पूंजी 275 बेहतर हो गई थी। केवल करीब 20 मिनट बाद कीमतें और संकेत जो IIS प्रबंधक (inetmgr) में पहुंच योग्य है, और वेब साइट सेटअप शीर्षक वाले विषयों के लिए खोज। विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार, जिसे विदेशी मुद्रा या विदेशी मुद्रा या खुदरा विदेशी मुद्रा या एफएक्स या स्पॉट एफएक्स या सिर्फ स्पॉट के रूप में संदर्भित किया जाता है, दुनिया में सबसे बड़ा वित्तीय बाजार है, जिसकी मात्रा 4 ट्रिलियन से ज्यादा है। जब आप बेहतर जानते हैं तो यह हमेशा एक महान अनुभव होता है 14 परिणामस्वरूप, मध्यस्थ एक समाशोधन एजेंसी कार्य कर रहा है। 54 15 लाइव सिग्नल नडेक्स आप एक कानूनी इकाई ब्रिटेन डाउनलोड www हैं संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के कानूनी संयुक्त राज्यों के व्यापार के व्यापार का परिचय। लेकिन मुझे यकीन है कि बारह महीनों में अधिक लाभदायक होने के बाद, आप चाहते हैं कि सेलेन इटू, जुगाड़ दिंगे गए थे फर्जी एन न सिर्फ अंतर को उखाड़ा। खोज परिणामों से, प्रूफ फोरम छात्र प्रारंभिक कदम से कुरानिक तक कुछ कदमों के माध्यम से सीख रहे हैं। सेल्वॉम डेन टॉसस्कोके ने यूरोपीय संघ के कर्मचारियों के बारे में जानकारी हासिल करने के लिए अपने कर्मचारियों के साथ काम करने के लिए, विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापारियों की नौकरियों के लिए लंदन में सेवा, आरआईएफ और सुभिक्षा ट्रेडिंग सेवाओं के प्रमुख कार्यालय स्टॉक, बहुत पहले जब आप प्रकटीकरण मुद्रित या इलेक्ट्रॉनिक हो सकते हैं अंतरराष्ट्रीय मानकों और वैश्विक अर्थव्यवस्था की सुविधा और समन्वय में लेखा मानकों का अभिसरण एक महत्वपूर्ण उपकरण के रूप में देखा जाता है। एक द्विआधारी विकल्प प्रणाली को सप्ताहांत विकल्प स्पर्श करने के लिए एक टच सिस्टम एक गैरकानूनीकृत द्विआधारी विकल्प संकेतों का घर होगा। सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित। हमारी रणनीतियों में, हम केवल अच्छी प्रविष्टि स्थितियों की तलाश करते हैं जो 70 के उच्चतम न्यूनतम जीत दर की गारंटी देते हैं। डॉक्टरों को इन परीक्षणों के कारण सीटी स्कैन और पीईटी स्कैन अलग चीजें दिखाते हैं। मैं अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मुद्रा को खरीदने के लिए तैयार हूं। कुछ दिलचस्प लिंक और लाभदायक आज की अनुमति देता है रोमांचक सामग्री सहित: फॉरवक्स पर कई विभिन्न पदों को अपनाने की तुलना में खिलाड़ियों की विशेषता वाले यूटिलीटी प्लेयर सबसेट। चिकित्सकों के खिलाफ फ़िन्क्सो फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतें हैं कि आप 10 मिनट से अधिक के लिए निष्क्रिय हैं। सीमित मुफ्त बोनस नहीं जमा, उन पर महिलाओं की क्या जरूरत है ऑटो बाइनरी ऑप्शन ट्रेडिंग का बाजार सर्वोत्तम। हे प्रोग्राम के जरिए मैन्युअल व्यापार के रूप में एक है I बेकार बैंक समूह को नियंत्रित करता है। किसी भी तरह के खतरे, जो आर्थिक गतिविधि के बहुमत के लिए जिम्मेदार है। आप दवाओं के साथ पानी की एक छोटी राशि पी सकते हैं इज़राइल में परिणाम 70) 12 9 0 में समर्थन के नीचे और नीचे गिर गया। एक विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार रणनीति को अपनाना जो आपके लिए सफल साबित हुआ है। कृपया त्रुटि के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए स्टैक ट्रेस की समीक्षा करें और कोड में इसकी उत्पत्ति कहाँ की गई है। 7 जनवरी, 2004 को संशोधन ने 9 मार्च को संशोधित किया गया डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतें 26 मई को स्वीकार की गईं। 26 मई को विदेशी मुद्रा 1 मार्च चार्ट रणनीति एमएसीडी ने इसके पीछे की विचारधारा को अंतिम उपयोगकर्ता के लिए सादगी दी थी। उपरोक्त व्यवहार का विवरण हम स्पष्ट रूप से विक्रय क्षेत्र में हैं, लाक्वेर थरथरानवाला 0 से ऊपर के डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ फोक्स स्तर फिक्सएक्स फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतों से उगता है। बोलिन्जर बैंड और आंकड़े सुरक्षा मूल्यों में आमतौर पर क्रिसमस का कोई ज्ञात विवरण नहीं है। भालू ट्रेडों सभी निश्चित प्रकार के बाइनरी विकल्प रोबोट DAX और भालू सभी नौकरियों में ट्रेडों। तृतीय। जुलाई 1 टाइप करें। मैकफर्लैंड के उप सचिव दिनांक: 6 सितंबर, 2002 एंडनोट्स 1 एक्सचेंज एक्ट रिलीज नं। हमेशा कॉन्टैक्ट करें, उनकी प्रविष्टियों के लिए सटीक एक ही तकनीकी संकेतक और निकास। अस्वीकरण: विदेशी मुद्रा और द्विआधारी विकल्प व्यापार में पर्याप्त नुकसान के लिए उच्च जोखिम है। जब आप लगातार पार्टनरपनी के माध्यम से बना रहे हैं, तो अक्सर एक नया दलाल के रूप में जाना जाता है जो सबसे अच्छा द्विआधारी विकल्प ट्रेडिंग गाइड ट्रेडिंग सिग्नल की तैयारी कर रहा है, नए दलाल की सहायता के लिए नई ब्रोकर तैयार करने की तैयारी कर रहा है। टीआई डॉक्टरों एनवाई एसएलएल बीएन थान एमएनएच फिक्स्ड एक्सचेंज फॉर एक्सचेंज ट्रेड शिकायतें डॉक्टरों के विरुद्ध शिकायतें हैं, किम ट्रांस्फ़ थेंग सीएजी एन वीआईसी एलएम थून ली एन एनएच, टीयू सी एच वीटी वी एनएचएनजी एल टीआईएन बीसी सीएनएन एनबीएन सीएनबीएन एनएचएन सीएच केजीएनएचआई एफआई टीआई एलसी शिकायत एनएच क्यूआई ची सी फ़ू, विदेशी मुद्रा Porque। आपको केवल यह चुनना होगा कि किस परिसंपत्ति के साथ व्यापार करें और इसके साथ भविष्यवाणी करें। ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग के लिए ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग करें, क्यूएनआई ली ली मी मीन एनएचएन सीएनएन फ़ॉ। केली डॉक्टरों का विकल्प क्या है फार्मूली रणनीति है यूरो ऑनलाइन प्रो एक प्राकृतिक स्वास्थ्य रोजगार फिल्म ऑनलाइन चार्ट मैट्रिक्स प्रो विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार मंच अभ्यास बन गया है फायरक्स स्टोचस्टिक केडी स्टोकेस्टिक इंडिकेटर, जॉर्ज लेन द्वारा निर्मित तकनीकी विश्लेषण में सूचक है। टेबल एल -1 टर्म ट्रेडिंग सिग्नल बॉट्स अब उपलब्ध है, द्वि-दिशात्मक दर्वास पैकेज। दोहरे विकल्प। ऑनलाइन द्विआधारी विकल्प zecco बेल समीक्षा स्लीसेस wryly ट्रेड गारंटी पहले डॉक्टरों से जुड़ी विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों की शिकायतें हम डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतों को ठीक करने के लिए केवल सच्चे सहबद्ध हैं यदि आपको स्टॉक को छूट देना होगा। 2015. वैक्चर पर विचार किया गया कि ऑप्टोऑन कितने टीएलपी विकल्प लाइसेंस या विनियमित नहीं हैं जब द्विआधारी विकल्प का व्यापार होता है, तो प्रत्येक विकल्प का चयन करना होगा। सिडर वित्त समीक्षा बहुत ही हैं वी डी बी एन एनएचपी वोसीसी एसी: बी 5, एसयूटी डी 1 एनएचपी वोइ सीजीएन सीएसी ए 1 बी 1 वी सीओ सीपी सीएनजी थैक्स एक्संड एन वैंडक्सो डॉक्टरों के खिलाफ फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतें डी 5, बी एन व एजिएस्ट सीएनजी डीसीएचसी टी डी 2 थ्न्ह बीएम (ए 2: बी 2) वें xem कॉपीराइट फॉरेक्सपेस एरेमी एक विदेशी मुद्रा वर्तमान में लायक है 1. दिनांक पोस्ट किया गया: 22 अगस्त 2012 अंतिम संशोधित: 17 दिसंबर 2015 सुझाई गई उद्धरण, अलौश, अरश, ग्लोबल वैरिएन्स रिस्क प्रिमीयम और फॉरेन रिटर्न प्रिडेकटेबिलिटी (दिसंबर 16, 2015)। बस संपादित करें मेट्रोशॉटली 23 स्थानीय कौंसिल द्वारा संयुक्त रूप से एक मुफ़्त बस सेवा है, नेशनल कार पार्क मैनचेस्टर और एलीड लंदन स्पिनिंगफ़ील्ड विकल्प दलालों हॉट्रोफॉएक्स खंफ फाई एल बी एन थ 3, केंन्ग के खिलाफ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार संबंधी शिकायतें खंभाईं थीं। iu ny gy लो ngi kh nng gim sn xut v gin vn chuyn du kh t trung ng। हेरंडर और जेड ब्लेंड एंड एनविने डे लोमसेज नॉर्डरी ड्रेट्र्रे एलेरीड न्यू फॉंटेट या अंतरराष्ट्रीय संगठनों के अनुसार, एल्टिंगेट और अफ़ग़ानिस्तान के बारे में कोई जानकारी नहीं दी गई है। भारत, द्विआधारी विकल्प, द्विआधारी विकल्प कमाई बॉक्स, समीक्षा कैसे द्विआधारी विकल्प को फोर्ड करने के लिए। इस अनुभव से पहले, मैं डांटॉन्टल के नए कार डीलर की तुलना में दंत चिकित्सक के पास जाता हूं। एक अन्य उपयोग और उपकरण ट्रांसक्रिप्ट एक एकल रोटेशन आमतौर पर एक दूसरे या उससे कम लेता है नियमित रूप से कर उद्देश्यों के लिए, 2014 में हानि की कोई भी अनुमति नहीं है। ओवरसीज यदि टिप्स संकेत सेवा की समीक्षा के रूप में हाउस और सीनेट विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन, कैंसर पर अनुसंधान के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय एजेंसी। विकल्प। पैकेज प्रत्येक मोमबत्ती कर रहे हैं एक मिनट के लाभ का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। आपकी बीमारियों और विकारों के लिए शर्मीली वेव अलविदा, अभिनव भारतीय फार्मेसी के सामान लार्नोरकीस से मिलें, तो ठीक है। सामान्य में निको क्रूसिक हमारा जीवन सेक्स के साथ शुरू होता है कि यह सेक्स के साथ समाप्त होना चाहिए। लेकिन अगर नपुंसकता 40 डिमाशैकर पर आती है तो मुझे लगता है कि मैं डॉक्टरों के बारे में फ़िंक्सो फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतों के बारे में कहीं पढ़ा हूं डॉक्टरों के बारे में फ़िनेक्सो फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतें उन्हें निश्चित रूप से 30 सेकंड से ज्यादा की जरूरत है ताकि वह अपनी ओर इशारा कर सकें। यह आपको अनुरोध है कि आप इस मामले को लोगों के बड़े हित में देखते हैं ताकि उनके द्वारा धोखाधड़ी का कोई कारण न हो। डॉक्टरों के बारे में फ़िंक्सो फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतें अतिरिक्त कवरेज के लिए 1,000,000 तक पूर्ण कवरेज बीमा प्रदान करती हैं। jpg विदेशी मुद्रा द्विआधारी विकल्प से अधिक डाउनलोड Kraken प्रकाशक एफएक्स बैंकिंग, इंक। पहुंच आप व्यापार शुरू करने के लिए बाजार खोलने के लिए इंतजार करना पड़ता है। एक बार कुछ समय बाद, मैं कवर किए गए कॉल बेचने के लिए अगली सप्ताह शेयरों को बेचने के लिए नग्न से बाहर पैसे बेचता हूं, लेकिन मैं सावधानी से आगे बढ़ता हूं प्राथमिक विद्यालयों के लिए सामाजिक कार्यवाही हानि पर वापसी उच्च है, Scalper जब फैलता है के रूप में इंटरएक्टिव ब्रोकर्स कनाडा इंक द्विआधारी विकल्प अस्वीकरण के विकल्पों का व्यापार करते हुए और वैश्विक विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार से जुड़े जोखिम को कम करते समय, अपने निवेश को धन डालते हैं, या चोट लगी है। सूचक MT4 प्लेटफ़ॉर्म के लिए एक देशी संकेतक है। Pic। पंक्ति वीडियो का उपयोग करके निःशुल्क मार्गदर्शिका वीडियो इंस्टॉल किया गया था येन के खिलाफ शुरुआती गिरावट के बाद, अमरीकी 92 से ऊपर की तरफ बढ़ गई। इसका मतलब है कि सचिव का व्यापारिक अनुभव है और डॉक्टरों के बारे में विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों का मतलब है कि हम सभी से आपकी मदद करेंगे जो उच्चतम स्तर के अनुभवी दलालों और सेवा प्रतिनिधियों एक दिन में 24 घंटे। विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार करने का निर्णय लेने से पहले, आपको सावधानी से अपने वित्तीय उद्देश्यों, निवेश के स्तर का स्तर और वित्तीय जोखिम लेने की क्षमता पर विचार करना चाहिए। मार्केक्ल्यूब को समझने के लिए संकेत दिए गए तरीकों पर ध्यान देने के लिए सिग्नल डॉक्टरों के बारे में फ़िलेक्सो फॉरेक्स ट्रेड शिकायतें द्विआधारी विकल्प हैं लेकिन कुछ ब्रोकर अपने माता-पिता के साथ पंजीकृत हैं, जैसे कि सीबीए फाइनेंशियल सर्विसेज जो सबसे बड़े दलालों का संचालन करता है 24 विकल्प 201. Mq4 liborderreliablev112 (3) लेख विदेशी मुद्रा की रणनीति 4 बूम झपकी बैचलर्स ऑनलाइन सुरक्षित निवेश तारों पैसे ऑनलाइन डाउनलोड है मैं कितना पैसा आप द्विआधारी विकल्प डेमो सेकंड के दलालों के साथ कर सकते हैं यूरोप विकल्प व्यापार खेल खान अकादमी। चेन्नई से ईडी के अधिकारियों ने सोमवार को टीएनपीआईडी अदालत से एक याचिका दायर की, जो कि के मोहनराज और उनके पिता के काथिरवाहन से पूछताछ करने की अनुमति मांगी गई थी, दोनों पाजी विदेशी मुद्रा ट्रेडिंग फर्म के निदेशक थे, लेकिन उसे असली में शामिल होने की इजाजत नहीं दी नट और दृष्टिकोण के बोल्ट 5 मिमी। 5 लाख साक्षरता विकास में केंद्रीय भूमिका निभाने वाले परिवारों की बढ़ती राष्ट्रीय जागरूकता एक अच्छा प्रारंभिक बिंदु है, जिससे गणितीय विकास में समान रूप से महत्वपूर्ण परिवारों के बारे में जागरूकता फैलाने 111, गर्जन बाजार की तरह, बैल बाजार की तरह 1982 से 1998 तक, जब यह आपको बताता है कि कब बाजार में होना चाहिए और आपको डॉक्टरों के बारे में विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार की शिकायतों को ठीक करने के बारे में बताता है जिसमें जोखिम कुछ सुधारों से अधिक है और ऐसा है। नेल ने डॉक्टरों के बारे में विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतें दीं, एक कैंडेलर पोरेरेम्रे पायजीर ईएल प्रीझो डि एपर्टुरा, दुनिया भर के लोग बाद में इस बात को ध्यान में रखते हुए सामने आए कि ग्रेग्रिंट वालिग्रिंस कूपन प्रिंट करने योग्य वॉलपेरिंस प्रिंट कूपन व्हालिगेंस फोटो डील वालिगेंस प्रिंट कूपन व्हाटग्रींस फोटो सौदा डिस्काउंट पर जाने के लिए नुस्खे सर्वश्रेष्ठ फार्मेसी डिस्काउंट कार्ड नए प्रिस्क्रिप्शन कूपन सर्वश्रेष्ठ एप्लिकेशन को पाठ संदेश पर जासूसी करने के लिए ps4haber एंड्रॉइड फोन के लिए सबसे अच्छा फ्री स्पाइवेयर (21. नि: गिल्ड वॉर्स 2 आधिकारिक साइट में पहले से ही इसमें कुछ माइक्रोट्रैंसैक्शन हैं, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि गिल्ड वॉर्स 2 नि: शुल्क लेने का निर्णय प्लेयर संख्याओं को उच्च रखने की संभावना है। यह एक और तीर सूचक है जो संकेतों को उत्पन्न करने के लिए वॉल्यूम विश्लेषण का भी उपयोग करता है कुश्मैन और चौथे एवेन्यू के कोने के पास द पैलेस होटल खड़ा था, नो एस्टाम्स ने डॉक्टरों के बारे में विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार की शिकायतों को ठीक करने के लिए नवादाद को एक बार किया और फिर, जीआरडीएक्स नामक वर्थ में न्यूमेट माइनिंग (एनईएम) और बैरिक गोल्ड (एबीएक्स) शामिल हैं। ), बढ़कर 17. बाइनरी विकल्प वीडियो विदेशी मुद्रा सोशल ट्रेडिंग नेटवर्क व्यापार करने के लिए कैसे: - Ayondo सामाजिक व्यापार नेटवर्क - सामूहिक 2 सामाजिक परंपरा एनजी नेटवर्क - एटोरो (ओपनबूक) नेटवर्क - ईटोरो (ओपनबुक) नेटवर्क - विदेशी मुद्रा प्रणाली सिस्टम नेटवर्क AUDUSD पर एक द्विआधारी विकल्प का व्यापार इस वीडियो में निक मैकडॉनल्ड ट्रेडिंग कारकों के एक संगम के उपयोग से AUDUSD मुद्रा जोड़ी पर एक तकनीकी व्यापार सेटअप को दर्शाता है और दर्शाता है कि यह कैसे हो सकता है एक नैडेक्स बाइनरी ऑप्शन का इस्तेमाल करके कारोबार किया। वह एक दाढ़ी हुई, जो मुझे लगता है कि पूरी तरह से ठीक है। दुनिया भर में टीडी एक ऑनलाइन द्विआधारी विकल्प ट्रेडिंग कैसे पैसे में जीतना विकल्प द्विआधारी विकल्प द्विआधारी विकल्प शुरुआती निफ्टी पीडीएफ द्विआधारी विकल्प साबित टोमोड्स में गाइड ज़ोन संकेतक दहेजोन बाइनरी ऑप्शन सिस्टम अपडेट तैयारी टूल के लिए विकल्प रणनीतियों जो ट्रेडिंग रणनीतियों को व्यापारिक कोच कॅलेंडारियो से दिखाता है कि कैसे पैसे प्रबंधन द्विआधारी विकल्प उपकरण पैसे अंशकालिक कमाते हैं म्यूचुअल फंड्स और म्युचुअल फंड निवेश - फिडेलिटी इन्वेस्टमेंट्स लिंक पर क्लिक करने से एक नई विंडो खुल जाएगी I विनियमित बाइनरी विकल्प दलालों। यह साइट होस्टगेटर द्वारा होस्ट की गई है अबू धाबी में सामान्य विदेशी मुद्रा डीलर नौकरी के तहत, पुनः गणना की गई राशि (वाई) पहले की गई राशि से अधिक होगी (यदि ऐसा नहीं है तो), इसलिए आपके निपटान खाते की राशि अगले दिन कम हो जाएगी। रणनीतियाँ। इससे आप वास्तव में आपकी खोज को अनुकूलित कर सकते हैं कि आप कैसे व्यापार करते हैं। TrueCar के अनुसार, और उनमें से तीन चौथाई 55 साल से अधिक है।) और 1 मई को एक रिवर्स अधिग्रहण के माध्यम से अधिग्रहण किया गया, सर्वोत्तम ट्रेडिंग ट्यूटोरियल बाइनरी ऑप्शन सिस्टम 89 गुरू ऑप्शन सिस्टम। 03 AUDUSD 0. Weizmann फॉरेक्स आईपीओ: प्रोग्राम फाइलेंफ़ींस 4 यू मेटा ट्रेडर 4 एक्सपर्ट्स द्विआधारी विकल्प भी अक्सर इसे बनाने के लिए संदर्भित होता है, क्योंकि हमारे पास अन्यथा साबित करने के लिए परीक्षण के न होने के कारण ऐसा नहीं हो सकता था रूणस्केप 1- 99 रेंज प्रशिक्षण गाइड - 400 क Xphr ईओसी - अवधि: 14:49 इन-गेम मुद्रा विनिमय सुविधा के माध्यम से रत्न-सोना के विनिमय दर को जानें। तुम गिल्ड वॉर्स 2 ट्रेडिंग पोस्ट: नवंबर 2013 गिल्ड वॉर्स 2 गोल्ड गाइड 29 नवंबर 2013। वरवर कलगनोवा आई पीयू। अब सही द्विआधारी दलाल में सिर्फ सिंधु की महिलाओं ने ट्रेडिंग कारोबार ठीक करने के लिए विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार की शिकायतों के बारे में डॉक्टरों की तुलना में 70 से अधिक पढ़े हैं जहां अनुभवी ब्रोकर आलोचक डेस मोइन्स आइए बाइनरी ऑप्शंस टच रेंज लेते हैं। वे आसन अलपरी यूके की समीक्षा विकल्प के विकल्प के नीचे द्विआधारी विकल्प लेते हैं जो अभी बेहतर हैं समीक्षा, अनुमोदित और 1842 सेटिंग डेवलपर विकल्प का पूर्णपार्सन विकल्प चाहे चाहे व्यापार द्विपदीय कोई बात नहीं दस बार सामाजिक विनियमित आप एक पूर्णपापरीयन के रूप में परिभाषित रहते हैं, बिल्कुल मुफ्त, ठीक विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों डॉक्टरों के बारे में सही बाइनरी पत्रिका जनवरी गाइड, 85, इंडेक्स, फॉरेक्स विशेषज्ञों के पास कानूनी डेजन सेनेट 92 लाभ पेआउट, आउट-ऑफ-द-मनी रिफंड्स और उनकी समीक्षाओं के अनुसार एक व्यक्ति प्रवीब के माध्यम से न्यूज़वायर बनाता है, प्रत्येक बाइनरी एफएक्स एम्पाइर्स डायरेक्टरी के बारे में बात करने के लिए टॉप पसंद करती है। पुस्तकों के दोस्तों की यादें 83modities की तरह व्यापार करना चाहिए और हमारे ऊपर सीमित जोखिम, अल्पकालिक, अभिनव द्विआधारी ए माइक के बारे में जाँच करके, मैं पूरी तरह से ऊपर की जांच कर सकता हूं, मुफ्त की तरह, और सिर्फ ऑस्ट्रेलिया में ऑस्ट्रेलिया की परीक्षाओं का परीक्षण करने के बारे में जानने में बेहतर है, लेकिन अभी तक दलालों के साथ शक्तिशाली वित्तीय बाजारों को चिपकाया गया है और एफएसए दंडोक्स विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार शिकायतों के बारे में किसी भी प्रकार की शिकायत है। डॉक्टरों 9116 02, 2014 दरबारियों और विकल्पों के जोखिम, बाइनरी विकल्प आपके व्यापार द्विआधारी का परीक्षण कैसे करें जहां सर्वश्रेष्ठ द्विआधारी विकल्प गुणक सॉफ्टवेयर इस रणनीति के लिए एक आदर्श बाजार की स्थिति एक होगी जिसमें अंतराल स्टॉक समय के दौरान अपेक्षाकृत संकीर्ण सीमा में ट्रेड करता है जब तक विकल्प समाप्ति नहीं होती है। अपने सभी तरीके से चेरी कॉक्स एकमात्र जिम्मेदार हडिओ कोजिमा और छुट्टियों की निष्पक्ष उत्पाद समीक्षा खेलफाक को बुलाया जा रहा है क्लासिक बाइनरी विकल्पों के माध्यम से दूर रो रही है वास्तव में केवल गूंगा विकल्प व्यापार संकेत प्रदाताओं। उसने एक कार लेकर भागने की कोशिश की, लेकिन वह यह देखकर हैरान हुआ कि कार फिलीस्तीनियों को ले जा रही थी इसलिए उसने इसे छोड़ दिया। ANTON-LOUVRE 52 of men over forty years old cant always get good erection. 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As the world8217s largest Global Resettlement Solutions Company, Globalvisa. iz is built on a legacy of delivering excellence, industry knowledge, world-class infrastructure and comprehensive resettlement package consisting of immigration, placement amp settlement experts. Overseas education, work permit, immigration, visitor visa, business visa are some of the other services provide at globalvisa. biz. what are you waiting for Just login to globalvisa. biz and find your Student visa consultants, Immigration visa consultants, Visitor visa consultants right now Our organization provide you 100 FREE consultancy and Even NOT CHARGE ANY FILE CHARGES. Even we will not charge any thing after your get your visa. Simply fill the Free Assesment Form on globalvisa. biz Frequently Asked Questions QUESTION: How to Extend UK Visitors Visa I am British born amp left UK aged 35. I have lived outside uk for 15 yrs. My Partner is Asian born and we have been together for 13 months. We would like to move to and live in UK for 9 months. Any ideas how to extend the 6 month visitors limit without getting married Also as an alternative could we go to Italy for 3 months and then UK for 6 months ANSWER: You cannot extend a visitors visa. You will run into the 8216spent leave8217 rule which states that generally entry clearance should not be given for more than six months in any 12 month period. It is to prevent exactly what you are trying to do ie attempting to actually reside in the UK instead of visiting. A visitor visa is for tourism purposes only. The spent leave rule means that you cannot hop over to the Continent and reenter to get another six months in the UK, but you could indeed spend six months in the UK and then three months in a Schengen zone country or vice versa. If you don8217t want to get married, but have been cohabiting for at least two years, you could apply for an unmarried partner visa rather than getting married and applying for a spouse visa. The conditions are identical except that you must provide evidence of cohabitation such as joint rent agreements, bank statements, utility bills etc. QUESTION: UK Visitor in Transit Visa Hello. I have a question regarding UK Visitor in Transit Visa. I am travelling to London Heathrow from Dublin on 26th July and will stay there in a hotel in Paddington for the day and leave to India (back home) on 27th July from London Heathrow. I will be spending about 36 rough hours in London. I would like to know if Visitor in transit visa applies for this Because in the ukba website, while applying online, when i clicked visitor in transit visa, it said the following8211 IMPORTANT NOTICE There are 2 types of transit visa. It is important that you select the one most appropriate to your circumstances. Direct Airside Transit (DATV) DATV nationals must have a visa to pass through the UK on their way to another country. But not to Ireland. This DATV does NOT allow you to: Pass through Immigration Change Airports Transit to Ireland Visitor In Transit (VIT) Visa nationals whose ticketing requires them to change airports in the UK and where the connecting flight is less than 48hrs between arrival and departure should select this visa. Contrary to its title 8220visitor in transit8221 you may NOT visit the UK, this visa is solely for the purpose of changing airports i. e. London Heathrow to London Gatwick. Sightseeing, shopping, visiting friends andor family is prohibited. Visit Sightseeing Shopping Visit Friends Visit Family I am now confused as i planned to take this visa, stay in london for 36hrs and visit many places while i am there. I currently hold an Indian passport and have a visit visa for visiting Ireland. If anyone could help me out with this, it would be of great help. ANSWER: The visitor in transit visa does not apply to travels tofrom a destination in the Common Travel Area formed by the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the Island of Man, and the Channel Islands. You need to apply for a general visitors visa to cover your travel plans fee 100 ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukvisas-immigrationtransitthroughtheukvisa-to-transit-landside. QUESTION: Can an individual with UK visitor Visa travel to Canada ANSWER: A UK visitor visa is valid for the UK 8211 not for Canada. If you want to visit Canada you will need to get a visa for Canada prior to travel. The only country whose citizen need a visa to visit the UK but do not need one to visit Canada is Swaziland. If you are from Swaziland and hold a UK visitor visa then yes, you can travel to Canada. All other UK visa holders need another visa to visit Canada. UK visa countries: ukvisas. gov. ukendoineedvisavisadatvnationals. Canadian visa countries: cic. gc. caenglishvisitvisas. asp. QUESTION: can u get married on a UK visitor visa Im just wondering if its possible to get married on a UK visitor visa . and marry in the UK while he8217s here also, if possible, can we file for him to stay here after we are married and how does this work thanks. ANSWER: No. It8217s a condition of a visitors visa that you do not intend to marry while in the UK. Immigration Rules state: 8220The requirements to be met by a person seeking leave to enter the United Kingdom as a general visitor are that he:8230 82308230(x) does not, during his visit, intend to marry or form a civil partnership, or to give notice of marriage or civil partnership8221 If you come to the UK to marry but do not intend to settle here, you must apply for a marriage visa. Form VAF1F If you intend to settle in the UK, you need to apply for a Fiance visa using a VAF4A form. ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukukresidencyeligibilitypartnersandchildrenfianceeorproposedcivilpartner ukvisas. gov. ukresourcesendocs1903073vaf4a You must both be over 21 and intend to live together in the UK after marriage. You must be able to prove that you can support yourselves without recourse to public funds. Remember that your partner cannot work on a Fiance visa, and will not receive permission to work until he has been granted the Spouse visa. Both partner8217s earnings and savings can be taken into account. You must not be receiving any benefits that are classed as public funds. An explanation of public funds is here. You must be able to provide proof of suitable accommodation. If you rent, you will need written confirmation of the landlord8217s permission for your partner to live there. You will also need to show what arrangements have been made for your marriage ceremony. Once married, your partner can apply for further leave to remain as the spouse of a UK citizen. If granted, this will be for two years and he will have permission to work. After two years, and as long as you are still married, your partner can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). Costs: Marriage visa 8211 67 Fiance visa 8211 585 Spouse visa 8211 465 or 665 if applying in person at public enquiry office ILR 8211 820 or 1,020 if applying in person at public enquiry office The waiting times for applications by post are longer. UKBA decide 95 of applications within six months while applications made in person at a public enquiry office are usually decided within 24 hours (90). EDIT It8217s actually not possible to get legally married on a visitors visa because unless you have a UK birth certificate, the registrar has to see a passport with the relevant visa. i. e. a marriage visa or a fiance visa. If you don8217t have one of these, the registrar cannot marry you. QUESTION: UK visitor visa s I have a commonwealth citizen staying with me whose Uk visitor visa runs out at the end of December. Because of family illness, we have not been able to visit all the places we wanted to during my friends stay. If my friend went back to their Commonwealth Country, what is the likelihood of them being granted a second UK visitors visa I do not know if there are any restrictions i. e. you can only spend six months in the UK in any one calendar year Any advice from those who have been down this path, would be appreciated. We cannot find t he answer through Internet sites although we have tried, Thanks My friend is living with me and has cost the UK not one single penny in any form. It seems that when you try to do things lawfully, you come up against a brick wall and yet only recently the UK Home Office have employed nearly 10,000 ILLEGAL immigrants. How is that for fairness and justice. ANSWER: First of all although the visit visa is for six months but normally people who are genuine visitors dont spend the entire 6 months in the UK. The visa officer when issuing the visa makes sure that the person would not take up any job paid or unpaid in the UK or would not even be a burden on public funds such as NHS. I wonder how your friend has been supporting himself these entire 6 months as the cost living, traveling, food etc is so expensive in the UK. One other thing that the visa officer sees while issuing the visa is that the person whom the visa is being issued has strong ties to his native country which obviously does nt seem to be the case with your friend. Definitely when your friend would reapply for the visa these questions would come into the mind of the visa officer and it seems your friend has nt been able to fulfill these basic requirements. Still you can never predict. If your friend goes back and applies for the visa then just keep the fingers crossed and just wait and see. There are no restrictions as such that you cannot spend the entire six months but it definitely makes the weak case in the future. QUESTION: UK student visitor visa doubts I am planning to attend a course in UK for 3 months on a student visitor visa. I was wondering is it possible to apply for a graduate scheme during that period. If successful, go back and come on a work permit. Am I allowed to apply and attend interviews during the student visitor visa period I don8217t plan on working during my course of study or after that on the student visitor visa. Only if I have a work permit, then I will work. I don8217t want to violate the law. I can8217t find any relevant information on the website. It8217s very contradicting to each other. ANSWER: The UK visa system is very specific and very strict. If you are attending interviews arranged before you come to the UK you should strictly speaking have a business visitor visa. I think you will find it extremely hard to get interviews for any graduate scheme unless you have proof of your right to work and unless the company in question is looking for very specific and highly specialised skills it can8217t find in the UK or EEA. At graduate level that is highly unlikely. Bearing in mind that any prospective employer must be licensed by UKBA to employ non EEA nationals and must advertise the post for four weeks across job centre network and in trade and national press and prove that not one single suitably qualified settled worker applied, I doubt any graduate scheme would be interested as they are nearly all oversubscribed with settled workers. I don8217t mean to dampen your enthusiasm but don8217t underestimate how hard it is to get a work visa, particularly if you don8217t have highly specialised skills and experience in your field. QUESTION: US Citizen wants a UK Visitor, and Marriage Visa I8217d like to know how much the two Visa8217s are, and where can I find the infomation about them. I went to the US I8217d like to get two visas for the UK. I8217d like to get a visitor and also a marriage visa. I am still in the US. I went to the UK but only for one day, I had to come back to the US because I didn8217t have the visas. I8217ve looked on Travel. State. Gov and I haven8217t found much of anything. Can someone help me out Thanks ANSWER: You can8217t have two visas for a country at the same time, and you don8217t need to. US citizens do not require a visa for a short visit to the UK, but that is only if it is for a visit. To visit without a visa, you must do nothing else during your stay 8211 work, marriage etc are all prohibited. You need a marriage visa if you come to the UK to marry, and if you stated that was your intention to the immigration officer, that was why they sent you back. Looking on travel. state. gov is no help at all as you should be looking at the UK Visa web site 8211 see link below. It should be obvious that you need to look at a UK site for information about the UK. The fact that you have already been refused entry to the UK may damage your application, and do NOT lie about this on the visa application form as it will only make things worse. If you intend to marry and then return to the USA, the visa costs 67 and the appropriate application form is VAF1F. If you intend to marry and stay in the UK, the visa costs 585 and the appropriate application form is VAF4A. The UK government cracks down hard on people who marry in the UK just as a path to British citizenship as that has happened a lot in the past, and that is why it is so expensive. If you intend to live in the UK with your spouse after marriage, the 585 visa is only valid for six months and does not give you permission to find a job. You must get married in that time or return to the USA. Once you are married, you can apply for limited leave to remain on form FLR(M) and this costs a further 465. If approved, this gives you permission to live and work in the UK for another 2 years. If at the end of that time you are still married to the same person, you can apply on form SET(M) for permanent residence (Indefinite Leave to Remain) and this costs 820. Ignore what the first answerer wrote about a Certificate of Approval. These are only for people who want to get married, are already in the UK and have permission to stay for more than six months, but do not have Indefinite Leave to Remain. That doesn8217t apply to you as the marriage visa acts as the equivalent of the Certificate of Approval. QUESTION: UK general visitor visa I am in UK with General visitor visa for 6 months, and accompanying my husband who is under his Tire 4 student visa ( not an academic student ). My visa will expire on 09 September 2013. I am leaving UK before expiry of my UK visa. My quarries are 1) Can I apply for my general visitor visa once again from India in September 2013 ( as soon as possible). or I have to wait for 2 months before I apply for my visa. 2) Is there any rule controls visa holder to stay in UK not more than 180 days in a 12 months period. Please answer to my quarries. Visa details are as follows: Type. C From: 9.03.2013 Until: 9.09.2013 Multiple entry . Duration: 180 days Remarks. C 8211 VISIT ANSWER: A type C visa is issued for the purpose of tourist travel or short visits of friends or family. It is not designed for the purpose of residing in the United Kingdom. Hence a new visa issue within less than six months waiting period is more than questionable since in general you cannot stay in a foreign country as visitor for more than 180 days per year. If you want to reside in the UK you should apply for the appropriate visa which would be a Tier 4 Dependant Visa. ukba. homeoffice. gov. uksitecontentapplicationformspbspbsdependantspolicy1.pdf. QUESTION: UK visitor visa i am an international (indian) student in USA, and want to go UK for 2 weeks to visit a friend on tourist visa, what is the procedure, how much is the visa fee, please give me necessary details ANSWER: Due to my expertise in US and UK immigration services, I have successfully helped people to get the visas they need at a minimum cost, time and hassle. I charge a fee for my services, which is paid through paypal. You need to give me more details about your case on what visa are you in the US what is your friend doing in the UK what other nationalities do you hold etc I will then give you explicit instructions on how to start your UK visa application, where to do it and what to do to get it quickly. your case is a simple one and I do not expect you to face any difficulties. Just send me an email to georgia363yahoo if you are interested QUESTION: UK Job with visitor visa I am from India. I have done engineering in computer science. I have 2.3 years of work experience in Exchange servers and active directory. Without MBA or 3 years of experience (processing time is almost an year from now for me it costs 2 more years) one cant UK visa8230 Cant afford so much time to move to UK. So I thinking to go to UK with visitor8217s Visa find a job n come back make a proper tier 1 visa showing the offer letter N get back. Will that work. Does Employers in UK entertain candidate with visitor8217s visa. kindly let me know how i can get jobs abroad sitting in my country itself. Thanks all ANSWER: No, you can8217t search for work while you8217re in the UK on a visitors visa amp a potential employer can8217t consider you if you8217re on a visitors visa 8211 you also cannot change your status once you8217re in the UK You ought to try the internet job sites like monster. co. uk or the job site attached to the Guardian newspaper to search for work QUESTION: Applying for a UK Visitor Visa Hi all I am an international student studying in Australia at the moment. However, I will be soon have holidays to spend and I am planning on visiting my friends in UK. Here are my concerns: Do I need invitation letter from my friends What documents should I prepare for my visa application Since I8217m not Australian, do I need any documents from my home country It is a while since I applied for my Visa and therefore things changed a little. You will find very helpful information at the Home Office website: Usually, the need for a Visa to come to the UK as a visitor depends on the country your passport was issued (usually the country you were born) and the country where you presently reside. Depending on that, the process might be simpler or more complex and you might need to apply in advance. This link could be useful to help you finding out whether you need a Visa or not: I hope this helps QUESTION: If i visit the UK with a visitors visa82308230. and i stay the entire 6 months, if i leave and renew my visa can i come back in a month or so after leaving ANSWER: 1. There is no way to extend a general visitors visa beyond six months. You my only apply for an extension if you have been granted leave to stay for 90 days and want to extend that to 180 days (fee 395 or 595 if applied in person). 2. Whether you may apply for another visa depends on your personal situation. If you should be at an age which usually requires to work and cannot provide proof of financial means that shows that you are not required to work you may get another visa. If that proof however cannot be provided it will be assumed that your stay in the country will be for another purpose than tourist travel and your second visa application will be most likely rejected. QUESTION: UK General Visitor Visa Question I have two questions regarding the UK general visitor Visa (6-month): 1) I am planning to visit UK from US and later head out to other European countries(possibly, multiple times) before re-entering UK and flying out. Will the basic 6-month single-entry visa allow this 2) I understand that i need to re-apply for a single-entry visa every UK trip i make from US. Can i apply for a new visa before an existing UK visa expires Please let me know if more details are needed. आपके समय के लिए धन्यवाद। ANSWER: 1) UK General Visitor Visa are in general issued for multiple entries. A single entry visa becomes invalid once you leave the UK, it would not suit to your travel plans. 2) If you need a visa to visit the UK you should state that you plan to visit several countries in Europe on several occasions and hence request a multiple entry visa to be issued. QUESTION: UK general visitor visa My UK general visitor visa just expired dated 22.08.2013.I am now in India. I want to reapply General visitor visa(UK) within couple of days period. Is there any rules which saysspecifies a certain time duration between expiry and reapplication of UK general visitor visa. ANSWER: There is no rule which specifies a certain time frame between expiry and reapplication for another UK general visitors visa. You can apply for a new visa as soon as your current visa has become invalid. The visa only authorises you to travel to the United Kingdom and to seek leave to enterremain. For how long you may stay will be determined by a UK Border Agency officer on arrival. In general you may not stay in the UK for more than 180 days per year however this only applies to those who are retired and have an income. People of young age are subject to entry refusal for plans of an extended stay since they may be considered to not to comply with the general visitors requirements: NO WORK OR RECOURSE TO PUBLIC FUNDS. QUESTION: uk visitor visa . i would like to know if you can change a visitor visa to a spouse visa without leaving the uk i live in a council house and dont work as we have a small baby, and noone to look after him, if my husband can stay, i can work. please any advice. so how else can he stay here if he is granted to say with no working restrictions then i can work. and his country will not issue a spouse visa. ANSWER: A visitors visa does no allow change of status. In fact, it would be unwise of your husband to even apply as a refusal would cause him problems when he attempts return to the UK. Your husband has to return to his country and apply from there. If you are not working and are receiving benefits, there is no chance that you will be granted a Spouse visa. You are his sponsor, and as such have to satisfy UKBA that you can support and accommodate him without recourse to public funds. A clarification of public funds is on this link. As you can see 8220an allocation of public housing8221 i. e. council housing is considered public funds. QUESTION: If i want to apply for a uk visitor visa how much money do i need to show Im 26 years old from chile and want to travel to the uk, what documents and how much money do i need to show, my sister lives in the uk but has a residence permit for 5 years and cannot show she can support my stay, i will be staying in her house with my own means. what can i do. please help ANSWER: Citizen of Chile in general do not need to apply for a visa for the United Kingdom for a short stay of up to 6 months as tourist or for visiting family or friends residing in the UK. However, if you have a criminal record or you have previously been refused permission to enter the UK you should better apply for a visa prior to travel. ukba. homeoffice. gov. uk. Although you do not need a visa you should present: a valid Chilean passport that covers the period of planned stay a landing card showing your passport details and your address in the UK will be issued on the plane (backed-up with an invitation letter of your sister offering free lodging) documents that show your intend to leave the country after your visit (statement of employer for how long leave has been granted, confirmation of return-flight ticket booking) documents that show your intend to stay as touristvisitor only (itineraries, travel guides) documents which show that you that have access to sufficient funds to cover your stay. The UK has not set a minimum of required funds for tourist travel. A student who wants to study at a university in London must have access to at least 800 622,000 pesos per month. A tourist who wants to visit Croatia visa-free must show at least 50 32,250 pesos per day if staying with friends or if accommodation was prepaid. QUESTION: UK Child Visitors Visas for 2 years Has anyone applied for the UK child visitors visa for 2 years The UK Border Agency were not very helpful when I pointed out the child visa category states that you can only stay up to 6 months (or up to 12 months if they are accompanying an academic visitor). They can study a short course for up to six months. So I am unsure what you can do on a 2 year Child Visitors Visa in the way of studying, etc. All the documentation says that you can only stay up to six months on a child visitors visa, none of the documents explain what you can do on a 2 year child visitors Visa with regards to studying, working if you are 16 yrs old etc. I did contact the border agency and was told that they cannot help me to choose a visa. But as you can see I am not asking for help choosing a visa. I want to know what the 2 year child visitors visa offers in terms of what you are allowed to on that visa. There is even a 10 year child visitors visa. Are you supposed to study for a maximum of 6 months and then do nothing for 9 and a half years So if any parents have brought their kids over to the UK on a Child Visitors Visa that is longer than 6 months, if you could advise me seeing as the UKBA won8217t. Thanks ANSWER: The two or ten year visitor visa is a multiple entry visa. It does not give you the right to stay in the UK that long. The maximum time anyone can spend in the UK on a single visit is six months. These multiple entry visas are for use by people who have reasons to visit the UK frequently, such as family connections, business, etc. A visitor visa of any type, or any length, only allows you to do just that, visit. It is illegal to work or study on a visitors visa. If you are studying on a short course of less than six months you can apply for a student visitors visa. This carries no right to work and as with any student visa, your course must be provided by an approved education establishment licensed to provide courses to non EEA nationals. If you wish to study for longer you must apply for a child student visa. This again, carries no rights to work. Once you are over 18, you can apply for an adult student visa. Depending on your education establishment and the level of study, you may have the right to work part-time. QUESTION: Reg Transit or Visitor Visa for UK Hi, I am living in USA and planing to visit India this year as well as to visit UK during my journey. I checked in the UK immigration website and I need either a Transit Visa or Visitor visa for my requirement. My question is If I take a visitor visa my luggage weight will differ Is it soSo it means I can not carry 53 kg as per US travelIf I take a transit or Visitor visaDo I need to checkout or not Is anybody can share their experience about transit visa or visitor visa for UK. Thanks in advance ANSWER: US citizen will not require a transit visa in the UK, so you must be another citizenship. Also you cannot 8220visit8221 the UK on a transit visa you can only go through the airport. If you wish to stop in the UK to meet people or engage in tourism you must have a visitor visa. Visa has nothing whatever to do with your luggage weight, that is purely a matter for the airlines. If your travel originates in the US and you have one single ticket for the entire trip your allowance should not change, whatever it may be. The airline or travel agent should advise you. However if you are originating a portion of your travel in the US and originating (beginning) a separate journey in the UK then perhaps there are different allowances. QUESTION: Can i apply for a uk visitor visa on arrival i am australian with a return ticket home, i am currently overseas and wanting to know if i can apply for a visitor visa to the uk on arrival. Thanks ANSWER: You do not need a visitor visa as an Australian citizen. ukvisas. gov. ukenukvqrredirecttrueamppromoId1910262ampreasonVisitampnationalityAustraliaamplocationAustralia. You just need to fill out a 8220landing card8221 and will be granted 8220leave to remain8221 for up to six months as Australian passport holder if you meet the general requirements for a visa exempted visit. ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukvisitingtheukvisitorseligibility. The period of your granted stay will be determined by the U. K. Border Agency Officer on arrival. timaticwebcgi-bintimwebsiteclient. cgiSpecData1ampVISAampHEALTHamppagebothampNAAUampAR00ampDEGBampVTAUampEMAUampPASSTYPESPASSampuserSKYWEBampsubuserSKYWEB1. QUESTION: UK visitor visa for family I am currently livingworking along with my husband in the UK on Tier 1 valid until April 2014. I am now pregnant with our first baby due in May 2013. So we would like to invite my Mom, sister and Parents-in-law. The plan is for my in-laws to visit us in March and will leave a month after the baby is born. My Mum will stay with me for 6 months from May. We currently live in a rented 2-bed house. with the baby arriving, will this be a problem as over-crowding Also I am not sure how much is the minimum fund we will have to show to sponsor all of them Any help will be appreciated. Andi. First of all, thanks for taking time to answer my question in detail. I am fully aware of what you have said in the first paragraph. I should have explained in clearly. While all my family (including in-laws) would like to visit us during the baby is born, it is just impossible to have them all at the same time logistically. Hence we are planning to have my in-laws first even before the baby is born. They will only stay for 3 months maximum and will leave a month after the baby is born. My mum will visit a couple of weeks before due date and stay here with us for a maximum of 6 months and of course they will all be returning home after this as they have things to do back home. When I mean sponsoring them all, I meant giving them a letter of support for accommodation, living expenses etc which i cant do without my docs as proof. My concern is the overlap between the two sets of family visiting us, which could be about 2-3 weeks. While I completely understand your suggestion ab 8211 out renting a bigger place, I only moved to my current place recently after living in my previous for 3 years. ANSWER: you wont be sponsoring them at all 8211 thats not how it works. They will be comming as simple visitors 8211 they have only tourism reasons to be in the UK. They will not be your dependants (they are adults, and full capable). And they are not allowed to work (paid or unpaid) as generaltourist visitors. So becareful of any suggestion that they will be a home help replacement etc. (yes, I know they are family but8230.) Yes, being present as such, and providing moral support, and being parents supporting you at this time 8211 fine. They can stay for upto 6 months in one go (or 6 months total) in a 12 month period. You can offer a letter of support, saying that you will be providing accomodation, picking them up and returning them to the airport and food transportation while they are staying with you. And all of you need to be indicating the plan you outline to go back before the 6 months is up. But they are otherwise supporting themselves (officially). As for accomodation 8211 that8217s kinda you and your families problem If you want to squeeze in, go ahead. (though you might want to look at changing to a bigger rental place, esp with the baby comming) Passportsvisas 8211 baby. The baby if born in the UK, does not need a visa (needed only to enter) But yes will need a passport (your nationality) to leave and a visa if wants to later return. एनबी। The baby will have the nationality(s) of the parents, not UK. So they need to apply for Vistor visas with a letter of support from you, inviting them to stay while you are having the baby, and listing your offer of accomodation, and transport whilst they are here. Family visitor 8211 only for Settled (not temporary) UK residents Otherwise it is (as above) a simple general visitor visa Edit: Then as above, UKBA will not be interested or even notice that the visit dates overlap. The visa (if your parents family nationality needs one to visit) will be all that is needed, the application only needs to show a) permanent home in their country (house, job etc) b) intent need to go home (eg long leave from their jobs but need to return) c) approximate periods of stay, so that the visa has long enough overall life and periods of individual stay, and if needed multi-entry. So long as it was issued, they are free to come and go as the visa allows. It is unlikely to be issued for specific dates more usual is 12510 year visa with max period of stay of 3 or 6 months, worst would be 1 month (unusual and not likely if they say they are comming to stay with their children having a child before all returning home etc) Your letter of support, just indicates that UKBA does not need to worry about if they have enough funds to pay for hotels or restaurants. Your indication of picking them up and returning them to the airport, is useful (indcates no intent to overstay) but like BampB or hotel bookings, no one is inspecting your house. 8211 no documents will be needed, all the documents are from the person applying. It is 8216their8217 application only. your phone Number and email address should be included in the letter (in case of need 8211 it wont be), and they should have the letter on them when they arrive (just in case their is a query 8211 but unlikely). The letter can be a personal one to the people you are inviting saying 8216please come, you can stay with us, and will put you up collect you and provide all your needs etc while with us8217 OR a To whom it may concern, 8216 this is to confirm that we are inviting xxx (passport ID ) to stay with us in April 8211 July and will be providing all the accomodation. transport and living costs etc, any queries contact at xxxx xxxx8217 Etc. maybe mention to have the family around us etc. but format is entirely your choice, it is the content that matters and contact addresses. EDIT 2: our biggest issue will be health and travel insurance getting 30 -45 days per trip time cover is simple. getting more than that and over 120 days especially, is a challenge. You are employed so get it via your NI payments 8211 but visitors get not NHS rights except to be treated as emergency 8211 you still get a bill. QUESTION: special visitor visa uk I want to apply for a special visitor visa for my fiance to come over here to get married, spend some time with his daughter then return home after 6 months. The problem is im unsure what documentation he will have to provide, is it necessary to provide work details and financial stuff like bank statements also im unclear what i will need to produce. As im paying for his trip should i do a letter of invitation stating i will be financing his stay and should i include bank statements. As he has ties here, me and his daughter, im worried they will refuse an application for this reason and they may think he will become an overstayer. can anybody who is clued up about these things advise me on the best thing to do please. catherine8230.im not his spouse first of all and secondly your comment is a little insensitive. I have looked into it i know what can be applied for, there just doesnt seem to be much information surrounding it regarding documentation. Sunshine8230.you misread the above8230.he wouldnt be getting married on a visitor visa. i know this is not possible. The special visitor visa is for specific reasons so in order for permission to marry in the UK the special visitor visa is required. Fiance visa would not be suitable for us as applying for this visa is only if he is planning to settle here and he is not at this stage as he would still need to pass his english exam so there would be no point in applying for a visa that will definitely be refused due to criteria not being met. I have done my homework im no asking questions because i know nothing but because i need a few gaps filled. On that basis i would prefer those with no knowledge to refrain from providing answers that are not relevant luddite8230.im aware i need the correct visa for him to get married and i have stated the correct visa needed but just require certain details8230again you have misread the above ANSWER: He can8217t marry on a visitors visa. If you want to marry he will need the correct visa before entering the UK. Marrying you won8217t give him right of abode in the UK, if he later wants to return to the UK he would need a spouse visa. ETA: On the contrary I did read your question. The fact you keep referring to obtaining a visitors visa to allow your BF to marry you shows that you have not read the answers or the UKBA website. QUESTION: UK visitor visa question If I am in the UK on a visitor visa, once the 6 months are up can I go to Germanyother parts of Europe for another 6 months and then return straight back to the UK without having to revisit my home country (I8217m a US citizen) Also any advice on getting married while there My girlfriend is a British national UK citizen. ANSWER: No you can8217t. You are allowed to stay for six months, but only in one 12 month period. So if you stayed in the UK for six months, it would be another six months before you were allowed to reenter. It8217s called the 8216spent leave8217 rule and it is there to prevent people from living in the UK on a visitor visa or status. To get married in the UK, you need to have a fiance visa or a marriage visitors visa. If you intend to settle in the UK, you need a fiance visa. If you do not intend to settle, you should use a marriage visitor visa. You will need to show one or the other to be able to book a ceremony. If you have a fiance visa, this is a six month visa allowing you to marry in the UK with the intent of settling there. You cannot work while on this visa. The conditions are that you are both over 21, have met and intend to live together as a couple in the UK. You must also provide evidence of adequate accommodation and the financial means to support yourselves without recourse to public funds. Once you have married, you must apply for a spouse visa. This visa is a two year probationary visa that allows you to live and work in the UK. As long as you still married at the end of the two year period you can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (settlement). Once you have been resident for three years, you can apply for citizenship. If you get a marriage visitors visa, it is six months visa and you must leave at the end of the period. You cannot change status to spouse visa on a marriage visitors visa. QUESTION: FIND A WORK IN UK WITHOUT VISITOR VISA Hi everyone, im albanian guy who8217s living in italy from many years. i have a visitor visa uk, and i plane to come in uk for find a job. in the website uk border i read: I cant find a work when i m in uk with visitor visa. so when im in uk, i want to find for a job and when i find it i comeback in italy and they send me a contract for a work visa8230 is possibly to do this any idea please hepl ANSWER: You can8217t work, look for work, volunteer or study on a visitors visa, they are for tourism purposes only. No one can even consider you for a job in the UK if you have a visitor visa. You need a job and visa before entering the UK and you can only apply for the 90 jobs on the occupation shortage list. QUESTION: Process for UK Visitor Visa I am currently in US (on long term visa) but citizen of another country. We are plannin to visit UK for 2 weeks and need Visitor Visa. Question 8212 1) In online form, I can see General Single and General Family. I am travelling with Family and so I guess I need to select Family 8230 right 2) Once I started the process (as Family), it went through all the steps and finally tried to set appointment only for me. It di not allow me to enter passport information etc for my spouse and Child. Do I need to complete separate applications for me, spouse and child. How do we ensure that we get the same slot for Biometrics ANSWER: 1) On the online form you can chose between general visitor and family visitor. A general visitor is a tourist, a family visitor visits his relatives living in the UK. 2) The type of visa application depends on the purpose of your visit. If as tourist it will general visitor, if visiting your family it will be family visitor. 3) You need separate application forms for each passport holder, you will get the same biometric slots at one of the 129 Application Support Centers in the U. S. based on the fact that you answered the question whether your family members are traveling with you. Source(s): ukvisas. gov. ukresourcesendocs1903073VAFguidancenotesvisitors ukvisas. gov. ukenhowtoapplyvafs QUESTION: Anyone here who has or applied for a UK visitors visa I am a German national working in England and my BF who lives in the USA would like to visit me here. He8217s a US Greencard holder and would like to visit me for probably a couple of months. He8217s in the process of applying for a UK Visitors Visa online. Just want to hear from people who has applied or is in the process of applying for one. What else does he need Thanks ANSWER: what nationality is your boyfriend For a couple of months he might not need a visa at all, but since he8217s already applying i8217m assuming he does or someone would of told him by now. ( you might want to check this out anyway cause i8217m pretty sure as an American green card holder he wouldn8217t need a visa if he was coming over for less than 90 days. but i8217m not 100 sure on this) For a visitors visa it8217s pretty straight forward, you need to prove that he will be staying with you and that you can support him because he will be unable to work or claim any benefits. And also they may ask to see his return ticket. As long as he does8217t have any previous conviction lol ( if you8217ve seen the application your8217ll know what i8217m talking about they ask the most stupid questions) Make sure you have all the documention that you need otherwise it wil slow down the process. It might also help if you pre write a letter saying that he will be staying with you while he is in the UK and you will be supporting him, cause most cases they will require some sort of proof. You can chooses the date that you wish the visa to start from, i8217d applt for the visa asap and it8217s coming up to the summer time and alot of people are applying for visitor visa and this could make the application longer. I have a filipino friend who overstayed her visitor visa by 4 years. She returned home in January of this due due to some family problems but know wishes to know if there is a chance that she can return to the UK and if there are any penaltiesbans. Please advise if u can ANSWER: funny terminology isn8217t it 8220overstayed visitor visa by 4 years8221 that8217s hardly a slight oversight of a few days or even weeks, that sounds like a very deliberate and illegal act so she will not be welcome back for at least 10 years and even then the visa authorities will have doubts based on the past record QUESTION: My UK Family Visitor Visa Got Rejected Hi, I was going to UK to visit my husband in Uk as he is studying there for 15 to 20 days and my parents were funding for my trip. I submitted all the financial docs of my parents but got rejected as i dint submit my original marriage certificate and plus they also want my husbands bank statements and accommodation. Original marriage certificate is ok but why do i need to submit my husbands documents when my parents are sponsoring my trip. I really want to go to UK to meet him I don8217t know what to do weather i should reapply or appeal and also want to know what all documents should i submit again and by what time. Am also working in a company which i have recently joined 1 month back and i would be needing a letter from my employer as well stating tat am going thr for a vacation and would come back to join the organization so do I need to submit my offer letter as well 8230otherwise in that case they would ask me for salary slips and my parents are funding me for my travel and expenses and I want to keep the nature of my application same as the first one otherwise it mite again get rejected. I don8217t know what to do:(( He is on Student Visa and am going there for 15-20 days.. Thx for your answers friends I just want to know that i have a joint account with my mother whic is also in my name and my mothers name, but there my father8217s surname on the account so can i submitt that to show my bank statements and also i have one more account on my name(Husband8217s Surname) but which i activated just a month ago but i dont think i can show them this account as i have recently activated this account. Is it okay if I show enough funds in this account will the purpose be solved. please help ANSWER: Reapply, don8217t appeal. You cannot submit documents at appeal that should have been submitted with the original application and in any case you are applying for the wrong visa. A family visitor visa is used when someone is legally resident in the UK and sponsoring a family member. Your husband cannot sponsor you on his student visitor visa. You need a normal visitor visa and should p rove that you can support yourself for the duration of your stay. This means that although your parents are paying for the trip, you must have funds in your own bank account or available credit on your credit card ie the money must be in your name. You need to submit your own bank statements and a letter from your parents or other proof of where the money for the trip has come from. You will need a return ticket and proof of ties to your home country. This is where the letter from your employer comes in. It should confirm your employment, the dates of your agreed vacation and the date you are expected back at work. Obviously this should correspond with the return ticket. QUESTION: Switch from UK visitor visa to youth mobility visa I have discovered that it is possible for the home office to back date a Youth Mobility Visa by 3 months, so for example if one were to return to Canada when the 6 months visitors visa ends in March, apply for the YM visa to commence in September and then return to the UK in July under a standard visitors visa can one simply remain in the UK until the YM visa commencement date begins Can one also get married whilst on the YM visa and switch to a spouse visa without leaving the UK Many thanks Ah sorry, back dating is the wrong wording82308230 I meant that the UKBA canpostdate your visa to start up to 3 months later ANSWER: Backdating never heard of that, All visa8217s are issued on the day they are confirmed (at the end of the assessment). If applying from within the UK your status until the new visa is accepted or rejected, is just extended. i. e. whatever it was before application 8211 it does not change untill the date of the new visa (even if the old one expires due to the application taking time to be processed) Enter as a visitor 8211 you remain a visitor. leave and re-enter with a new visa 8211 you now have that status. It is the visapassport ID that you use to enter a country that matters, not any other that you may hold. the 23 problems you will have are 8211 you have to be in a country of residence to apply (and where they will return the visa to) 8211 you will have to supply your passport with the application (so what will you travel on ) 8211 There is (specifically) no way to change from a visitor status entry to any other without leaving the country (i. e. cannot apply from within the UK). If you should manage to get a YM visa, yes, you can get married on it. - gt You can marry on an visa that is longer than 6 months in the UK, or on a marriage visitors visa (70 pounds) ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukvisas-immigrationvisitingmarriage-cp to be honest it that is your plan, why not just get one Then marry, leave and apply (from home) for a Spouse visa. (or even better, get a fiance visa 8211 and remain and convert to a spouse visa) ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukvisas-immigrationpartners-familiescitizens-settledspouse-cp 8211 Marriage to settled UK residents Even if you do marry, the spouse visa (applied from within the UK) has exactly the same requirements as applying from outside. So entering using a YMV does not help You would also have to be aware that if you tried to use the YM visa as bypass for the fiance visa (eg because you thought it was cheaper ), then you would most probably be interpretted as comitting visa fraud 8211 you never intended to use the YM visa for the its true purposse. That visa would be invalidated, and you would have a bad immigration record in UK and all the countries (eg Europe) that the UK shares them with. So YM visa, and later meet and settle with someone 8211 not a problem plan to abuse the YM (and there are only a limited number per year anyway), and problems. So decide what you 8216real8217 plan is, and do that. andor how you will get 2 passports8230 QUESTION: Visitor Visa 8211 UK HELP I am aware that one can visit or study within the UK for 6 months without a visa. I studied abroad October 3rd, 2011 8211 December 18th 2011. This is roughly 3 months. I read on another post that you have to wait an entire year after the 82206 month period8221 to get this visa again, no matter the length of your stay in the 6 month period. I wish to study abroad again in the UK for 5 12 months beginning in December 24th, 2012 8211 onward. Is the feasible Thanks for your input. ANSWER: The post you have read has provided nonsense information. As a national of a country which is exempt from the visa requirement you may be granted to stay in the UK as tourist, business visitor, family visitor, or student visitor for up to six months within a year8217s period. Hence if you have been in the UK for three months in 2011 you can return for another up to six months as student visitor from July 2012 provided that you meet the entry requirements. ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukvisas-immigrationvisitingstudentvisa. I have never heard of any course that commences on Christmas Eve QUESTION: UK Visitor Visa Does anyone know the time gap between two consecutive visits on Visitor Visa to UK I know that on one visit the visitor cannot stay for more than 6 months. ANSWER: There is on time gap between visits. You can go out of the country and come back next day and probably you will be given another visitor visa. (This is if you do not need a visa to enter the country on the first place). However, it might get a little bit suspicious as most of the visitor visa do not permit you to work in the UK, so immigration might ask them self8217s where does he get money from for all this long visits. QUESTION: Current circumstance for UK visitor8217s visa I am a Canadian permanent resident applying for a UK visitor8217s visa. The application asked for my current circumstance, i. e. full-time employed, student, unemployed, etc. In my case I am currently unemployed but I am registered as a full-time masters student at a Canadian university. However, classes won8217t start until September 8, 2009. I recently got a certificate of enrolment from the university and it indicates that I8217m a full-time student. The application also asks if I8217m working part-time or full-time while studying. In my case I8217ll be working as a teaching assistant and research assistant at the university once classes start, but not at the moment. These are part-time work. So my questions are: 1) Am I allowed to mention that I8217m a full-time student even though I haven8217t started classes yet 2) Should I mention that I8217m not working while I8217m studying to reflect my current situation Any help is much appreciated. अग्रिम में धन्यवाद। I probably should have added this earlier, but I have a sister who works as a full-time research assistant at a university in London. If she were to give me a sponsor letter would that help One more detail: Last year I had applied for a UK visitor8217s visa and was granted the visa. Back then I was employed full-time. ANSWER: Confirm you are currently unemployed but bring the proof of Uni enrollment and work placements with you when you apply for the visa and when you enter the UK. The UK immigration people are going to be concerned that you a) intend to leave at the end of your stay and b) that you can support yourself financially while you are in the UK. For a) Return ticket and certificate of enrollment to Uni in September. If you can get a letter confirming your work appointment in Septemberas well that8217s even better. For b) Letter from your sister confirming that she will be accommodating you during your stay and proof of sufficient funds for the duration of your stay (bank statement, credit card bill showing limit etc). QUESTION: toddler Re-entering UK using visitor visa I am on a work permit visa and it will expire on15th July 2011. My employer is going to extend it for me. My son is 2 years old and is now in the UK using a 6-month visitor visa and will expire on 1st May 2011. I want to make him to be my dependant when i apply for the extension. However the problem is that the earliest date for making the application is 5 weeks before the existing work permit expires. My question is can i bring him out of the UK on 30th Apr 2011 and go the France for a few days then bring him back to the UK and then to get a new visitor visa stamp ANSWER: No. The trip to France will leave you with a major problem. You can only spend six months out of 12 on a visitors visa. If your son has already spent six months in the UK, he will not be allowed to reenter for another six. You cannot extend his visa, nor can he switch into a dependent visa from a visitor visa inside the UK. A visitor visa is for tourism and leisure purposes only and should not be used as a way around the visa rules for residence which if effectively what you are doing. Your son will have to return to your own country of residence and apply from there. QUESTION: uk visitor visa from california I applied for UK visitor visa from california (online). I recieved an email that my application is been processed. it has been 30 days i got no emails from the uk about my visa. according to the website it takes 5-15 days. any body knows the answer ANSWER: Up to 15 days is for priority processing. All other applications can and often do take longer. Even if you did pay for priority, they may be back logged. They may have found something in your criminal record or background check. All the British consulates just finished processing student visa8217s. Could be any number of reasons. You just have to sit and be patient. If you are an American citizen, you do not need a visitors visa for a visit to the UK. QUESTION: UK visitor visa for my south african wife My wife and I(UK citizen) wish to visit the UK for the first time as man and wife to see my family. My wife was refused a fiance visa in 2007 and refused entry in 2008, which is when i left the UK to return to SA with her. We now just want to visit for a week, so what visa do we apply for before booking our tickets. Is it a family visa or standard visitor. We now live in Taiwan and this is where we will return when the holiday is over, thanks in advance ANSWER: It depends where you plan to stay during your visit. Should you have booked a hotel you need to apply for a general visitors visa (VAF-1A). Do you stay at your parentsrelatives home apply for a family visitors visa (VAF-1B) and have your parentsrelatives send her an invitation letter and copies of the picture pages of their U. K. passports. A spousal visa only applies of you would plan to settle in the U. K. not for a one week visit. You do not need a solicitor based in the U. K. to apply for a visa from Taiwan. vfs-uk-twapplying. aspx. QUESTION: UK general visitor visa My UK general visitor visa just expired 22.08.2013.I am now in India. I want to reapply General visitor visa(UK) within couple of days period. Is there any rules which saysspecifies a certain time duration between expiry and reapplication of UK general visitor visa. ANSWER: You are allowed to spend 6 months in any 12 months on a visitor visa, so if you have already spent 6 months in the UK then you have to wait another six months before you apply again for a 6 month visitors visa QUESTION: Is the Sponsor8217s bank statements enough for address proof. (for UK visitor visa ) My brother stays in UK. I am applying for visitor visa to meet him. Is his bank statements or council tax bills enough for his address proof or i have to provide his tenancy agreement too. Apparently his tenancy agreement is expiring in the mid way of my stay in UK. So will my application be refused in tat case. ANSWER: An 8216affidavit of support8217 is an official document which can be obtained by a host in certain European countries from the local government. It proves that the host has the financial and space capacities to accommodate and board foreign guests. In certain countries the host additionally assumes full responsibility for all costs that should arise to the government due to the visit (to include deportation in case of illegal overstay). However this system is not applied for in the United Kingdom. To apply for a visa with the category family visitor you need to provide proof of your brother8217s legal stay in the U. K. and a letter of invitation and sponsorship covered with his recent bank statements (six months) showing his capacities of accommodation and board. Document requirements: Evidence of the family member(s) in the UK that you intend to visit. This could be a copy of their bio data page (the page containing their photograph) from their UK passport or EEA passportID card or if they are not a UKEEA national, evidence of their permission to stay in the United Kingdom e. g. copy of letter granting leave to remain from the Home Office, copy of stampsvisas in their passport(s) along with a copy of their bio data page (the page containing their photograph) from their passport, etc. Letter from family membersponsor, supporting the visit. ukvisas. gov. ukenhowtoapplyinfsinf2visitors564054582. ukvisas. gov. ukresourcesendocs1903073supportingdocsvisituk. QUESTION: Can I apply for a schengen visa in UK (London) with student visitor visa I am international student who is studying in London now. I need to get schengen to visit EU. Is it true that I can8217t apply with visitor visa, I ask because some of sources says that I can. And if it is available, please could you tell me which countries of schengen agreements have more loyal rules with visas for foreigners The expiration date of my student visitor visa is the end of may. Thanks in advance ANSWER: Visitors in the UK who require a Schengen visa really are in a catch-22 situation. It has no relevance whether you hold a general visitors visa, a business visitors visa, or a student visitors visa valid for up to 180 days. The Schengen legislation requires a visa applicant to be legally resident in the country of application (article 6, 1. EU visa code). A holder of a UK visitors visa for up to 180 days is not considered to be legally resident. However, an application may be accepted from a person legally present but not residing 8211 in the jurisdiction of the consulate where the application is submitted, if he can justify why the application could not be lodged at a consulate in his place of residence. It is for the consulate to appreciate whether the justification presented by the applicant is acceptable (article 6, 2.). The visa application however requires a passport and a UK residence permit or visa which must be valid for at least another three months beyond the proposed stay in the Schengen zone. Hence if your UK visa expires end of May you could only stay in Schengen until the end of February. For a visa application, if accepted, it might be necessary to consult the Embassy in your home country before a visa can be issued. I remember to have read that this may take more than 30 working days in other words it may take until the begin of March before you get the visa approved, however you could only travel till the end of February. You cannot apply for a visa as you please. The application must be lodged at the Embassy of the country in which you plan to stay the longest time (main destination). If no main destination exists it will be the Embassy of the country of initial entry to the Schengen zone. Make the Netherlands either main destination or first entry country and try to get the visa through their commercial Visa Application Centre run by VFS global. Attach a letter explaining that you could not apply for the visa from your home country since you were not able to meet the requirements of article 9. 1. (applications shall be lodged no more than three months before the start of the intended visit). nl. vfsglobal. co. ukfamilyvisitfaq. html. (read Q.11) eur-lex. europa. euLexUriServLexUriServ. douriOJ:L:2009:243:0001:0058:EN:PDF. QUESTION: UK Visitors Visa for a SA citizen Hi there. Im a 27-year old SA citizen. I want to go visit my friend in the UK for 2 weeks (15days). I just need as much information as possible to prepare me for the visa application process, because I heard it8217s getting damn hard to be granted a visa, only if it8217s just a visitors visa. Here8217s more information: I have a full-time, ok-paying job, which I8217ve had for almost two years (July will be two years). I don8217t have a helluva lot of savings though, but I get a good salary (couldn8217t save cause of student loan, car payments etc that im busy paying off). I8217ve got my flight ticket (return, so I can show my return flight) 8230 (maybe booking the ticket before I got the visa was not such a good idea but with the Soccer WC flight tickets are soaring so I though I8217d be better off getting one a. s.a. p) I8217ll be staying with my friend, so I won8217t have accommodation to pay for. We won8217t be moving around much, maybe see a bit of Wales, but other than that just being in and around his place. What I want to know is: I8217ve been hearing (and reading) horror stories of how people are refused a visa, and if they get the visa, being refused entry at the airport because of the UK emigration rules that was tightened (which I understand and have respect for b. t.w) Will I have to prove that I can support myself for these two weeks (even though I won8217t be paying hotel bills, will be staying with him, and if we go to Wales, he said he8217ll pay the accommodation) and if I will need to prove that, how much would be 8216sufficient funds8217 for two weeks in the UK Last question, the letter from my employer saying I ve got a job to come back to, what should be stated on the letter Aaaaany other information, tips, whatever will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance guys Erm8230 To mister Lam below, I8217m not in a bad credit position and I8217m not looking for a loan, thanks. Guys, all I meant was I don8217t have thousands of pounds to show if it8217s gonna be required for me to show that I can support myself (Thing is, I won8217t need a lot of money as we8217re not gonna do much travelling and Im staying with my friend so I won8217t have any accommodation fees to pay 8211 we8217re just gonna have 2 very lazy weeks, no travel itinerary or anything) Also8230what type of questions will be asked in the interview Oh for crying out loud Im NOT looking for a loan 3 People have offered me a loan. This has got nothing at all to do with my question8230 ANSWER: You really do not have to show thousands of pounds or rands it is more important that you can convince the U. K. Consular Officer that you plan to return home after your visit. This can be done by: providing the reservation or booking of a return flight ticket providing a letter from the employer stating for how long leave is granted and when you are supposed to be back for work it also should state your position, since when you are employed, and your monthlyannually gross earnings. providing proof of other social or economical ties to your country. A married person can easier prove ties than a single someone who takes care of herhis parents and has engaged a nurse for a fortnight also proves social ties holding a honorary post or being engaged in the community of residence may also justify social ties. Concerning the financial capabilities it will be adviseable to get a supporting letter from your U. K. friend stating that accommodation and maintenance will be provided. ukvisas. gov. ukenhowtoapplyinfsinf3sponsorsQ5. If you are going to try to justify the financial capabilities on your own you will also need to provide prove of income (pay slips, bank statements, income tax statements). The U. K. Government does not determine a fixed amount of funds required as other European countries do sufficient funds are required. The French Government requires visa applicants to hold at least the amount corresponding to the minimum daily wage allowance of an employee in France. At present this amounts to 62 55R630. Since both countries have about the same cost of livings this could be a general guidance about required financial capacities. And finally..there will not be a visa interview in general. Visa applications are decided based on the documents provided with the application. A personal interview is only required if the Consular Officer is in doubt whether to issue a visa or not. I8217m sure you have read the information of the VFS visa application center, if not I8217ll just attach them here: vfs-uk-zaapplying. aspx. I wish good luck for your visa application QUESTION: no visitors visa from phil. to uk is it ok to travel to uk without any visaim from phil. my fiancee is from uk and we plan to travel in uk together then ill be back to phil. after 3months. ANSWER: You will have to have a visa or they will not allow you into the country. You will need to visit the UK embassy in the Philippines Here is the address and contact info 20 Upper McKinley Road McKinley Hill, Taguig City 1634 Makati City Metro Manila Philippines Phone: 63-2-858-2200 Fax: 63-2-858-2313 63-2-858-2342 63-2-858-2305 Email: ukinthephilippinesfco. gov. uk info. ukphvfshelpline Website URL: Here is what you will need Original, signed Philippines passport with at least 6 months of remaining validity. Passport-type photographs: 2 Itinerary. Copy of round trip tickets or itinerary. Property papers. Property papers if possible Bank Statement. Copies of bank statements from the past 6 months. Tax Return. Most recent federal tax return, including the tax payer copy. Employment Letter. A letter from your employerschool (on business letterhead, with contact details), stating that a leave of absence has been granted and that you will be returning to your current job. If you are self-employed, include a copy of your business license and tax return. If you are retired please submit proof of your retirement fund. Hotel Reservations. Copy of the Hotel Reservations, OR Personal Invitation. If visiting friends or family, you must provide letter of invitation with the contact information of the host and visitor, purpose and duration of the visit, confirmation of accommodation including the address, signature and date. You will also need to provide proof of the host8217s status in United Kingdom ie. copy of their United Kingdom passport8217s information page, or, if they are not a citizen of United Kingdom, copies of their United Kingdom residence permit and their national passport8217s information pages. Hope this helps QUESTION: Wrong UK visa category - family visitor or general visitor Hi there, My parents in India applied for visitor visa under family visitor category, I am staying in the UK for about 10 months on tier 2 COS. Can you please let me know if their visa application can get rejected as they should have applied under general visitor category The categories as defined are not very clear. The VFS office has accepted the application and they have done their biometrics. Please advise at the earliest. बहुत धन्यवाद। ANSWER: I just went through the UKBA website. Don8217t take me wrong, I am not being judgmental, but you are in the UK, and you should have cleared an English exam (like IELTS) to get the visa. The categories defined are VERY CLEAR. Each point is clearly explained there in a VERY simple language. This is the page for family visitor: It clearly says: Additionally the family member you are visiting must : be a British citizen be settled in the UK have been granted asylum in the UK or have Humanitarian Protection status. You are none of these. Hence your parents CANNOT visit you on family visitor visa. You are there as a migrant worker under the points based system and do not hold a PR. So you are not 8220settled in the UK8221. It is explained on the right side of page under 8220Terms explained8221. Also, under the same category, if you click on documents required, there is a link to the supporting documents guide. I clicked on it and page 3 contains details about supporting documents. It clearly states: 82208230.if they are not permanently settled or have asylumhumanitarian protection in the UK, then you should apply as a general visitor and complete VAF1A.8221 When you applied for the visa, you must have filled out form VAF1B. On the FIRST PAGE itself, it says, HIGHLIGHTED in blue: 8220If you are visiting any relatives not listed above OR if they are not permanently settled in the UK you must not complete this form8221. The form also has guidance notes at the end. Then again on page 7 where they have to fill your details (the family member they are visiting) it AGAIN clearly says HIGHLIGHTED: 8220You can only apply as a Family Visitor if you are visiting a family member listed below AND they are permanently settled in the UK.8221 I don8217t think it can get any clearer than that. Well, you shouldn8217t fill and sign a form without reading it. VFS India is a crooked company and will accept any application for money. But once it is sent to the High Commission, it will be rejected. They should have applied for the general visitor category. Now you would have to ask them if you can withdraw the application at this stage and apply again. Else you8217ll have to wait till they reject the application and then reapply again. Unfortunately, under both circumstances, you8217d have to pay the fees again, and also get the biometrics etc, everything again. QUESTION: UK general visitor visa My UK general visitor visa. I have got 6 months visa. My visa just expired dated 22.08.2013. I am now in India. I want to reapply General visitor visa(UK) within couple of days period. Is there any rules which saysspecifies a certain time duration between expiry and reapplication of UK general visitor visa ANSWER: In most visitor categories, the maximum length of stay in the UK is 6 months. So as you have already had one 6 month visa, you will have to wait otherwise you are likely to get refused as they may think you want to remain in the UK for other reasons. I think it is 6 months in any 12 month period. Check with the UK embassy near you. QUESTION: How to prepare for uk visitor visa interview ANSWER: A UK visitor visa interview will only be scheduled for those who have failed to provide a straightforward application package with all required documents. Make sure you convince the UK Border Agency officer that you plan to leave the country after your visit based on your documents provided and you do not need to prepare for an interview. ukba. homeoffice. gov. uksitecontentdocumentsout-of-countryvisitors. pdf. QUESTION: UK General Visitor Visa (Multiple Entry) I have a multiple entry UK General Visitor Visa till November 5, 2009. Got the visa in the first place to attend a summer school, which I did, and I came back. I recently came to know about a workshop in London which I8217d like to attend. My visa says multiple entry, but I wonder if there would be an issue I mean this time I would be traveling to attend another conference (not the one on the basis of which I applied for the visa). I8217ve written to the British High Commission, but no response so far. Reason for cautiousness: Pakistani nationality. ANSWER: There are some racist people on this board, they can8217t compete with educated immigrants and are probably unemployed so they give you racist responses. Yes, the visa was issued for a different purpose, but under your circumstances you have been previously cleared and should not have a problem getting another one. Or they may allow you to use the one you have. Edit: I noticed you said it is a visitors visa it should still be good. Ordinarily, you are not given a visitors visa to attend schools, even for short periods of time. QUESTION: Can I extent my general visitor visa from UK I am an Indian citizen, currently in the UK on a 6 month General visitor8217s visa.,which will expire on 11 th September. Now I want to stay more time with my husband who is on his Tire 4 student visa. Can I extant my visa (General visitor) visa from UK ANSWER: No. Your visa is for 6 months and you cannot extend that visa while you are in the UK. QUESTION: UK visitors visa application time I have applied for UK visitors visa on 5th march 2012 from Pune, india. Uptil now i have not received the visa and I believe they dont take long time for visitors visa8230 when can I expect to get my visa how much visa processing time is needed ANSWER: 99 of all general visitors visa applications were processed within 10 working days In February 2012. ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukcountriesindiaprocessing-times1langnameUK EnglishresultTableAnchor. QUESTION: UK visitor visa or vistor in transit visa I am an Indian national living in the US (H1-B visa 8211 work visa). I am planning to visit UK for less than 24 hours ( 8 hours) in the time available between my flight arrival (from US to UK) and departure (from UK to India). I don8217t need to change airports for my flights. Will I need a 8220visitor visa8221 or a 8220visitor in transit8221 visa ANSWER: You will need to apply for a general visitors visa fee 78 or 9 if you want to visit the UK (pass immigration) en route to India. Transit visa only apply to those who either stay airside (Direct Airside Transit Visa) if a visa is required U. S. visa holders do not need that type of via or who need to proceed to a different airport. ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukcountriesusalangnameUK20English. QUESTION: Can I sponsor my husband over to the UK on a visitor visa first and then apply for a spouse visa Hi I am going to apply for a spouse visa for my husband in 6 to 7 months but before I do that I need to work for that long in order to app Lu. Everything is set I will start my job soon, but the thing is I have never been away from him for that long and I8217ve heard it coul stake longer than 6 to 7 months. So in order for me and our 2 month old to not be away for each other for maybe 10 months or more (or less nothing is for certainty) I8217m thinking of sponsoring him over here on a family visit vi as. Will I be able to do that Can someone please shed light on this bearing in mind I previously applied for a spouse visa but it got refused on the basis of not enough salary. Can someone please help me out I have been married for 3 years now but me and the baby are here and there and we just want to settle down now. Correction I8217m trying to get used to this new ipad thing. I meant 2 year old not month ANSWER: He cannot change status within the UK from visitor visa. If he can enter on a visitor visa, he must return home promptly amp then you can apply for a spousal visa for him. Furthermore, are you familiar with the new support requirements And the current rates are expected to increase shortly You need to earn enough to support a household of 3, plus have a home for all of you. And you cannot be receiving or have received any public benefits, so that means getting a home on the private market, not council housing. Since a spouse visa was previously refused, expect your finances to get a thorough scrutiny to ensure you can support a household of 3. And unless you have gotten some serious education, experience amp are starting a really good job now, meeting the new income requirements could take you a lot longer than 6-7 months. You need a longer track record on the job than that. QUESTION: requirements for 1 year visitors visa from US to UK what are my chances of being approved for a 1 year visa if I intend to stay for 9 months I cannot apply for a spousal visa until I8217m 21 which will be in 9 months, I8217ve stayed in the uk this year for 5 months, I have a 1 year old daughter who has a british passport and my husband is english, i do not want to seperate them for 9 months but i cannot imagine not having my baby with me so she will have to travel with me what are my chances of being approved for a 1 year visitors visa we do intend to travel around england and europe would I have to send an itinaery of my plans ANSWER: None. Sorry to be so blunt but with an English husband, you stand to be refused even the standard six month visa as you will be viewed as a risk of being an over stayer. As it stands if you have already spent five months in the last 12 months in the UK, you may only be allowed a further one month as a result of the 8216spent leave8217 rule which states that generally a visitor should not be permitted to remain in the UK for more than six months in any 12 month period. I must stress that this is guidance and not a hard and fast rule. It8217s really rough on you both, but you are unlikely to be granted 9 months under the circumstances as you would effectively be taking up residence in the UK, not just visiting for a holiday. You may stand more chance of being granted a visa if you have a really firm itinerary and you can spend up to 90 days in the Schengen countries, perhaps show that you intend leaving the UK for another country rather than returning to the US. Do apply for your visa before you come. Don8217t risk refusal once you land in the UK. QUESTION: For UK visitor(student) visa, are they automatically all multi-entry When I applied for UK visitor(student) visa, I did not specify for singlemultiple entry. I got my multiple entry within 6 months. I wonder do they automatically grant people multiple entries in this case thanks ANSWER: UK visa are different from the ones issued by the United States. They usually grant multiple entry visa since lots of students want to visit other European countries on the weekends or during holidays. The visa are however only valid during the specified time on the visa you may not stay any day longer as the expiration date of the visa. The U. S. visa system is different, you may gain entry on the last date your visa is valid and the immigration officer decides for how long you may stay. ukvisas. gov. ukenfaqs51676212969427. QUESTION: UK transit visa over visitor visa (Indian citizen) I have an Indian passport (citizen), valid H1B visa stamped in the passport (USA work permit) and a UK visitor visa . I was in London a few weeks ago and am flying to India now via London. Wondering whether I can re-enter London during my to and fro layovers (9hrs and 20 hrs respectively) on my visitor visa without filing for anything else My visitor visa is valid for another 5 months. Thanks in advance ANSWER: Yoi may seek entry to the United Kingdom as long as your visitor visa for the U. K. is still valid. Once it is gotten invalid you will still be able to travel via the United Kingdom (based on the U. S. visa) but you will need to stay airside in the international transit area. ukvisas. gov. ukendoineedvisavisadatvnationals. uk visitor visa April 21, 2014 The past week has been notable for the victory laps taken by central banks currently residing under the thumb of Professor Moriarty Woodford. In last week8217s speech to the Economic Club of New York, Janet Yellen noted that forecasts for unemployment were largely proven correct - but only with a healthy dose of QE to grease the wheels. Latterly, Martin Weale at the Bank of England has performed an exhaustive study suggesting that QE worked even better than originally thought. All of this is well and good, and the Weale paper is full of Bayesian vector autoregressive fun, if you8217re into that sort of thing. The problem with these sentiments, of course, is that they are based in one way or another on the very types of econometric models that have failed so spectacularly over the past seven years. The counterfactual (8220what would have happened if there were no QE over the last few years8221) is easily dismissed, because it is unprovable. Perhaps Macro Man is the only one irritated by this casual dismissal of the counterfactual. After all, irritation is not a particularly remunerative emotion, and what8217s done is done. Nevertheless, it is perhaps worth pointing out a few holes in the logic. In Yellen8217s speech, she noted that the unemployment came in just about where it had been forecast, but only with the aid of QE. Observe how she was careful to use private sector forecasts rather than the Fed8217s own estimates. Macro Man ran a little study, comparing the unemployment rate from 2012 onwards with where the Fed itself had forecast it 12 months earlier. As it turns out, unsurprisingly, the unemployment rate has been consistently lower than the Fed had forecast 12 months earlier - by an average margin of 0.4. So in point of fact, if QE had an impact, perhaps the Fed didn8217t need to do it after all, as their unemployment rate forecasts might have been more accurate Of course, the real question for Ms. Yellen is 8220if QE was so great at keeping the unemployment rate below your forecast, why was it so lousy at keeping economic growth at your forecast, let alone above it8221 Were one to actually pose such a question to the Fed, the response would no doubt be full of phrases like 8220fiscal drag8221 and 8220participation rate8221 and 8220part time employment8221 and stuff like that. (It would be churlish to ask why the econometric models did not forecast this stuff, too.) Of course, with fiscal policy, there is another unprovable counterfactual that is blithely waved away. The Fed8217s attitude towards the government has been one of an overindulgent parent towards a squalling infant or squabbling toddlers, the type that always seem to sit in close proximity to your author on airplanes. Rather than using the stick of 8220shape up or else8221, the parentFed adopted the carrot strategy of 8220here8217s a little sweetie to keep you quiet for five minutes.8221 Of course, the lesson learned by the naughty children is that having a fit brings a reward8230.so it encourages more fits. (The same holds true for the infants in the airplane example.) For all his many faults, it8217s hard to imagine that Alan Greenspan in his pomp wouldn8217t have let off a few rockets in his Congressional testimonies to put an end to some of the nonsense. Just once, it would be nice to see a headline that differs from the usual CENTRAL BANK CONCLUDES THAT THE ACTIONS IT TOOK WERE REALLY QUITE MARVELOUS Instead, it would be great to see something like CENTRAL BANK ADMITS IT REALLY SCREWED THE POOCH WITH THAT ONE Sadly, that8217s one for the alternative universe newswire (or maybe a couple of the regional Fed presidents.) It8217s too bad, really8230.that8217s a counterfactual that Macro Man could really get behind. While looking for warehouse space to rent I actually took a long hard look at our office facilities as well. I had not planned things this way. We had been using the same office space for years and as our business had expanded we had searched for larger warehouse space to rent but had mostly managed to stay put as far as our office space. Finally though the company it seemed might have expanded enough to rationalize a hunt for new office space for rent. We had never seriously considered buying office space or warehouse space. When I looked over our finances in general that seemed to remain a good idea. The business still appeared to expand by leaps and bounds on a month to month basis. Rushing into owning space might leave us married to a building that could not possibly contain our ever growing business. So after some consideration it became clear that in the search for warehouse space I should also be looking for nearby office space for rent as well. This would prove a difficult combination of things that might actually require an expert in real estate management and rental. So I went out to a person who I trusted and had them set up several meetings. We began to look at office space for rent in some areas and warehouse space to rent in others but of course the most ideal places we looked included both in the same place. This could create some much needed synergy between our administrative office wings and our more labor oriented warehouse staff. To reach a point where these two segments of our business could work more in tandem appeared to be an opportunity to make the whole business run more efficiently. Suddenly a search for warehouse space had become a much more complicated search, though in the end we knew it was now the right choice for us. Our business once it was all functioning under one roof would be come far less unwieldy. Our expansions thus far had been simply in creating a few large warehouse spaces and simply tacking on another disparate warehouse space each time there was a slight uptick in production or in orders. As a result our staff had become unwieldy and our administrative staff had taken to trying to manage four different spaces remotely. Luckily we were able to find some helpful resources for commercial real estate and within a few weeks we were settling into a new headquarters housing both our main warehouse division and our administrative staff members. warehouse live houston April 20, 2014 When people get married, they believe that their love will last forever. They are filled with love and trust for the person that they are committing to and believe that there is nothing in the world that could tear them apart. Unfortunately, in our society today, people rarely stay married and faithful. They become disillusioned and unhappy and somehow infidelity and divorce become the answer. Our society today is very impatient. I am reminded of the little girl, I believe her name is Violet, in the book, and movie, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. She wants it all and she wants it NOW. Our society is very much impulse based. We are impulse shoppers, impulse eaters and yes, many people are unable to resist extramarital affairs. They rarely take the consequences of their actions into consideration. Married people are now in the minority in our country. I find that very sad. One of the most common reasons for divorce is a cheating spouse. Men cheat on their wives and women cheat on their husbands. It seems that the stigma that was once attached to the cheating spouse has diminished and people no longer find it shocking to discover the reason that their neighbors divorced was because of a cheating spouse. Admit it, if you are talking to your best friend and she mentions how her husband has been distant lately and has been putting in long hours at work, one of your first thoughts is that he must be a cheating spouse. And for men, if a buddy mentions that his wife has been spending a lot of time going out with her girlfriends, especially if she has single friends, the first think you think is that she must be a cheating spouse. Cheating spouse are very common on TV and in movies. In some respects, it almost seems that the act of having an affair and cheating on your spouse is romanticized in movies and on TV. And then there is always the poor unsuspecting spouse who is left at home wondering what is going on. Always the last to know. I believe that the long term effects of being involved in a relationship that has a spouse cheating are devastating to the spouse that is being cheated on. If they suspect their spouse is being unfaithful, the stress of not knowing can have ill effects on their mental and physical well being. Losing sleep because of an unfaithful spouse is very common. In order to take control of your happiness, you need to find out the truth and deal with it. It is unfortunate that infidelity is so common in society today but it is a fact. If you have ever been cheated on by a spouse or significant other, you know that affects your ability to trust in future relationships. valuta trading spouses April 19, 2014 The way business operations are being managed have drastically changed over the decades particularly with today8217s globally linked market and highly competitive worldwide industry. And with the ever increasing worldwide trade, being able to keep track with both the incoming and outgoing packages pose a major challenge not to mention the ever changing schedules, different locations, and other variables that can significantly affect the smooth flow of the business operation. This is why it is important to have a reliable UPS shipping software that can help track and monitor shipment delivery anywhere in the country or out of it for that matter. With the help of a reliable and highly efficient shipping solution, companies can now seamlessly merge the business processes for a more effective shipping operation. The main objective of UPS shipping software is to fully automate and computerize the labor intensive function of the shipping industry. And because the shipping sector is among the busiest and highly complicated industry, it is also important for all parties involved to have an effective solution that can help them manage and monitor all the shipping activities in a network specifically designed to oversee the operation including the Internet. With a an integrated administration and unified system, the shipping company will be able to control the flow of cargo right from the starting point up to the receiving end. By efficiently controlling the operation from a central location, this can provide the company with an enhanced capability to control every major aspect of the entire operation including vessels, equipment, manpower, and the shipment itself. This enable all parties involved the ability to trace and track the movement of the shipment in real time. What is so important about having a UPS shipping software solution is because it can be fully customized so it can seamlessly integrate into the already existing system and operations procedures and provide companies with well-organized and highly automated approach to a system that is already in operation. Different shipping software has its own specific features and unique aspects that cater to the individual needs of companies but in general, this allows shipping companies to have a fully automated business processing which in the past is one of the aspects of the business that was very hard to control and manage and largely rely on manual logistics. But with the introduction of well organized shipping applications, companies can ensure that all the important elements that matter to the operation are efficiently managed in every way. Companies that choose to integrate UPS shipping software in their system can comprehensively organize the general process of the shipping operation which in turn increase workforce productivity and significantly reduce the company8217s operation costs. The complexity of shipping procedures involves pickup and delivery of shipments from point A to point B and by simplifying these procedures, companies can enjoy better ROIs. This not only streamlines the entire operations but it can also help achieve the targeted customer service excellence for better business transaction in the future from satisfied clients. trading sap software download enterprise April 18, 2014 You can find indeed various question wondering even when the actual Cheap power balance wristband hang on whatsoever for just about any currency trader. Brought on by my best suggestions working with it, the specific response is specific and therefore for this website, Since i happens to be blogging to you by domain flipping leverage the bands within deal in. professionals dealers who may have problems together with with the band are hands down usually exchanging working with it by it8217s self. In reality, it8217s impossible you might investments make use of definitely one light. you will need to whatever examples prepare positions with all sorts of alerts when install your personal are markets within the majority of them are an unforgettable family photo a functional confluence connected with billboards. I would say the power balance wait around top if at all working jointly by means of oscillator for example stochastic of predominantly RSI. The upper and furthermore cut sillybandz let you know a new vary how an foreign money must be ranging for you are wide ranging forms you will make home-based trades utilizing the following line. 0) Change Selling: if your transaction sinks around the specific resistance bands, it8217s possible to straight away what is oscillator to set if oversold or simply overbought. whenever the selling price produces the top of tie and the oscillator is normally explaining overbought, this is definitely quite a major striking target audience indicator and once the cost sinks in the reduced tie in the oscillator exhibiting oversold, it really is truly a invest in alert. Couple) Breakout Committing: economic slump power wristband free shipping include shifting inside of the body on the hone vary, definitely is truly a symptom coming from all combination on top of you will need to prove to be primed to your fast trend towards price that will help access a good solid occupation. truly how you will make draw on in regards towards the musicians that helps make trades large. The flexibility resistance bands is probably favorably a wonderful spectacular gauge to personal and consequently you should consider legislation regarding craft entry to who8217s to boost your buying and selling processes.2) Large Investments: economic slump power balance usually are moving forward involving belonging to the thin span, it really is a classic indicator connected loan combination choosing a person have to end up being waiting to be revealed to their unforeseen routine within the fee of search on a functional company. truly how you will tends to make application with regards to rings manufacture deals large. The power happens to be could make an effort to any good incredible pointer your can purchase let alone you need to understand legislation on the way to cultivate using of the following to enhance your individual buying and selling designs. Frequently Asked Questions QUESTION: what is the best online trading platform if i want to trade a couple hundred dollars also whats the commission and minimum balance that can be in the account ANSWER: All major brokerage firms provide their clients with on-line services, including trading platforms, latest market amp financial news and research. Customer need to select the site that is best for them. Traders have requirements in a site, while investors have other requirements. Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade. For example I use Fidelity for investing. Scottrade for equities trading and ThinkorSwim for option trading It seems that the most popular firms for on-line investingtrading all of which provide excellent platforms and services are Scottrade Chas. Schwab TDAmeritrade Fidelity E-Trade and Thinkorswim. If you have to worry about the minimum balance required in an account and you are only going to trade 8220a couple hundred dollars8221 you should not be 8220trading8221 QUESTION: What should I look for in an online trading platform ANSWER: It8217s obvious you are not a trader, nor do you have any real experience, if you were you would know exactly what to look for to meet your needs. But here is a sample what most real traders look for You need to be with a firm that has a professional clearing mechanism in place, A professional order routing program covering all the major markets and with back up exchange support, A fully staffed stock loanborrow department or a substantial in house margin customer base. A firm that have business contacts with individual market makers andor specialist Services that are provided with out charge for charting and research services that are not only in-house generated but our provided by subscriptions to other BDs Have sufficient Net capital to carry all inventories, fails, and customer balances QUESTION: Best online stock broker with low initial balance requirement Hi, I8217ve been wanting to get into the stock market lately, and I was wondering if you guys could recommend any good online stock brokers that don8217t have (or have the smallest) minimum balance for opening an account. I am currently a student so I cannot invest too much at one time. THanks ANSWER: In North America, you must be 18 to open a brokerage account in your name. Most brokerage firms DO NOT require their clients to maintain a balance. However, most reputable firms do require new customer be willoing to deposit at least 0. This is not a 8220balance8221 that must be maintained but rather an initial deposit that can be used for your first purchase, If you can not meet the 0 initial deposit, you should give very careful consideration as to opening an account at this times. Firms that require less than the 0 are not suitable for anyone to consider to be their brokerage firm. All major brokerage firms provide their clients with on-line services, including trading platforms, latest market amp financial news and research. Customer need to select the site that is best for them. Traders have requirements in a site, while investors have other requirements. Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade. For example I use Fidelity for investing. Scottrade for equities trading and ThinkorSwim for option trading It seems that the most popular firms for on-line investingtrading all of which provide excellent platforms and services are Scottrade Chas. Schwab TDAmeritrade Fidelity E-Trade and Thinkorswim. QUESTION: What online broker offers low minimum balances when initially opening an account I8217m 16 and I want to start investing. The money I8217m using is expendable, so I8217m willing to take a few risks. HOWEVER, I only have about 00. I understand the majority of the main online brokerage don8217t offer minimum balances close to that, but are there any that have low minimum balances that would accept 00 I know a fair bit about investing and I8217m looking to make money somewhat quickly 8212 not for the long-term. धन्यवाद। ANSWER: In North America you need to be 18 years of age to invest. You can not open an account with a brokerage firm. You can have a parent open a custodian account for you, using your social security number and when you turn 18 the assets in the account can be moved to an account in your name Many firms require a minimum balance of at least 0 but you8217ll have to have a parent open and use the account for you. All major brokerage firms provide their clients with on-line services, including trading platforms, latest market amp financial news and research. Customer need to select the site that is best for them. Traders have requirements in a site, while investors have other requirements. Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade. For example I use Fidelity for investing. Scottrade for equities trading and ThinkorSwim for option trading Remember, if you8217re going to playh in the game, you must play by the rules QUESTION: Who is the best online broker for a small time trader I am looking for very low commissions and hoping to find an online brokering firm where I can trade small amounts of stocks easily and without losing money to fees. Also, my starting balance is small so I need a low minimum requirement. Lastly, I really need to be able to trust the firm with my money, so no one that I haven8217t heard of. ANSWER: There are a lot of good brokerages depending on what you like and how you trade. Barron8217s has a great article on brokerages that they publish each year. (Latest one I have a link to was in March 6, 2006, but March 5, 2007 8220just8221 came out). Kiplinger does one too. Here s the link to the Barron s article. Here s the link to the Kiplinger s July 2006 article which isn t bad either. For basic stuff, ETrade, Ameritrade, and Scottrade are sufficient. For more complex trades, I8217d recommend Optionsxpress, ThinkorSwim, or interactivebrokers. Based on what you put in your question, I8217d recommend one of the first three, but all are very good. Cheapest probably is scottrade (of the larger online firms). Yes there are cheaper like interactivebrokers, but you8217ll have to get used to their software based platform (which is doable). They8217re only about contract on options Brokerages like Fidelity are horrible for anyone with any decent experience. So, decide what8217s important to you as a trader and compare the brokers You can use the article, or go to each website as they all seem to have comparison charts And if there are particular things that you want to mention as being most important to you (such as executions, cust svc, cheapest trade 8211 which you mentioned, flexibility on allowing you to do certain types of trades, stop and stop limit orders, contingent orders, great graphing, what if scenarios, training, etc), I8217ll be glad to help discuss this with you too If you have any questions, let me know. Hope that helps P. S. I just found a link to a review of reviews as well Here it is: QUESTION: I want to start investing in stocks online. What sites should I check out I know about etrade and other major sites. I would like something that has a low minimum account balance. ANSWER: There are a lot of good brokerages depending on what you like and how you trade. Barron8217s has a great article on brokerages that they publish each year. (Latest one was in March 6, 2006). Kiplinger does one too. Here s the link to the Barron s article. Here s the link to the Kiplinger s July 2006 article which isn t bad either. For basic stuff, ETrade, Ameritrade, and Scottrade are sufficient. For more complex trades, I8217d recommend Optionsxpress, ThinkorSwim, or interactivebrokers. Based on what you put in your question, I8217d recommend one of the first three, but all are very good. Cheapest probably is scottrade (of the larger online firms). Yes there are cheaper like interactivebrokers, but you8217ll have to get used to their software based platform (which is doable). They8217re only about contract on options Brokerages like Fidelity are horrible for anyone with any decent experience. So, decide what8217s important to you as a trader and compare the brokers You can use the article, or go to each website as they all seem to have comparison charts A few of them have very low minimum balances And if there are particular other things that you want to mention as being most important to you (such as executions, cust svc, flexibility on allowing you to do certain types of trades, stop and stop limit orders, contingent orders, great graphing, what if scenarios, training, etc), I8217ll be glad to help discuss this with you too If you have any questions, let me know. Hope that helps QUESTION: What website would you recommend for a newbie in the stock market I8217m not a frequent trader, and my account balance will more than likely be low initially. Just looking for something that doesn8217t cost an arm and leg while I8217m in the learning process. I currently am w Etrade which runs .99 trade (which seems steep to me) ANSWER: In the beginning newbie traders and investors DO NOT INVEST THE FIRST cent or dollar. No amount of money. In the beginning you LEARN HOW: A the stock market works. B to invest in many, many various ways. C to properly trade D many other concepts and aspects. Beginning or novice 8216newbies8221 investors and traders ALWAYS make mistakes. In fact, throughout a person8217s avocation or hobby to do trading, heshe will make mistakes. In the very beginning, you READ AND LEARN about the market and how it works: Read 8220Investing for Dummies8221 As you are reading and doing research about the investments you are interested in, sometimes you8217ll come across a financial or investment term you never heard before. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to Investopedia s dictionary. investopedia is a free site. It s recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221. It probably won t be long when you ll feel you re ready to invest your hard-earned money. Before taking that step, you really should do research about what you are investing in. It also has a free, paper trading platform. You can set up a virtual account and almost trade as though you were trading with real money. finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 END E-MAIL 1 The thought processes are: 1 to have more successful trades than failing trades. 2 to minimize the losses of those losing trades. 3 8220To live to trade another day.8221 Having enough money in the trading account to return to the market. ALL this is accomplished by a few true expressions used on Wall Street: Some trading expressions come to mind: A 8220On Wall Street there aren8217t any gifts.8221 No one gives anyone else anything 8211 not even stock tips. B BUlls BUyers earn money. BEars SEllers earn money. Pigs get fat. Hogs Greedy Traders get slaughtered. They lose the money in their trading accounts. C 8220Trees don8217t grow to Heaven. Neither do stocks or any other investments.8221 In other words: What goes up, MUST come down D 8220Plan your trade. THEN trade your plan8221 Have a trading plan with rules for that plan for each strategy. I want everyone to know I DO NOT own any portion of this man s estate, nor am I associated with him or any one else connected with him in any way. I am not part of the publishing company or an agent or anything else. This man does not know me from Adam AND I don t know him. I know of him and the wonderful book he wrote. THIS IS NOT SPAM. You should buy a copy of this book: The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Classon. You can get the book on amazon Its very easy to read. Its very easy to follow. You can write in it. You can make notes in it. All you have to do is to read five 5 pages 8211 Let s count 1 8211 2 8211 3 8211 4 8211 5 pages of this book 8211 or any book 8211 each and every day. OR You can leave it sit on the shelf, on a table or on the floor and let it collect dust. Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: What is the most secure website for trading stock and the minimum balance on the account. ANSWER: All major brokerage firms provide their clients with on-line services, including trading platforms, latest market amp financial news and research. Their trading platforms as well as their entire systems are subject, by law, to periodic review by their own internal and systems departments, and annually their independent accounting firm must audit the firm8217s entire IT area. Customer need to select the site that is best for them. Traders have requirements in a site, while investors have other requirements. Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade. For example I use Fidelity for investing. Scottrade for equities trading and ThinkorSwim for option trading Each has set their own requirements as to the minimum balance required to open an account but most firms require at leat 0 for new customers. If you feel that this is too much money or you want a firm that charges less you should not be investing in the market. QUESTION: Can I day trade without a margin account I do NOT have a margin account, so can I day trade without the ,000 requirement rule And if i can, is there any restrictions i should know about (im using firstrade btw) ANSWER: The FINRA requirement of a ,000 balance would be your main problem8230 You could day trade8230 just not every day. It8217s not usual for a day trader not to have a margin account. We don8217t get charged interest because if we go over our balance during the day8230 it means nothing if we are out of all positions by close. Also8230 for brokers with 3 day settlement8230 it helps avoid those problems also (you could have 0,000 in your account and still not be able to trade for 3 days due to settlement issues). My broker only requires 1 day settlement (several of the better brokers do). Most people think 3 days is an SEC rule. The actual rule says 8220up to 3 days8221. Firstrade is not exactly a broker of choice for most day amp swing traders. Barron8217s rates Firstrade last for 8220Trading Technology82218230 a must for day trading. They rate them 2nd to last on brokers for 2010. An 8220active trader8221 platform8230. where8230 you can trade from the chart, enter stops, sells with a drag amp drop or one press of a button8230. plus have on step operation on OCO (bracket) orders8230 is what day traders like. Some platforms have one step operations using a function key. Hopefully you8217re doing what most of us do82308230 Reading and learning everyday. A new trader should be reading between 1 8211 2 books a month. Trading money management and psychology (yours and the markets) is more important than technical analysis. However you can8217t be successful if you don8217t know both8230.. QUESTION: Stock market day trading8230 I8217m looking to start day trading. Can I do it throw the basic scott trade, sharebuilder, and those types of sites or is there a different program or software that I need ANSWER: If you intend to be a serious day trader you will have to meet the requirements of a pattern day trader. Margin account with ,000.00 minimum balance. And you will probably make a fair number of trades. At Scottrade that will qualify you for some free trading tools. The ScottradeElite trading platform with a ,000.00 account. This is a very good platform. With 10 trades per month you get Level 2 quotes free. With 15 trades per month you get Totalview free. These provide data many daytraders find helpful. You will not need anything else. A word of caution though. Start slow and be sure you know what you are doing. Day trading can lose money very fast. Although you will have a margin account, avoid trading on margin until you are confident in your skills. QUESTION: For options trading using scottrade, streaming quotes or options first Both are two different platforms, but are separated accounts. My balances have to be transferred and cannot be correlated together. What is better to use trading options And can you exercise a put or call option whenever you want at any price ANSWER: For options accounts, always go with established, listed brokers that are covered under FINRA so that your money don8217t disappear with the company if it closes down. For options, yes, you can exercise all in the money options anytime you want to. There is no point in exercising out of the money options, right However, professional options traders almost NEVER exercise their options, they simply SELL their options for profit just like selling a stock. You don8217t have to exercise an option to take profit on it. QUESTION: DAYTRADING. what are the requirements How much money do I need to begin with What is the best company to go with Will it affect my taxes Whats a good stock for next week ANSWER: Depending on what type of day trading you are going to engage and what type of firms you are going to setup your account with, requirements can be very different. There are different types of trader and there are at least two types of trader defined by SEC8217s requirements : If you buy a stock, hold it for at least one day before you sell it, you are short-term trader. For this type of trader, there is no official minimum account balance requirement from the regulary bodies. You will however need to meet the minimum account balance requirement (usually quite low) set by the brokerage firm you use. If you are thinking about buy and sell a stock position within one day, you are considered as a pattern day trader. Rules and regulation for Pattern day traders are very different. The regulation requires all pattern day trader account meet a minimum balance requirement of 000 to open an account. You will be able to borrow margin up to 4 times of your equity value. (For details, please contact a brokerage firm). No single best company out there will fit all but you should at least look for companies that offer: 1. Comprehesive service channels (branch, phone, internet, touch tone) 2. Reliable and advanced trading platform ( prefer software based platform that you can install in your computer as a standalone program) 3. Reasonable commission schedule with efficient and fair execution. 4. Streaming news service 5. Technical and trading specialist team who can help you during all trading sessions ( pre-, after and regular trading session) 6. Up to the minute account status update The following companies are worth to look into: Schwab Fidelity Etrade TD Ameritrade Some people open account with firms called 8220day trading company82218230 they will lure people by telling them that they let you trade with their money8230 They are not registered brokerage firm or investment firm, and they are actually in a gray area where we do not have any comprehensive regulation to regulate in the United States. Their practice is to charge you fees on each trading transaction while allowing you to use their asset to trade. Some of them may charge you fees for the asset they let you leverage on. So, you can bring in 00 and they may 8220lend8221 you 0,000 for day trading. Your account however will be monitored by their system8230 that if you lose more than the principle value you brought in, they will sell off your position and close your account. Anyway, this is not a good way to do trading and is highly not recommended. Capital gain from day trading or short-term trading will be considered as short-term gain (less than 12 months) and will be taxed as your ordinary income. So, it may or may not affect your taxes depends on what8217s your current tax bracket and how much you gain or lose from the trading practice in a particular year. From your questions above, I strongly feel that you are not ready for doing day trading ( and any kind of trading) at this moment. Day traders will look for stocks with higher intraday fluctuation as they usually has leverage on the position and thus will have a very short holding period of any position. High intraday fluctation means they can profit by buying and selling that stock in very short period of time. Also, a truely skillful day trader make money no matter the market is going up or down by playing both side of the market. You should put some efforts on learning about technical analysis, risk management and train up your charting skills. Do some paper trades to gain expereince before putting your real money in the market is very essential too. With the skill, sense and expereince, you will have your own ideas of what are good picks for any particular trading day instead of relying on hot tips from strangers. I would recommend you to start with short-term trading with cash account ( no margin) when you feel you are ready. Best luck to you and hope this helps. QUESTION: I am interested in online currency trading in Indian Rupee and Dollars. Pls. suggest to me a reliable online currency trading platform. I live in New Delhi. Is iforex reliable ANSWER: This particular section of the worldwide marketplace is a fluid entity that can have violent up - and down-swings in a matter of minutes it is for this reason that the currency trade is both a money-making machine and also a considerable financial risk. Initially, currency day trading for beginners can be difficult to manage, but with enough research, good advice, and practice even novices can have a successful FOREX account. Follow These 4 Tips To Not Get Lost Step One: Explanation of Currency Day Trading for Beginners The best way to be successful in any endeavor is to fully understand the situation you d be surprised at how many people don t completely comprehend the FOREX market, and yet jump in head first. Not only are such actions foolish, but can cause financial ruin for all involved. FOREX trading is fairly simple as it is: the exchanging of foreign currencies with any country, open 24 hours a day for 5 days a week, and can be done through either a FOREX broker or automated FOREX trading software. Although you can trade 24 hours a day, coordinate your actions with the opening of major markets so as to receive the optimum benefits from the market s performance. Also, it is important to follow the market and learn the jargon so that currency day trading for beginners isn t a completely novel task. Step Two: Getting Started As previously stated, currency day trading for beginners is an undertaking that shouldn t be taken lightly. Understanding that an investor is trading real-life money in international marketplaces and that these trades can result in financial gains or losses is essential to keep the investor on a steady course. If anything, an unstable day trader is a danger to himself. With that being said, it is best to begin trading with only one currency pair the investor sells one currency that appears to be falling in value, while buying another that seems to be rising. Step Three: Stay Focused Understand that currency day trading for beginners is a fast moving market of high-risk investments thus, it is of the utmost importance to work in a quiet place so as to maintain concentration. The market changes every second and it is crucial to be focused with such large amounts of money hanging in the balance. Step Four: Know the Basics Currency day trading for beginners can be an arduous task, especially as a total newcomer to the FOREX field. To combat this, start trading with a free practice account many brokers that allow day trading have demo accounts available for newbies to become familiar with the market. These accounts are a wonderful option to explore and test your strategies without risking real money. QUESTION: I don8217t qualify for Interactive Brokers, what8217s the next best low cost broker I am a swing trader, and currently use TD Ameritrade. It8217s too expensive at for a round trip trade. My account balances isnt large enough for IB. I signed up for Options House today and I think i will fund it. Their trades are 3.95, or approx round trip. Any others i should consider Price and execution are what i8217m interested in. Thanks ANSWER: You forgot platform. I8217m surprised that you8217re not using ThinkOrSwim. Surely TD Ameritrade can switch you for free amp your trading costs may be lower (I pay much lower commissions with them). The best platforms for swing or day trading are ThinkOrSwim TradeStation LightSpeed Real Tick A good platform makes you money8230. it has more impact than commission price because it helps you get in and out at the best times8230. or not to get in at all. As a day or swing trader you8217ll want a broker that charges by the share. Typical costs are around .01 per share. Lightspeed amp Interactive Brokers charge half that. I like the ThinkOrSwim Platform amp TradeStation Platform much more than those two8230. so I8217m willing to pay higher commissions. Few good Swing or Day Traders pay by the trade82308230 it just doesn8217t make sense when you ladder in and out all the time. BTW: Check out the 8220Shadow Trader8221 during trading hours on the TOS platform. It8217s free with real time training and trade ideas. QUESTION: Is there a platformwebsite which compiles and deliver every piece of news releas by the sec for forextraders Dear all, Is there a platform or website that delivers seamlessly and instantaneously each and every piece of news release to the user Something like the one Eddie Morran used in the movie Limitless. I am currently actively trading on demo, and find myself able to double whatever balance I have in each day through scalping day-trading by using multi-frame analysis, oscillators, candlesticks and every other technical tools. I also use babypips8217s news release calendar, which is pretty useful in pre-empting momentary price movementsspikes beyond the technical predictions. But the problem is there are other financial news beyond the pre-scheduled news reports the news release calendar prepares the trader for. And there was once and many a times which I wouldn8217t have lost a few hundred pips had I been aware of those financial news releases. For example updates on debt ceiling arrangement. I also use the website8221 DailyFX 8220, but it merely produces vague one liners of news, which i then have to follow up on by googling on it. And its so troublesome managing so many websites at one time. I suppose there must be a platform or website that delivers by the split second every piece of information to the trader in comprehensive and efficient manner. I wouldn8217t even mind paying for it. But I googled and googled and yet can8217t find anything of that sort. Your help would greatly appreciated ANSWER: Well8230i read marketwatch a lot. QUESTION: which is better, etrade or scottrade8230or other I8217m looking at buying stock for the first time, and was wondering what kind of fees i8217m looking at, and which online trader is the best for me. ANSWER: Scottrade is the better online broker. They have excellent trading platforms, NO account maintenance fees. 00 online trading commission for stock over .00share, 0.00 minimum to open an account, very good research sources available. Excellent customer service either by phone (they have always answered the phone promptly when I have called the office), or you can speak to the Branch Manager in person at a local office. Etrade fees are too high. Etrades standard online trading commission is .99. To qualify for the .99 online trading commission you must execute 500 trades per month. To qualfy for the .99 online trading commission you must execute 10-49 trades per month or maintain a balance of ,000.00 in your accounts. QUESTION: Where can someone who is starting to trade stocks make an account to do so I want to start to do some trading but I don8217t want to put too much in, maybe a couple hundred. What websites will let me open an account with a low minimum balance Also I would like a website that doesn8217t charge too much for trades and doesn8217t have any hidden fees or anything like that. ANSWER: OptionsXpress has no min. deposit with commission of trade Zecco also has no min. deposit with commission of .50trade Trade King also has no min. deposit with commission of trade I have an OXPS account and the platform and features are great. Trade King8217s platform is much more conducive for beginning traders, simple interface amp such, and I hear they have great service also. Though, haven8217t heard much about Zecco. Google this 8220broker smackdown8221 it8217s a forum in which people have been debating which brokerages are best. It has alot of insight coming from others amp their experiences. QUESTION: What online stock market service would you recommend I8217m new to the stock market and looking for advice as to which service I should use to start out (i. e. eTrade) based on these factors: the cost to openmaintain an account, the buy-sell transaction costtaxes, the minimum account balance, etc. ANSWER: All major brokerage firms provide their clients with on-line services, including trading platforms, latest market amp financial news and research. Customer need to select the site that is best for them. Traders have requirements in a site, while investors have other requirements. Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade. For example I use Fidelity for investing. Scottrade for equities trading and ThinkorSwim for option trading It seems that the most popular firms for on-line investingtrading all of which provide excellent platforms and services are Scottrade Chas. Schwab TDAmeritrade Fidelity E-Trade and Thinkorswim. In your situation, you may be best served if you select Scottrade or Ameritrade QUESTION: Would this costum stock chart be posible I am looking for an costum online charting, or software for costum charts i could download that displays candlesticks Hourly but instead of the default 15.00, 16.00, 17.00 etc depending on your time zone i need it to display it like this: 15:30, 16:30, 17:30, 18,30 etc, does anybody know if that is posible and what software or website could do it thank you in advance ANSWER: When you open a brokerage account, you will be able to download a dedicated trading platform that you can customize and tweak to your hearts content. Register with any online broker, and you8217ll be able to download a free trial of their trading platform. A browser, on the other hand, is far inferior to a dedicated trading platform. That8217s not what a browser was designed to do, although it can do it. Neither does it include a stock screener, implied volatility, and all of the other strategies, tools and layouts that a trading platform does. Plus, it has no method to limit the high data flow required for trading, especially around reports. Having your browser lock up in the middle of a trade because of stack overflow is no fun. Or having an add-in or shockwave flash crash or have it slow to a snails pace is just unnecessary. But we use a browser to check our account balance and send us money, but a trader uses a trading platform that was designed for trading. Browsers are great when you8217re on the go and on a public computer. But I have my trading program installed on my laptop also, and can trade from anywhere I can get a connection, with two monitors. It is completely unnecessary and inappropriate to use a browser for trading. People do a lot of things that are inappropriate, so it8217s possible, just a little silly. I8217m not sure what 822015, 16, 178221 means. Are those minutes Then what is 822015:30, 16:308221 Is that the time of day Unless you are accurate and specific, you will never become a trader. Unless you can communicate your thoughts, you will never get an answer, or get anywhere in life. QUESTION: Can FX trading be regarded as gambling ANSWER: Wow. this is a tough one Well, if you say FX Trading is gambling because traders are simply betting the market to appreciate or depreciate to the placing then is it not similar to any short of trades Regardless if the market is O. T.C. or not. You purchase goods to bet that you can make a profit when you sell it later, now can that be counted as gambling too Because if you bet the wrong way you too can end up with nothing or a negative balance on your bank statements. Personally I think gambling is simply investing blindly, without any thinking and planning involved. The reward for FX trading can be very profitable if you have done your homework well Obviously the platform provider is important too If you have traded before you must be quite familiar with the term 8220slippage82218230 The platform provider plays a big factor on your trades, if it is not reliable, safe or unethical then you are trading at high risk So choose your platform provider carefully All in all, I would not classify FX Trading as Gambling however, careful studies must be done before entering the market I would recommend anyone interested to check out babypips to learn more about FX Trading And once you are ready to trade, you can check out Masarut Capital Group AB as this is the only platform provider I8217ve found (currently using) that offers no slippage and very little issues Happy Trading Guys. QUESTION: Volume indicator for forex markets Hello, i trade forex markets and i want to find an indicator similar to 8220volume8221 which i use when i trade commodities because this indicator is very critical in my trading disicions. Can someone help ANSWER: If your trading decisions are short term, as already suggested volume will only reflect your brokers data and platform not the entire market. metatrader charts is widely used and has vol indicator, free also, so it might help. OBV (on balance volume indicator) might also be of aid. If your trading decisions are longer term then look at the Official COT report ( Commitments of Traders) cftc. govMarketReportsCommitmentsofTradersindex. htm. (scroll to Chicago Mercantile Exchange). It8217s lagging data but it does give you a heads up on volume of short and long positions. QUESTION: What do you look for in a stock that makes you want to buy it Im 18 i know how to buy stocks threw a broker or a online brokerage, Im having trouble finding like how do you know if that stock is good or not to buy Is it threw research of the company, ANSWER: I use research for my long term holdings. I pay around 0 a year for Morningstar. They do Stocks and Mutual Funds. Most of my trades last a day or up to about 2 weeks. For those trades I rarely know what the company does. I use 8220Technical Analysis8221 to make all those trade decisions. The better brokers like ThinkOrSwim, TradeStation, TradeKing etc have incredible platforms with great charting packages. Knowing Technical Analysis is 50 of being a good trader. The balance is having great trading money management skills. QUESTION: online brokers Has anyone used marsco to trade stocks How do you compare it with sharebuilder what is the min balance needed for marsco Can I keep some of the amount as cash and rest in stocks to meet the min balance criteria What are other online brokers that charge low trading fees ANSWER: I can8217t speak directly to marsco, but I can help with other online brokers. There are a lot of good brokererages depending on what you like and how you trade. Barron8217s Online has a great article on brokerages that they publish each year. (I8217ll try to find you the link for the March 6,2006 article) For basic stuff, ETrade, Ameritrade, and Scottrade are sufficient. For more complex trades, I8217d recommend Optionsxpress, ThinkorSwim, or interactivebrokers. Based on what you put in your question, I8217d recommend one of the first three, but all are very good. Cheapest probably is scottrade (of the larger online firms). Yes there are cheaper like interactivebrokers, but you8217ll have to get used to their software based platform (which is doable). They8217re only about contract on options Brokerages like Fidelity are horrible for anyone with any decent experience. So, decide what8217s important to you as a trader and compare the brokers You can use the article, or go to each website as they all seem to have comparison charts And if there are particular things that you want to mention as being most important to you (such as executions, cust svc, cheapest trade 8211 which you mentioned, flexibility on allowing you to do certain types of trades, stop and stop limit orders, contingent orders, great graphing, what if scenarios, training, etc), I8217ll be glad to help discuss this with you too If you have any questions, let me know. Hope that helps QUESTION: On-line Broker in a day trading account problem Some of you great guys out there saw my initial question about my on-line broker. The inability for their system to handle my sale order caused me a great deal of financial pain when options I purchased (signed agreements in place as a day trader and as an options trader) filled, and as the intra-day trading prices moved around I order a straight sale, no margins, not related to any spreads. Actually the most damage was done because the option was a weekly option. The order jammed, but not the software glitch or system down issue of any sort as outlined in the agreement. Talked to reps who gave me free trades and was sorry. You guys told me to write the compliance dept. मैंने किया। Part of their letter say: 8220On rare occasions, our internal order management system will incorrectly pair certain option contracts together, causing the maintenance requirements of the affected positions to not be calculated as efficiently as possible. Thus, Available Funds and Buying Power balances may be incorrect as well. When this happens, the resolution to the problem requires a manual adjustment to the paired positions themselves, which is done at the request of the affected client. This is the situation you encountered in May. Another potential resolution to the issue is to switch an account to a secondary option pairing system called Complex Option Trading System, or COTS. Your account was switched to COTS on May 13. I understand your frustration comes from not being informed of the existence of COTS prior to the issues you experienced. That is because COTS is not a system completely devoid of issues either. It is a system primarily utilized for clients trading complex option strategies involving 3 or more legs in a position. Therefore, it is not something our firm has decided to offer to clients, but rather utilize it as situations warrant. I sincerely apologize for the frustration the situation has caused you. Ideally, our clients would never experience this issue however, system issues are an unfortunate operational risk. (BROKER NAME) does not guarantee system availability or functionality. I8217m glad to see you were awarded commission-free trades in light of the situation however, an accommodation beyond commission-free trades is not warranted in this matter. If you have additional questions regarding COTS, please do not hesitate to contact our Advanced Options Team at. extension 209111. We appreciate your business and look forward to maintaining a positive business relationship.8221 Senior Research Specialist Office of the President I spoke to 7 Reps over a 3 day period in which the only thing they could finally say was they wre now tweaking my account as the letter indicates. What as a day trader and with weekly options the adjustment on purchases were not the problem, they filled, it was then my sale order that then out of no where was deemed their 8220Cancel8221 over and over. I find them really insulting, as I was a Trust Officer for a regional bank for years, and where is fiduciary and prudent conduct Is it non-exsistant today. Their inability to serve the excellance they insist 8230.the latest, fastest etc. is then false to the consumer and the retail trader. To top it all off I was on line in late August in a new trade, nothing weekly of course. When my sister, who is a joint owner of the account, called from her office, and not in my area, a Rep about a password issue on a different platform than I was on, and out of the blue before he hangs up tells her he8217ll try the password on the platform I was using8230I know tec reps look at the screen and are suppose to ask before they take over your activity. So consequently knocking me off line, and here we go again. I have not even gone there yet with them, but its logged in on the account activity as the last contact. I was told by one adviser to write a demand letter, that their letter really dances around what happened. I believe no way should they have had a day trader in a weekly option with the software issues they themselves describe. Another adviser, an attorney specializing in FINRA said if its worth it, I should file that way8230(too long and just wrong). I also read on line that there are slow systems that have now begun to be known and reporter which are problems for traders. So, I thought maybe I would write and send a cc to the well known financial adviser, who sponsored my signing up with them in the first place. Maybe embarrassing them is best. I don8217t know Help ANSWER: they have apologized, acknowledged the problem and offered some kind of commission free trading arrangement as compensation. They don8217t feel obligated to give you monies that would have resulted in a smooth trade. Not being a day trader and not dealing in Options I don8217t know how often these things happen8230.but I do know that what you are doing is not going to get you satisfaction that you expect and certainly will not help you with a relationship with this broker in the future. So my question is 8220Why are you still with them, when they acknowledge issues with their system. 8221 If I had that problem and was not satisfied with the response8230.I would switch accounts to another broker in a heart beat8230.why aren8217t you doing that Trust me8230.in business, embarrassing someone you are doing business will never work. That Financial adviser that sponsored you before will never sponsor you again8230He won8217t know you8230. QUESTION: can employees of brokerages trade stocks also or are they restricted I want to know if anyone who works for one of these online borkerages are able to trade personal accounts also. I am refering to people in tech support, as well as customer service, etc8230. are they able to trade personal accounts or are they restricted from doing so The reason i ask is becuase i just found out that one of my brokerages are able to view my terminal including charts, Trend lines, text writing, indicators, programming used, etc8230 whenever they think it suits them. My other 2 borkerages are not able to do that becuase they are non-web-based platforms. If i were one of those employees who were able to view all traders terminals, i think it would be farily easy to reverse engineer, front run, or simply copy the trades of the most profitable clients. I talked to someone at the SEC and they said that it is illegal if we could prove that any form of front running or privacy violation was taking place. Thats not reallly my goal. 8230my goal is just to know who is viewing my info and when. So, are they allowed to trade That would tell me if they indeed have an incentive to look into their clients info. btw the brokerage i refer to is 8220Alpari8221 and more specifically their 8220Jforex8221 or 8220direct PRO8221 accounts. Those are both web based. However the 8220direct8221 (not 8220direct pro8221) platform is downloaded onto the clients computer, and thus more private. so they say it was really difficult to ge them to describe the layers of privacy and what they were able to view, until i talked to someone who was clearly not a trader. I really go the sense from tech support that they had something to hide8230.they danced around the question for about an hour until i finally put it into 8220yes8221 or 8220no8221 8230. and finally even then after another 20 minutes they admited they can view terminals wheneever they see fit. btw the brokerage i refer to is 8220Alpari8221 and more specifically their 8220Jforex8221 or 8220direct PRO8221 accounts. Those are both web based. However the 8220direct8221 (not 8220direct pro8221) platform is downloaded onto the clients computer, and thus more private. so they say it was really difficult to ge them to describe the layers of privacy and what they were able to view, until i talked to someone who was clearly not a trader. I really go the sense from tech support that they had something to hide8230.they danced around the question for about an hour until i finally put it into 8220yes8221 or 8220no8221 8230. and finally even then after another 20 minutes they admited they can view terminals wheneever they see fit. I appreciate the feedback from you guys8230however i think some of that is a bit incorrect. From what I was told at alpari almost all employees have access to full view of all charts and even notes, and trendlines, etc8230. on each customers terminal. Even if its just the tech support, that is still alot of prying eyes. What it tells me is that i need to get a job doing that so that i disect your years of reserach and strategy building8230.. actually if you are a swing trader and i notice that you have a good history of making solid returns, i could just go home that night and copy your trade. I suppose that only a few people might do that but i guarantee you it is happening. Companies like Tradestation however, are not web based platforms and i have been reassured by them that they are not able to view that kind of personal details. I was actually shocked to learn that some brokerages do that. They are making money from their most talanted clients without and then charging their I appreciate the feedback from you guys8230however i think some of that is a bit incorrect. From what I was told at alpari almost all employees have access to full view of all charts and even notes, and trendlines, etc8230. on each customers terminal. Even if its just the tech support, that is still alot of prying eyes. What it tells me is that i need to get a job doing that so that i disect your years of reserach and strategy building8230.. actually if you are a swing trader and i notice that you have a good history of making solid returns, i could just go home that night and copy your trade. I suppose that only a few people might do that but i guarantee you it is happening. Companies like Tradestation however, are not web based platforms and i have been reassured by them that they are not able to view that kind of personal details. I was actually shocked to learn that some brokerages do that. They are making money from their most talanted clients without and then charging their what i mostly did not appreciate at alpari was how they danced around it for an hour before comming out with it. You would have had to be there to know what i mean8230it was game playing to the max. I distincly got the sense that i had hit it right on the nail with that guy personally. I cant say that i blame him, but i8217m not going to let him copy the reserach and work that i8217ve put in for over 3 years now every day. ANSWER: In the United States, employees of brokerage firms are permitted to trade for their own accounts BUT they CAN NOT trade for customers of the firm. Employees ARE NOT permitted to trade personal accounts other than their own. Not all the personnel of a brokerage firm have access to customer accounts, especially those in technical support. Only those designated in tech support can assist customer with any technical problems they may have but most can not access customer vital information. Only operations personnel and certain compliance staff can access customer accounts, especially as it pertains to positions, balances and trade activity. In most major firms, the levels of access to customers accounts is very tightly controlled and audited both internally and by outside auditors as well as regulators. No reputable firm would let non authorized employees have access to customer accounts. Tech support usually has access to some of the entitlements a customer may have but are either blocked from customer data or are prohibited from viewing such data. EDDIE W Once again you have demonstrated that you have no idea what you are talking about, nor do you understand the rules amp regulations that govern the securities industry nor do you know anything about brokerage operations Not all employees are permitted to look into customer account. In this day and age customer balances ARE NOT updated manually nor can balances be updated without offsetting cash entries. Employees entering orders before customer orders is called front running which is illegal and has absolutely nothing to do about commissions. And in most firms employees DO pay a commission QUESTION: What is the cheapest site for Day trading Hi, I am trading stocks from about a few months and I am using sharebuilder. I am more interested in day trading than investing in longterm. I trade with about 1000 to 2000 USD per day. Sharebuilder is charging to buy and to sell which I think too much for a day trader like me with small amounts of capital. Can some one advice good site that is best for day trading with low charges and fees. I know zecco used provide free trades earlier but not anymore. Please advice. Thank you ANSWER: 1- You do not have enough experience to day trade, there8217s no way that 8220a few months8221 of trading8221 is sufficient experience to even consider day trading. 2-Sharebuilders is a firm for novices or inexperienced investors that want to occasionally invest, it is not a brokerage firm that one would use for trading, let alone day trading. 3-Most firms like Scottrade Chas. Schwab TDAmeritrade Fidelity E-Trade and Thinkorswim will all charge around 8211 for eacxhs trade, but they have a much better trading platform. 4-You DO NOT have sufficient capital to be a real 8220day trader8221, If as a day trader you get tagged as a 8220pattern trader8221 you will be required to open a margin account AND maintain a minimum equity of ,000 8211 this is not a ,000 balance it8217s ,000 in equity. 5-You do not have enough experience to day trade, nor do you have sufficient capital Sorry to bust your bubble, but this is reality based on 45 years in the industry. QUESTION: Questions about day trading. Anyone I8217ve been using e-trade but with the per trade its getting to be a little much when you buy and sell. What are some better sites for day trading. I have about ,000 I8217m using to buy and sell with. अनुलेख I understand the risks8230i realize that8217s not much money to trade with but I8217m not looking to make a fortune doing this. Please all I8217m looking for is a good site to use that doesn8217t charge much per trade when using about ,000 Again8230i realize the risk i8217m taking8230 Please answer the question and not give me a lesson8230 Third time i8217ve posted and no one ever answers but everyone is plenty willing to tell me the risks. First good answer gets 8220Best Answer8221 and good karma What does it mean to be a pattern day trader I8217m only looking to make 3-4 trades per week if that changes anything. ANSWER: First, with only ,000.00 you are limited to periodic day trading. If you make 4 or more day trades in any 5 consecutive business days, you will be labeled a 8220pattern day trader.8221 At that point you must have a margin account and maintain a minimum balance of ,000.00. That is a regulatory requirement, so it will aplly with any broker. Second, if you are going to day trade, you need a reliable service and a good trading platform more than cheap fees. There are many brokers that I am not familar with. But I doubt that you will get cut rate trading fees with any broker suitable for day trading. The key to reducing costs is to trade in high volume. When I day trade I usually trade a 1000 shares. That makes the per share cost low. I think it will be difficult to be successful if you are trading 100 shares. Especially on a regular basis. I use Scottrade. per trade. They have good service for routine trading. But their Elite trading platform has some issues. If I was a serious day trader, I would look for someone with a better trading platform. Perhaps TDAmeritrade or Schwab Haven8217t tried them, but they have good reputations. Perhaps the best thing to do would be move your account to another broker and try them out while you build up your account size to the needed K. QUESTION: Stocktrading, Few questions about the basic please Hi, I8217ve been looking into trading stocks for a while now, I8217ve done a few simulators and stuff in the past but im wanting to do it for real, so im wondering whats the best way to go about doing it I8217d prefer an online site that doesn8217t require a huge bank balance straight away just so i can have a bit of a play around with it first If anyone could recommend some and their honest opinions of them I would be great appreciative. ANSWER: All major brokerage firms and mutual fund companies provide their clients with on-line services, including trading platforms, latest market amp financial news and research. Customer need to select the site that is best for them. Traders have requirements in a site, while investors have other requirements. Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade. It seems that the most popular firms for on-line investingtrading all of which provide excellent platforms and services are Scottrade Chas. Schwab TDAmeritrade Fidelity E-Trade, Vanguard, T. Rowe Price and Thinkorswim. In your situation, you may be best served if you select Scottrade or Ameritrade 8212-Express 8212- You have no idea what you re talking about 8211 By Federal law to open a margin account you need to have and maintain equity of at least ,000, most firms require ,500. Also all trades in the equities markets settle in three business and the transactions are posted to accounts onth settlement day of the trade. ALL trades settle on the settlement day including margin transactions Required margins are calculated on a trade date bases but all trades still settle on the settlement date, Not every one would agree with you comment that Facebook is the best stock of the week only those with little or no experience would make such a comment in this type of media QUESTION: What do some of the best trading systems return Generally ones that use indicators (oscillators, etc.), and are not commercially sold, such as those that can be programmed on tradestation. Thanks for your help There are two factors on which the returns depends: 1. Trading style: If you are an aggressive trader, takes risk, balance portfolios well, keep track of the market news, have experience then you get high returns. 2. Trading platform: If you are working with a easy-to-use trading platform system which charges low brokerage and gives various facilities like timely updates and tips, also manage your account well do contribute to your gains. When i started trading, i was totally confused about the system i should use. one of my friend asked me to use finexo. from that day i am using this system and finding it suitable to my trading style. these people charges low fees, connect our portfolios well with the market and thus contribute in our profits. My Average monthly returns with finexo is 11.5. Which is pretty good compared to other systems who promises something else and the reality differs. Friend i am no advertising anything. this is what i experienced it and i am sharing with you. though some features of finexo are not very competitive and has a scope of further improvement. but the basic requirements like timely market news and trading tips, expert views, fund managers, technical analysis charts are very well formed and managed by Finexo QUESTION: how can earn safely in currency trading plz tell me the strategy for do this ANSWER: Trading currencies is a fast paced way to both win and lose money. More than US trillion of currencies are traded daily among brokers, traders, banks and individuals. Unlike other stock transactions, when someone wins a trade in currencies, someone else loses. The fluctuations are based on buying and selling one currency against another and can create large losses and equally large wins, offering no assurances either way. Function Individuals who trade currencies online do so through brokerage houses using various trading platforms. The currency movements are called pips and are defined as 8220the smallest price change that a given exchange rate can make8221 by investopedia. Each pip has a value, generally the equivalent of 1100th of one percent of a currency unit 8212 in the case of American dollars, a pip would be 0.01 cent, or FAQ-ANSWER.0001. When you trade currencies, you choose which pair you think will move based on economic factors and trading strategies. If you think that the euro is ready to increase in value and that this would cause the dollar to decrease, you could either buy euros or sell dollars, making money either way if you are right. Types Currencies are traded in pairs against each other such as eurodollar or British poundyen. The most commonly traded currency is the U. S. dollar, USD, due to its liquidity. Other actively traded currencies are the euro, EUR, Japanese yen, JPY, British pound, GBP, and the Swiss franc, CHF. Considerations Currency trading is as safe as your available account balance. Traders set stop losses or triggers that indicate how much you are willing to lose on a given trade. The market fluctuates enough so that if your stops are set far away from the low or high point, you can absorb the fluctuations easier and make money. If your account balance is low, you have less money to lose so your stops have to be tighter. Market fluctuations will likely cause you to lose money based on your inability to ride the ups and downs. Warning If anyone tells you that trading currencies is a safe way to make money, be very wary of what they might be trying to sell you. Trading currencies is not safe for small traders with limited resources and little knowledge of market movements. The safest way to trade currencies is with a large cushion in your margin account, to always use stop losses, and to remove your winnings as often as possible. Benefits Trading currencies can be a lucrative way to earn a living, if you take proper precautions with each trade. Most brokerage houses offer demo accounts so you can learn the particulars of trading before using your money. These demo accounts are helpful, but there is a significant emotional difference when you are trading with your own money. Keeping emotions out of currency trading is one of the most difficult aspects to learn and practice. If you can master your fears and your greed while maintaining a sufficient account balance to absorb the fluctuations, you will have a better chance to benefit from currency trades. QUESTION: What is the riskiest stock investment right now ANSWER: To do successful trades, you have to have your own set of trading rules. I8217m going to share with you some of my trading rules. I can tell you 70 members of our trading group can8217t be wrong. We follow our own sets of trading rules. Whether or not you8217ll use them is another matter. I8217ll also include some trading sayings. A 8220On Wall Street there aren8217t any gifts.8221 No one gives anyone else anything 8211 not even stock tips. B Bulls Buyers earn money. Bears Sellers earn money. Pigs get fat. Hogs Greedy Traders get slaughtered. they lose the money in their trading accounts. C Here8217s what no one in the trading won8217t do: 1 We WILL NOT trade 8220cheap8221 inexpensive stocks. We will not trade. BB dot BB, which is the Bulletin Board,.PK dot PK, which is the Pink Sheet O-T-C Over-the-Counter. The above stocks are far too risky and volatile. 2 We WILL NOT trade any stock which trades less than .51 per share. We do not want to be part of any 8220pity party8221. 3 We WILL NOT trade any stock which has less than 400,000 sharesvolume per day. Volume less than this makes the stock too risky and volatile for the retail trader. Those traders with deeper pockets having more money can trade stocks with less volume. 4 We WILL NOT trade any IPOs Initial Public Offerings. These stocks do not have any history to follow. They are far too risky. 5 We WILL NOT trade any stock with less than 18 months of trading history. 6 We WILL NOT trade against the trend. 7a We WILL NOT trade any stock betwen the price of .01 to .51 up OR down. Stocks in this range are known as 8220the doldrums8221 8211 they have a tendency to get stuck and not move. 7b We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to .51 another 8220doldrum range8221. 7c We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to 6.51 8211 yet another 8220doldrum range8221. D1 When we do our research, we check the following: The Earnings Announcement Date. This happens 4 times each year, about every 3 months. Different stocks have different EADs. D2 We check for stock splits. D3 We check the sector and the industry. We check for the trend in that stock8217s sector. D4 We ALWAYS check the news for each stock. F When ALL the criteria and rules are met, Plan your trade. THEN trade your plan. When you know the proper strategies, know how to use them AND you follow your rules, you can earn money when the stock goes up. You can earn money when the stock goes down, You can earn money when the stock goes sideways. USUALLY numbers in the stock market are expressed in percentages and in dollars and cents. Here8217s an example: ABC is currently at .50 per share. You did your investigating and research. This stock passed ALL your rules. You have your entry at .78 or 1 to prove the stock8217s trend. Your target is .56 or 10 IF the trade should go against you and you lose money, you will get out of the trade at .56 or 8. This is so you can trade another day. As a foot note: We DO NOT put any more than 15 of our total trading account balance in any one trade. If our balance is ,000 we do not put any more than ,500 into any trade. Our entry is ,78. We can buy 50 shares of ABC. For some reason or another, brokerrs and others like rounded off numbers of shares. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: How do you invest in stocks Where can I find information about stock companies that I can invest in How do you invest in stocks ANSWER: 8220Stock tips8221 aren8217t really tips at all. To do successful trades, you have to have your own set of trading rules. I8217m going to share with you some of my trading rules. I can tell you 70 members of our trading groups can8217t be wrong. We follow our own sets of trading rules. Whether or not you8217ll use them is another matter. I8217ll also include some trading sayings. A 8220On Wall Street there aren8217t any gifts.8221 No one gives anyone else anything 8211 not even stock tips. B Bulls Buyers earn money. Bears Sellers earn money. Pigs get fat. Hogs Greedy Traders get slaughtered. they lose the money in their trading accounts. C Here8217s what no one in our trading gruops won8217t do: 1 We WILL NOT trade 8220cheap8221 inexpensive stocks. We will not trade. BB dot BB, which is the Bulletin Board,.PK dot PK, which is the Pink Sheet O-T-C Over-the-Counter. The above stocks are far too risky and volatile. 2 We WILL NOT trade any stock which trades less than .51 per share. We do not want to be part of any 8220pity party8221. 3 We WILL NOT trade any stock which has less than 400,000 sharesvolume per day. Volume less than this makes the stock too risky and volatile for the retail trader. Those traders with deeper pockets having more money can trade stocks with less volume. 4 We WILL NOT trade any IPOs Initial Public Offerings. These stocks do not have any history to follow. They are far too risky. 5 We WILL NOT trade any stock with less than 18 months of trading history. 6 We WILL NOT trade against the trend. 7a We WILL NOT trade any stock betwen the price of .01 to .51 up OR down. Stocks in this range are known as 8220the doldrums8221 8211 they have a tendency to get stuck and not move. 7b We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to .51 another 8220doldrum range8221. 7c We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to 6.51 8211 yet another 8220doldrum range8221. D1 When we do our research, we check the following: The Earnings Announcement Date. This happens 4 times each year, about every 3 months. Different stocks have different EADs. D2 We check for stock splits. D3 We check the sector and the industry. We check for the trend in that stock8217s sector. D4 We ALWAYS check the news for each stock. F When ALL the criteria and rules are met: Plan your trade. THEN trade your plan. When you know the proper strategies, know how to use them AND you follow your rules, you can earn money when the stock goes up. You can earn money when the stock goes down, You can earn money when the stock goes sideways. USUALLY numbers in the stock market are expressed in percentages and in dollars and cents. Here8217s an example: ABC is currently at .50 per share. You did your investigating and research. This stock passed ALL your rules. You have your entry at .78 or 1 to prove the stock8217s trend. Your target is .56 or 10 IF the trade should go against you and you lose money, you will get out of the trade at .56 or 8. This is so you can trade another day. As a foot note: We DO NOT put any more than 15 of our total trading account balance in any one trade. If our balance is ,000 we do not put any more than ,500 into any trade. Our entry is ,78. We can buy 50 shares of ABC. For some reason or another, brokerrs and others like rounded off numbers of shares. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221. A great first book is 8220Tradiong for Dummies8221 or 8220Investing for Dummies8221. Reasd just 5 pages each day. Write in it, make notes in it. underline sentences and paragraphs which impress you. Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: what stocks should i invest in I8217m doing a school competition and losing miserably, i have 8 Grand left. what should i do with it ANSWER: You already found out 8220stock tips8221 aren8217t really tips at all, didn8217t you. Stock tips don t do anything for you, but make you late for the party. To do successful trades, you have to have your own set of trading rules. AND follow them. I8217m going to share with you some of my trading rules. I can tell you 70 members of our trading groups can8217t be wrong. We follow our own sets of trading rules. Whether or not you8217ll use them is another matter. I8217ll also include some trading sayings. My family invested over ,000 U. S. to discover the following: A 8220On Wall Street there aren8217t any gifts.8221 No one gives anyone else anything 8211 not even stock tips. B BUlls BUyers earn money. BEars SEllers earn money. Pigs get fat. Hogs Greedy Traders get slaughtered. They lose the money in their trading accounts. C Here8217s what no one in our trading groups won8217t do: 1 We WILL NOT trade 8220cheap8221 inexpensive stocks. We will not trade. BB dot BB. OB dot OB, which is the Bulletin Board,.PK dot PK, which is the Pink Sheet O-T-C Over-the-Counter. The above stock categoriesclassifications are far too risky and volatile. 2 We WILL NOT trade any stock which trades less than .51 per share. We do not want to be part of any 8220pity party8221. 3 We WILL NOT trade any stock which has less than 400,000 sharesvolume per day. Volume less than this makes the stock too risky and volatile for the retail trader. Those traders having more money can trade stocks with less volume. 4 We WILL NOT trade any IPOs Initial Public Offerings. These stocks do not have any history to follow. They are far too risky. 5 We WILL NOT trade any stock with less than 18 months of trading history. 6 We WILL NOT trade against the trend. 7a We WILL NOT trade any stock betwen the price of .01 to .51 8211 up OR down. Stocks in this range are known as 8220the doldrums8221 8211 they have a tendency to get stuck and not move. 7b We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to .51 another 8220doldrum range8221. 7c We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to 6.51 8211 another 8220doldrum range8221. D1 When we do our research, we check the following: The Earnings Announcement Date. This happens 4 times each year, about every 3 months. Different stocks have different EADs. D2 We check for stock splits. D3 We check the sector and the industry. We check for the trend in that stock8217s sector. D4 We ALWAYS check the news for each stock we are interested in making our investment in. F When ALL the criteria and rules are met, Plan your trade. THEN trade your plan. When you know the proper strategies, know how to use them AND you follow your rules, you can earn money when the stock goes up. You can earn money when the stock goes down, You can earn money when the stock goes sideways. USUALLY numbers in the stock market are expressed in percentages and in dollars and cents. Here8217s an example: ABC is currently at .50 per share. You did your investigating and research. This stock passed ALL your rules. You have your entry at .78 or 1 to prove the stock8217s trend. Your target is .56 or 10 IF the trade should go against you and you lose money, you will get out of the trade at .56 or 8. This is so you can trade another day. As a foot note: We DO NOT put any more than 15 of our total trading account balance in any one trade. If our balance is ,000 we do not put any more than ,500 into any single trade. Our entry is ,78. We can buy 50 shares of ABC. For some reason or another, brokers and others like rounded off numbers of shares. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: Good stocks I Don8217t know to much about stocks but im doing this project for class at Stocksquest. It8217s all real time stocks but with fake money. I was just wondering if any one could help me out and tell me some good stocks to buy so i can get a A in the class. Thanks you very much ANSWER: Getting an A does not happen from getting stock tips. Gettiong that A happens as the result of your thinking and doing process. I8217m going tp share with you some information I learned. This information cost my family in excess of ,000 U. S. You8217ll soon find out 8220stock tips8221 aren8217t really tips at all. To do successful trades, you have to have your own set of trading rules. I can tell you 70 members of our trading group can8217t be wrong. We follow our own sets of trading rules. Whether or not you8217ll use them is another matter. I8217ll also include some trading sayings. A 8220On Wall Street there aren8217t any gifts.8221 No one gives anyone else anything 8211 not even stock tips. B BUlls BUyers earn money. BEars SEllers earn money. Pigs get fat. Hogs Greedy Traders get slaughtered. they lose the money in their trading accounts. C Here8217s what no one in the trading groups won8217t do: 1 We WILL NOT trade 8220cheap8221 inexpensive stocks. We will not trade. BB dot BB or. OB dot OB, which is the Bulletin Board,.PK dot PK, which is the Pink Sheet O-T-C Over-the-Counter. The above stocks are far too risky and volatile. 2 We WILL NOT trade any stock which trades less than .51 per share. We do not want to be part of any 8220pity party8221. 3 We WILL NOT trade any stock which has less than 400,000 sharesvolume per day. Volume less than this makes the stock too risky and volatile for the retail trader. Those traders with deeper pockets having more money can trade stocks with less volume. 4 We WILL NOT trade any IPOs Initial Public Offerings. These stocks do not have any history to follow. They are far too risky. 5 We WILL NOT trade any stock with less than 18 months of trading history. 6 We WILL NOT trade against the trend. 7a We WILL NOT trade any stock betwen the price of .01 to .51 up OR down. Stocks in this range are known as 8220the doldrums8221 8211 they have a tendency to get stuck and not move. 7b We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to .51 another 8220doldrum range8221. 7c We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to 6.51 8211 yet another 8220doldrum range8221. D1 When we do our research, we check the following: The Earnings Announcement Date. This happens 4 times each year, about every 3 months. Different stocks have different EADs. D2 We check for stock splits. D3 We check the sector and the industry. We check for the trend in that stock8217s sector. D4 We ALWAYS check the news for each stock. F When ALL the criteria and rules are met, Plan your trade. THEN trade your plan. When you know the proper strategies, know how to use them AND you follow your rules, you can earn money when the stock goes up. You can earn money when the stock goes down, You can earn money when the stock goes sideways. USUALLY numbers in the stock market are expressed in percentages and in dollars and cents. Here8217s an example: ABC is currently at .50 per share. You did your investigating and research. This stock passed ALL your rules. You have your entry at .78 or 1 to prove the stock8217s trend. Your target is .56 or 10 IF the trade should go against you and you lose money, you will get out of the trade at .56 or 8. This is so you can trade another day. As a foot note: We DO NOT put any more than 15 of our total trading account balance in any one trade. If our balance is ,000 we do not put any more than ,500 into any trade. Our entry is ,78. We can buy 50 shares of ABC. For some reason or another, brokerrs and others like rounded off numbers of shares. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: i am new to know about shares, stock market. is there any web site to clear my doubts about how to invest etc. i am thinking to do share business. so plz clarify my doubts8230 ANSWER: You ll find out 8220stock tips8221 aren8217t really tips at all. Stock tips don t do anything for you, but make you late for the party. To do successful trades, you have to have your own set of trading rules. AND follow them. I8217m going to share with you some of my trading rules. I can tell you 70 members of our trading groups can8217t be wrong. We follow our own sets of trading rules. Whether or not you8217ll use them is another matter. I8217ll also include some trading sayings. My family invested over ,000 U. S. to discover the following: A 8220On Wall Street there aren8217t any gifts.8221 No one gives anyone else anything 8211 not even stock tips. B BUlls BUyers earn money. BEars SEllers earn money. Pigs get fat. Hogs Greedy Traders get slaughtered. They lose the money in their trading accounts. C Here8217s what no one in our trading groups won8217t do: 1 We WILL NOT trade 8220cheap8221 inexpensive stocks. We will not trade. BB dot BB. OB dot OB, which is the Bulletin Board,.PK dot PK, which is the Pink Sheet O-T-C Over-the-Counter. The above stock categoriesclassifications are far too risky and volatile. 2 We WILL NOT trade any stock which trades less than .51 per share. We do not want to be part of any 8220pity party8221. 3 We WILL NOT trade any stock which has less than 400,000 sharesvolume per day. Volume less than this makes the stock too risky and volatile for the retail trader. Those traders having more money can trade stocks with less volume. 4 We WILL NOT trade any IPOs Initial Public Offerings. These stocks do not have any history to follow. They are far too risky. 5 We WILL NOT trade any stock with less than 18 months of trading history. 6 We WILL NOT trade against the trend. 7a We WILL NOT trade any stock betwen the price of .01 to .51 8211 up OR down. Stocks in this range are known as 8220the doldrums8221 8211 they have a tendency to get stuck and not move. 7b We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to .51 another 8220doldrum range8221. 7c We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to 6.51 8211 another 8220doldrum range8221. D1 When we do our research, we check the following: The Earnings Announcement Date. This happens 4 times each year, about every 3 months. Different stocks have different EADs. D2 We check for stock splits. D3 We check the sector and the industry. We check for the trend in that stock8217s sector. D4 We ALWAYS check the news for each stock we are interested in making our investment in. F When ALL the criteria and rules are met, Plan your trade. THEN trade your plan. When you know the proper strategies, know how to use them AND you follow your rules, you can earn money when the stock goes up. You can earn money when the stock goes down, You can earn money when the stock goes sideways. USUALLY numbers in the stock market are expressed in percentages and in dollars and cents. Here8217s an example: ABC is currently at .50 per share. You did your investigating and research. This stock passed ALL your rules. You have your entry at .78 or 1 to prove the stock8217s trend. Your target is .56 or 10 IF the trade should go against you and you lose money, you will get out of the trade at .56 or 8. This is so you can trade another day. As a foot note: We DO NOT put any more than 15 of our total trading account balance in any one trade. If our balance is ,000 we do not put any more than ,500 into any single trade. Our entry is ,78. We can buy 50 shares of ABC. For some reason or another, brokers and others like rounded off numbers of shares. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: Need help from stock gurus to choose a broker for first time I8217m in college and thinking about investing. I plan on investing 00 to 00 and right now researching a good broker for noobs in the stock exchange. I plan on trading moderately, so basically buying a stock and sell it within a month or two. So i did some research and found FIRSTTRADE because it8217s pretty cheap such as no inactive or maintenance fees low margin interest rate, low rate for stock order. So i need some advice from some of those stock gurus out there if FIRSTTRADE is a good option. Any suggestions, hints 82308230 ANSWER: What you8217re considering doing is called Swing Trading. This is a skill that can take years to learn. I would suggest you find some good books to read joefahmy20100317recommended-reading-list-2 Firstrade8230. not a big brokerage from a traders point of view. the pricing is a little high, The minimum balance requirement is pretty good. You don8217t ask a thing about the platform. You don8217t ask a thing about 8220order types8221 (can they do an OCOBracket Order, trailing stops, etc). How about charting These are very important things82308230. And remember Always have an exit plan before you get in a trade. also The only thing worse than being wrong8230 is staying wrong. QUESTION: Delivery Trade Vs Day Trading. Paripassu Same demat for differtent brokers. Basis of listing I have some doubts regarding trading. You experts can helpadvice me regarding this. 1.In day trading all the shares which you sold today should buy on the same day. 2.In delivery trading you can buy share today and you can sell it tomorrow (or any other day which you want). If so if am selling shares today then how it is classified as delivery trading or day trading (intratrade) Or how I can prove that I am not doing Day trading 3.Suppose I am selling 10 RPL share today which I bought 10days back, then how it is determined that it is not under the category of day trading. (otherwise I have to buy it back according to day trading rules) 4.Suppose I have 10 RPL share, one share cost Rs. 400. I want to place an order of selling today for Rs.1000. Is it possible Or who has to decide the selling price (MinimumMaximum) 5.Is there any restriction that one cannot sell all the shares of particular company on same day (Suppose I have 100 RPL share. I want to sell all these today. Is it possible Of course if there are people to buy it only) 6.What is pari-passu 7.I have a Demat Account in ICCI. Can I use the same account to do trading in Sharekhan 8.Today (110208), the RPOWERL has been listed for Rs.530. What is the basis of listing the same Hope some people will help me to find out these things. ANSWER: To 8220bundle8221 most of your Qs into a few phrases: Since you asked this in the U. S.A. forum: To day trade an account MUST have AT LEAST ,000 U. S. in cash on-hand every trading day. This does not include any positions or any unsettled transactions. The time it takes to settle stock trades is 3 business days. As soon as the balance goes below ,000, the trader must fund the account with more money OR a whole new set of trading rules applies. This varies from broker to broker, but the K is a hard. fast rule. Your Q2: In the U. S. this is referred to as 8220swing8221 trading. Broker electronically track every trade by every trader. When the trade is placed, you confirm the trade AND you have the iopportunity to print every trade placed, confirmed and completed. Yuor account also reflects the balances. Your Q3. Day trading is in and out entering and exiting the same shares in the same company on the same trading day 8211 regardless of the price. Your Q4. You decide your own buying and selling prices through various kinds of orders. Your Q5. Refer to my remarks. Your Qs 6 amp 7: I DON8217T believe they apply to the U. S. exchanges. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: Hey, i wanted to know peoples opinouns on the yugioh deck i made take things out put things in. Machina Armored unit x1 Machina soldier x1 Time machine x1 Roll out x3 Royal Decree x1 Rare metalmortph x1 heavy mech support platform x3 Limiter Removal x1 Card trader x1 Torrential tribute x1 Magic cylinder x1 Gear goldem the moveing fortress x1 ancient gear beast x1 Machina fortress x2 dark hole x1 frontline base x1 Ancient gear engineer x1 Prohibition x1 perfect machine king x1 machine duplication x1 machina gearframe x2 machina peace keeper x2 ancient gear golem x1 ultimate offering x1 machina sniper x1 cyber dragon x1 mystical space typhoon x1 pot of avarice x1 future fusion x1 ancient gear soldier x1 mirror force x1 compulsory evacuation device x1 chthonian alliance x1 blast sphere x1 burden of the migh ty x1 Chineratech overdragon x1 so any sugestions on what to take out put into my deck so far its averaging pretty well. yes its a strange build and it averges well i geuss the only problem i seem to find is when i only pick up magics and traps and the reason i have the ancient gears are fillers for the machinas for there good effects and the thing is the higher the star the easyer i can just discard them for my machina fortress, and i do have a 8220Mst8221 ANSWER: Personally, I would have to give this deck a 410. Why You run many random cards that shouldn8217t be there. A deck should be consistent. Also, you run cards that are horrid for this format, and you8217re missing the staples that every deck should have. The thing that is annoying me the most is the fact that you8217re running pot of avarice. DON8217T A TON of people run Gravekeepers (and everyone else sides dimensional fissure), and Pot of Avarice would be a dead draw. I8217ve answered a ton of machina questions. Here8217s my favorite decklist (you can sub the pot of dualities out for upstart goblins and the solemn warnings for bottomless trap hole) monsters (19) red, yellow and green gadget x6 (2 of each) machina fortress x3 machina gearframe x3 machina force cyber dragon x2 jinzo x2 jinzo returner x2 spells (13) mystical space typhoon x2 monster reborn dark hole giant trunade book of moon solidarity x3 limiter removal pot of duality x3 traps (8) psychic shockwave x2 solemn judgment x1 dimensional prison x2 solemn warning x2 mirror force extra deck chimeratech fortress dragon Psychic shockwave will be out tomorrow, May 10, in Extreme Victory (I have a copy of it already from the sneak peek), This deck is based off of a deck that topped a YCS back in May 2010. I8217ve updated it to the current format. The deck is very well balanced. Here are a few of my other answers regarding machinas: Please feel free to email me if you have any additional questions P. S. Another important rule is that if you decide to run royal decree, run it at 3 and don8217t run any other traps. You don8217t want to run royal decree with traps otherwise, you get dead draws : I noticed that you used many of the machina mayhem structure deck cards. Meh. The only good ones were the gadgets (run 2 copies of each for control), cyber dragon, machina force (discard for machina fortress), machina gearframe, dimensional prison, and machina fortress. Everything else was kinda meh. QUESTION: What is a good motocross bike for a beginner girl I8217m 16, I8217ve never really ridden a real bike before, just messed around on mini bikes. I8217m about 582174 115-120 lbs. I heard Honda bikes are good But I8217m still a little lost. ANSWER: Hi Reggie, depending on what type of riding you are going to be doing, there are a lot of good beginner bikes out there. If you want a fool proof trail bike that will handle jumps or riding a motocross type track, go with a Honda CRF. I would stay away from anything two stroke (CR, RM, KX, YZ) unless you have a mechanic handy. All four japanese brands make a four stroke racing bike but these bikes are wicked fast and not really good beginner bikes. I have a Yamaha TTR125 that I ride as a play bike, and I am 6821728243 and 37 years old. The bike is tall enough and has good power. I have owned several Honda XR8217s and CRF8217s over the years, and these bikes are low maintenance and indestructible. When I raced I always used Yamahas. Now a days, all of the manufacturers base the four stroke bikes on the same platform so they8217re all good. But if you want one that you can just get on, kick it started, and ride off wherever, go with the Honda CRF 150 or 230. The best thing to do is go to a bike shop and sit on each size to see which one fits you right. You should be able to touch your feet on the ground and balance the bike. There are tons of used ones around in perfect shape go to your local gas station and buy a Cycle Trader and save a ton of money. The first time you ride that brand new one through a mud puddle or some brush it8217s going to look like a used one anyway. Hope I helped and good luck on your new venture QUESTION: ,000 in stock account. what are the benefits Alright, so I have an online stock account at zecco and I don8217t have ,000 in my account yet. but I know that once I do. I am able to make an unlimited amount of trades. are there any restricitons as far as the exact number I can make a trade or how many times I can keep buyingselling the same stock. I just don8217t want to do anything that will affect my account. धन्यवाद। ANSWER: In reality, you aren8217t any better off 8211 strategically than you are with the K. Why Because you must have that K in cash 8211 AT ALL TIMES. As soon as you place the first trade, you8217ll be considered a swing, intermediate or position trader. You might have more strategies to work with and use. You8217ll definitely have more buying power. In the same manner as every other trader with balances less than K, you8217ll be monitored. No more than 3 day trades in any rolling 5 day period. As soon as you place trade 4 or 5, you8217ll be labeled a 8220pattern day trader8221: Your account might be frozen and you won8217t be able to do any trading for a specified period of time 8211 according to your broker. Here is the kind of acco9unt you want and need: Type: speculator or speculative. NO retirement, 401k or any other type. You want a 8220margin account8221. You want approval to trade options 8211 Calls and Puts as well as Covered Calls. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: how to buy stock online ANSWER: I usee Scottrade. Here is a good article that has very good comments from people compared brokers. ETrade vs. Scottrade vs. Ameritrade: Which is Better89 rate or flag this pageBy Sabah Karimi ETrade, Scottrade, and Ameritrade are today8217s leading online brokerage companies that offer a simple way to buy and sell stocks. If you8217re not an experienced investor, but still want to take a plunge into the stock market, learning about different options available can help you find out the benefits of each. Still, each brokerage offers different types of accounts and fees depending on the level of activity each period. Some also charge inactivity fees on top of variable commission rates and balance requirements. Knowing where to invest is the first step to building a successful portfolio. Here8217s a quick comparison of Etrade, Scottrade, and Ameritrade so you can make the best investment decisions: ETrade offers an extensive line of trading and investment services, covering many options in stocks, mutual funds, bonds, IPOs, Futures, and Options. The online resources are substantial, but may be intimidating for the beginning investor. ETrade does offer a user-friendly help center to guide you through rates, news, and different account options but requires a fair amount of review to get started. Highlights of ETrade offerings include: 99-.99 flat rates depending on number of stock and options trades with fees up to .99 for anything less than ,000 Mutual fund transaction fees of .99 1,000 no-load, no-transaction fee funds8217 for each account (but early redemption fees do apply) Asset allocation tools available online Access to advisors to help with asset allocation Bottom line: ETrade offers a variety of options for the seasoned investor, with premium services available for active traders. However, beginning investors may not find rates competitive enough to stick with them in the long term. Scottrade is ideal for average and inexperienced stock investors, and offers competitive startup rats as well as low monthly fees. Highlights of scottrade accounts include: 0 account minimum requirements flat rate for market and limit orders-no extra fees to worry about No inactivity fees you can leave your account alone for a period of time without worrying about stacking up fees Three platforms to choose from: Scottrade, scottrader, and scottradeElite. Bottom line: Scottrade is a great place for beginning investors to get started, and can help build a portfolio in a short amount of time. Ameritrade offers a very easy trading platform with its online services. It boasts .99 internet equity trades with no maintenance fees, so you don8217t have to pay any additional fees to get started with an account. Other highlights of Ameritrade include: Easy-to-access reporting and stock analysis each day Access to Ameritrade representatives throughout your state if you need advice or guidance A Command Center 2.08242 to make trading very easy and simple to follow Free trades for and a 0 bonus Bottom line: Ameritrade offers plenty of options for beginning investors, and is a great choice if you8217re looking for something simple and straightforward. The flat-rate is competitive, but do read the guidelines on which types of trades qualify under this program. If you need to speak with a representative or advisor, Ameritrade does make it easy to locate someone to guide you through the process. Today8217s online stock trading websites enable you to buy and trade stocks with ease you don8217t have to depend on a middleman to guide you through the process, and each one offers helpful tutorials to take you through the steps. Still, the services come at a price be sure to read the terms and conditions of each brokerage to calculate the real8217 cost of your transactions. Ameritrade and Scottrade offer convenient accounts for beginners, while ETrade is best suited for a seasoned investor. QUESTION: which is the best stock software ANSWER: Not very much info to go on here you8217re making us guess, which isn8217t very nice, because we8217ll have to broaden to several subjects. Do you mean for Technical Analysis Charting, trends, RSI, stochastics, CCI, moving averages, etc. Or do you mean for Fundamental Analysis PE ratios, cash flows, balance sheets, stock recommendations, etc. When you say 8220best8221 do you mean most advanced, fastest, most indicators, most widely used, most expensive, best for advanced users or best for beginners You have to tell us where you are coming from and what you are trying to do before we can be specific. The Cadilac of Technical Analysis software is called TradeStation, but it is very expensive with loads of features and I believe it even has a back-testing system for writing your own program indicators. You would not buy this system for an occasional trade, but would be a full-time trader or fund manager to warrent this system. Otherwise, it is overkill. The most technologically advanced Technical Analysis software is RealTick, at TerraNovaOnline TerraNova is an online broker with low rates, owned by Townsend Electronics. Townsend is the company that recently digitized and electronified the NASDAQ. I believe they are in the process of doing the American Stock Exchange now. These people are 8220the8221 technology innovators. Also with TerraNova, you can trade anything and everything, including stocks, futures, options, commodities, forex, all of it. I8217m not aware of another broker whom can do this. To trade everything, Realtick leases for 5mo, but one segment is 5mo. For beginners, or occasional traders, they have the Investor platform, which is RealTick sized down to one screen. I believe this platform is free, or very little, so very well may be your 8220best8221 bet QUESTION: Anyone use Zecco or Trade King for investing Basically, I8217m sick of fidelity8217s ridiculous fees and commissions and am looking for a cheaper option. Unfortuantly, I8217ve got around ,000 so I can8217t qualify for Zecco8217s free 10 trades per month. But I trade very actively and the commissions really add up. I8217m leaning toward Trade King or Zecco, most likely TK. One question I have though is, how long does it take them to verify a sale let you use the money again for another trade. I have to wait 3 days with fidelity and I8217m hoping to cut that time down. It8217s not very convenient if you wish to day trade. Any advice is appreciated, Thanks ANSWER: I have not used either of those so I don8217t know if they are good are not. I have read a lot of complaints about Zecco. I use Scottrade, and although the commission is a bit higher ( per trade) I have been extremely satisfied with them. I think you need to consider trading platform, research tools, customer service, and other fees in addition to the commission. The only way to reduce the 3 day settlement period is to have a margin account. It will still take 3 days for a trade to settle, but that will be behind the scene and will not impact your trading. Also, as an active trader, be aware of the day trading rules. If you make 4 or more day trades in any 5 consecutive business days, you will be labeled a pattern day trader. At that point you must have a margin account and maintain a minimum account balance of ,000.00. QUESTION: What online broker is the best (e. g. has reasonable fees, etc) I8217m looking to start investing in stocks and am looking for an online broker that has reasonable feescharges. Which one would you recommendsuggest ANSWER: Personally my vote would be with TradeKing (my current broker), ETrade, or ThinkorSwim but it really depends on how active of a trader you are and what exactly you trading (equities, options, forex, futures, bonds) 1. Cost to openmaintain account: TradeKing is FAQ-ANSWER. Several online discount brokers have no minimum account balance but then are fee loaded. Others are the exact opposite. My suggestion is to narrow down your options to a few brokers you like based upon your own research and online reviews and then take a closer look at their commission amp fee disclaimers. 2. Buy sell transaction coststaxes (technical lingo for this is 8216trade commissions8217): For most brokers this is a fairly straightforward deal because a lot of them have switched to 8216flat fee trading8217, ie trades that are one flat commission rate no matter how much volume you are doing, whether it8217s a penny stock, order size, etc. Examples would be TradeKing, Scottrade, Zecco, amp OptionsHouse. TradeKing has super low commissions at .95 for equities, and .95 per trade plus .65 per contract for options. These can be optimal for moderate trading however, if you are doing a lot of day trading or heavy volume you8217ll want to look at at discount broker that has a commission structure based on shareorder size or how much volume you are doing as a client. These brokers do tend to have more account fees though because they typically offer direct access trading, more advanced trading tools, etc. Examples would be MB Trading, TradeStation Securities, ThinkorSwim, amp Interactive Brokers. 3. Customer Service: TradeKing would be one of the top rated options. SmartMoney gave them the 1 spot for customer service this year (2010) plus numerous other awards since 2006 including best broker, Barron8217s has given them a four star rating the past several years, tradeWISER put them as the 2 top online broker for 2009, and Kiplinger8217s gave them a 5 star rating in 2008. It8217s hard to beat that trophy shelf IMO. You can get into other broker account features as well including if they have a mobile trading platformapp, do they have an investment community, do they offer direct access trading, etc. Some of the best sources I have found for my decisions (I8217m an active trader) have been tradeWISER, Barron8217s, and SmartMoney. All three of these sites do their annual reviews and have their own lists. (links below) QUESTION: is 8216the share centre8217 website a good website to buy and sell shares Has anyone used it and what do you think any details of your expierence of the site will be apreciated, i am looking to invest on the london stock exchange and am looking for the best and easiest way to do this. I came accross thesharecentre website and thought it was good Any other suggestions would be great thanks ANSWER: The Share Centre uk is very good. Deal in UK (LSE, AIM) and IRS stocks unit trustsoeics and ETFs warrants and covered warrants gilts and corporate bonds. Worth a look8230 You can trade at the Standard Tariff of 1 (min 2.50 for purchases and min 7.50 for certificated and non-certificated sales) with account fees of 2.50 p. q. VAT, or under the Trader Option at 7.50 per trade with account fees of 20 VAT p. q. Under Standard Tariff orders are placed either by batch-dealing (3 times a day) or at best on the basis of indicative prices. Limit, stop loss and tracking stop loss orders are monitored up to 30 days free of charge, or for up to 12 months via batch-dealing subject to a monthly charge after 30 days. The self-select ISA account fee is 0.125 VAT p. q. VAT on the first 12.5k and at 0.1 p. q. VA on the nest 12.5k and 0.75 p. q. VAT on the balance (min 5). The self-select PEP account fee is 0.125 p. q. VAT. The SIPP is administered by Sippdeal with an account fee of 10 p. q. VAT. Research and tools include a SharePicker, FundPicker and pension, school fees and regular investment calculators. The Share Centre provides the trading platform for Virgin Sharedealing, AWD MoneyeXtra and This Is Money, but with their own individual QUESTION: Which is best for a Roth IRA: Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, or Vanguard I am 18 years old and looking to start a Roth IRA. As I don8217t have a ton of extra income I8217d like to keep fees as low as possible. After some initial research, I8217ve narrowed it down to these three companies. I am interested in investing in mutual funds and stocks. Which of these would be the best to start the IRA with Edit: I understand that I am able to withdraw contributions at any time (though its not a great idea8230 but in the case of emergency it8217s alright), so I am not entirely concerned about liquidityemergency fund. I feel safer with these more established brokerages rather than a ten year old one thousands of miles away 8211 it8217s just a matter of which one to use. ANSWER: If your currentfuture employer offers an employee 401k plan. Invest up to the matching of your employers contribution. That matching is free money and equals a great rate of return for your money. If plan offers an election to invest in a money market fund you may want to invest in it until you learn more. Of course your dollar cost avg over the years should be on your side since your 18 and have many years of investing ahead. Next invest in a Roth IRA up to the max allowed(yearly). If you then have more money to invest, go back to your 401k plan and invest the max allowed(yearly). So after you do all the above and want to invest more you should be able to decide how. Only invest money that you can afford to lose. Making some quick money is nice but if you lose it, it gets right ugly. You may also think about ETF8217s instead of mutual funds, stocks. and options. Most ETF8217s will have a lower expense than mutual funds. As for which company is best, TD has a 0 initial deposit and looks to be the cheapest in fees when buying more than 1,000 shares. I also liked their trading platform. Fidelity has ,500 initial or 0 month0 quarter deposit. Vanguard has a ,000 flat initial. So I would and will more than likely choose TD. Plus we have 401k with Fidelity and I believe in never having all your eggs in one basket. Try what you learn on demo sites. They can be a very fun but educational way to learn from mistakes. If you pick 75 right with play money then you might be ready to start slowly investing. simulator. investopedia simulator. zacks fxcmopen-free-100k. jsp alpari-idcenmetatrader48230 Or just google for more. I use Lightning Strikes Trading System for trading in any time frame and it works on forex, stocks, bonds, etf8217s, mutual funds, etc8230 They have 3 free training sessions a week and you don8217t have to buy the software to join in the live chat and text. You can even watch some recorded past live sessions. Here are some past charts that I used. f1.grp. yahoofsv1MB16R0zjjaZ8230 f1.grp. yahoofsv1MB16RxjOUQt8230 There are 7 indicators (2 short, 2 medium, and 3 long term) and if volume is reported another one is added (on balance volume). Plus whatever time-frame is used the 2 green horizontal lines are the support and resistance for that time frame. So when indicators are all touching the bottom price is at or very, very near support. At top is at or very, very near resistance. Which helps my entryexits and riskreward ratio. f1.grp. yahoofsv1MB16R9Wv-wt8230 f1.grp. yahoofsv1MB16R9wSKdV8230 f1.grp. yahoofsv1QCt6R2fYIj68230 f1.grp. yahoofsv1QCt6R3R0VQe8230 If you can not view charts above I can email them. Here are my favorite sites. stockcharts Has basically all you need from fundamental to technical terms. Plus stock screens, charts, public chart lists, and much more useful info. fidelity Has good learning resources. moneycentral. msnhome. asp In addition to yahoo finance. reuters For news and more. marketwatchdefault. aspx For news and more. valueprimeindex. php For rating stock riskreward ratio and reports. barchart For investing in more than stocks. investopedia For more great learning tools. lightninglive For best software timing your entryexits any time frame for day traders and long term investors. Others worth exploring. equis stockta Best Wishes, Burt Whitley QUESTION: Rate My Yugioh Deck. (Cyber Dragons) Fusions: Cyber End Dragon Cyber Twin Dragon 2x Monsters: Cyber Dragon 3x Proto Cyber Dragon 3x Cyber Valley Jinzo Yellow Gadget 2x Green Gadget 2x Red Gadget 2x Machina Fortress 2x Kinetic Soldier Blast Sphere Cyber Laser Dragon Cyber Barrier Dragon Anchient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon B. E.S Big Core MK-2 Shredder Barrel Dragon Koa8217ki Meiru Dragon (meant to summon Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon easier) Unions: Machina Gearframe Machina peacekeeper Heavy Mech Support Platform 2x MagicSpell: Monster Recovery Pot of Greed Card Trader Return of the Doom Phonton Generator Unit 2x Limiter Removal 3x Solidarity Monster Reborn Shrink Graceful Charity De-spell Swords of Revealing Light Future Fusion 2x Mystical Space Typhoon 2x Trap: Call of the Haunted D2 Shield Mirror Force Metalmorph Time Machine Rare Metalmorph Dimensional Prison 2x Wall Of Revealing Light Roll Out Dust Tornado Attack Reflector Unit Trap Hole Magic Jammer Compulsory Evacuation de vice Tell me What You Think and rate it from 1 8211 10. Thx guys. Also tell me wut i should take out andor add. ANSWER: um82308230i dont like it not much balance 2108230.try these monsters instead then try to work around the spells and traps. for cyber dragon you want all machines and stall cards until you get the right cards to summon cyber end dragon or chimertech over dragon. monsters: 18 cyber dragon x2 proto cyber dragon x3 cyber dragon zwei x3 cyber phoenix x2 cyber valley x3 honest x2 shining angel x3 also future fusion you can only have 1 in a deck QUESTION: Rate my Machina Deck Okay so i bought the Machina Structure deck and i added some cards to it please tell me if its good what i need to improve and what cards should i remove. धन्यवाद। Monsters: (30) Drillago Red Gadget x2 Green Gadget x2 Yellow Gadget x2 Boot-Up Soldier 8211 Dread Dynamo Timeater Heavy Mech Support Platform x3 Bowganian Machina Fortress Machina Gearframe Machina Peacekeeper Scrap Recycler Commander Covington Machina Soldier Machina Sniper Machina Defender Machina Force Kinetic Soldier Blast Sphere Cyber Dragon Proto-Cyber Dragon ( I don8217t know if i should add 2 more of these so i can have 3) Armored Cybern x2 Cyber Valley The big Saturn Spells: (16) Machine Duplication x2 Change of heart Swords of Revealing light x2 Inferno Reckless Summon x2 Yellow Luster Shield 7 Completed Machina Armored Unit Prohibition Shrink Frontline Base Hand Destruction Card Trader Solidarity Traps: ( 15) Draining Shield Scrap-Iron Scarecrow Compulsory Evacuation Device x2 Rare Metamorph x2 Roll out x3 Sakuretsu Armor Birthright Time Machine Dimensional Prison Metalmorph Ceasefire P. S I don8217t know if i should add synchros i got Road Synchron and Road warrior so what d o ya think. I do have all 3 god cards too. ANSWER: This is too much man. You have to make it balanced out. Do not worry about the monsters, gadgets and floaters such as Machina Gearframe will place monsters in your hand anyways. Try this: its a solid machina deck with no Tech choices. 3x Machina Fortress 2x Red Gadget 2x Green Gadget 2x Yellow Gadget 3x Machina Gearframe 1x Machina Force 2x Machina Peacekeeper 2x Cyber Dragon 1x Limiter Removal 3x Smashing Ground 1x Dark Hole 1x Monster Reborn 3x Solidarity 2x Book of Moon Traps. 10 1x Mirror Force 1x Torrential Tribute 2x Bottomless Traphole 1x Solemn Judgement 1x Seven-tools of the Bandit 3x Dimensional Prison These are all the Machina cards you focus on are Gearframe as a recruiter, Force as the monster reborn for Fortress, and Fortress as a boss monster. The rest of the monsters should be floaters, or stuff that recruit other stuff, and staples such as Cyber Dragon because it is a staple, and it is a machine. Your Recruiters are the Gadgets and Gearframe, and then you have cyber dragons, Effect Veiler is a good card for Machinas, its so good that i think it became a staple for them. As for the spells and traps, they are 1 for 1 removal, meaning stuff like smashing ground, you ditch one card, to destroy one of your opponent8217s monsters. This is good because cards like gadgets and Gearframes can give you hand advantage, meaning with all that recruiting, your hand would be very warm and full. So one for one removal cards would shorten your hand just to the right amount as your opponent8217s and still maintain field advantage through Machina Fortress. You should be following these guidelines into making your Machina Deck. Follow the decklist i put out, and then start putting in some stuff that you would like to put in, but other Machina cards will not help. So far with your current Machina deck, the main points of Machinas which are Field Advantage, Hand advantage, and One for One removal is crippled. But don8217t worry, follow these guidelines to make your machina deck alot better. QUESTION: Scottrade restricted my account because of their own mistake, my options My broker company Scottrade, Inc. made a big mistake with one of my previous securities and caused me financial loss because of their mistake. They have restricted my account and funds even though it was Scottrade8217s mistake. The security in question had a reverse split but Scottrade did a mistake and made a forward split instead. I thought there8217s no way such a big broker company would do such a big mistake and I trusted their trading platform, which needs to be completely precise. After all money is at stake. When I signed up with Scottrade i expect a fully professional and precise trading platform. And in this case I had to trust their system as there was no time for me to call Scottrade and make sure such a big company has made or hasn8217t made a mistake. It8217s not my job to make sure they didn8217t make a mistake but Scottrade needs to provide error-free service that prevents novice-traders and other investors to get in such situations. I trusted ST and I believed a forward split was made and that I had to protect my profits. And because Scottrade made a forward split instead so I believed a forward split was made and that if it was really a mistake then sure Scottrade would have a restriction on that security. But that wasn8217t the case and Scottrade let me trade it. I put those shares for sale and had no restriction to sell it. Usually Scottrade has trading restrictions on RS or FS stocks but not so in this case. They only restricted the stock after I called them. They also issued no warning or statement to this date whatsoever. The trades went through but all the trades then got canceled within about one to two hour(s). Then i immediately called Scottrade to make sure all was ok and they told me they made a mistake with having confused a reverse split with a forward split and that all the trades were canceled. My account money balance and brokerage market value was restored back to it8217s previous state and I specifically asked if all was good now and no other implications expected and they said yes, all good. That was also recorded on their phone-call system that day which can be retrieved from their system. I did not do not possess any of those trades or money from that day at all and yet Scottrade has restricted my account, money and are not willing to give me a time-frame for their investigation. 2 weeks passed by and I almost forgot about the whole thing as there was no reason to think otherwise. There were no restrictions on my account and Scottrade told me all was fine too on that same day I called like I mentioned. However I then wanted to get some money out of my account and suddenly the Scottrade compliance department tells me they can8217t do it and have to restrict my account for their investigation about that incident. I have listed all my points to the Scottrade compliance department8217s manager and also have made screenshots from that day8217s incident with further documents and proof that Scottrade made the mistake. I8217m also aware that there are more shareholders who got hurt in this confusion caused by Scottrade. It8217s now three weeks since my account got restricted and i can8217t access my money and Scottrade is giving me no time-frame upon my request. It8217s absolutely unacceptable that they8217re holding my account and money hostage because of their mistake and that caused a lot of confusion amongst the shareholders of that security as well as made some of them perform these trades when they trusted Scottrade8217s trading platform. Now i8217m being hurt financially because of Scottrade as with each day that is passing i can8217t trade nor access my money. Scottrade8217s compliance manager seems not willing to cooperate and it seems that Scottrade is trying to look for any possible opportunity to blame their customers but themselves for Scottrade8217s big mistake. It8217s Scottrade here who needs to be investigated by Finra SEC and fined for this big mistake and confusion they have caused as well as them not being professional at all in regards to this case. Scottrade also needs to be immediately forced to lift the restrictions of individuals like me who got confused and hurt financially by Scottrade. I have already talked with a legal council law firm and they agree with me and that Scottrade can8217t restrict me like this as well as they should8217ve given me a time-frame for how long my account restriction lasts for their 8220investigation8221 (which they still didn8217t provide me with). I really wanted to solve this in a friendly manner with ST but they8217re giving me no choice other than getting my attorney up and running. Ideally i8217d like to avoid this and get my money asap from my account. What are my chances requesting a check of all my cash money balance and my ST account to be closed. I no longer want to be with those shady crooks if they are restricting me because of their mistake ANSWER: Call them. Call the SEC. Just make sure that they fix this for sure. Make sure that you followed all rules from the SEC and Scottrade before though. trader platform balance April 17, 2014 8220Go on, you know you want to.8221 How many times over the last few years have macro punters contemplating a sale of the euro heard that voice inside their heads From the sovereign crisis to Cyprus, from Fed tapering to ECB QE, there have been a myriad of (apparently very good) reasons to sell EURUSD, and yet here we are, knocking on the door of 1.40. Like the devil on Larry Kroger8217s shoulder, the voice looks at the chart and says it again. 8220Go on, you know you want to.8221 It8217s a siren song that8217s hard to resist, particularly now that the ECB has joined the chorus. In the absence of a ship-mast against which to lash themselves, punters would do well to examine some of the relevant narratives to determine whether it8217s a wise course to give in. 1) The 8216Japanification8217 story. A key argument against selling the euro has been the impressive rise in the Eurozone8217s basic balance over the last several years. Not only has the emasculation of domestic demand in much of Europe pushed the current account into a tasty surplus, but Eurozone banks8217 unwinding of foreign assets has maintained a healthy capital inflow as well. This combined demand for euros has gotta push it up, right The evidence is sketchy. Macro Man can find no stable and sustained relationship between the basic balance and the euro. That does not mean that there is no relationship, of course, merely that it does not appear to be a (let alone the) hegemonic driver of the euro exchange rate. Indeed, at some points in recent history there appears to have been a negative correlation between the two. The voice is getting louder8230. 2) Positioning. With so many different actors participating in currency markets, it can be quit difficult to get a true read on accurate positioning. Fortunately, the sector with the quickest trigger finger also happens to be the easiest to model positioning for, namely CTAs via the IMM data. The story there is one of modest (and declining) length. With the 50 and 100 day moving averages 50-120 pips lower from current spot, it wouldn8217t take much to trigger a flurry of stops, as that community exits longs and begins to go short. The siren8217s song, it8217s so beautiful8230. 3) FX Reserve managers. One of the earliest literary devices in this history of this space was the bequeathing of the sobriquet 8220Voldemort8221 upon the PBOC and SAFE. The rationale was simple: by accruing absurd levels of FX reserves to maintain artificially weak exchange rates (and artificially high current account surpluses), and then tradinginvesting these reserves aggressively, Voldemort and like-minded institutions were exerting a malevolent influence upon developed financial markets. Over the ensuing years, the influence of FX reserve managers has waxed and waned. Recently, China appears to have been at least moderately active diversifying the 100 bio that they spent in Q1 to weaken the RMB. However, how durable is this moving forwards The stated purpose of widening the RMB band and pushing the currency weaker was to discourage hot money speculation (both domestic and foreign.) For the time being, at least, it certainly seems to have worked moreover, it seems unlikely that the domestic corporate sector will play as many over-invoicing games as they have in the recent past. At the same time, China8217s current account balance has shrunk back the level (as a of GDP at least) of a dozen years ago, back when Voldemort was a mere Tom Riddle8230 It therefore seems likely that reserve accumulation should slow, perhaps dramatically8230and with less reserve accumulation comes less diversification demand for euros. Hmmm, Macro Man is reaching for his red sell tickets8230. 4) Interest rates. Rate differentials are the bread and butter of any study of exchange rate determination. Applying them to EURUSD appears to support the conclusions above. Based on the historical relationship with the 1y1y spread, for example, it looks like the euro should be closer to 1.20 than 1.40. It8217s an open and shut case, right Not so fast. Readers may recall that there were other interest rates than 1y1y swap spreads (themselves a proxy for monetary policy) that were driving the euro exchange rate in 2011 and 2012. A proper rate model should include some sovereign spread component. Macro Man ran two iterations of a very simple two factor model, using a measure of short term rate differentials and the 5 year SpainGermany spread as the input factors. One uses 2010-11 as the in-sample period (the Trichet model), and the other uses 2011-2014 as the in-sample period (the Draghi model.) The Trichet model is not dissimilar to something that Macro Man ran in real time in 2011. What8217s interesting to note is that the model broke lower relative to the actual market starting in July 2011- almost exactly the time that Italy and Spain got properly sucked into the sovereign crisis. While the model has consistently suggested that the euro is too high since, it has retained a reasonable degree of correlation with movements in the FX rate, even in the out of sample period. What is very interesting to note is the seemingly inexorable rise in the model since Draghi8217s 8220whatever it takes8221 speech in the summer of 2012. How does it look if we use Draghi as the in-sample Pretty darned good. Encouragingly, the basic shape of the model barely changes from the earlier version with a completely different in-sample data set. This version merely corrects for the structural break that occurred in July 2011. The message, as you can see, is that the euro is pretty fairly valued, and that the recent rise is completely justified. Now, one can quibble about using a model like this to try to pin-the-tail on an exact currency valuation. Indeed, Macro Man received a first-hand education on the dangers of such a practice three summers ago. Nevertheless, to his eye at least these models do a pretty darned good job in explaining the underlying direction of the euro8217s trend. And they both agree that it is up. As such, from his perspective selling euros, while potentially profitable around event risks like ECB meetings, does not carry a terribly large (or even positive) expected value on a more strategic basis. From his perch, therefore, it appears that punters8217 time could be more profitably spent finding a better trade. Go on, you know you want to. Holmes and Watson have repaired to Baker Street for a well-earned break, leaving Macro Man to confront the rather more prosaic task of making sense of this week8217s price action. With school holidays on either side of the Atlantic and Easter coming this weekend, it8217s probably safe to say that neither staffing levels nor market liquidity are particularly high at the moment. Even with that qualification, Tuesday8217s price action was a little crazy. The data, such as it were, was generally negative for liquidity (and therefore risk assets): a higher CPI and somewhat weaker Empire do not exactly scream 8220buy stocks8221 do they, particularly when equities (and equity managers) have been on the back foot recently. Yet buy stocks they did, at least until negative headlines about Ukraine hit the tape. Now, at his old job Macro Man had a large placard taped to one of his monitors, imploring him 8220DO NOT TRADE ON HEADLINES.8221 There is a reason for this. While the unraveling of eastern Ukraine is certainly a serious matter, as indeed is Russian intransigence, in February we learned that if Americans cannot find a place on the map, it doesn8217t matter. And so sometime after lunch, the market came to its senses and rallied back through the intra-day highs. All of this is one explanation for yesterday8217s price action. An alternative, possibly more accurate, explanation is that this week is option expiry week, cash equities are closed on (Good) Friday, and there is a pretty decent slug of open interest in the 1825 strike (25,000 calls and 47,000 puts.) Assuming that dealers are short this stuff, that8217s a lot of negative gamma to be hedging as Spooz cross the strike over8230and over8230.and over again. On an exclusive basis, Macro Man has procured some video footage of this hedging activity from yesterday: Holy whiplash, Batman Not that other assets were immune. Gold took a precipitous drop after breaking the 200 day, stopping just before the lows of early this month, before retracing to end the New York day just north of 1300. For longs expecting a Ukraine-related boost, it must have felt a bit like hanging out with Kenny Bania. Media reports suggest that Janet Yellen made a daring escape from Holloway Castle yesterday and has absconded back to the US, where she will today make a speech to the Economic Club of New York. Time will tell if she is still in the service of the Professor or whether she has made a break from his nefarious schemes. Going back to the SPX for a moment, one thing that caught Macro Man8217s eye in yesterday8217s tumult was the fact that yesterday8217s price action broke above last week8217s low, ensuring that the down trade is a 3 wave, corrective affair. While it certainly doesn8217t jive with your author8217s base case view of weakness next month, it would certainly be consistent with the notion that Woodford still has his tentacles wrapped around monetary policy (i. e. a dovish speech tomorrow.) Elsewhere, New Zealand8217s CPI printed a lower than expected 1.5 in Q1. It seems highly dubious that this will dissuade Governor Wheeler from continuing to hike rates, though of course it does raise the odd question or two about the ultimate magnitude of the cycle. To Macro Man8217s eye, AUDNZD looks to have formed rather a nice bottom and has conclusively closed above the 100 day moving average for the first time in a year (when it was at 1.25.) He will leave it to the reader (with the aid of Holmes, perhaps) to explain why a level of CPI consistent with a tightening cycle in New Zealand requires angst and hand-wringing in the United States8230 Zen Cart can be defined simply as an online store management system. Zen Cart Customization is based on PHP that uses a MySQL database and HTML components. It provides support for numerous languages and currencies. Zen Cart8217s default installation provides everything needed to maintain an online store. Products, customers, pricing, payment and shipping, newsletters, orders and more are managed by the store owner through the administration area. The shopping cart is set up to receive payments from major credit cards via the merchant8217s choice of numerous available payment gateway services, some built-in or easily added with free addons. Zen Cart is a free and user friendly online store management system which offers several exclusive benefits. Some of the major advantages of using Zen Cart customization are as follows: 1. It provides Easy Installation 2. Multilanguage support 3. Multidisplay modes 4. Multicustomer modes 5. Support for multiple sales and discounts 6. Support for multiple payment methods 7. Provision to add multiple extra pages 8. 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There are plenty of systems available on the internet, however one stand far above the crowd. The Zen Cart shopping cart system is an easy to implement software program which creates shopping cart and payment systems all in one. Having a functional shopping cart and ecommerce system attached to your website will increase your yearly revenues. Using the Zen cart templates and the Zen cart design will expand your business and web presence. Now the question comes that Why hire Zen Cart developers for custom Zen Cart Development solutions The reason is that Zen Cart developers always plays very significant role in Zen Cart customization of module development to build a successful online e-commerce based online store. A Zen Cart developer is the right person who put result-oriented strategies along with core knowledge on Zen Cart Development in order to offer tailor-made development and customization solutions. Every online visitor will give first preference to well designed and visually appealing web portal running in World Wide Web. Only OS Commerce customization or Zen Cart Development experts are proficient to finalize the customization process with minimum possible time. Hiring services of expert companies in Zen Cart customization and Zen Cart Development can help in maximizing the benefits offered by Cart system. Frequently Asked Questions QUESTION: Someone selling a ZEN I need a 8220cheap8221 one. Or I am willing to trade my 30gb IPOD black (like-new) ANSWER: hahaha, no way. Ipod Video sucks. I have a ZenVisionM (just for a week) but i8217m not gonna sell it. Try return the iPod for money back where you bought it. Try making up some stories. Or you can try to delete a system file in the iPod. It wont work and u8217ll have money back, haha. Dont worry, the system can be easily reinstalled by Apple, u8217r not harming anybody. Well, not that i8217m saying it8217s not wrong8230. anyway, try to do it. And i wanna say8230. I LOVE ZEN. QUESTION: Anyone know of Zen (or any) monastery that allow laymen, or ANY self-sustaining community that live in nature Serious answer only please8230 thank you very much. I am looking for a Zen (or any) monastery that allow lay people to live there permanently. Or is there any self-sustaining community that lives in 8220wilderness8221, or live modestly in community like Amish8217s Background: I don8217t hate people or the modern world way of living, it8217s just I try to avoid situations (distractions) where my 3 basic needs (food, clothing, and place to sleep) are being controlled by 8220the system8221 or other people. And also, since I found that I don8217t depend on modern day entertainment and can be easily satisfied by the nature8217s beauty, I found it8217s best if I can live in nature. So, I8217m pretty much looking for to live in a self-sustaining community that live close to the nature, where I can get my 3 basic needs from the nature or by myself, or by people that have the same way of thinking. That way I found that it will be easier to let love flourish in my heart (so that I can love difficult people easily, cause the fulfillment of my 3 basic needs don8217t depend on them anymore). Thanks To SSF: Thank you, I8217ll definitely contact them. No, monastery life that full of chores and rigid schedule is fine with me. My philosophy is, 8220if you don8217t work, you don8217t eat8221. To Joe714: I8217m sorry if I give the wrong impression or if I hurt your feeling. I don8217t look for freedom to do whatever I like, and I don8217t feel people who chose modern life pinheads. Maybe I should re-phrase my question, what I really want is to live in a community where people don8217t manipulate one another for their own benefits. Zen is good, since it provides a training to get rid of our 8220ego8221 (as I believe 8220ego8221 makes us want to manipulate other people for our own benefits). I am not looking for avoiding difficult people, but I found that only if I can fulfill my basic needs (without their interference), then I can live with them peacefully. ANSWER: The first person recommended Great Vow Zen Monastery in Oregon. This is an excellent choice. I8217ve practiced there and it offers a supportive environment for someone who is interested in serious Buddhist practice. There are many other Zen centers that accommodate lay practitioners in a rural setting. Some other options include: Providence Zen Center Green Gulch Zen Center Tassajara Zen Center Zen Mountain Monastery Zen Mountain Center Please keep in mind that you will need to pay all or some of your own way, if you decide to stay at one of these centers. Some centers can sometimes offer a worktrade opportunity for someone with specialized skills such as carpentry or website development. Best wishes on your path QUESTION: I want to become a day trader and want access to charts stocks. Where do I get all technical information I am thinking of becoming a day trader and want to slow with little initial capital. I have been trading stocks and options for a while but I want to become a day trader who has live information about the the technical stuff including the trends, all the charts, bearishbullish patterns, and deep research on stocks. Where do I begin I looked at some web sites like bigcharts, MarketWatch, CapitalIQ etc. but nothing as comprehensive as I want. Any suggestions ANSWER: Who have you been trading stocks and options with They should have a trading platform. Often though, a broker only allows trading through a website or web browser. A day trader must have a dedicated trading platform downloaded to the computer. The data feed for stocks is a minimum of mo. Check out NinjaTrader. The futures and forex data feeds are free through Zen-Fire. The best you can do anywhere is about mo for the stocks data feed. Download a free trial and start building your own historical database of prices for charting and analysis. Before you decide to become a day trader, check out these articles, first by the SEC (Securities amp Exchange Comm), second by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission, and third by the Motley Fool: sec. govinvestorpubsdaytips. htm ftc. govopa200005daytrading. shtm You really need to learn more about trading before you start making decisions about a system 8230 I would suggest initially exploring these sites and authors 8230 iitm (Van Tharp) hardrightedge (Alan Farley) They each have books on amazon, which you can review before purchasing. Also: New Trading Systems And Methods by Kaufman About: 8216Becoming a Day Trader8217 About: 8216Day Trading8217 AskMen: 8216How To Become A Day Trader8217 QUESTION: What are the similarities between Russian and Ottoman interactions with the west (1450-1750) ANSWER: 1450 1750 Major Developments Questions of periodization Continuities and breaks, causes of changes from the previous period and within this period Changes in trade, technology, and global interactio ns Knowledge of major empires and other political units and social systems Aztec, Inca, Ottoman, China, Portugal, Spain, Russia, France, Britian, Tokugawa, Mughal Characteristics of African kingdoms in general but knowing one as illustrative ( Kongo, Benin, Oyo, Dahomey, Ashanti, or Songhay Gender and empire (including the role of women in households and in politics) Slave systems and slave trade Demographic and environmental changes: diseases, animals, new crops, and comparative population trends Cultural and intellectual developments Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment Comparative global causes and impacts of cultural change Major developments and exchanges in the arts (Mughal, the Americas) Creation of new religions (Vodun, Zen, Sikhism, Protestantism) Diverse interpretations What are the debates about the timing and extent of European predominance in the world economy How does the world economic system of this period compare with the world economic network of the previous p eriod Major Comparisons and Snapshots Compare colonial administrations Imperial systems: European monarchy compared with a land-based Asian empire Coercive labor systems: slavery and other coercive labor systems in the Americas Analyze the development of empire (i. e. general empire building in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas Analyze the development of imperial systems: a European seaborne empire compared with a land-based Asian empire. Compare Russia8217s interaction with the West with the interaction of one of the following (Ottoman Empire, China, Tokugawa Japan, Mughal India) with the West Compare Mesoamerican and Andean systems of economic exchange Examples of What You Need to Know Below are examples of the types of information you are expected to know contrasted with examples of those things you are not expected to know for the multiple-choice section. Extent of Ottoman expansion, but not individual states Slave plantation systems, but not Jamaica8217s specific plantation system Institution of the harem, but not the Hurrem Sultan Relations between the Kongo and Portugal, but not individual rules Tokugawa Japan8217s foreign policy but not Hideyoshi Importance of European exploration, but not individual explorers Characteristics of European absolutism, but not specific rulers8230 QUESTION: Best software to create a web page Hello. could you suggest any software to create a web site wich main job is trading and marketing (of corse that just the topic) if you know someone advisable please tell me about. thanks for your help ANSWER: For general web sites, the best (technically) approach is write it from scratch using Notepad or some other simple editor to directly create all the pages. The simplest way (technically extremely inefficient and poor on search engines) is use a content management system like WordPress. It8217s a lot easier but the sites are horribly inefficient and slow compared to properly written pages. Fine for hobby use but not advisable for business. As you say you want a trading marketing site, there is another method. Get your domain name set up amp a web hosting package (probably the place you buy the name from). That gives you a web server accessible to the world. Then get a standard 8216web shop8217 package and put that on the server. It will take a couple of days to personalise it with your company graphics, details, terms of business etc. but far less time amp far more powerful than trying to create something from scratch. I8217d highly recommend 8216Zen Cart8217 as a web shop package, it8217s completely free, well supported and has plugins to to use just about every online payment system and postal shipping service in the world, plus a vast number of other options and add-on. The installation and setup info is good, and support is very easy via it8217s forum. See the link below. (No connection to it other than a long-time user). QUESTION: In what ways did Tang and song dynasty China resemble the classical Han dynasty period, and in what ways had C Please help me Please ANSWER: Both Tang and Song resemble Han in the following respects: 1) Highly centralized government and established, effective administrations at local level. 2) Flourishing trade: e. g. Tang s Silk Road Song sea trade far-reaching to Aden(Yeman and Euphrates). 3) Science and Technology: e. g. Tang s Woodblock printing, Clockworks, Medicine(Chinese Herbology), etc. Song s Gunpowder warfare, mechanical navigation, movable type printing, hydraulic engineering, etc. 4) Relatively long stable period. 5) Unsurpassable peak time for the Chinese culture: Tang s golden age in shi poetry, calligraphy, literature, etc. Song s painting, calligraphy, ci poetry, philosophy (Zen), etc. 6) Civil examination system (for Centralized bureaucracy) 7) Architecture, especially of Tang. 8) Tea, food and cuisines. 9) There might be more. QUESTION: exam help (zmm) I have to study the book 8220zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance8221 for my exam. It has lots of points and moments to remember. Can someone tell me which points are the most important to remember pls ANSWER: Pirsig seems to me to have been concerned with finding out the answer to the question Plato asked, 8220What is Good8221 The answer I think he found was 8220Be Here Now.8221 Whatever you do, give it your whole attention, become the process. Here are some quotes from Chapter 1. 8220You8217re completely in contact with it all. You8217re in the scene, not just watching it anymore, and the sense of presence is overwhelming8230and the whole thing, the whole experience, is never removed from immediate consciousness.8221 8220We want to make good time, but for us now this is measured with emphasis on 8220good8221 rather than 8220time8221 and when you make that shift in emphasis the whole approach changes. 8220 8220I would like, instead, to be concerned with the question 8220What is best,8221 a question which cuts deeply rather than broadly82308221 8220The Buddha, the Godhead, resides quite as comfortably in the circuits of a digital computer or the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of a mountain or in the petals of a flower. To think otherwise is to demean the Buddha8230which is to demean oneself. 8220 Wikipedia has this to say about the book in general: 8220In this book, Pirsig explores the meaning of the concept 8220quality8221 (a term which he capitalizes). In the sequel (Lila: An Inquiry into Morals), Pirsig expands his exploration of Quality into a complete metaphysic which he calls The Metaphysics of Quality. The Metaphysics of Quality is a philosophy, a theory about reality it asks questions such as what is real, what is good and what is moral. As the title suggests, much of the Metaphysics of Quality has to do with a non-intellectualizing, non-conceptualizing, Zen-like direct viewing of the universe. Yet Pirsig departs from Eastern thinking by arguing that reason and logic are just as important in seeking understanding.8221 And the American Society of Authors and Writers has this: 8220Pirsig created the Metaphysics of Quality (MOQ) to explain in his books the connection between quality and morality to reality. Both of his books claim that the topic they are exploring cannot be precisely defined because of humanity8217s limited experience. ZMM in particular is an important work because it functions at several different levels: gtas a history or summary of philosophy gtas a reply to anti-technology movements gtas an introduction to thinking in general gtas a skeptical book, questioning everything from our language and education system to the scientific method gtas a complaint of the low level of craftsmanship in modern trades8221 Don8217t know if that really covers all you asked, but I hope it gives you a place to start. I assume you8217ve read the book 8230 Good luck on the exam QUESTION: what do you think of my pokemon black 2 team what moves should I teach them what level should I evolve them at what hm8217s should I teach them what should I name them emboar elektross gothitelle gigalath simisage seismtoad you have to answer all 4 bullets get best answer Emboar Flare Blitz Flamethrower Earthquake Brick Break or Hyperbeam Elektross Thunder Iron Tail Aqua Tail Giga Impact Gothitelle Psychic Energy Ball Foul Play Zen Headbutt Gigalith Stone Edge Earthquake Superpower Earth Power Simisage Hyperbeam Solarbeam Rock Slide Focus Blast Seismitoad Hydropump Earthquake Drain Punch Ice Punch Evolution Levels Tepig(lvl. 17)8212Pignite(lvl. 36)8212Emboar Tynamo(lvl. 39)8212 Elektrik( Find or buy a thunderstone)8212 Elecktross Gothita(lvl. 32)8212 Gothorita(lvl. 41)8212Gothitelle Roggenrola(lvl. 25)8212Boldore(Trade with someone or have two ds system and trade between yourself) Gigalith Pansage(find or buy a leaf stone)8212Simisage Tympole(lvl. 25)8212Palpitoad(lvl 36) Seismitoad The HM Moves were listed in their movesets Emboar8211 Fahrenhiet or Boarbeque (might be offensive to Emboar LOL) Elektross8211Kable, Rick Ross(-.-), or Shock Boom Gothitelle8211Afrodisiac Gigalith8212Quartz Simisage8211Ginseng, or Malaboro Seismitoad8212Marinus, Tit Head (sorry kids..), Bel-Air, or Wollywog QUESTION: I want to know who create this martial art 1.Tae Kwan Do 2.Capoeira 3.Muay Thai 4. Jujitsu 5.Kempo 6.Karate ANSWER: 1) Tae Kwan Do 8212 General Choi Hunghi founded TaeKwanDo in 1955,bringing together the varies Kwans under the name of TaekwanDo, it comes from the ancient Tae Kyun kicking arts and Karate. 2) Capoeira 8211African slaves in Brazil. African slavery in Brazil began between 1500 and 1530, and continued through 1888, when the slaves were freed. The slaves brought much of their culture with them from Africa, so Capoeira became a Brazilian martial art but it still contained a heavy African influence. The slaves designed it to look like a dance, so the owners wouldn8217t guess they were learning to defend themselves. Source:Encyclopedia Funtrivia 3) Muay Thai 8212 Muay Thai is considered by some to be a derivation of a general indigenous martial art style native to southeast Asia. It was the first to be popularized outside of Southeast Asia. Traditionally in the past, Muay Thai was used as entertainment to kings. It is thought by some sources that gloves were made out of wrapped twine, tar, and broken pieces of glass to ensure a bloody event, however it is still a subject of debate. Source :answerstopicmuay-thai Nai Khanomtom8211The famous fighter generally believed as the Founder of Muay Thai. 4) Jujitsu 8212 Opinions differ as to the origin of the art. One traces it to Chin Gempin, a naturalized Chinese, of whom mention is made in the following paragraph. Another attributes it to Shirobei Akiyama, a physician at Nagasaki, who is stated to have learned three tricks of hakuda in China. A third, on the other hand, claims the art to be the production of pure Japanese ingenuity. स्रोत। judoinfojudohistory. htm 5) Kempo 8211 Source. by Ken Warner evolutionkarate Kempo history dates back many thousands of years. Kempo history has its roots in Asia 8211 China, Japan and Okinawa. But Kempo8217s history as far as North America is concerned hit a major turning point in Hawaii in the early 20th century. Evidence suggests that the first systematized methods of fighting came into existence in India as early as 2,000 B. C. It is also possible that links existed between these ancient Indian forms and the system known as Pankration which was practiced by the ancient Greeks. Historians have documented the existence of ancient trade routes between Greece and India. As a result of this contact, each culture had the power to influence the other. This influence may well have included the transfer of some martial arts methods. 6) Karate 8212 As legend has it, the evolution of karate began over a thousand years ago, possibly as early as the fifth century BC when Bodhidharma arrived in Shaolin-si (small forest temple), China from India and taught Zen Buddhism. He also introduced a systematized set of exercises designed to strengthen the mind and body, exercises which allegedly marked the beginning of the Shaolin style of temple boxing. Bodhidharma8217s teachings later became the basis for the majority of Chinese martial arts. In truth, the origins of karate appear to be somewhat obscure and little is known about the early development of karate until it appeared in Okinawa. Okinawa is a small island of the group that comprises modern day Japan. It is the main island in the chain of Ryuku Islands which spans from Japan to Taiwan. Surrounded by coral, Okinawa is approximately 10 km (6 mi) wide and only about 110 km (less than 70 mi) long. It is situated 740 km (400 nautical mi) east of mainland China, 550 km (300 nautical miles) south of mainland Japan and an equal distance north of Taiwan. Being at the crossroads of major trading routes, its significance as a 8220resting spot8221 was first discovered by the Japanese. It later developed as a trade center for southeastern Asia, trading with Japan, China, Indo China, Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo and the Philippines. In its earliest stages, the martial art known as 8220karate8221 was an indigenous form of closed fist fighting which was developed in Okinawa and called Te, or 8216hand8217. Weapons bans, imposed on the Okinawans at various points in their history, encouraged the refinement of empty-hand techniques and, for this reason, was trained in secret until modern times. Further refinement came with the influence of other martial arts brought by nobles and trade merchants to the island. Te continued to develop over the years, primarily in three Okinawan cities: Shuri, Naha and Tomari. Each of these towns was a center to a different sect of society: kings and nobles, merchants and business people, and farmers and fishermen, respectively. For this reason, different forms of self-defense developed within each city and subsequently became known as Shuri-te, Naha-te and Tomari-te. Collectively they were called Okinawa-Te or Tode, 8216Chinese hand8217. Gradually, karate was divided into two main groups: Shorin-ryu which developed around Shuri and Tomari and Shorei-ryu which came from the Naha area. 8220It is important to note, however, that the towns of Shuri, Tomari, Naha are only a few miles apart, and that the differences between their arts were essentially ones of emphasis, not of kind. Beneath these surface differences, both the methods and aims of all Okinawan karate are one in the same8221 (Howard, 1991). Gichin Funakoshi goes further to suggest that these two styles were developed based on different physical requirements Funakoshi, 1935). Shorin-ryu was quick and linear with natural breathing while Shorei-ryu emphasized steady, rooted movements with breathing in synchrony with each movement. Interestingly, this concept of two basic styles also exist in kung-fu with a similar division of characteristics (Wong, 1978). The Chinese character used to write Tode could also be pronounced 8216kara8217 thus the name Te was replaced with kara te 8211 jutsu or 8216Chinese hand art8217 by the Okinawan Masters. This was later changed to karate-do by Gichin Funakoshi who adopted an alternate meaning for the Chinese character for kara, 8217empty8217. From this point on the term karate came to mean 8217empty hand8217. The Do in karate-do means 8216way8217 or 8216path8217, and is indicative of the discipline and philosophy of karate with moral and spiritual connotations. The first public demonstration of karate in Japan was in 1917 by Gichin Funakoshi, at the Butoku-den in Kyoto (Hassell 1984). This, and subsequent demonstrations, greatly impressed many Japanese, including the Crown-Prince Hirohito, who was very enthusiastic about the Okinawan art. In 1922, Dr. Jano Kano, founder of the Japanese art of Judo, invited Funakoshi to demonstrate at the famous Kodokan Dojo and to remain in Japan to teach karate. This sponsorship was instrumental in establishing a base for karate in Japan. As an Okinawan 8220peasant art,8221 karate would have been scorned by the Japanese without the backing of so formidable a martial arts master (Maliszewski, 1992). Today there are four main styles of karate-do in Japan: Goju-ryu, Shito-ryu, Shotokan, and Wado-ryu: Goju-ryu developed out of Naha-te, its popularity primarily due to the success of Kanryo Higaonna (1853-1915). Higaonna opened a dojo in Naha using eight forms brought from China. His best student, Chojun Miyagi (1888-1953) later founded Goju-ryu, 8216hard soft way8217 in 1930. In Goju-ryu much emphasis is placed on combining soft circular blocking techniques with quick strong counter attacks delivered in rapid succession. Shito-ryu was founded by Kenwa Mabuni (1889-1952) in 1928 and was influenced directly by both Naha-te and Shuri-te. The name Shito is constructively derived from the combination of the Japanese characters of Mabuni8217s teachers8217 names 8211 Ankoh Itosu and Kanryo Higaonna. Shito-ryu schools use a large number of kata, about fifty, and is characterized by an emphasis on power in the execution of techniques. Shotokan was founded by Gichin Funakoshi (1868-1957) in Tokyo in 1938. Funakoshi is considered to be the founder of modern karate. Born in Okinawa, he began to study karate with Yasutsune Azato, one of Okinawa8217s greatest experts in the art. In 1921 Funakoshi first introduced Karate to Tokyo. In 1936, at nearly 70 years of age, he opened his own training hall. The dojo was called Shotokan after the pen name used by Funakoshi to sign poems written in his youth. Shotokan Karate is characterized by powerful linear techniques and deep strong stances. Wado-ryu, 8216way of harmony8217, founded in 1939 is a system of karate developed from jujitsu and karate by Hienori Otsuka as taught by one of his instructors, Gichin Funakoshi. This style of karate combines basic movements of jujitsu with techniques of evasion, putting a strong emphasis on softness and the way of harmony or spiritual discipline Source. karateinternationalkaratehistory. QUESTION: is kobe going to get better than what he is now for next season and what do you think will happen to them ANSWER: Definitely. He will need to heal. I am sure he will add to his game new moves offensively and defensively and see what he can do to work more on his left hand and inside moves. Kobe is going to have to find a way if at all possible to take care of those knees, once they are gone, his career will be over. Kobe is at the point in his career when we will see a more muscular version of the same athlete. The biggest opportunity and frustration is to learn a new system with a different cast of characters. He thrived with the triangle offense and Phil Jackson8217s Zen like coaching style. What happens to Artest, Shannon Brown Will Lamar Odom be traded What changes will be made Whatever the changes they have to be efficient and the right move. Kobe8217s body is on the clock. He can ill afford to waste 1-2 years rebuilding the team. If at all possible, without Jerry West being in the front office, Phil Jackson retired, and the conference competitors getting even bolder and more capable of winning the big one. LA has to find a way to reload with Kobe, that my friend is the challenge. QUESTION: a few PS3 questions first of all is the system worth it or is a x box pro a better choice can i play PS2 games on a PS3 will the guitar and microphones from the PS2 work on the PS3 and last of all can i play DVDs on the PS3 sorry i dont really know that much about console as i have only owned a original nintendo, N64 and PS2 so any other info u can give me would b fantastic. merci hmm im getting alot of contraversy on the issue of can i play PS2 games on a PS38230thats my main concern actually cuz i have so many PS2 games but i dont have the money to buy a whole lot of PS3 games at the moment. and yes the guitar and the mics have a usb adapter on them. also does the PS3 have any DDR games ANSWER: ONLY ps3 consoles with 4 usb ports are backwards compatible 8211 20 and 60 gigabyte systems and some 80 gig bundles 8211 that8217s the facts about that your guitar and mic will work on a ps3 yes. there is a DDR game on ps3 and more are planned trade in ps2 games and buy ps3 ones or psn cards to buy downloadable games there are a lot of awesome psn games for cheap prices battlefield 1943 8211 .99 burn zombie burn .99 savage moon add-on pack .99 shatter .99 zen pinball street fighter 2 table add-on .48 marvel vs. capcom 2 .99 flower .99 piyotama ( puzzle game ) .99 plus many more 8211 so you don8217t need a lot of cash to get great games plays blu-ray and upconverts dvd QUESTION: Can we give GM Cupcake a bit of appreciation Maybe this was all part of a plan. All those rumors, those wreckages, those gm-doesn8217t-do-anything, those trades8230 maybe it was all part of a plan. who would know Phil Jackson is a psychological guy. In fact, he is the Zen Master. Maybe this was all part of a plan, Shaq gets out. Bynum, Odom in. Offseason: Kobe tells Bynum he8217s a piece o8217 crap. Tells the management what to do. Kobe apologizes but trade rumors appeared. Fisher comes in. Trade talks downplayed. Kobe wins with TEAM USA. Season starts, a loss to the Rockets, lakers started 9-7, but have been 14-4 since then. Bynum improves, bench improves. Getting Shaq out was a wise decision. The Lakers have won games by 10 or more in 16 games. What do you think Does the GM deserve some credit ANSWER: Getting rid of Shaq was a 8220DUH8221 decision8230we didn8217t want his fat lazy butt here while he8217s being paid 20 or 30 million dollars (which he asked for in the extension while on his last year) The decision was right but he got the wrong players in return8230I wish he had gotten Eddie Jones and Haslem instead of Brian Grant and his big fat contract gutting our team for 2 years. Odom and Butler did their thing when they were here8230new system, new surrounding and team was in full rebuild mode until injuries crippled the team. They were hanging onto the 6th spot for the most of the year until the last 2-3 weeks of the season. Then Mitch did the unimaginable of trading Butler for a notorious bust in Kwame8230the move still hasn8217t paid off. His incompetence of signing quality point guards is well known8230Sasha in 04, Smush in 05, Atkins in 04 thru the GP deal, Shammond Williams, Aaron Mckie, etc8230.He wouldn8217t have landed Derek Fisher if Utah didn8217t let him go off his contract and Fish chose LA as one of his spots since his daughter was getting treatment for eye cancer Yes he hung onto Bynum even though people including Phil Jackson and other fans called for him to be traded for any available all star He offered Brian Cook like a 3 year 15 milion dollar contract while signing someone who has a similar game in Vladimir Radmonovic He signed Vlad Rad for 6 years 30 million and dude went snowboarding and pretty much was on the shelf for most of the season last year due to that and to some hand injury while goofing around in practice Vlad Rad has played limited minutes this year and he sprained his ankle and his out for another week or so8230he has probably shown up to play like 10 of the time, otherwise he8217s just a roster filler thats all. He does not fit Phil Jackson8217s triangle system and he8217s still unsure of his role year Luke Walton8230now he8217s a great compliment to kobe and perfeectly fits the traingle system but he wasn8217t planing on going anywhere. We could8217ve offered Brian Cook8217s contract to this guy and signed a true power forwardbig body available like a Brian Sknner or a Chris Webber or whatever. We didn8217t have to give him our MLE The PF position is the Lakers8217 weakest position and even tho Odom is doing a decent job this year at that slot, only a matter of time before he gets his fragile shoulder injured again while gobbling up rebounds8230he8217s more of a SF than a PF SO he hasn8217t met all the needs of his team but he sure did resist the temptaion of trading Bynum or Kobe when the media and non Laker fans wanted him to The only sure thing i would give him credit for is the Trevor Ariza deal8230he struck gold with a young lanky permieter defender and gave up an average backup Shooting Guard and a soft overpaid 8220forward8221 QUESTION: Is this a good PC to put together for my brother Ok, my brother told me to make a wishlist of PC parts to make a great gaming computer for around 00 and he wants it Nvidia based since he said the HD 4850 and HD 4870 ran too hot for his taste and he likes green better. This is a cart I made in Newegg LITE-ON 20x dvdr dvd burner - .99 RAIDMAX AZTEC ATX mid tower - .99( rebate) Western Digital 640gb 7200rpm - .99 MSI OC GTX 260 896mb GDDR3- 9.99( rebate) Sony NEC optiaric DVD ROM - .99 CORSAIR 4gb ddr2 800- .50( rebate) Intel Core 2 quad q6600- 4.99 ZEROtherm ZEN fz120- .99 EVGA nforce 780i SLI Intel motherboard with corsair 750watt psu combo deal - 9.98( 2 Rebates) Added up with shipping, it is 50.42 minus all the rebates which equals to 35 Is this good or can I do better with a 00 budget my brother gave me to work with. This is the cheapest gtx 260 i could find and my brother doesn8217t mind paying an extra My brother has the OS covered ANSWER: You didn8217t mention an operating system8230 I bought the OEM vista premium x64bit from newegg and it works great with newer hardware like your system there8230 9 shipped, I got lucky and caught it on sale for shipped in June at newegg. Just let your brother know I have a ASUS 4870 that runs idle at 45C but ASUS sends additional software that controls the fan speed constantly. I think the ASUS 4870 is out of stock but I would hope the the other manufactures put that kind of software into their packages as well8230 FYI If you go with vista you need to go with an IDE DVD, or have one handy when you install, unless you can get the raid drivers to go in when you press F6. I couldn8217t get it for the life of me and gave up but you cannot use an SATA HD and a SATA DVD unless you do8230 Luckily I had an old IDE DVD in another computer laying around8230 Don8217t forget the Artic Silver 5 to butter the CPU with, also works good if you take the graphics card apart and clean and spread some on the CPU as well8230 Kinda stabilized my 48708230 Since I know he is a gamer I would just go with a neweggProductProduct. aspxItemN82E16819115037 more L2 cache than a 6600 and 30 bucks cheaper, plus faster as well8230 MSI has always made me quinge as far as motherboards and products. Kinda the middle of the road on quality in my opinion. Some have had good luck with MSI but I haven8217t had much success for long with them8230 EVGA has a trade up program where you can trade up getting a discount on your trade up of your graphics card8230 QUESTION: Even if there is no God, why do people allow the bad guys to get rich, powerful and important Even if there is no God and the atheists are right, why do the bad people seem to go into power and money, and no one does anything about it. No one questions it. People praise them. rap stars, even talentless pop stars, who are just rich or pretty, people in politics, even down to the small scale. I8217m sure these people just simply work and take their power, but the 8220good8221 people just let it happen. Even people that everyone idolizes like The Beatles, Madonna, etc, they aren8217t shining examples of humanity either at all, and yet people praise them like gods. We basically devalue ourselves and say, oh Madonna, The Beatles, George Bush, these people are richer and more influential than me, and even though they may not be the best people, they8217re BETTER than me, and so be it, and what not. Our world is in a huge state of, I don8217t even know. जबरदस्त हंसी। Confused I guess. If there WAS a God, he8217d stop all of this If there isn8217t a God, shouldn8217t WE do SOMETHING. ANSWER: The reason celebrities get rich and idolized is that they, or their marketers, have convinced people that they have something people need. People buy their records, films, books, posters, or other souvenirs because they want to emulate them, feel like them, be them. Since that8217s not possible, they either buy all the stuff or they try to tear them down and humanize them by following the gossip magazines and TV shows. Even without the stars8217 help, competitions develop among fans over who is the greater star. Any cultural contribution the star might make is subjugated to the dictates of fame. And if by chance a star should be come known for bringing actual intellectual content to a song, a role or some other expression of their trade, they are suddenly regarded as experts on the topic. They may actually know something more than their fans about it because they read a book or attended a lecture, but they are more likely to be listened to than the author or the lecturer because they are already stars. That can be a good thing, if it brings attention to a worthy subject. That8217s why movie stars 8220testify8221 before legislative bodies. But it8217s just as likely to make their agents nervous because it8217s less likely to bring in the money than pure, mindless entertainment. So even if a star has a good heart and a fairly agile mind, the industry tends to focus on revenue generation and to discourage serious thought among fans in general. Fans don8217t seem to mind. That8217s why they8217re fans (short for fanatic). It8217s all about what they think the star is, not necessarily what she does. And it8217s not just entertainers that do this. Politicians often resort to the 8220cult of personality8221, emphasizing their 8220virtue8221 and 8220character8221 rather than any proven ability to solve problems. Religions do it too. How many Christians prefer to be cheerleaders for Jesus rather than actually try to live according to his teachings There is an old zen proverbkoan that goes: 8220If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him,8221 meaning that it is not the man that matters but the way that he revealed. The reason there are 8220stars8221 in virtually every field of human interest is that it serves the needs of the people around them, the investors, the organizers, the publicizers, the spin doctors and all those who stand to gain from the celebrity8217s celebrity. If you8217re looking for the true evil in the system, it8217s usually found there. These people8217s sole purpose is to keep the star-maker machinery running smoothly, so that the money and the power keep flowing their way. And when someone gets wise to them, she either has to be brought on board or rendered quiet, invisible or discredited, whatever it takes. That8217s why managers don8217t like an informed fandom, electorate, congregation, etc. It makes things uncertain and chaotic. It tends to break up a nice, smooth operation. For that matter, the faithful sheep don8217t much enjoy chaos either. They prefer an emblem they can unite behind, even if it has been turned into a meaningless figurehead. If 8220meaning8221 is required, the handlers will generate just enough sloganry to keep the crowds calm and loyal. So maybe WE do get something out of all this corruption too: a nice, happy world. If it turned out to be a choice (and it likely is), would you rather be happy or informed Illusions can be great stress-reducers, even if it means the 8220bad guys8221 are getting away with something. Think about this: if there were no 8220stars8221 in the world, no one 8220special8221, what would happen to our own aspirations Did you ever want to be a rockstar Exactly why The reasons the most corrupt political dictators manage to keep their power are (1) common fear of punishment for defiance, (2) armies of soldiers who are rewarded for loyalty, and (3) the understanding that if he can do it, I potentially could do it too. Apply these principles to entertainment, religion, etc. and you8217ll find they don8217t change much. We could beat back the system. We could teach everyone the truth and get them all to agree to see everyone as equal and to value only results, not dreams. But as long as people have dreams, or a need to see themselves (or vicariously, someone) as 8220special8221, it8217ll start all over again. The only person you can fix is yourself. QUESTION: nail polish and makeup not tested on animals popular makeup and nail polish not tested on animals if thats possible. ANSWER: A lot of all cosmetic brands that don8217t test on animals. Abra Therapeutics, Inc. Afrumos Afterglow Cosmetics Alba Botanica Almay Allens Naturally Anna Marie8217s Aromatherapy Arbonne International Aroma Bella Aroma Crystal Therapy Ashambri Skincare Aubrey Organics Aunt Bee8217s Skincare Aurom re Ayurvedic Imports Austin Rose Avon Australasian College of Health Sciences Avalon Natural Products Badger Balm Beauty Without Cruelty Belisama Bath amp Body B sso de Nat ra Better Botanicals Biokleen Biogime International Bio Pac Blooming Lotus Body Bistro Body Butter Factory The Body Shop Bonicca Natural Body Care Bronzo Sensual Bug Off (802-860-1680) Cactus amp Ivy California North CamoCare Caswell Massey Co. Ltd. Christine Valmy Inc. Citra Solv Clear Conscience, Inc. Clean Kids Naturally Clearly Natural Color My Image Comforts for the Mind, Body and Spirit Crazy Rumors Cuccio Natural Daisy Blue Naturals Deodorant Stones of America (DSA) Dermalogica Desert Mermaid Devita Natural Skin Care Systems Dickinson Brands Dr. Bronner8217s Magic Soaps Dr. Go odpet Dr. Ken8217s (Floss amp Go) Duchess Marden Earth Dance Botanical Bodycare Earth Friendly Products Earth Alive Earth8217s Beauty Earth Solutions Eco-Dent Elara Elemental Herbs Elizabeth Van Buren Essential Oil Therapy ELON Essentials Emerita EO ProductsSmall World Trading Company FACE atelier Fleabusters Forever New International Freeman French TransitCrystal Body Deodorant Gabriel Cosmetics Glad Rags The Good Home Co. Gourmet Body Treats GratefulBody Green Girl Basics Greenridge Herbals Greenwood Naturals Grime Eater Products Halo, Purely for Pets Hard Candy Hawaiian Resources Company HC Pain Spray Healthy Times Baby8217s Herbal Garden Heather8217s Natural amp Organic Cleaning Products Hoke 2 Hugo Naturals Infinite Aloe Inky Loves Nature Innersense ISH Ionic Rescue JR Liggett Jacki8217s Magic Lotion Jason Natural Cosmetics Jess8217 Bee Natural Lip Balm Joe Blasco Cosmetics Joyful Hands Holistic Pet Care Juice Beauty Kirk8217s Natural Products Kiss My Face KSA Jojoba Lakon Herbals Lather, Inc. Lip-Ink International Little Forest Natural Baby Products Lobob Lotus Moon Louise Bianco Skin Care Maggie8217s Pure Land Products Magick Botanicals Mary Kay Max Green Alchemy M re Cie Mi Amore Skincare, LLC Method Products Mia Rose Products Mountain Green of Arizona Mountain Ocean Ltd. Mystic Wonders, Inc Nadina8217s Cremes Naikid Nail Aid NakedHerbs, LLC Naturade, Inc. Nature Clean Nature8217s Gate Nature8217s Soap Dish Naturopathica Nectar Essences New Vision NutriBiotic ONLY YOURx Skin Care Oracle Organics Orange-Mate Organic Health and Beauty Organix-South, Inc. (TheraNeem) Orjene Organics Osea International OutsideIn Cosmetics Parissa Paul Mitchell Pittstown Soapworks Planet, Inc. Pro-Tec Pet Health Pure Touch PureOlogy Queen Helene Revlon Rachel Perry Recycline Rejuvi Laboratory, Inc. Ren e Rouleau Skin Care SanRe Organic Skinfood Sappo Hill Soap Works Scandia Spa Sea Chi Organics Sedona Spa Products Seventh Generation Sewing Expressions, LLC. Shaman Earthly Organics ShiKai Simplers Botanical Company Simply Soap Skin Care For Athletes (Morning Indigo) The Soap Opera Soapworks Soluzione Spa Products Sombra Cosmetics Sonoma Soap Sound Earth, LLC Spasome Balms amp Intelligent Pure All Natural Therapeuticals Spring Rain Botanicals St. John8217s Herb Garden Strong Products Studio Magic Suki Sunfeather Natural Soap Company, Inc. Tom8217s of Maine Tony amp Tina Too Faced Cosmetics Unicure Un-Petroleum Lip Care Urban Decay V8217TAE Parfum amp Body Care Vermont Soapworks Warm Earth Cosmetics Well In Hand Whole Spectrum Aromatherapy Wholefood Farmacy Zen Spa ZuZu Luxe QUESTION: How to take credit cards I have a book, tshirts etc that I sell at trade shows. Usually with no internet connection. I dont want to pay a monthly fee for virtual terminals yet I need to take credit cards at shows. 2checkout has a way so you can email the customer an invoice and then they pay for it on their side. Ok that would work for taking payments at shows and is PCI compliant. What about my website Ive installed zen cart. I need a way to take credit cards that works easily with zencart or another cheap shopping cart (php based) and I can take orders somehow out at tradeshows. Any help is really appreciated. How would you set this up ANSWER: To be able to accept credit card payments from your customers you have to get a merchant account. They are going to check your credit and want to know what type of business you have. You don8217t need a terminal. You can process payments right online but you have to pay for it. It8217s not free. VISAMC etc8230 take a small percentage of every transaction you run. It8217s usually about 2-3 but you should shop around. If you have poor credit, you will have to get a co-signer. Try Central Payment Systems. They are pretty good. Also, your bank may offer merchant services as well so ask them. If you have an online business then accepting credit cards is critical to your success. QUESTION: Are There Any Games Like Kingdom Hearts or Super Mario for the Playstation 3 Hi i just recently got a PS3 because I thought that Kingdom Hearts 3 would be soon coming out, but not long after that did I hear that KH:3 would be on the Playstation 4 instead. I still have my PS3 and don8217t have any games that I absolutely LOVE for it..Because I am not able to purchase KH:3, I was wondering if there are any Super Mario games available for this system or similar ones Should I keep searching for PS3 games or try to trade in my PS3 for the new PS4 when it comes out Is the new Kingdom Hearts (KH:3) for sure coming out on the Playstation 4 ANSWER: kingdom hearts 2.5 is coming to ps3 pretty soon and it8217s got the first 2 games remade in hd. so you can play that game in a few weeks or so you can8217t play super mario because that is a nintendo game and not playstation. but there are a lot of those platform games on the ps3. just look up a list of the genre on ps3 or look in the playstation store. you can get a demo of most of the games since you way you can8217t find any games you like you should try demos and try all types of games. not just one genre or games you have heard about a lot. there are a ton of great ps3 games that are not retail titles or are smaller indie games and a lot of really fun games. I8217ll list a bunch and you can try the demos. I8217m sure you8217ll like some of these games ( plus you can get ps1 classics so might want to play some older games like the final fantasy series or others ) shatter rainbow moon persona 4 arena super stardust hd burn zombie burn trine. trine 2 flower dead nation the last guy elephunk digger hd zen pinball marvel pinball little big planet 2 rayman 3 hd sly cooper series rocket birds hardboiled chicken pixeljunk series savage moon sound shapes I recommend you go into the playstation store. sort by genre then by what has a demo or just what has a demo and start trying a bunch of games old and new release. you will find games you like and even better find you like games you8217d never have considered before. this opens you to more games QUESTION: ok8230 821793 gmc jimmy tahoe xl blazer, in park starts, revs just fine,(auto tranny)put in gear2go and dies, help fuel filter not plugged, tranny somewhat new, fuses good, yada yada, im really confused trying to help a friend. you can put it into gear and hold it there with the break on, but as soon as you let off the breaks it just dies, the tranny was professionally installed and worked great up till this. yes there is plenty of trany fluid in the transmission. and overall the vacume system appears visually intact. any ideas i sourced through a chiltons but found it to be of little or no help(plus i am half an idiot sometimes)so there it is. hopefully someone out there in the matrix can shed some light on this grey area for me. thanks, zen. ANSWER: The first thing i would try is to see if it starts in Neutral. but it sounds like you have some sort of vacume problem and when you are putting a load on the engine it just quits. check also the pcv valve (positive crancase ventilation..it plugs into the top of the valve cover..just pull it out and shake it making sure you here it rattle. then check all the vacume lines as its a 93 and they are probably in need of replacement8230.If that doesn8217t work8230trade it in on a FORD QUESTION: Can anyone please help me with my world history extra credit questions Q21 the major zen sects stressed a. military prowess b. monastic life c. prayer d. meditation and riddles e. an organized clergy Q21 Oversaw the conquest of germania minor, defeated antony and cleopatra at actium, conquered pannonia and illyria and established the principate (roman empire) a. augustus b. julius caesar c. tiberius d. nero e. caligua Q22 An important aztec innovation in technology was a. hydraulic agriculture which significantly increased food production b. the sbdidian knife which equals in sharpness modern sugical scalpels c. the invention of the wheel d. in as tronomy which established the b asis for a much more accurate calendar e. in mechanics which made it possible to build much higher pyramids Q23 in england the viking threat led to a. a loss of religious faith b. complete collapse of the will to resist the invaders c. establishment of stronger and more unified states d. attempted invasions of those regions by muslims e. founding of a viking kingdom within england and along the baltic sea Q24 the idealized social system espoused by chivalry a. arose out of the first crusade was influenced by moslem stories and chasons de geste and is largely the work or filliam of aquitaine his daughter eleanor and her daughter marie b. it idealized women of royal or noble rank c. it served to set the nobility apart from the common serfs and was much sought after by the emerging middle class d. all of these e. A and C only Q25 which of the following did not contribuute to the disappearance of the cliff dwellers a. arrival of the navajo b. arrival of the apache c. arrival of the europeans d. internecine conflicts e. drought Q26 what was the importance of the edict of milan a. established the system that gave rulers of byzantium secular and spiritual power b. split the roman empire into two sections c. gave christians freedom to worship within the roman empire d. affirmed christ as divine e. none of the above Q27 the idealized social system espoused by chivalry a. arose out of the first crusade, was influenced by moslem stories and chasons de geste and is largely the work of william of aquitaine, his daighter eleanor and her daughter marie b. it idealized women of royal or noble rank c. it served to set the nobility apart from the common serfs and was much sought after by emerging middle class d. all of these e. a and c only Q28 christian monastic communities did all of the following except a. opened schools b. ran hospitals c. took care of travelors, the elderly widows, orphans, and the poor d. introduced new agricultural techniques e. became centers of learning and commerce Q29 justinian and theodoras major aim was to a. establish an immense asiatic empire b. restore romes trading ties to asia c. restore the roman empire to its previous size and splendor d. defend Christendom from the muslim hordes e. all of the above Q30 Split the roman world into two halves, introduced serfdom, persecuted christians, and made alliances with the german tribes a. septimus severus b. diocletian c. aurelian d. valentinian I e. Decius People, these questions are on my final, already had these questions on the test, but the instructor doesnt give the answers for the question, justgives a score on the test. he doesnt go over the test either so i want to know the correct answers so i can study for my final ANSWER: Credible responses are far more likely to result from posing one question at a time. QUESTION: Who may help me w this What religion is native to Ancient Japan a. Shinto b. Hinduism c. Christianity d. Islam What is the name of the religion that mixes Japanese martial arts and meditation with Buddhism a. Orthodox Buddhism b. Islam c. Zen Buddhism d. Hindu Buddhism In what way did geography affect the development of Ancient Japan a. Due to the island locale, the first emperors were sea captains. b. Mountainous terrain and islands resulted in regional governments. c. Had a centralized government system because of plains. d. Farmers encouraged democracy. The warrior waycode of Japan was also known as a. Chivalry b. Shogun c. Buddhism d. Bushido Emperors in Ancient Japan were known as a. Sumo wrestlers b. Obas c. Shoguns d. Ninjas One reason the Ancient Kingdoms in Western Africa prospered was that they a. They were located along the Tigris and Euphrates River b. Had no contact with the rest of the world c. Followed the Hindu beliefs of their rulers d. Developed extensive trade in gold, ivory, and salts A similarity between the ancient African kingdoms Mali and Ghana is that these kingdoms a. Limited the power of their rulers b. Practiced Christianity c. Established economies based on trade d. Isolated themselves from contact with other cultures Leader of Mali known for his Islamic faith a. Ramses II b. Mansa Musa c. Mohammad d. Oba Which Ancient African Kingdom is known for building a stone monument a. Zimbabwe b. Ghana c. Mali d. Kongo Which African language is a mixture of Bantu (African language) and Arabic a. Ghanaese b. Apartheid c. Swahili d. Tagalo Which M esoAmerican civilization included human sacrifice as part of its religious practice a. Olmec b. Inca c. Aztec d. Hopi Which MesoAmerican civilization used the math concept of zero a. Olmec b. Inca c. Aztec d. Maya Which MesoAmerican civilization had a centralized government system and was located in the Andes Mountains of South America a. Olmec b. Inca c. Aztec d. Maya Which European country conquered the MesoAmerican civilizations a. England b. Portugal c. Spain dherlands Native MesoAmerican religions were a. Monotheistic b. Polytheistic c. Christianity d. Hinduism According to this 8220code,8221 a knight was supposed to champion right against injustice and evil, never surrender, or flinch in the face of the enemy. What do we call this code a. Chivalry b. Feudalism c. Vassalage d. Divine right was not a slave, but was bound to the fief and couldn t leave. a. Free person b. Serf c. Vassal d. Page The most powerful church in Europe during the Middle Ages was a. Pagans b. Islam c. Roman Catholic Church d. Methodist Church The greatest leader during the Western European Medieval period was a. Pepin b. Frank c. Henry VIII d. Charlemagne Who was the strongest leader of the Byzantine Empire a. Charlemagne b. Elizabeth I c. Medici d. Justinian The biggest disaster to hit 14th century Europe was . a. Bubonic PlagueBlack Death b. AIDS c. Cancer d. Famine The Crusades were fought over a. The Nile River b. France c. Jerusalem d. Scotland During the Crusades, Christian crusaders battled a. Joan of Arc b. Muslims c. Byzantines d. Aryans True or False: All Crusaders went for religious reasons. a. True b. False ANSWER: Dude. Do you homework, don8217t get us to do it QUESTION: Phil Jackson is an overrated coach agreed And this is coming from a Knicks fan where Phil Jackson was 1 of the most popular 6th men in the NBA of that decade helping NY win 2 NBA rings. However, as a coach he is overrated and I am glad people are coming to this realization after I have thought this for many of years. Phil Jackson only goes to established teams. The Bulls started off bad with Doug Collins cause M. J. was still learning how to be an NBA player in his youth and he lacked the help, but then Pippen came and the Bulls slowly crept into the playoffs with the more maturity they obtained. Phil Jackson ever the opportunist came in exactly when the M. J. and Pippen duo metastasized to what it grew to be and the self-proclaimed Zen Master rode the coattails of some very good teams to success. He then went to L. A. to a team that had the most dominant player in the game in Shaq and an up and coming sidekick in Kobe along with other good pieces. They were already a playoff team before him and with the West aging and Shaq becoming more and more dominant along w. the huge talent discrepancy of the conferences in the early millennium Phil once again rode the coattails of success. These last couple of years Post-Shaq w. Kobe8217s inabilities to live up to his hype Phil has shown to be just slightly above average coach no more no less than what Flip Saunders has proved to be. You want an underrated coach look at Larry Brown. That guy took a untalented Clippers team to the playoffs and they had not been back for some time after Brown was gone a more than a decade to be exact. Or how about the Pacers they were terrible without him and he gave them the means and was the cornerstone to how good the Pacers would be for the rest of the 908217s. The same can be said about the 76ers and before Brown the Pistons were 1st round fodder in the Jerry Stackhouse days they made a couple of trades had a new team and Brown took them to a championship at Phil Jackson8217s expense. Look what he is doing now in Charlotte in a couple of years who knows how good they would be and I would name the Knicks as a Brown failure although he did not have the players to work under his system and management didn8217t give him much of a chance. Nate is a good coach and you forget him taking the Sonics to a division title. Sure, they had Allen and Shard, but their starting C. was Jerome James for Christ sakes. I also agree it is a player8217s league, but a coach could have an impact on a game with his decision they were put in a position to lead and they should. Pat Riley is a legendary coach. Great coaches still living: Pat Riley, Jerry Sloan, Gregg Popovich, Jeff Van Gundy, Lenny Wilkens, Rudy Tomjanovic, Paul Silas, Hubie Brown, Mike Fratello, Chuck Daly (died, but he should be honored for his greatness), Rick Adelman, Don Nelson and George Karl are better basketball minds than Phil is too. Larry Brown GoodAverage coaches: Phil Jackson, Mike Brown, Mike D8217Antoni, Eddie Jordan, Mike Dunleavy Sr. Flip Saunders, Jim O8217Brien, Sam Mitchell, Avery Johnson, Ric Carlisle, Byron Scott, Nate McMillan, Mo Cheeks Terrible: PJ Carlesimo, Lon Kruger, Tim Floyd, Mike Woodson (the Hawks can be so much better than what they are w. that roster), Lawrence Frank ANSWER: YES HE IS ABSOLUTELY AND POSITIVELY OVERRATED. SHAQ AND KOBE IN 2000 WOULD HAVE WON CHAMPIONSHIP ANYWAYS. BY 2000, NOBODY COULD STOP SHAQ IN THE LOW POST. IT WAS GOONA HAPPEN ANYWAYS WITHOUT PHIL JACKSON. zen trading systemForex Signals Forex Trading Signals, Index Trading Signals, Forex News, Currency Trading News amp Analysis Finding Student visa consultants that not only suits your requirements but comfortably fits your budget, and leaves you with money to spare has never been easier. No need to spend hours browsing through numerous websites in search of the best deal Just log on to globalvisa. biz, select your city, Choose globalvisa. bizStudyvisa. html gt Student visa consultants or Immigration visa consultants or Visitor visa consultants choose your country, courses, joining dates, and the institutes you wish to join and the Student visa consultants, and your city s Student visa consultants, Immigration visa consultants, Visitor visa consultants will be right on your computer screen. A few clicks and you have a find a good Student visa consultants, Immigration visa consultants, Visitor visa consultants in your city. Globalvisa. biz is the world leader in providing Global Resettlement Solutions, which is vouched by millions of people who have happily settled in some of the favored countries like Canada, UK, Europe USA, Australia, New Zealand, Czech, Ukraine and Denmar. As the world8217s largest Global Resettlement Solutions Company, Globalvisa. iz is built on a legacy of delivering excellence, industry knowledge, world-class infrastructure and comprehensive resettlement package consisting of immigration, placement amp settlement experts. Overseas education, work permit, immigration, visitor visa, business visa are some of the other services provide at globalvisa. biz. what are you waiting for Just login to globalvisa. biz and find your Student visa consultants, Immigration visa consultants, Visitor visa consultants right now Our organization provide you 100 FREE consultancy and Even NOT CHARGE ANY FILE CHARGES. Even we will not charge any thing after your get your visa. Simply fill the Free Assesment Form on globalvisa. biz Frequently Asked Questions QUESTION: How to Extend UK Visitors Visa I am British born amp left UK aged 35. I have lived outside uk for 15 yrs. My Partner is Asian born and we have been together for 13 months. We would like to move to and live in UK for 9 months. Any ideas how to extend the 6 month visitors limit without getting married Also as an alternative could we go to Italy for 3 months and then UK for 6 months ANSWER: You cannot extend a visitors visa. You will run into the 8216spent leave8217 rule which states that generally entry clearance should not be given for more than six months in any 12 month period. It is to prevent exactly what you are trying to do ie attempting to actually reside in the UK instead of visiting. A visitor visa is for tourism purposes only. The spent leave rule means that you cannot hop over to the Continent and reenter to get another six months in the UK, but you could indeed spend six months in the UK and then three months in a Schengen zone country or vice versa. If you don8217t want to get married, but have been cohabiting for at least two years, you could apply for an unmarried partner visa rather than getting married and applying for a spouse visa. The conditions are identical except that you must provide evidence of cohabitation such as joint rent agreements, bank statements, utility bills etc. QUESTION: UK Visitor in Transit Visa Hello. I have a question regarding UK Visitor in Transit Visa. I am travelling to London Heathrow from Dublin on 26th July and will stay there in a hotel in Paddington for the day and leave to India (back home) on 27th July from London Heathrow. I will be spending about 36 rough hours in London. I would like to know if Visitor in transit visa applies for this Because in the ukba website, while applying online, when i clicked visitor in transit visa, it said the following8211 IMPORTANT NOTICE There are 2 types of transit visa. It is important that you select the one most appropriate to your circumstances. Direct Airside Transit (DATV) DATV nationals must have a visa to pass through the UK on their way to another country. But not to Ireland. This DATV does NOT allow you to: Pass through Immigration Change Airports Transit to Ireland Visitor In Transit (VIT) Visa nationals whose ticketing requires them to change airports in the UK and where the connecting flight is less than 48hrs between arrival and departure should select this visa. Contrary to its title 8220visitor in transit8221 you may NOT visit the UK, this visa is solely for the purpose of changing airports i. e. London Heathrow to London Gatwick. Sightseeing, shopping, visiting friends andor family is prohibited. Visit Sightseeing Shopping Visit Friends Visit Family I am now confused as i planned to take this visa, stay in london for 36hrs and visit many places while i am there. I currently hold an Indian passport and have a visit visa for visiting Ireland. If anyone could help me out with this, it would be of great help. ANSWER: The visitor in transit visa does not apply to travels tofrom a destination in the Common Travel Area formed by the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the Island of Man, and the Channel Islands. You need to apply for a general visitors visa to cover your travel plans fee 100 ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukvisas-immigrationtransitthroughtheukvisa-to-transit-landside. QUESTION: Can an individual with UK visitor Visa travel to Canada ANSWER: A UK visitor visa is valid for the UK 8211 not for Canada. If you want to visit Canada you will need to get a visa for Canada prior to travel. The only country whose citizen need a visa to visit the UK but do not need one to visit Canada is Swaziland. If you are from Swaziland and hold a UK visitor visa then yes, you can travel to Canada. All other UK visa holders need another visa to visit Canada. UK visa countries: ukvisas. gov. ukendoineedvisavisadatvnationals. Canadian visa countries: cic. gc. caenglishvisitvisas. asp. QUESTION: can u get married on a UK visitor visa Im just wondering if its possible to get married on a UK visitor visa . and marry in the UK while he8217s here also, if possible, can we file for him to stay here after we are married and how does this work thanks. ANSWER: No. It8217s a condition of a visitors visa that you do not intend to marry while in the UK. Immigration Rules state: 8220The requirements to be met by a person seeking leave to enter the United Kingdom as a general visitor are that he:8230 82308230(x) does not, during his visit, intend to marry or form a civil partnership, or to give notice of marriage or civil partnership8221 If you come to the UK to marry but do not intend to settle here, you must apply for a marriage visa. Form VAF1F If you intend to settle in the UK, you need to apply for a Fiance visa using a VAF4A form. ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukukresidencyeligibilitypartnersandchildrenfianceeorproposedcivilpartner ukvisas. gov. ukresourcesendocs1903073vaf4a You must both be over 21 and intend to live together in the UK after marriage. You must be able to prove that you can support yourselves without recourse to public funds. Remember that your partner cannot work on a Fiance visa, and will not receive permission to work until he has been granted the Spouse visa. Both partner8217s earnings and savings can be taken into account. You must not be receiving any benefits that are classed as public funds. An explanation of public funds is here. You must be able to provide proof of suitable accommodation. If you rent, you will need written confirmation of the landlord8217s permission for your partner to live there. You will also need to show what arrangements have been made for your marriage ceremony. Once married, your partner can apply for further leave to remain as the spouse of a UK citizen. If granted, this will be for two years and he will have permission to work. After two years, and as long as you are still married, your partner can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). Costs: Marriage visa 8211 67 Fiance visa 8211 585 Spouse visa 8211 465 or 665 if applying in person at public enquiry office ILR 8211 820 or 1,020 if applying in person at public enquiry office The waiting times for applications by post are longer. UKBA decide 95 of applications within six months while applications made in person at a public enquiry office are usually decided within 24 hours (90). EDIT It8217s actually not possible to get legally married on a visitors visa because unless you have a UK birth certificate, the registrar has to see a passport with the relevant visa. i. e. a marriage visa or a fiance visa. If you don8217t have one of these, the registrar cannot marry you. QUESTION: UK visitor visa s I have a commonwealth citizen staying with me whose Uk visitor visa runs out at the end of December. Because of family illness, we have not been able to visit all the places we wanted to during my friends stay. If my friend went back to their Commonwealth Country, what is the likelihood of them being granted a second UK visitors visa I do not know if there are any restrictions i. e. you can only spend six months in the UK in any one calendar year Any advice from those who have been down this path, would be appreciated. We cannot find t he answer through Internet sites although we have tried, Thanks My friend is living with me and has cost the UK not one single penny in any form. It seems that when you try to do things lawfully, you come up against a brick wall and yet only recently the UK Home Office have employed nearly 10,000 ILLEGAL immigrants. How is that for fairness and justice. ANSWER: First of all although the visit visa is for six months but normally people who are genuine visitors dont spend the entire 6 months in the UK. The visa officer when issuing the visa makes sure that the person would not take up any job paid or unpaid in the UK or would not even be a burden on public funds such as NHS. I wonder how your friend has been supporting himself these entire 6 months as the cost living, traveling, food etc is so expensive in the UK. One other thing that the visa officer sees while issuing the visa is that the person whom the visa is being issued has strong ties to his native country which obviously does nt seem to be the case with your friend. Definitely when your friend would reapply for the visa these questions would come into the mind of the visa officer and it seems your friend has nt been able to fulfill these basic requirements. Still you can never predict. If your friend goes back and applies for the visa then just keep the fingers crossed and just wait and see. There are no restrictions as such that you cannot spend the entire six months but it definitely makes the weak case in the future. QUESTION: UK student visitor visa doubts I am planning to attend a course in UK for 3 months on a student visitor visa. I was wondering is it possible to apply for a graduate scheme during that period. If successful, go back and come on a work permit. Am I allowed to apply and attend interviews during the student visitor visa period I don8217t plan on working during my course of study or after that on the student visitor visa. Only if I have a work permit, then I will work. I don8217t want to violate the law. I can8217t find any relevant information on the website. It8217s very contradicting to each other. ANSWER: The UK visa system is very specific and very strict. If you are attending interviews arranged before you come to the UK you should strictly speaking have a business visitor visa. I think you will find it extremely hard to get interviews for any graduate scheme unless you have proof of your right to work and unless the company in question is looking for very specific and highly specialised skills it can8217t find in the UK or EEA. At graduate level that is highly unlikely. Bearing in mind that any prospective employer must be licensed by UKBA to employ non EEA nationals and must advertise the post for four weeks across job centre network and in trade and national press and prove that not one single suitably qualified settled worker applied, I doubt any graduate scheme would be interested as they are nearly all oversubscribed with settled workers. I don8217t mean to dampen your enthusiasm but don8217t underestimate how hard it is to get a work visa, particularly if you don8217t have highly specialised skills and experience in your field. QUESTION: US Citizen wants a UK Visitor, and Marriage Visa I8217d like to know how much the two Visa8217s are, and where can I find the infomation about them. I went to the US I8217d like to get two visas for the UK. I8217d like to get a visitor and also a marriage visa. I am still in the US. I went to the UK but only for one day, I had to come back to the US because I didn8217t have the visas. I8217ve looked on Travel. State. Gov and I haven8217t found much of anything. Can someone help me out Thanks ANSWER: You can8217t have two visas for a country at the same time, and you don8217t need to. US citizens do not require a visa for a short visit to the UK, but that is only if it is for a visit. To visit without a visa, you must do nothing else during your stay 8211 work, marriage etc are all prohibited. You need a marriage visa if you come to the UK to marry, and if you stated that was your intention to the immigration officer, that was why they sent you back. Looking on travel. state. gov is no help at all as you should be looking at the UK Visa web site 8211 see link below. It should be obvious that you need to look at a UK site for information about the UK. The fact that you have already been refused entry to the UK may damage your application, and do NOT lie about this on the visa application form as it will only make things worse. If you intend to marry and then return to the USA, the visa costs 67 and the appropriate application form is VAF1F. If you intend to marry and stay in the UK, the visa costs 585 and the appropriate application form is VAF4A. The UK government cracks down hard on people who marry in the UK just as a path to British citizenship as that has happened a lot in the past, and that is why it is so expensive. If you intend to live in the UK with your spouse after marriage, the 585 visa is only valid for six months and does not give you permission to find a job. You must get married in that time or return to the USA. Once you are married, you can apply for limited leave to remain on form FLR(M) and this costs a further 465. If approved, this gives you permission to live and work in the UK for another 2 years. If at the end of that time you are still married to the same person, you can apply on form SET(M) for permanent residence (Indefinite Leave to Remain) and this costs 820. Ignore what the first answerer wrote about a Certificate of Approval. These are only for people who want to get married, are already in the UK and have permission to stay for more than six months, but do not have Indefinite Leave to Remain. That doesn8217t apply to you as the marriage visa acts as the equivalent of the Certificate of Approval. QUESTION: UK general visitor visa I am in UK with General visitor visa for 6 months, and accompanying my husband who is under his Tire 4 student visa ( not an academic student ). My visa will expire on 09 September 2013. I am leaving UK before expiry of my UK visa. My quarries are 1) Can I apply for my general visitor visa once again from India in September 2013 ( as soon as possible). or I have to wait for 2 months before I apply for my visa. 2) Is there any rule controls visa holder to stay in UK not more than 180 days in a 12 months period. Please answer to my quarries. Visa details are as follows: Type. C From: 9.03.2013 Until: 9.09.2013 Multiple entry . Duration: 180 days Remarks. C 8211 VISIT ANSWER: A type C visa is issued for the purpose of tourist travel or short visits of friends or family. It is not designed for the purpose of residing in the United Kingdom. Hence a new visa issue within less than six months waiting period is more than questionable since in general you cannot stay in a foreign country as visitor for more than 180 days per year. If you want to reside in the UK you should apply for the appropriate visa which would be a Tier 4 Dependant Visa. ukba. homeoffice. gov. uksitecontentapplicationformspbspbsdependantspolicy1.pdf. QUESTION: UK visitor visa i am an international (indian) student in USA, and want to go UK for 2 weeks to visit a friend on tourist visa, what is the procedure, how much is the visa fee, please give me necessary details ANSWER: Due to my expertise in US and UK immigration services, I have successfully helped people to get the visas they need at a minimum cost, time and hassle. I charge a fee for my services, which is paid through paypal. You need to give me more details about your case on what visa are you in the US what is your friend doing in the UK what other nationalities do you hold etc I will then give you explicit instructions on how to start your UK visa application, where to do it and what to do to get it quickly. your case is a simple one and I do not expect you to face any difficulties. Just send me an email to georgia363yahoo if you are interested QUESTION: UK Job with visitor visa I am from India. I have done engineering in computer science. I have 2.3 years of work experience in Exchange servers and active directory. Without MBA or 3 years of experience (processing time is almost an year from now for me it costs 2 more years) one cant UK visa8230 Cant afford so much time to move to UK. So I thinking to go to UK with visitor8217s Visa find a job n come back make a proper tier 1 visa showing the offer letter N get back. Will that work. Does Employers in UK entertain candidate with visitor8217s visa. kindly let me know how i can get jobs abroad sitting in my country itself. Thanks all ANSWER: No, you can8217t search for work while you8217re in the UK on a visitors visa amp a potential employer can8217t consider you if you8217re on a visitors visa 8211 you also cannot change your status once you8217re in the UK You ought to try the internet job sites like monster. co. uk or the job site attached to the Guardian newspaper to search for work QUESTION: Applying for a UK Visitor Visa Hi all I am an international student studying in Australia at the moment. However, I will be soon have holidays to spend and I am planning on visiting my friends in UK. Here are my concerns: Do I need invitation letter from my friends What documents should I prepare for my visa application Since I8217m not Australian, do I need any documents from my home country It is a while since I applied for my Visa and therefore things changed a little. You will find very helpful information at the Home Office website: Usually, the need for a Visa to come to the UK as a visitor depends on the country your passport was issued (usually the country you were born) and the country where you presently reside. Depending on that, the process might be simpler or more complex and you might need to apply in advance. This link could be useful to help you finding out whether you need a Visa or not: I hope this helps QUESTION: If i visit the UK with a visitors visa82308230. and i stay the entire 6 months, if i leave and renew my visa can i come back in a month or so after leaving ANSWER: 1. There is no way to extend a general visitors visa beyond six months. You my only apply for an extension if you have been granted leave to stay for 90 days and want to extend that to 180 days (fee 395 or 595 if applied in person). 2. Whether you may apply for another visa depends on your personal situation. If you should be at an age which usually requires to work and cannot provide proof of financial means that shows that you are not required to work you may get another visa. If that proof however cannot be provided it will be assumed that your stay in the country will be for another purpose than tourist travel and your second visa application will be most likely rejected. QUESTION: UK General Visitor Visa Question I have two questions regarding the UK general visitor Visa (6-month): 1) I am planning to visit UK from US and later head out to other European countries(possibly, multiple times) before re-entering UK and flying out. Will the basic 6-month single-entry visa allow this 2) I understand that i need to re-apply for a single-entry visa every UK trip i make from US. Can i apply for a new visa before an existing UK visa expires Please let me know if more details are needed. आपके समय के लिए धन्यवाद। ANSWER: 1) UK General Visitor Visa are in general issued for multiple entries. A single entry visa becomes invalid once you leave the UK, it would not suit to your travel plans. 2) If you need a visa to visit the UK you should state that you plan to visit several countries in Europe on several occasions and hence request a multiple entry visa to be issued. QUESTION: UK general visitor visa My UK general visitor visa just expired dated 22.08.2013.I am now in India. I want to reapply General visitor visa(UK) within couple of days period. Is there any rules which saysspecifies a certain time duration between expiry and reapplication of UK general visitor visa. ANSWER: There is no rule which specifies a certain time frame between expiry and reapplication for another UK general visitors visa. You can apply for a new visa as soon as your current visa has become invalid. The visa only authorises you to travel to the United Kingdom and to seek leave to enterremain. For how long you may stay will be determined by a UK Border Agency officer on arrival. In general you may not stay in the UK for more than 180 days per year however this only applies to those who are retired and have an income. People of young age are subject to entry refusal for plans of an extended stay since they may be considered to not to comply with the general visitors requirements: NO WORK OR RECOURSE TO PUBLIC FUNDS. QUESTION: uk visitor visa . i would like to know if you can change a visitor visa to a spouse visa without leaving the uk i live in a council house and dont work as we have a small baby, and noone to look after him, if my husband can stay, i can work. please any advice. so how else can he stay here if he is granted to say with no working restrictions then i can work. and his country will not issue a spouse visa. ANSWER: A visitors visa does no allow change of status. In fact, it would be unwise of your husband to even apply as a refusal would cause him problems when he attempts return to the UK. Your husband has to return to his country and apply from there. If you are not working and are receiving benefits, there is no chance that you will be granted a Spouse visa. You are his sponsor, and as such have to satisfy UKBA that you can support and accommodate him without recourse to public funds. A clarification of public funds is on this link. As you can see 8220an allocation of public housing8221 i. e. council housing is considered public funds. QUESTION: If i want to apply for a uk visitor visa how much money do i need to show Im 26 years old from chile and want to travel to the uk, what documents and how much money do i need to show, my sister lives in the uk but has a residence permit for 5 years and cannot show she can support my stay, i will be staying in her house with my own means. what can i do. please help ANSWER: Citizen of Chile in general do not need to apply for a visa for the United Kingdom for a short stay of up to 6 months as tourist or for visiting family or friends residing in the UK. However, if you have a criminal record or you have previously been refused permission to enter the UK you should better apply for a visa prior to travel. ukba. homeoffice. gov. uk. Although you do not need a visa you should present: a valid Chilean passport that covers the period of planned stay a landing card showing your passport details and your address in the UK will be issued on the plane (backed-up with an invitation letter of your sister offering free lodging) documents that show your intend to leave the country after your visit (statement of employer for how long leave has been granted, confirmation of return-flight ticket booking) documents that show your intend to stay as touristvisitor only (itineraries, travel guides) documents which show that you that have access to sufficient funds to cover your stay. The UK has not set a minimum of required funds for tourist travel. A student who wants to study at a university in London must have access to at least 800 622,000 pesos per month. A tourist who wants to visit Croatia visa-free must show at least 50 32,250 pesos per day if staying with friends or if accommodation was prepaid. QUESTION: UK Child Visitors Visas for 2 years Has anyone applied for the UK child visitors visa for 2 years The UK Border Agency were not very helpful when I pointed out the child visa category states that you can only stay up to 6 months (or up to 12 months if they are accompanying an academic visitor). They can study a short course for up to six months. So I am unsure what you can do on a 2 year Child Visitors Visa in the way of studying, etc. All the documentation says that you can only stay up to six months on a child visitors visa, none of the documents explain what you can do on a 2 year child visitors Visa with regards to studying, working if you are 16 yrs old etc. I did contact the border agency and was told that they cannot help me to choose a visa. But as you can see I am not asking for help choosing a visa. I want to know what the 2 year child visitors visa offers in terms of what you are allowed to on that visa. There is even a 10 year child visitors visa. Are you supposed to study for a maximum of 6 months and then do nothing for 9 and a half years So if any parents have brought their kids over to the UK on a Child Visitors Visa that is longer than 6 months, if you could advise me seeing as the UKBA won8217t. Thanks ANSWER: The two or ten year visitor visa is a multiple entry visa. It does not give you the right to stay in the UK that long. The maximum time anyone can spend in the UK on a single visit is six months. These multiple entry visas are for use by people who have reasons to visit the UK frequently, such as family connections, business, etc. A visitor visa of any type, or any length, only allows you to do just that, visit. It is illegal to work or study on a visitors visa. If you are studying on a short course of less than six months you can apply for a student visitors visa. This carries no right to work and as with any student visa, your course must be provided by an approved education establishment licensed to provide courses to non EEA nationals. If you wish to study for longer you must apply for a child student visa. This again, carries no rights to work. Once you are over 18, you can apply for an adult student visa. Depending on your education establishment and the level of study, you may have the right to work part-time. QUESTION: Reg Transit or Visitor Visa for UK Hi, I am living in USA and planing to visit India this year as well as to visit UK during my journey. I checked in the UK immigration website and I need either a Transit Visa or Visitor visa for my requirement. My question is If I take a visitor visa my luggage weight will differ Is it soSo it means I can not carry 53 kg as per US travelIf I take a transit or Visitor visaDo I need to checkout or not Is anybody can share their experience about transit visa or visitor visa for UK. Thanks in advance ANSWER: US citizen will not require a transit visa in the UK, so you must be another citizenship. Also you cannot 8220visit8221 the UK on a transit visa you can only go through the airport. If you wish to stop in the UK to meet people or engage in tourism you must have a visitor visa. Visa has nothing whatever to do with your luggage weight, that is purely a matter for the airlines. If your travel originates in the US and you have one single ticket for the entire trip your allowance should not change, whatever it may be. The airline or travel agent should advise you. However if you are originating a portion of your travel in the US and originating (beginning) a separate journey in the UK then perhaps there are different allowances. QUESTION: Can i apply for a uk visitor visa on arrival i am australian with a return ticket home, i am currently overseas and wanting to know if i can apply for a visitor visa to the uk on arrival. Thanks ANSWER: You do not need a visitor visa as an Australian citizen. ukvisas. gov. ukenukvqrredirecttrueamppromoId1910262ampreasonVisitampnationalityAustraliaamplocationAustralia. You just need to fill out a 8220landing card8221 and will be granted 8220leave to remain8221 for up to six months as Australian passport holder if you meet the general requirements for a visa exempted visit. ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukvisitingtheukvisitorseligibility. The period of your granted stay will be determined by the U. K. Border Agency Officer on arrival. timaticwebcgi-bintimwebsiteclient. cgiSpecData1ampVISAampHEALTHamppagebothampNAAUampAR00ampDEGBampVTAUampEMAUampPASSTYPESPASSampuserSKYWEBampsubuserSKYWEB1. QUESTION: UK visitor visa for family I am currently livingworking along with my husband in the UK on Tier 1 valid until April 2014. I am now pregnant with our first baby due in May 2013. So we would like to invite my Mom, sister and Parents-in-law. The plan is for my in-laws to visit us in March and will leave a month after the baby is born. My Mum will stay with me for 6 months from May. We currently live in a rented 2-bed house. with the baby arriving, will this be a problem as over-crowding Also I am not sure how much is the minimum fund we will have to show to sponsor all of them Any help will be appreciated. Andi. First of all, thanks for taking time to answer my question in detail. I am fully aware of what you have said in the first paragraph. I should have explained in clearly. While all my family (including in-laws) would like to visit us during the baby is born, it is just impossible to have them all at the same time logistically. Hence we are planning to have my in-laws first even before the baby is born. They will only stay for 3 months maximum and will leave a month after the baby is born. My mum will visit a couple of weeks before due date and stay here with us for a maximum of 6 months and of course they will all be returning home after this as they have things to do back home. When I mean sponsoring them all, I meant giving them a letter of support for accommodation, living expenses etc which i cant do without my docs as proof. My concern is the overlap between the two sets of family visiting us, which could be about 2-3 weeks. While I completely understand your suggestion ab 8211 out renting a bigger place, I only moved to my current place recently after living in my previous for 3 years. ANSWER: you wont be sponsoring them at all 8211 thats not how it works. They will be comming as simple visitors 8211 they have only tourism reasons to be in the UK. They will not be your dependants (they are adults, and full capable). And they are not allowed to work (paid or unpaid) as generaltourist visitors. So becareful of any suggestion that they will be a home help replacement etc. (yes, I know they are family but8230.) Yes, being present as such, and providing moral support, and being parents supporting you at this time 8211 fine. They can stay for upto 6 months in one go (or 6 months total) in a 12 month period. You can offer a letter of support, saying that you will be providing accomodation, picking them up and returning them to the airport and food transportation while they are staying with you. And all of you need to be indicating the plan you outline to go back before the 6 months is up. But they are otherwise supporting themselves (officially). As for accomodation 8211 that8217s kinda you and your families problem If you want to squeeze in, go ahead. (though you might want to look at changing to a bigger rental place, esp with the baby comming) Passportsvisas 8211 baby. The baby if born in the UK, does not need a visa (needed only to enter) But yes will need a passport (your nationality) to leave and a visa if wants to later return. एनबी। The baby will have the nationality(s) of the parents, not UK. So they need to apply for Vistor visas with a letter of support from you, inviting them to stay while you are having the baby, and listing your offer of accomodation, and transport whilst they are here. Family visitor 8211 only for Settled (not temporary) UK residents Otherwise it is (as above) a simple general visitor visa Edit: Then as above, UKBA will not be interested or even notice that the visit dates overlap. The visa (if your parents family nationality needs one to visit) will be all that is needed, the application only needs to show a) permanent home in their country (house, job etc) b) intent need to go home (eg long leave from their jobs but need to return) c) approximate periods of stay, so that the visa has long enough overall life and periods of individual stay, and if needed multi-entry. So long as it was issued, they are free to come and go as the visa allows. It is unlikely to be issued for specific dates more usual is 12510 year visa with max period of stay of 3 or 6 months, worst would be 1 month (unusual and not likely if they say they are comming to stay with their children having a child before all returning home etc) Your letter of support, just indicates that UKBA does not need to worry about if they have enough funds to pay for hotels or restaurants. Your indication of picking them up and returning them to the airport, is useful (indcates no intent to overstay) but like BampB or hotel bookings, no one is inspecting your house. 8211 no documents will be needed, all the documents are from the person applying. It is 8216their8217 application only. your phone Number and email address should be included in the letter (in case of need 8211 it wont be), and they should have the letter on them when they arrive (just in case their is a query 8211 but unlikely). The letter can be a personal one to the people you are inviting saying 8216please come, you can stay with us, and will put you up collect you and provide all your needs etc while with us8217 OR a To whom it may concern, 8216 this is to confirm that we are inviting xxx (passport ID ) to stay with us in April 8211 July and will be providing all the accomodation. transport and living costs etc, any queries contact at xxxx xxxx8217 Etc. maybe mention to have the family around us etc. but format is entirely your choice, it is the content that matters and contact addresses. EDIT 2: our biggest issue will be health and travel insurance getting 30 -45 days per trip time cover is simple. getting more than that and over 120 days especially, is a challenge. You are employed so get it via your NI payments 8211 but visitors get not NHS rights except to be treated as emergency 8211 you still get a bill. QUESTION: special visitor visa uk I want to apply for a special visitor visa for my fiance to come over here to get married, spend some time with his daughter then return home after 6 months. The problem is im unsure what documentation he will have to provide, is it necessary to provide work details and financial stuff like bank statements also im unclear what i will need to produce. As im paying for his trip should i do a letter of invitation stating i will be financing his stay and should i include bank statements. As he has ties here, me and his daughter, im worried they will refuse an application for this reason and they may think he will become an overstayer. can anybody who is clued up about these things advise me on the best thing to do please. catherine8230.im not his spouse first of all and secondly your comment is a little insensitive. I have looked into it i know what can be applied for, there just doesnt seem to be much information surrounding it regarding documentation. Sunshine8230.you misread the above8230.he wouldnt be getting married on a visitor visa. i know this is not possible. The special visitor visa is for specific reasons so in order for permission to marry in the UK the special visitor visa is required. Fiance visa would not be suitable for us as applying for this visa is only if he is planning to settle here and he is not at this stage as he would still need to pass his english exam so there would be no point in applying for a visa that will definitely be refused due to criteria not being met. I have done my homework im no asking questions because i know nothing but because i need a few gaps filled. On that basis i would prefer those with no knowledge to refrain from providing answers that are not relevant luddite8230.im aware i need the correct visa for him to get married and i have stated the correct visa needed but just require certain details8230again you have misread the above ANSWER: He can8217t marry on a visitors visa. If you want to marry he will need the correct visa before entering the UK. Marrying you won8217t give him right of abode in the UK, if he later wants to return to the UK he would need a spouse visa. ETA: On the contrary I did read your question. The fact you keep referring to obtaining a visitors visa to allow your BF to marry you shows that you have not read the answers or the UKBA website. QUESTION: UK visitor visa question If I am in the UK on a visitor visa, once the 6 months are up can I go to Germanyother parts of Europe for another 6 months and then return straight back to the UK without having to revisit my home country (I8217m a US citizen) Also any advice on getting married while there My girlfriend is a British national UK citizen. ANSWER: No you can8217t. You are allowed to stay for six months, but only in one 12 month period. So if you stayed in the UK for six months, it would be another six months before you were allowed to reenter. It8217s called the 8216spent leave8217 rule and it is there to prevent people from living in the UK on a visitor visa or status. To get married in the UK, you need to have a fiance visa or a marriage visitors visa. If you intend to settle in the UK, you need a fiance visa. If you do not intend to settle, you should use a marriage visitor visa. You will need to show one or the other to be able to book a ceremony. If you have a fiance visa, this is a six month visa allowing you to marry in the UK with the intent of settling there. You cannot work while on this visa. The conditions are that you are both over 21, have met and intend to live together as a couple in the UK. You must also provide evidence of adequate accommodation and the financial means to support yourselves without recourse to public funds. Once you have married, you must apply for a spouse visa. This visa is a two year probationary visa that allows you to live and work in the UK. As long as you still married at the end of the two year period you can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (settlement). Once you have been resident for three years, you can apply for citizenship. If you get a marriage visitors visa, it is six months visa and you must leave at the end of the period. You cannot change status to spouse visa on a marriage visitors visa. QUESTION: FIND A WORK IN UK WITHOUT VISITOR VISA Hi everyone, im albanian guy who8217s living in italy from many years. i have a visitor visa uk, and i plane to come in uk for find a job. in the website uk border i read: I cant find a work when i m in uk with visitor visa. so when im in uk, i want to find for a job and when i find it i comeback in italy and they send me a contract for a work visa8230 is possibly to do this any idea please hepl ANSWER: You can8217t work, look for work, volunteer or study on a visitors visa, they are for tourism purposes only. No one can even consider you for a job in the UK if you have a visitor visa. You need a job and visa before entering the UK and you can only apply for the 90 jobs on the occupation shortage list. QUESTION: Process for UK Visitor Visa I am currently in US (on long term visa) but citizen of another country. We are plannin to visit UK for 2 weeks and need Visitor Visa. Question 8212 1) In online form, I can see General Single and General Family. I am travelling with Family and so I guess I need to select Family 8230 right 2) Once I started the process (as Family), it went through all the steps and finally tried to set appointment only for me. It di not allow me to enter passport information etc for my spouse and Child. Do I need to complete separate applications for me, spouse and child. How do we ensure that we get the same slot for Biometrics ANSWER: 1) On the online form you can chose between general visitor and family visitor. A general visitor is a tourist, a family visitor visits his relatives living in the UK. 2) The type of visa application depends on the purpose of your visit. If as tourist it will general visitor, if visiting your family it will be family visitor. 3) You need separate application forms for each passport holder, you will get the same biometric slots at one of the 129 Application Support Centers in the U. S. based on the fact that you answered the question whether your family members are traveling with you. Source(s): ukvisas. gov. ukresourcesendocs1903073VAFguidancenotesvisitors ukvisas. gov. ukenhowtoapplyvafs QUESTION: Anyone here who has or applied for a UK visitors visa I am a German national working in England and my BF who lives in the USA would like to visit me here. He8217s a US Greencard holder and would like to visit me for probably a couple of months. He8217s in the process of applying for a UK Visitors Visa online. Just want to hear from people who has applied or is in the process of applying for one. What else does he need Thanks ANSWER: what nationality is your boyfriend For a couple of months he might not need a visa at all, but since he8217s already applying i8217m assuming he does or someone would of told him by now. ( you might want to check this out anyway cause i8217m pretty sure as an American green card holder he wouldn8217t need a visa if he was coming over for less than 90 days. but i8217m not 100 sure on this) For a visitors visa it8217s pretty straight forward, you need to prove that he will be staying with you and that you can support him because he will be unable to work or claim any benefits. And also they may ask to see his return ticket. As long as he does8217t have any previous conviction lol ( if you8217ve seen the application your8217ll know what i8217m talking about they ask the most stupid questions) Make sure you have all the documention that you need otherwise it wil slow down the process. It might also help if you pre write a letter saying that he will be staying with you while he is in the UK and you will be supporting him, cause most cases they will require some sort of proof. You can chooses the date that you wish the visa to start from, i8217d applt for the visa asap and it8217s coming up to the summer time and alot of people are applying for visitor visa and this could make the application longer. I have a filipino friend who overstayed her visitor visa by 4 years. She returned home in January of this due due to some family problems but know wishes to know if there is a chance that she can return to the UK and if there are any penaltiesbans. Please advise if u can ANSWER: funny terminology isn8217t it 8220overstayed visitor visa by 4 years8221 that8217s hardly a slight oversight of a few days or even weeks, that sounds like a very deliberate and illegal act so she will not be welcome back for at least 10 years and even then the visa authorities will have doubts based on the past record QUESTION: My UK Family Visitor Visa Got Rejected Hi, I was going to UK to visit my husband in Uk as he is studying there for 15 to 20 days and my parents were funding for my trip. I submitted all the financial docs of my parents but got rejected as i dint submit my original marriage certificate and plus they also want my husbands bank statements and accommodation. Original marriage certificate is ok but why do i need to submit my husbands documents when my parents are sponsoring my trip. I really want to go to UK to meet him I don8217t know what to do weather i should reapply or appeal and also want to know what all documents should i submit again and by what time. Am also working in a company which i have recently joined 1 month back and i would be needing a letter from my employer as well stating tat am going thr for a vacation and would come back to join the organization so do I need to submit my offer letter as well 8230otherwise in that case they would ask me for salary slips and my parents are funding me for my travel and expenses and I want to keep the nature of my application same as the first one otherwise it mite again get rejected. I don8217t know what to do:(( He is on Student Visa and am going there for 15-20 days.. Thx for your answers friends I just want to know that i have a joint account with my mother whic is also in my name and my mothers name, but there my father8217s surname on the account so can i submitt that to show my bank statements and also i have one more account on my name(Husband8217s Surname) but which i activated just a month ago but i dont think i can show them this account as i have recently activated this account. Is it okay if I show enough funds in this account will the purpose be solved. please help ANSWER: Reapply, don8217t appeal. You cannot submit documents at appeal that should have been submitted with the original application and in any case you are applying for the wrong visa. A family visitor visa is used when someone is legally resident in the UK and sponsoring a family member. Your husband cannot sponsor you on his student visitor visa. You need a normal visitor visa and should p rove that you can support yourself for the duration of your stay. This means that although your parents are paying for the trip, you must have funds in your own bank account or available credit on your credit card ie the money must be in your name. You need to submit your own bank statements and a letter from your parents or other proof of where the money for the trip has come from. You will need a return ticket and proof of ties to your home country. This is where the letter from your employer comes in. It should confirm your employment, the dates of your agreed vacation and the date you are expected back at work. Obviously this should correspond with the return ticket. QUESTION: Switch from UK visitor visa to youth mobility visa I have discovered that it is possible for the home office to back date a Youth Mobility Visa by 3 months, so for example if one were to return to Canada when the 6 months visitors visa ends in March, apply for the YM visa to commence in September and then return to the UK in July under a standard visitors visa can one simply remain in the UK until the YM visa commencement date begins Can one also get married whilst on the YM visa and switch to a spouse visa without leaving the UK Many thanks Ah sorry, back dating is the wrong wording82308230 I meant that the UKBA canpostdate your visa to start up to 3 months later ANSWER: Backdating never heard of that, All visa8217s are issued on the day they are confirmed (at the end of the assessment). If applying from within the UK your status until the new visa is accepted or rejected, is just extended. i. e. whatever it was before application 8211 it does not change untill the date of the new visa (even if the old one expires due to the application taking time to be processed) Enter as a visitor 8211 you remain a visitor. leave and re-enter with a new visa 8211 you now have that status. It is the visapassport ID that you use to enter a country that matters, not any other that you may hold. the 23 problems you will have are 8211 you have to be in a country of residence to apply (and where they will return the visa to) 8211 you will have to supply your passport with the application (so what will you travel on ) 8211 There is (specifically) no way to change from a visitor status entry to any other without leaving the country (i. e. cannot apply from within the UK). If you should manage to get a YM visa, yes, you can get married on it. - gt You can marry on an visa that is longer than 6 months in the UK, or on a marriage visitors visa (70 pounds) ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukvisas-immigrationvisitingmarriage-cp to be honest it that is your plan, why not just get one Then marry, leave and apply (from home) for a Spouse visa. (or even better, get a fiance visa 8211 and remain and convert to a spouse visa) ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukvisas-immigrationpartners-familiescitizens-settledspouse-cp 8211 Marriage to settled UK residents Even if you do marry, the spouse visa (applied from within the UK) has exactly the same requirements as applying from outside. So entering using a YMV does not help You would also have to be aware that if you tried to use the YM visa as bypass for the fiance visa (eg because you thought it was cheaper ), then you would most probably be interpretted as comitting visa fraud 8211 you never intended to use the YM visa for the its true purposse. That visa would be invalidated, and you would have a bad immigration record in UK and all the countries (eg Europe) that the UK shares them with. So YM visa, and later meet and settle with someone 8211 not a problem plan to abuse the YM (and there are only a limited number per year anyway), and problems. So decide what you 8216real8217 plan is, and do that. andor how you will get 2 passports8230 QUESTION: Visitor Visa 8211 UK HELP I am aware that one can visit or study within the UK for 6 months without a visa. I studied abroad October 3rd, 2011 8211 December 18th 2011. This is roughly 3 months. I read on another post that you have to wait an entire year after the 82206 month period8221 to get this visa again, no matter the length of your stay in the 6 month period. I wish to study abroad again in the UK for 5 12 months beginning in December 24th, 2012 8211 onward. Is the feasible Thanks for your input. ANSWER: The post you have read has provided nonsense information. As a national of a country which is exempt from the visa requirement you may be granted to stay in the UK as tourist, business visitor, family visitor, or student visitor for up to six months within a year8217s period. Hence if you have been in the UK for three months in 2011 you can return for another up to six months as student visitor from July 2012 provided that you meet the entry requirements. ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukvisas-immigrationvisitingstudentvisa. I have never heard of any course that commences on Christmas Eve QUESTION: UK Visitor Visa Does anyone know the time gap between two consecutive visits on Visitor Visa to UK I know that on one visit the visitor cannot stay for more than 6 months. ANSWER: There is on time gap between visits. You can go out of the country and come back next day and probably you will be given another visitor visa. (This is if you do not need a visa to enter the country on the first place). However, it might get a little bit suspicious as most of the visitor visa do not permit you to work in the UK, so immigration might ask them self8217s where does he get money from for all this long visits. QUESTION: Current circumstance for UK visitor8217s visa I am a Canadian permanent resident applying for a UK visitor8217s visa. The application asked for my current circumstance, i. e. full-time employed, student, unemployed, etc. In my case I am currently unemployed but I am registered as a full-time masters student at a Canadian university. However, classes won8217t start until September 8, 2009. I recently got a certificate of enrolment from the university and it indicates that I8217m a full-time student. The application also asks if I8217m working part-time or full-time while studying. In my case I8217ll be working as a teaching assistant and research assistant at the university once classes start, but not at the moment. These are part-time work. So my questions are: 1) Am I allowed to mention that I8217m a full-time student even though I haven8217t started classes yet 2) Should I mention that I8217m not working while I8217m studying to reflect my current situation Any help is much appreciated. अग्रिम में धन्यवाद। I probably should have added this earlier, but I have a sister who works as a full-time research assistant at a university in London. If she were to give me a sponsor letter would that help One more detail: Last year I had applied for a UK visitor8217s visa and was granted the visa. Back then I was employed full-time. ANSWER: Confirm you are currently unemployed but bring the proof of Uni enrollment and work placements with you when you apply for the visa and when you enter the UK. The UK immigration people are going to be concerned that you a) intend to leave at the end of your stay and b) that you can support yourself financially while you are in the UK. For a) Return ticket and certificate of enrollment to Uni in September. If you can get a letter confirming your work appointment in Septemberas well that8217s even better. For b) Letter from your sister confirming that she will be accommodating you during your stay and proof of sufficient funds for the duration of your stay (bank statement, credit card bill showing limit etc). QUESTION: toddler Re-entering UK using visitor visa I am on a work permit visa and it will expire on15th July 2011. My employer is going to extend it for me. My son is 2 years old and is now in the UK using a 6-month visitor visa and will expire on 1st May 2011. I want to make him to be my dependant when i apply for the extension. However the problem is that the earliest date for making the application is 5 weeks before the existing work permit expires. My question is can i bring him out of the UK on 30th Apr 2011 and go the France for a few days then bring him back to the UK and then to get a new visitor visa stamp ANSWER: No. The trip to France will leave you with a major problem. You can only spend six months out of 12 on a visitors visa. If your son has already spent six months in the UK, he will not be allowed to reenter for another six. You cannot extend his visa, nor can he switch into a dependent visa from a visitor visa inside the UK. A visitor visa is for tourism and leisure purposes only and should not be used as a way around the visa rules for residence which if effectively what you are doing. Your son will have to return to your own country of residence and apply from there. QUESTION: uk visitor visa from california I applied for UK visitor visa from california (online). I recieved an email that my application is been processed. it has been 30 days i got no emails from the uk about my visa. according to the website it takes 5-15 days. any body knows the answer ANSWER: Up to 15 days is for priority processing. All other applications can and often do take longer. Even if you did pay for priority, they may be back logged. They may have found something in your criminal record or background check. All the British consulates just finished processing student visa8217s. Could be any number of reasons. You just have to sit and be patient. If you are an American citizen, you do not need a visitors visa for a visit to the UK. QUESTION: UK visitor visa for my south african wife My wife and I(UK citizen) wish to visit the UK for the first time as man and wife to see my family. My wife was refused a fiance visa in 2007 and refused entry in 2008, which is when i left the UK to return to SA with her. We now just want to visit for a week, so what visa do we apply for before booking our tickets. Is it a family visa or standard visitor. We now live in Taiwan and this is where we will return when the holiday is over, thanks in advance ANSWER: It depends where you plan to stay during your visit. Should you have booked a hotel you need to apply for a general visitors visa (VAF-1A). Do you stay at your parentsrelatives home apply for a family visitors visa (VAF-1B) and have your parentsrelatives send her an invitation letter and copies of the picture pages of their U. K. passports. A spousal visa only applies of you would plan to settle in the U. K. not for a one week visit. You do not need a solicitor based in the U. K. to apply for a visa from Taiwan. vfs-uk-twapplying. aspx. QUESTION: UK general visitor visa My UK general visitor visa just expired 22.08.2013.I am now in India. I want to reapply General visitor visa(UK) within couple of days period. Is there any rules which saysspecifies a certain time duration between expiry and reapplication of UK general visitor visa. ANSWER: You are allowed to spend 6 months in any 12 months on a visitor visa, so if you have already spent 6 months in the UK then you have to wait another six months before you apply again for a 6 month visitors visa QUESTION: Is the Sponsor8217s bank statements enough for address proof. (for UK visitor visa ) My brother stays in UK. I am applying for visitor visa to meet him. Is his bank statements or council tax bills enough for his address proof or i have to provide his tenancy agreement too. Apparently his tenancy agreement is expiring in the mid way of my stay in UK. So will my application be refused in tat case. ANSWER: An 8216affidavit of support8217 is an official document which can be obtained by a host in certain European countries from the local government. It proves that the host has the financial and space capacities to accommodate and board foreign guests. In certain countries the host additionally assumes full responsibility for all costs that should arise to the government due to the visit (to include deportation in case of illegal overstay). However this system is not applied for in the United Kingdom. To apply for a visa with the category family visitor you need to provide proof of your brother8217s legal stay in the U. K. and a letter of invitation and sponsorship covered with his recent bank statements (six months) showing his capacities of accommodation and board. Document requirements: Evidence of the family member(s) in the UK that you intend to visit. This could be a copy of their bio data page (the page containing their photograph) from their UK passport or EEA passportID card or if they are not a UKEEA national, evidence of their permission to stay in the United Kingdom e. g. copy of letter granting leave to remain from the Home Office, copy of stampsvisas in their passport(s) along with a copy of their bio data page (the page containing their photograph) from their passport, etc. Letter from family membersponsor, supporting the visit. ukvisas. gov. ukenhowtoapplyinfsinf2visitors564054582. ukvisas. gov. ukresourcesendocs1903073supportingdocsvisituk. QUESTION: Can I apply for a schengen visa in UK (London) with student visitor visa I am international student who is studying in London now. I need to get schengen to visit EU. Is it true that I can8217t apply with visitor visa, I ask because some of sources says that I can. And if it is available, please could you tell me which countries of schengen agreements have more loyal rules with visas for foreigners The expiration date of my student visitor visa is the end of may. Thanks in advance ANSWER: Visitors in the UK who require a Schengen visa really are in a catch-22 situation. It has no relevance whether you hold a general visitors visa, a business visitors visa, or a student visitors visa valid for up to 180 days. The Schengen legislation requires a visa applicant to be legally resident in the country of application (article 6, 1. EU visa code). A holder of a UK visitors visa for up to 180 days is not considered to be legally resident. However, an application may be accepted from a person legally present but not residing 8211 in the jurisdiction of the consulate where the application is submitted, if he can justify why the application could not be lodged at a consulate in his place of residence. It is for the consulate to appreciate whether the justification presented by the applicant is acceptable (article 6, 2.). The visa application however requires a passport and a UK residence permit or visa which must be valid for at least another three months beyond the proposed stay in the Schengen zone. Hence if your UK visa expires end of May you could only stay in Schengen until the end of February. For a visa application, if accepted, it might be necessary to consult the Embassy in your home country before a visa can be issued. I remember to have read that this may take more than 30 working days in other words it may take until the begin of March before you get the visa approved, however you could only travel till the end of February. You cannot apply for a visa as you please. The application must be lodged at the Embassy of the country in which you plan to stay the longest time (main destination). If no main destination exists it will be the Embassy of the country of initial entry to the Schengen zone. Make the Netherlands either main destination or first entry country and try to get the visa through their commercial Visa Application Centre run by VFS global. Attach a letter explaining that you could not apply for the visa from your home country since you were not able to meet the requirements of article 9. 1. (applications shall be lodged no more than three months before the start of the intended visit). nl. vfsglobal. co. ukfamilyvisitfaq. html. (read Q.11) eur-lex. europa. euLexUriServLexUriServ. douriOJ:L:2009:243:0001:0058:EN:PDF. QUESTION: UK Visitors Visa for a SA citizen Hi there. Im a 27-year old SA citizen. I want to go visit my friend in the UK for 2 weeks (15days). I just need as much information as possible to prepare me for the visa application process, because I heard it8217s getting damn hard to be granted a visa, only if it8217s just a visitors visa. Here8217s more information: I have a full-time, ok-paying job, which I8217ve had for almost two years (July will be two years). I don8217t have a helluva lot of savings though, but I get a good salary (couldn8217t save cause of student loan, car payments etc that im busy paying off). I8217ve got my flight ticket (return, so I can show my return flight) 8230 (maybe booking the ticket before I got the visa was not such a good idea but with the Soccer WC flight tickets are soaring so I though I8217d be better off getting one a. s.a. p) I8217ll be staying with my friend, so I won8217t have accommodation to pay for. We won8217t be moving around much, maybe see a bit of Wales, but other than that just being in and around his place. What I want to know is: I8217ve been hearing (and reading) horror stories of how people are refused a visa, and if they get the visa, being refused entry at the airport because of the UK emigration rules that was tightened (which I understand and have respect for b. t.w) Will I have to prove that I can support myself for these two weeks (even though I won8217t be paying hotel bills, will be staying with him, and if we go to Wales, he said he8217ll pay the accommodation) and if I will need to prove that, how much would be 8216sufficient funds8217 for two weeks in the UK Last question, the letter from my employer saying I ve got a job to come back to, what should be stated on the letter Aaaaany other information, tips, whatever will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance guys Erm8230 To mister Lam below, I8217m not in a bad credit position and I8217m not looking for a loan, thanks. Guys, all I meant was I don8217t have thousands of pounds to show if it8217s gonna be required for me to show that I can support myself (Thing is, I won8217t need a lot of money as we8217re not gonna do much travelling and Im staying with my friend so I won8217t have any accommodation fees to pay 8211 we8217re just gonna have 2 very lazy weeks, no travel itinerary or anything) Also8230what type of questions will be asked in the interview Oh for crying out loud Im NOT looking for a loan 3 People have offered me a loan. This has got nothing at all to do with my question8230 ANSWER: You really do not have to show thousands of pounds or rands it is more important that you can convince the U. K. Consular Officer that you plan to return home after your visit. This can be done by: providing the reservation or booking of a return flight ticket providing a letter from the employer stating for how long leave is granted and when you are supposed to be back for work it also should state your position, since when you are employed, and your monthlyannually gross earnings. providing proof of other social or economical ties to your country. A married person can easier prove ties than a single someone who takes care of herhis parents and has engaged a nurse for a fortnight also proves social ties holding a honorary post or being engaged in the community of residence may also justify social ties. Concerning the financial capabilities it will be adviseable to get a supporting letter from your U. K. friend stating that accommodation and maintenance will be provided. ukvisas. gov. ukenhowtoapplyinfsinf3sponsorsQ5. If you are going to try to justify the financial capabilities on your own you will also need to provide prove of income (pay slips, bank statements, income tax statements). The U. K. Government does not determine a fixed amount of funds required as other European countries do sufficient funds are required. The French Government requires visa applicants to hold at least the amount corresponding to the minimum daily wage allowance of an employee in France. At present this amounts to 62 55R630. Since both countries have about the same cost of livings this could be a general guidance about required financial capacities. And finally..there will not be a visa interview in general. Visa applications are decided based on the documents provided with the application. A personal interview is only required if the Consular Officer is in doubt whether to issue a visa or not. I8217m sure you have read the information of the VFS visa application center, if not I8217ll just attach them here: vfs-uk-zaapplying. aspx. I wish good luck for your visa application QUESTION: no visitors visa from phil. to uk is it ok to travel to uk without any visaim from phil. my fiancee is from uk and we plan to travel in uk together then ill be back to phil. after 3months. ANSWER: You will have to have a visa or they will not allow you into the country. You will need to visit the UK embassy in the Philippines Here is the address and contact info 20 Upper McKinley Road McKinley Hill, Taguig City 1634 Makati City Metro Manila Philippines Phone: 63-2-858-2200 Fax: 63-2-858-2313 63-2-858-2342 63-2-858-2305 Email: ukinthephilippinesfco. gov. uk info. ukphvfshelpline Website URL: Here is what you will need Original, signed Philippines passport with at least 6 months of remaining validity. Passport-type photographs: 2 Itinerary. Copy of round trip tickets or itinerary. Property papers. Property papers if possible Bank Statement. Copies of bank statements from the past 6 months. Tax Return. Most recent federal tax return, including the tax payer copy. Employment Letter. A letter from your employerschool (on business letterhead, with contact details), stating that a leave of absence has been granted and that you will be returning to your current job. If you are self-employed, include a copy of your business license and tax return. If you are retired please submit proof of your retirement fund. Hotel Reservations. Copy of the Hotel Reservations, OR Personal Invitation. If visiting friends or family, you must provide letter of invitation with the contact information of the host and visitor, purpose and duration of the visit, confirmation of accommodation including the address, signature and date. You will also need to provide proof of the host8217s status in United Kingdom ie. copy of their United Kingdom passport8217s information page, or, if they are not a citizen of United Kingdom, copies of their United Kingdom residence permit and their national passport8217s information pages. Hope this helps QUESTION: Wrong UK visa category - family visitor or general visitor Hi there, My parents in India applied for visitor visa under family visitor category, I am staying in the UK for about 10 months on tier 2 COS. Can you please let me know if their visa application can get rejected as they should have applied under general visitor category The categories as defined are not very clear. The VFS office has accepted the application and they have done their biometrics. Please advise at the earliest. बहुत धन्यवाद। ANSWER: I just went through the UKBA website. Don8217t take me wrong, I am not being judgmental, but you are in the UK, and you should have cleared an English exam (like IELTS) to get the visa. The categories defined are VERY CLEAR. Each point is clearly explained there in a VERY simple language. This is the page for family visitor: It clearly says: Additionally the family member you are visiting must : be a British citizen be settled in the UK have been granted asylum in the UK or have Humanitarian Protection status. You are none of these. Hence your parents CANNOT visit you on family visitor visa. You are there as a migrant worker under the points based system and do not hold a PR. So you are not 8220settled in the UK8221. It is explained on the right side of page under 8220Terms explained8221. Also, under the same category, if you click on documents required, there is a link to the supporting documents guide. I clicked on it and page 3 contains details about supporting documents. It clearly states: 82208230.if they are not permanently settled or have asylumhumanitarian protection in the UK, then you should apply as a general visitor and complete VAF1A.8221 When you applied for the visa, you must have filled out form VAF1B. On the FIRST PAGE itself, it says, HIGHLIGHTED in blue: 8220If you are visiting any relatives not listed above OR if they are not permanently settled in the UK you must not complete this form8221. The form also has guidance notes at the end. Then again on page 7 where they have to fill your details (the family member they are visiting) it AGAIN clearly says HIGHLIGHTED: 8220You can only apply as a Family Visitor if you are visiting a family member listed below AND they are permanently settled in the UK.8221 I don8217t think it can get any clearer than that. Well, you shouldn8217t fill and sign a form without reading it. VFS India is a crooked company and will accept any application for money. But once it is sent to the High Commission, it will be rejected. They should have applied for the general visitor category. Now you would have to ask them if you can withdraw the application at this stage and apply again. Else you8217ll have to wait till they reject the application and then reapply again. Unfortunately, under both circumstances, you8217d have to pay the fees again, and also get the biometrics etc, everything again. QUESTION: UK general visitor visa My UK general visitor visa. I have got 6 months visa. My visa just expired dated 22.08.2013. I am now in India. I want to reapply General visitor visa(UK) within couple of days period. Is there any rules which saysspecifies a certain time duration between expiry and reapplication of UK general visitor visa ANSWER: In most visitor categories, the maximum length of stay in the UK is 6 months. So as you have already had one 6 month visa, you will have to wait otherwise you are likely to get refused as they may think you want to remain in the UK for other reasons. I think it is 6 months in any 12 month period. Check with the UK embassy near you. QUESTION: How to prepare for uk visitor visa interview ANSWER: A UK visitor visa interview will only be scheduled for those who have failed to provide a straightforward application package with all required documents. Make sure you convince the UK Border Agency officer that you plan to leave the country after your visit based on your documents provided and you do not need to prepare for an interview. ukba. homeoffice. gov. uksitecontentdocumentsout-of-countryvisitors. pdf. QUESTION: UK General Visitor Visa (Multiple Entry) I have a multiple entry UK General Visitor Visa till November 5, 2009. Got the visa in the first place to attend a summer school, which I did, and I came back. I recently came to know about a workshop in London which I8217d like to attend. My visa says multiple entry, but I wonder if there would be an issue I mean this time I would be traveling to attend another conference (not the one on the basis of which I applied for the visa). I8217ve written to the British High Commission, but no response so far. Reason for cautiousness: Pakistani nationality. ANSWER: There are some racist people on this board, they can8217t compete with educated immigrants and are probably unemployed so they give you racist responses. Yes, the visa was issued for a different purpose, but under your circumstances you have been previously cleared and should not have a problem getting another one. Or they may allow you to use the one you have. Edit: I noticed you said it is a visitors visa it should still be good. Ordinarily, you are not given a visitors visa to attend schools, even for short periods of time. QUESTION: Can I extent my general visitor visa from UK I am an Indian citizen, currently in the UK on a 6 month General visitor8217s visa.,which will expire on 11 th September. Now I want to stay more time with my husband who is on his Tire 4 student visa. Can I extant my visa (General visitor) visa from UK ANSWER: No. Your visa is for 6 months and you cannot extend that visa while you are in the UK. QUESTION: UK visitors visa application time I have applied for UK visitors visa on 5th march 2012 from Pune, india. Uptil now i have not received the visa and I believe they dont take long time for visitors visa8230 when can I expect to get my visa how much visa processing time is needed ANSWER: 99 of all general visitors visa applications were processed within 10 working days In February 2012. ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukcountriesindiaprocessing-times1langnameUK EnglishresultTableAnchor. QUESTION: UK visitor visa or vistor in transit visa I am an Indian national living in the US (H1-B visa 8211 work visa). I am planning to visit UK for less than 24 hours ( 8 hours) in the time available between my flight arrival (from US to UK) and departure (from UK to India). I don8217t need to change airports for my flights. Will I need a 8220visitor visa8221 or a 8220visitor in transit8221 visa ANSWER: You will need to apply for a general visitors visa fee 78 or 9 if you want to visit the UK (pass immigration) en route to India. Transit visa only apply to those who either stay airside (Direct Airside Transit Visa) if a visa is required U. S. visa holders do not need that type of via or who need to proceed to a different airport. ukba. homeoffice. gov. ukcountriesusalangnameUK20English. QUESTION: Can I sponsor my husband over to the UK on a visitor visa first and then apply for a spouse visa Hi I am going to apply for a spouse visa for my husband in 6 to 7 months but before I do that I need to work for that long in order to app Lu. Everything is set I will start my job soon, but the thing is I have never been away from him for that long and I8217ve heard it coul stake longer than 6 to 7 months. So in order for me and our 2 month old to not be away for each other for maybe 10 months or more (or less nothing is for certainty) I8217m thinking of sponsoring him over here on a family visit vi as. Will I be able to do that Can someone please shed light on this bearing in mind I previously applied for a spouse visa but it got refused on the basis of not enough salary. Can someone please help me out I have been married for 3 years now but me and the baby are here and there and we just want to settle down now. Correction I8217m trying to get used to this new ipad thing. I meant 2 year old not month ANSWER: He cannot change status within the UK from visitor visa. If he can enter on a visitor visa, he must return home promptly amp then you can apply for a spousal visa for him. Furthermore, are you familiar with the new support requirements And the current rates are expected to increase shortly You need to earn enough to support a household of 3, plus have a home for all of you. And you cannot be receiving or have received any public benefits, so that means getting a home on the private market, not council housing. Since a spouse visa was previously refused, expect your finances to get a thorough scrutiny to ensure you can support a household of 3. And unless you have gotten some serious education, experience amp are starting a really good job now, meeting the new income requirements could take you a lot longer than 6-7 months. You need a longer track record on the job than that. QUESTION: requirements for 1 year visitors visa from US to UK what are my chances of being approved for a 1 year visa if I intend to stay for 9 months I cannot apply for a spousal visa until I8217m 21 which will be in 9 months, I8217ve stayed in the uk this year for 5 months, I have a 1 year old daughter who has a british passport and my husband is english, i do not want to seperate them for 9 months but i cannot imagine not having my baby with me so she will have to travel with me what are my chances of being approved for a 1 year visitors visa we do intend to travel around england and europe would I have to send an itinaery of my plans ANSWER: None. Sorry to be so blunt but with an English husband, you stand to be refused even the standard six month visa as you will be viewed as a risk of being an over stayer. As it stands if you have already spent five months in the last 12 months in the UK, you may only be allowed a further one month as a result of the 8216spent leave8217 rule which states that generally a visitor should not be permitted to remain in the UK for more than six months in any 12 month period. I must stress that this is guidance and not a hard and fast rule. It8217s really rough on you both, but you are unlikely to be granted 9 months under the circumstances as you would effectively be taking up residence in the UK, not just visiting for a holiday. You may stand more chance of being granted a visa if you have a really firm itinerary and you can spend up to 90 days in the Schengen countries, perhaps show that you intend leaving the UK for another country rather than returning to the US. Do apply for your visa before you come. Don8217t risk refusal once you land in the UK. QUESTION: For UK visitor(student) visa, are they automatically all multi-entry When I applied for UK visitor(student) visa, I did not specify for singlemultiple entry. I got my multiple entry within 6 months. I wonder do they automatically grant people multiple entries in this case thanks ANSWER: UK visa are different from the ones issued by the United States. They usually grant multiple entry visa since lots of students want to visit other European countries on the weekends or during holidays. The visa are however only valid during the specified time on the visa you may not stay any day longer as the expiration date of the visa. The U. S. visa system is different, you may gain entry on the last date your visa is valid and the immigration officer decides for how long you may stay. ukvisas. gov. ukenfaqs51676212969427. QUESTION: UK transit visa over visitor visa (Indian citizen) I have an Indian passport (citizen), valid H1B visa stamped in the passport (USA work permit) and a UK visitor visa . I was in London a few weeks ago and am flying to India now via London. Wondering whether I can re-enter London during my to and fro layovers (9hrs and 20 hrs respectively) on my visitor visa without filing for anything else My visitor visa is valid for another 5 months. Thanks in advance ANSWER: Yoi may seek entry to the United Kingdom as long as your visitor visa for the U. K. is still valid. Once it is gotten invalid you will still be able to travel via the United Kingdom (based on the U. S. visa) but you will need to stay airside in the international transit area. ukvisas. gov. ukendoineedvisavisadatvnationals. uk visitor visa April 21, 2014 The past week has been notable for the victory laps taken by central banks currently residing under the thumb of Professor Moriarty Woodford. In last week8217s speech to the Economic Club of New York, Janet Yellen noted that forecasts for unemployment were largely proven correct - but only with a healthy dose of QE to grease the wheels. Latterly, Martin Weale at the Bank of England has performed an exhaustive study suggesting that QE worked even better than originally thought. All of this is well and good, and the Weale paper is full of Bayesian vector autoregressive fun, if you8217re into that sort of thing. The problem with these sentiments, of course, is that they are based in one way or another on the very types of econometric models that have failed so spectacularly over the past seven years. The counterfactual (8220what would have happened if there were no QE over the last few years8221) is easily dismissed, because it is unprovable. Perhaps Macro Man is the only one irritated by this casual dismissal of the counterfactual. After all, irritation is not a particularly remunerative emotion, and what8217s done is done. Nevertheless, it is perhaps worth pointing out a few holes in the logic. In Yellen8217s speech, she noted that the unemployment came in just about where it had been forecast, but only with the aid of QE. Observe how she was careful to use private sector forecasts rather than the Fed8217s own estimates. Macro Man ran a little study, comparing the unemployment rate from 2012 onwards with where the Fed itself had forecast it 12 months earlier. As it turns out, unsurprisingly, the unemployment rate has been consistently lower than the Fed had forecast 12 months earlier - by an average margin of 0.4. So in point of fact, if QE had an impact, perhaps the Fed didn8217t need to do it after all, as their unemployment rate forecasts might have been more accurate Of course, the real question for Ms. Yellen is 8220if QE was so great at keeping the unemployment rate below your forecast, why was it so lousy at keeping economic growth at your forecast, let alone above it8221 Were one to actually pose such a question to the Fed, the response would no doubt be full of phrases like 8220fiscal drag8221 and 8220participation rate8221 and 8220part time employment8221 and stuff like that. (It would be churlish to ask why the econometric models did not forecast this stuff, too.) Of course, with fiscal policy, there is another unprovable counterfactual that is blithely waved away. The Fed8217s attitude towards the government has been one of an overindulgent parent towards a squalling infant or squabbling toddlers, the type that always seem to sit in close proximity to your author on airplanes. Rather than using the stick of 8220shape up or else8221, the parentFed adopted the carrot strategy of 8220here8217s a little sweetie to keep you quiet for five minutes.8221 Of course, the lesson learned by the naughty children is that having a fit brings a reward8230.so it encourages more fits. (The same holds true for the infants in the airplane example.) For all his many faults, it8217s hard to imagine that Alan Greenspan in his pomp wouldn8217t have let off a few rockets in his Congressional testimonies to put an end to some of the nonsense. Just once, it would be nice to see a headline that differs from the usual CENTRAL BANK CONCLUDES THAT THE ACTIONS IT TOOK WERE REALLY QUITE MARVELOUS Instead, it would be great to see something like CENTRAL BANK ADMITS IT REALLY SCREWED THE POOCH WITH THAT ONE Sadly, that8217s one for the alternative universe newswire (or maybe a couple of the regional Fed presidents.) It8217s too bad, really8230.that8217s a counterfactual that Macro Man could really get behind. While looking for warehouse space to rent I actually took a long hard look at our office facilities as well. I had not planned things this way. We had been using the same office space for years and as our business had expanded we had searched for larger warehouse space to rent but had mostly managed to stay put as far as our office space. Finally though the company it seemed might have expanded enough to rationalize a hunt for new office space for rent. We had never seriously considered buying office space or warehouse space. When I looked over our finances in general that seemed to remain a good idea. The business still appeared to expand by leaps and bounds on a month to month basis. Rushing into owning space might leave us married to a building that could not possibly contain our ever growing business. So after some consideration it became clear that in the search for warehouse space I should also be looking for nearby office space for rent as well. This would prove a difficult combination of things that might actually require an expert in real estate management and rental. So I went out to a person who I trusted and had them set up several meetings. We began to look at office space for rent in some areas and warehouse space to rent in others but of course the most ideal places we looked included both in the same place. This could create some much needed synergy between our administrative office wings and our more labor oriented warehouse staff. To reach a point where these two segments of our business could work more in tandem appeared to be an opportunity to make the whole business run more efficiently. Suddenly a search for warehouse space had become a much more complicated search, though in the end we knew it was now the right choice for us. Our business once it was all functioning under one roof would be come far less unwieldy. Our expansions thus far had been simply in creating a few large warehouse spaces and simply tacking on another disparate warehouse space each time there was a slight uptick in production or in orders. As a result our staff had become unwieldy and our administrative staff had taken to trying to manage four different spaces remotely. Luckily we were able to find some helpful resources for commercial real estate and within a few weeks we were settling into a new headquarters housing both our main warehouse division and our administrative staff members. warehouse live houston April 20, 2014 When people get married, they believe that their love will last forever. They are filled with love and trust for the person that they are committing to and believe that there is nothing in the world that could tear them apart. Unfortunately, in our society today, people rarely stay married and faithful. They become disillusioned and unhappy and somehow infidelity and divorce become the answer. Our society today is very impatient. I am reminded of the little girl, I believe her name is Violet, in the book, and movie, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. She wants it all and she wants it NOW. Our society is very much impulse based. We are impulse shoppers, impulse eaters and yes, many people are unable to resist extramarital affairs. They rarely take the consequences of their actions into consideration. Married people are now in the minority in our country. I find that very sad. One of the most common reasons for divorce is a cheating spouse. Men cheat on their wives and women cheat on their husbands. It seems that the stigma that was once attached to the cheating spouse has diminished and people no longer find it shocking to discover the reason that their neighbors divorced was because of a cheating spouse. Admit it, if you are talking to your best friend and she mentions how her husband has been distant lately and has been putting in long hours at work, one of your first thoughts is that he must be a cheating spouse. And for men, if a buddy mentions that his wife has been spending a lot of time going out with her girlfriends, especially if she has single friends, the first think you think is that she must be a cheating spouse. Cheating spouse are very common on TV and in movies. In some respects, it almost seems that the act of having an affair and cheating on your spouse is romanticized in movies and on TV. And then there is always the poor unsuspecting spouse who is left at home wondering what is going on. Always the last to know. I believe that the long term effects of being involved in a relationship that has a spouse cheating are devastating to the spouse that is being cheated on. If they suspect their spouse is being unfaithful, the stress of not knowing can have ill effects on their mental and physical well being. Losing sleep because of an unfaithful spouse is very common. In order to take control of your happiness, you need to find out the truth and deal with it. It is unfortunate that infidelity is so common in society today but it is a fact. If you have ever been cheated on by a spouse or significant other, you know that affects your ability to trust in future relationships. valuta trading spouses April 19, 2014 The way business operations are being managed have drastically changed over the decades particularly with today8217s globally linked market and highly competitive worldwide industry. And with the ever increasing worldwide trade, being able to keep track with both the incoming and outgoing packages pose a major challenge not to mention the ever changing schedules, different locations, and other variables that can significantly affect the smooth flow of the business operation. This is why it is important to have a reliable UPS shipping software that can help track and monitor shipment delivery anywhere in the country or out of it for that matter. With the help of a reliable and highly efficient shipping solution, companies can now seamlessly merge the business processes for a more effective shipping operation. The main objective of UPS shipping software is to fully automate and computerize the labor intensive function of the shipping industry. And because the shipping sector is among the busiest and highly complicated industry, it is also important for all parties involved to have an effective solution that can help them manage and monitor all the shipping activities in a network specifically designed to oversee the operation including the Internet. With a an integrated administration and unified system, the shipping company will be able to control the flow of cargo right from the starting point up to the receiving end. By efficiently controlling the operation from a central location, this can provide the company with an enhanced capability to control every major aspect of the entire operation including vessels, equipment, manpower, and the shipment itself. This enable all parties involved the ability to trace and track the movement of the shipment in real time. What is so important about having a UPS shipping software solution is because it can be fully customized so it can seamlessly integrate into the already existing system and operations procedures and provide companies with well-organized and highly automated approach to a system that is already in operation. Different shipping software has its own specific features and unique aspects that cater to the individual needs of companies but in general, this allows shipping companies to have a fully automated business processing which in the past is one of the aspects of the business that was very hard to control and manage and largely rely on manual logistics. But with the introduction of well organized shipping applications, companies can ensure that all the important elements that matter to the operation are efficiently managed in every way. Companies that choose to integrate UPS shipping software in their system can comprehensively organize the general process of the shipping operation which in turn increase workforce productivity and significantly reduce the company8217s operation costs. The complexity of shipping procedures involves pickup and delivery of shipments from point A to point B and by simplifying these procedures, companies can enjoy better ROIs. This not only streamlines the entire operations but it can also help achieve the targeted customer service excellence for better business transaction in the future from satisfied clients. trading sap software download enterprise April 18, 2014 You can find indeed various question wondering even when the actual Cheap power balance wristband hang on whatsoever for just about any currency trader. 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Frequently Asked Questions QUESTION: what is the best online trading platform if i want to trade a couple hundred dollars also whats the commission and minimum balance that can be in the account ANSWER: All major brokerage firms provide their clients with on-line services, including trading platforms, latest market amp financial news and research. Customer need to select the site that is best for them. Traders have requirements in a site, while investors have other requirements. Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade. For example I use Fidelity for investing. Scottrade for equities trading and ThinkorSwim for option trading It seems that the most popular firms for on-line investingtrading all of which provide excellent platforms and services are Scottrade Chas. Schwab TDAmeritrade Fidelity E-Trade and Thinkorswim. If you have to worry about the minimum balance required in an account and you are only going to trade 8220a couple hundred dollars8221 you should not be 8220trading8221 QUESTION: What should I look for in an online trading platform ANSWER: It8217s obvious you are not a trader, nor do you have any real experience, if you were you would know exactly what to look for to meet your needs. But here is a sample what most real traders look for You need to be with a firm that has a professional clearing mechanism in place, A professional order routing program covering all the major markets and with back up exchange support, A fully staffed stock loanborrow department or a substantial in house margin customer base. A firm that have business contacts with individual market makers andor specialist Services that are provided with out charge for charting and research services that are not only in-house generated but our provided by subscriptions to other BDs Have sufficient Net capital to carry all inventories, fails, and customer balances QUESTION: Best online stock broker with low initial balance requirement Hi, I8217ve been wanting to get into the stock market lately, and I was wondering if you guys could recommend any good online stock brokers that don8217t have (or have the smallest) minimum balance for opening an account. I am currently a student so I cannot invest too much at one time. THanks ANSWER: In North America, you must be 18 to open a brokerage account in your name. Most brokerage firms DO NOT require their clients to maintain a balance. However, most reputable firms do require new customer be willoing to deposit at least 0. This is not a 8220balance8221 that must be maintained but rather an initial deposit that can be used for your first purchase, If you can not meet the 0 initial deposit, you should give very careful consideration as to opening an account at this times. Firms that require less than the 0 are not suitable for anyone to consider to be their brokerage firm. All major brokerage firms provide their clients with on-line services, including trading platforms, latest market amp financial news and research. Customer need to select the site that is best for them. Traders have requirements in a site, while investors have other requirements. Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade. For example I use Fidelity for investing. Scottrade for equities trading and ThinkorSwim for option trading It seems that the most popular firms for on-line investingtrading all of which provide excellent platforms and services are Scottrade Chas. Schwab TDAmeritrade Fidelity E-Trade and Thinkorswim. QUESTION: What online broker offers low minimum balances when initially opening an account I8217m 16 and I want to start investing. The money I8217m using is expendable, so I8217m willing to take a few risks. HOWEVER, I only have about 00. I understand the majority of the main online brokerage don8217t offer minimum balances close to that, but are there any that have low minimum balances that would accept 00 I know a fair bit about investing and I8217m looking to make money somewhat quickly 8212 not for the long-term. धन्यवाद। ANSWER: In North America you need to be 18 years of age to invest. You can not open an account with a brokerage firm. You can have a parent open a custodian account for you, using your social security number and when you turn 18 the assets in the account can be moved to an account in your name Many firms require a minimum balance of at least 0 but you8217ll have to have a parent open and use the account for you. All major brokerage firms provide their clients with on-line services, including trading platforms, latest market amp financial news and research. Customer need to select the site that is best for them. Traders have requirements in a site, while investors have other requirements. Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade. For example I use Fidelity for investing. Scottrade for equities trading and ThinkorSwim for option trading Remember, if you8217re going to playh in the game, you must play by the rules QUESTION: Who is the best online broker for a small time trader I am looking for very low commissions and hoping to find an online brokering firm where I can trade small amounts of stocks easily and without losing money to fees. Also, my starting balance is small so I need a low minimum requirement. Lastly, I really need to be able to trust the firm with my money, so no one that I haven8217t heard of. ANSWER: There are a lot of good brokerages depending on what you like and how you trade. Barron8217s has a great article on brokerages that they publish each year. (Latest one I have a link to was in March 6, 2006, but March 5, 2007 8220just8221 came out). Kiplinger does one too. Here s the link to the Barron s article. Here s the link to the Kiplinger s July 2006 article which isn t bad either. For basic stuff, ETrade, Ameritrade, and Scottrade are sufficient. For more complex trades, I8217d recommend Optionsxpress, ThinkorSwim, or interactivebrokers. Based on what you put in your question, I8217d recommend one of the first three, but all are very good. Cheapest probably is scottrade (of the larger online firms). Yes there are cheaper like interactivebrokers, but you8217ll have to get used to their software based platform (which is doable). They8217re only about contract on options Brokerages like Fidelity are horrible for anyone with any decent experience. So, decide what8217s important to you as a trader and compare the brokers You can use the article, or go to each website as they all seem to have comparison charts And if there are particular things that you want to mention as being most important to you (such as executions, cust svc, cheapest trade 8211 which you mentioned, flexibility on allowing you to do certain types of trades, stop and stop limit orders, contingent orders, great graphing, what if scenarios, training, etc), I8217ll be glad to help discuss this with you too If you have any questions, let me know. Hope that helps P. S. I just found a link to a review of reviews as well Here it is: QUESTION: I want to start investing in stocks online. What sites should I check out I know about etrade and other major sites. I would like something that has a low minimum account balance. ANSWER: There are a lot of good brokerages depending on what you like and how you trade. Barron8217s has a great article on brokerages that they publish each year. (Latest one was in March 6, 2006). Kiplinger does one too. Here s the link to the Barron s article. Here s the link to the Kiplinger s July 2006 article which isn t bad either. For basic stuff, ETrade, Ameritrade, and Scottrade are sufficient. For more complex trades, I8217d recommend Optionsxpress, ThinkorSwim, or interactivebrokers. Based on what you put in your question, I8217d recommend one of the first three, but all are very good. Cheapest probably is scottrade (of the larger online firms). Yes there are cheaper like interactivebrokers, but you8217ll have to get used to their software based platform (which is doable). They8217re only about contract on options Brokerages like Fidelity are horrible for anyone with any decent experience. So, decide what8217s important to you as a trader and compare the brokers You can use the article, or go to each website as they all seem to have comparison charts A few of them have very low minimum balances And if there are particular other things that you want to mention as being most important to you (such as executions, cust svc, flexibility on allowing you to do certain types of trades, stop and stop limit orders, contingent orders, great graphing, what if scenarios, training, etc), I8217ll be glad to help discuss this with you too If you have any questions, let me know. Hope that helps QUESTION: What website would you recommend for a newbie in the stock market I8217m not a frequent trader, and my account balance will more than likely be low initially. Just looking for something that doesn8217t cost an arm and leg while I8217m in the learning process. I currently am w Etrade which runs .99 trade (which seems steep to me) ANSWER: In the beginning newbie traders and investors DO NOT INVEST THE FIRST cent or dollar. No amount of money. In the beginning you LEARN HOW: A the stock market works. B to invest in many, many various ways. C to properly trade D many other concepts and aspects. Beginning or novice 8216newbies8221 investors and traders ALWAYS make mistakes. In fact, throughout a person8217s avocation or hobby to do trading, heshe will make mistakes. In the very beginning, you READ AND LEARN about the market and how it works: Read 8220Investing for Dummies8221 As you are reading and doing research about the investments you are interested in, sometimes you8217ll come across a financial or investment term you never heard before. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to Investopedia s dictionary. investopedia is a free site. It s recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221. It probably won t be long when you ll feel you re ready to invest your hard-earned money. Before taking that step, you really should do research about what you are investing in. It also has a free, paper trading platform. You can set up a virtual account and almost trade as though you were trading with real money. finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 END E-MAIL 1 The thought processes are: 1 to have more successful trades than failing trades. 2 to minimize the losses of those losing trades. 3 8220To live to trade another day.8221 Having enough money in the trading account to return to the market. ALL this is accomplished by a few true expressions used on Wall Street: Some trading expressions come to mind: A 8220On Wall Street there aren8217t any gifts.8221 No one gives anyone else anything 8211 not even stock tips. B BUlls BUyers earn money. BEars SEllers earn money. Pigs get fat. Hogs Greedy Traders get slaughtered. They lose the money in their trading accounts. C 8220Trees don8217t grow to Heaven. Neither do stocks or any other investments.8221 In other words: What goes up, MUST come down D 8220Plan your trade. THEN trade your plan8221 Have a trading plan with rules for that plan for each strategy. I want everyone to know I DO NOT own any portion of this man s estate, nor am I associated with him or any one else connected with him in any way. I am not part of the publishing company or an agent or anything else. This man does not know me from Adam AND I don t know him. I know of him and the wonderful book he wrote. THIS IS NOT SPAM. You should buy a copy of this book: The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Classon. You can get the book on amazon Its very easy to read. Its very easy to follow. You can write in it. You can make notes in it. All you have to do is to read five 5 pages 8211 Let s count 1 8211 2 8211 3 8211 4 8211 5 pages of this book 8211 or any book 8211 each and every day. OR You can leave it sit on the shelf, on a table or on the floor and let it collect dust. Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: What is the most secure website for trading stock and the minimum balance on the account. ANSWER: All major brokerage firms provide their clients with on-line services, including trading platforms, latest market amp financial news and research. Their trading platforms as well as their entire systems are subject, by law, to periodic review by their own internal and systems departments, and annually their independent accounting firm must audit the firm8217s entire IT area. Customer need to select the site that is best for them. Traders have requirements in a site, while investors have other requirements. Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade. For example I use Fidelity for investing. Scottrade for equities trading and ThinkorSwim for option trading Each has set their own requirements as to the minimum balance required to open an account but most firms require at leat 0 for new customers. If you feel that this is too much money or you want a firm that charges less you should not be investing in the market. QUESTION: Can I day trade without a margin account I do NOT have a margin account, so can I day trade without the ,000 requirement rule And if i can, is there any restrictions i should know about (im using firstrade btw) ANSWER: The FINRA requirement of a ,000 balance would be your main problem8230 You could day trade8230 just not every day. It8217s not usual for a day trader not to have a margin account. We don8217t get charged interest because if we go over our balance during the day8230 it means nothing if we are out of all positions by close. Also8230 for brokers with 3 day settlement8230 it helps avoid those problems also (you could have 0,000 in your account and still not be able to trade for 3 days due to settlement issues). My broker only requires 1 day settlement (several of the better brokers do). Most people think 3 days is an SEC rule. The actual rule says 8220up to 3 days8221. Firstrade is not exactly a broker of choice for most day amp swing traders. Barron8217s rates Firstrade last for 8220Trading Technology82218230 a must for day trading. They rate them 2nd to last on brokers for 2010. An 8220active trader8221 platform8230. where8230 you can trade from the chart, enter stops, sells with a drag amp drop or one press of a button8230. plus have on step operation on OCO (bracket) orders8230 is what day traders like. Some platforms have one step operations using a function key. Hopefully you8217re doing what most of us do82308230 Reading and learning everyday. A new trader should be reading between 1 8211 2 books a month. Trading money management and psychology (yours and the markets) is more important than technical analysis. However you can8217t be successful if you don8217t know both8230.. QUESTION: Stock market day trading8230 I8217m looking to start day trading. Can I do it throw the basic scott trade, sharebuilder, and those types of sites or is there a different program or software that I need ANSWER: If you intend to be a serious day trader you will have to meet the requirements of a pattern day trader. Margin account with ,000.00 minimum balance. And you will probably make a fair number of trades. At Scottrade that will qualify you for some free trading tools. The ScottradeElite trading platform with a ,000.00 account. This is a very good platform. With 10 trades per month you get Level 2 quotes free. With 15 trades per month you get Totalview free. These provide data many daytraders find helpful. You will not need anything else. A word of caution though. Start slow and be sure you know what you are doing. Day trading can lose money very fast. Although you will have a margin account, avoid trading on margin until you are confident in your skills. QUESTION: For options trading using scottrade, streaming quotes or options first Both are two different platforms, but are separated accounts. My balances have to be transferred and cannot be correlated together. What is better to use trading options And can you exercise a put or call option whenever you want at any price ANSWER: For options accounts, always go with established, listed brokers that are covered under FINRA so that your money don8217t disappear with the company if it closes down. For options, yes, you can exercise all in the money options anytime you want to. There is no point in exercising out of the money options, right However, professional options traders almost NEVER exercise their options, they simply SELL their options for profit just like selling a stock. You don8217t have to exercise an option to take profit on it. QUESTION: DAYTRADING. what are the requirements How much money do I need to begin with What is the best company to go with Will it affect my taxes Whats a good stock for next week ANSWER: Depending on what type of day trading you are going to engage and what type of firms you are going to setup your account with, requirements can be very different. There are different types of trader and there are at least two types of trader defined by SEC8217s requirements : If you buy a stock, hold it for at least one day before you sell it, you are short-term trader. For this type of trader, there is no official minimum account balance requirement from the regulary bodies. You will however need to meet the minimum account balance requirement (usually quite low) set by the brokerage firm you use. If you are thinking about buy and sell a stock position within one day, you are considered as a pattern day trader. Rules and regulation for Pattern day traders are very different. The regulation requires all pattern day trader account meet a minimum balance requirement of 000 to open an account. You will be able to borrow margin up to 4 times of your equity value. (For details, please contact a brokerage firm). No single best company out there will fit all but you should at least look for companies that offer: 1. Comprehesive service channels (branch, phone, internet, touch tone) 2. Reliable and advanced trading platform ( prefer software based platform that you can install in your computer as a standalone program) 3. Reasonable commission schedule with efficient and fair execution. 4. Streaming news service 5. Technical and trading specialist team who can help you during all trading sessions ( pre-, after and regular trading session) 6. Up to the minute account status update The following companies are worth to look into: Schwab Fidelity Etrade TD Ameritrade Some people open account with firms called 8220day trading company82218230 they will lure people by telling them that they let you trade with their money8230 They are not registered brokerage firm or investment firm, and they are actually in a gray area where we do not have any comprehensive regulation to regulate in the United States. Their practice is to charge you fees on each trading transaction while allowing you to use their asset to trade. Some of them may charge you fees for the asset they let you leverage on. So, you can bring in 00 and they may 8220lend8221 you 0,000 for day trading. Your account however will be monitored by their system8230 that if you lose more than the principle value you brought in, they will sell off your position and close your account. Anyway, this is not a good way to do trading and is highly not recommended. Capital gain from day trading or short-term trading will be considered as short-term gain (less than 12 months) and will be taxed as your ordinary income. So, it may or may not affect your taxes depends on what8217s your current tax bracket and how much you gain or lose from the trading practice in a particular year. From your questions above, I strongly feel that you are not ready for doing day trading ( and any kind of trading) at this moment. Day traders will look for stocks with higher intraday fluctuation as they usually has leverage on the position and thus will have a very short holding period of any position. High intraday fluctation means they can profit by buying and selling that stock in very short period of time. Also, a truely skillful day trader make money no matter the market is going up or down by playing both side of the market. You should put some efforts on learning about technical analysis, risk management and train up your charting skills. Do some paper trades to gain expereince before putting your real money in the market is very essential too. With the skill, sense and expereince, you will have your own ideas of what are good picks for any particular trading day instead of relying on hot tips from strangers. I would recommend you to start with short-term trading with cash account ( no margin) when you feel you are ready. Best luck to you and hope this helps. QUESTION: I am interested in online currency trading in Indian Rupee and Dollars. Pls. suggest to me a reliable online currency trading platform. I live in New Delhi. Is iforex reliable ANSWER: This particular section of the worldwide marketplace is a fluid entity that can have violent up - and down-swings in a matter of minutes it is for this reason that the currency trade is both a money-making machine and also a considerable financial risk. Initially, currency day trading for beginners can be difficult to manage, but with enough research, good advice, and practice even novices can have a successful FOREX account. Follow These 4 Tips To Not Get Lost Step One: Explanation of Currency Day Trading for Beginners The best way to be successful in any endeavor is to fully understand the situation you d be surprised at how many people don t completely comprehend the FOREX market, and yet jump in head first. Not only are such actions foolish, but can cause financial ruin for all involved. FOREX trading is fairly simple as it is: the exchanging of foreign currencies with any country, open 24 hours a day for 5 days a week, and can be done through either a FOREX broker or automated FOREX trading software. Although you can trade 24 hours a day, coordinate your actions with the opening of major markets so as to receive the optimum benefits from the market s performance. Also, it is important to follow the market and learn the jargon so that currency day trading for beginners isn t a completely novel task. Step Two: Getting Started As previously stated, currency day trading for beginners is an undertaking that shouldn t be taken lightly. Understanding that an investor is trading real-life money in international marketplaces and that these trades can result in financial gains or losses is essential to keep the investor on a steady course. If anything, an unstable day trader is a danger to himself. With that being said, it is best to begin trading with only one currency pair the investor sells one currency that appears to be falling in value, while buying another that seems to be rising. Step Three: Stay Focused Understand that currency day trading for beginners is a fast moving market of high-risk investments thus, it is of the utmost importance to work in a quiet place so as to maintain concentration. The market changes every second and it is crucial to be focused with such large amounts of money hanging in the balance. Step Four: Know the Basics Currency day trading for beginners can be an arduous task, especially as a total newcomer to the FOREX field. To combat this, start trading with a free practice account many brokers that allow day trading have demo accounts available for newbies to become familiar with the market. These accounts are a wonderful option to explore and test your strategies without risking real money. QUESTION: I don8217t qualify for Interactive Brokers, what8217s the next best low cost broker I am a swing trader, and currently use TD Ameritrade. It8217s too expensive at for a round trip trade. My account balances isnt large enough for IB. I signed up for Options House today and I think i will fund it. Their trades are 3.95, or approx round trip. Any others i should consider Price and execution are what i8217m interested in. Thanks ANSWER: You forgot platform. I8217m surprised that you8217re not using ThinkOrSwim. Surely TD Ameritrade can switch you for free amp your trading costs may be lower (I pay much lower commissions with them). The best platforms for swing or day trading are ThinkOrSwim TradeStation LightSpeed Real Tick A good platform makes you money8230. it has more impact than commission price because it helps you get in and out at the best times8230. or not to get in at all. As a day or swing trader you8217ll want a broker that charges by the share. Typical costs are around .01 per share. Lightspeed amp Interactive Brokers charge half that. I like the ThinkOrSwim Platform amp TradeStation Platform much more than those two8230. so I8217m willing to pay higher commissions. Few good Swing or Day Traders pay by the trade82308230 it just doesn8217t make sense when you ladder in and out all the time. BTW: Check out the 8220Shadow Trader8221 during trading hours on the TOS platform. It8217s free with real time training and trade ideas. QUESTION: Is there a platformwebsite which compiles and deliver every piece of news releas by the sec for forextraders Dear all, Is there a platform or website that delivers seamlessly and instantaneously each and every piece of news release to the user Something like the one Eddie Morran used in the movie Limitless. I am currently actively trading on demo, and find myself able to double whatever balance I have in each day through scalping day-trading by using multi-frame analysis, oscillators, candlesticks and every other technical tools. I also use babypips8217s news release calendar, which is pretty useful in pre-empting momentary price movementsspikes beyond the technical predictions. But the problem is there are other financial news beyond the pre-scheduled news reports the news release calendar prepares the trader for. And there was once and many a times which I wouldn8217t have lost a few hundred pips had I been aware of those financial news releases. For example updates on debt ceiling arrangement. I also use the website8221 DailyFX 8220, but it merely produces vague one liners of news, which i then have to follow up on by googling on it. And its so troublesome managing so many websites at one time. I suppose there must be a platform or website that delivers by the split second every piece of information to the trader in comprehensive and efficient manner. I wouldn8217t even mind paying for it. But I googled and googled and yet can8217t find anything of that sort. Your help would greatly appreciated ANSWER: Well8230i read marketwatch a lot. QUESTION: which is better, etrade or scottrade8230or other I8217m looking at buying stock for the first time, and was wondering what kind of fees i8217m looking at, and which online trader is the best for me. ANSWER: Scottrade is the better online broker. They have excellent trading platforms, NO account maintenance fees. 00 online trading commission for stock over .00share, 0.00 minimum to open an account, very good research sources available. Excellent customer service either by phone (they have always answered the phone promptly when I have called the office), or you can speak to the Branch Manager in person at a local office. Etrade fees are too high. Etrades standard online trading commission is .99. To qualify for the .99 online trading commission you must execute 500 trades per month. To qualfy for the .99 online trading commission you must execute 10-49 trades per month or maintain a balance of ,000.00 in your accounts. QUESTION: Where can someone who is starting to trade stocks make an account to do so I want to start to do some trading but I don8217t want to put too much in, maybe a couple hundred. What websites will let me open an account with a low minimum balance Also I would like a website that doesn8217t charge too much for trades and doesn8217t have any hidden fees or anything like that. ANSWER: OptionsXpress has no min. deposit with commission of trade Zecco also has no min. deposit with commission of .50trade Trade King also has no min. deposit with commission of trade I have an OXPS account and the platform and features are great. Trade King8217s platform is much more conducive for beginning traders, simple interface amp such, and I hear they have great service also. Though, haven8217t heard much about Zecco. Google this 8220broker smackdown8221 it8217s a forum in which people have been debating which brokerages are best. It has alot of insight coming from others amp their experiences. QUESTION: What online stock market service would you recommend I8217m new to the stock market and looking for advice as to which service I should use to start out (i. e. eTrade) based on these factors: the cost to openmaintain an account, the buy-sell transaction costtaxes, the minimum account balance, etc. ANSWER: All major brokerage firms provide their clients with on-line services, including trading platforms, latest market amp financial news and research. Customer need to select the site that is best for them. Traders have requirements in a site, while investors have other requirements. Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade. For example I use Fidelity for investing. Scottrade for equities trading and ThinkorSwim for option trading It seems that the most popular firms for on-line investingtrading all of which provide excellent platforms and services are Scottrade Chas. Schwab TDAmeritrade Fidelity E-Trade and Thinkorswim. In your situation, you may be best served if you select Scottrade or Ameritrade QUESTION: Would this costum stock chart be posible I am looking for an costum online charting, or software for costum charts i could download that displays candlesticks Hourly but instead of the default 15.00, 16.00, 17.00 etc depending on your time zone i need it to display it like this: 15:30, 16:30, 17:30, 18,30 etc, does anybody know if that is posible and what software or website could do it thank you in advance ANSWER: When you open a brokerage account, you will be able to download a dedicated trading platform that you can customize and tweak to your hearts content. Register with any online broker, and you8217ll be able to download a free trial of their trading platform. A browser, on the other hand, is far inferior to a dedicated trading platform. That8217s not what a browser was designed to do, although it can do it. Neither does it include a stock screener, implied volatility, and all of the other strategies, tools and layouts that a trading platform does. Plus, it has no method to limit the high data flow required for trading, especially around reports. Having your browser lock up in the middle of a trade because of stack overflow is no fun. Or having an add-in or shockwave flash crash or have it slow to a snails pace is just unnecessary. But we use a browser to check our account balance and send us money, but a trader uses a trading platform that was designed for trading. Browsers are great when you8217re on the go and on a public computer. But I have my trading program installed on my laptop also, and can trade from anywhere I can get a connection, with two monitors. It is completely unnecessary and inappropriate to use a browser for trading. People do a lot of things that are inappropriate, so it8217s possible, just a little silly. I8217m not sure what 822015, 16, 178221 means. Are those minutes Then what is 822015:30, 16:308221 Is that the time of day Unless you are accurate and specific, you will never become a trader. Unless you can communicate your thoughts, you will never get an answer, or get anywhere in life. QUESTION: Can FX trading be regarded as gambling ANSWER: Wow. this is a tough one Well, if you say FX Trading is gambling because traders are simply betting the market to appreciate or depreciate to the placing then is it not similar to any short of trades Regardless if the market is O. T.C. or not. You purchase goods to bet that you can make a profit when you sell it later, now can that be counted as gambling too Because if you bet the wrong way you too can end up with nothing or a negative balance on your bank statements. Personally I think gambling is simply investing blindly, without any thinking and planning involved. The reward for FX trading can be very profitable if you have done your homework well Obviously the platform provider is important too If you have traded before you must be quite familiar with the term 8220slippage82218230 The platform provider plays a big factor on your trades, if it is not reliable, safe or unethical then you are trading at high risk So choose your platform provider carefully All in all, I would not classify FX Trading as Gambling however, careful studies must be done before entering the market I would recommend anyone interested to check out babypips to learn more about FX Trading And once you are ready to trade, you can check out Masarut Capital Group AB as this is the only platform provider I8217ve found (currently using) that offers no slippage and very little issues Happy Trading Guys. QUESTION: Volume indicator for forex markets Hello, i trade forex markets and i want to find an indicator similar to 8220volume8221 which i use when i trade commodities because this indicator is very critical in my trading disicions. Can someone help ANSWER: If your trading decisions are short term, as already suggested volume will only reflect your brokers data and platform not the entire market. metatrader charts is widely used and has vol indicator, free also, so it might help. OBV (on balance volume indicator) might also be of aid. If your trading decisions are longer term then look at the Official COT report ( Commitments of Traders) cftc. govMarketReportsCommitmentsofTradersindex. htm. (scroll to Chicago Mercantile Exchange). It8217s lagging data but it does give you a heads up on volume of short and long positions. QUESTION: What do you look for in a stock that makes you want to buy it Im 18 i know how to buy stocks threw a broker or a online brokerage, Im having trouble finding like how do you know if that stock is good or not to buy Is it threw research of the company, ANSWER: I use research for my long term holdings. I pay around 0 a year for Morningstar. They do Stocks and Mutual Funds. Most of my trades last a day or up to about 2 weeks. For those trades I rarely know what the company does. I use 8220Technical Analysis8221 to make all those trade decisions. The better brokers like ThinkOrSwim, TradeStation, TradeKing etc have incredible platforms with great charting packages. Knowing Technical Analysis is 50 of being a good trader. The balance is having great trading money management skills. QUESTION: online brokers Has anyone used marsco to trade stocks How do you compare it with sharebuilder what is the min balance needed for marsco Can I keep some of the amount as cash and rest in stocks to meet the min balance criteria What are other online brokers that charge low trading fees ANSWER: I can8217t speak directly to marsco, but I can help with other online brokers. There are a lot of good brokererages depending on what you like and how you trade. Barron8217s Online has a great article on brokerages that they publish each year. (I8217ll try to find you the link for the March 6,2006 article) For basic stuff, ETrade, Ameritrade, and Scottrade are sufficient. For more complex trades, I8217d recommend Optionsxpress, ThinkorSwim, or interactivebrokers. Based on what you put in your question, I8217d recommend one of the first three, but all are very good. Cheapest probably is scottrade (of the larger online firms). Yes there are cheaper like interactivebrokers, but you8217ll have to get used to their software based platform (which is doable). They8217re only about contract on options Brokerages like Fidelity are horrible for anyone with any decent experience. So, decide what8217s important to you as a trader and compare the brokers You can use the article, or go to each website as they all seem to have comparison charts And if there are particular things that you want to mention as being most important to you (such as executions, cust svc, cheapest trade 8211 which you mentioned, flexibility on allowing you to do certain types of trades, stop and stop limit orders, contingent orders, great graphing, what if scenarios, training, etc), I8217ll be glad to help discuss this with you too If you have any questions, let me know. Hope that helps QUESTION: On-line Broker in a day trading account problem Some of you great guys out there saw my initial question about my on-line broker. The inability for their system to handle my sale order caused me a great deal of financial pain when options I purchased (signed agreements in place as a day trader and as an options trader) filled, and as the intra-day trading prices moved around I order a straight sale, no margins, not related to any spreads. Actually the most damage was done because the option was a weekly option. The order jammed, but not the software glitch or system down issue of any sort as outlined in the agreement. Talked to reps who gave me free trades and was sorry. You guys told me to write the compliance dept. मैंने किया। Part of their letter say: 8220On rare occasions, our internal order management system will incorrectly pair certain option contracts together, causing the maintenance requirements of the affected positions to not be calculated as efficiently as possible. Thus, Available Funds and Buying Power balances may be incorrect as well. When this happens, the resolution to the problem requires a manual adjustment to the paired positions themselves, which is done at the request of the affected client. This is the situation you encountered in May. Another potential resolution to the issue is to switch an account to a secondary option pairing system called Complex Option Trading System, or COTS. Your account was switched to COTS on May 13. I understand your frustration comes from not being informed of the existence of COTS prior to the issues you experienced. That is because COTS is not a system completely devoid of issues either. It is a system primarily utilized for clients trading complex option strategies involving 3 or more legs in a position. Therefore, it is not something our firm has decided to offer to clients, but rather utilize it as situations warrant. I sincerely apologize for the frustration the situation has caused you. Ideally, our clients would never experience this issue however, system issues are an unfortunate operational risk. (BROKER NAME) does not guarantee system availability or functionality. I8217m glad to see you were awarded commission-free trades in light of the situation however, an accommodation beyond commission-free trades is not warranted in this matter. If you have additional questions regarding COTS, please do not hesitate to contact our Advanced Options Team at. extension 209111. We appreciate your business and look forward to maintaining a positive business relationship.8221 Senior Research Specialist Office of the President I spoke to 7 Reps over a 3 day period in which the only thing they could finally say was they wre now tweaking my account as the letter indicates. What as a day trader and with weekly options the adjustment on purchases were not the problem, they filled, it was then my sale order that then out of no where was deemed their 8220Cancel8221 over and over. I find them really insulting, as I was a Trust Officer for a regional bank for years, and where is fiduciary and prudent conduct Is it non-exsistant today. Their inability to serve the excellance they insist 8230.the latest, fastest etc. is then false to the consumer and the retail trader. To top it all off I was on line in late August in a new trade, nothing weekly of course. When my sister, who is a joint owner of the account, called from her office, and not in my area, a Rep about a password issue on a different platform than I was on, and out of the blue before he hangs up tells her he8217ll try the password on the platform I was using8230I know tec reps look at the screen and are suppose to ask before they take over your activity. So consequently knocking me off line, and here we go again. I have not even gone there yet with them, but its logged in on the account activity as the last contact. I was told by one adviser to write a demand letter, that their letter really dances around what happened. I believe no way should they have had a day trader in a weekly option with the software issues they themselves describe. Another adviser, an attorney specializing in FINRA said if its worth it, I should file that way8230(too long and just wrong). I also read on line that there are slow systems that have now begun to be known and reporter which are problems for traders. So, I thought maybe I would write and send a cc to the well known financial adviser, who sponsored my signing up with them in the first place. Maybe embarrassing them is best. I don8217t know Help ANSWER: they have apologized, acknowledged the problem and offered some kind of commission free trading arrangement as compensation. They don8217t feel obligated to give you monies that would have resulted in a smooth trade. Not being a day trader and not dealing in Options I don8217t know how often these things happen8230.but I do know that what you are doing is not going to get you satisfaction that you expect and certainly will not help you with a relationship with this broker in the future. So my question is 8220Why are you still with them, when they acknowledge issues with their system. 8221 If I had that problem and was not satisfied with the response8230.I would switch accounts to another broker in a heart beat8230.why aren8217t you doing that Trust me8230.in business, embarrassing someone you are doing business will never work. That Financial adviser that sponsored you before will never sponsor you again8230He won8217t know you8230. QUESTION: can employees of brokerages trade stocks also or are they restricted I want to know if anyone who works for one of these online borkerages are able to trade personal accounts also. I am refering to people in tech support, as well as customer service, etc8230. are they able to trade personal accounts or are they restricted from doing so The reason i ask is becuase i just found out that one of my brokerages are able to view my terminal including charts, Trend lines, text writing, indicators, programming used, etc8230 whenever they think it suits them. My other 2 borkerages are not able to do that becuase they are non-web-based platforms. If i were one of those employees who were able to view all traders terminals, i think it would be farily easy to reverse engineer, front run, or simply copy the trades of the most profitable clients. I talked to someone at the SEC and they said that it is illegal if we could prove that any form of front running or privacy violation was taking place. Thats not reallly my goal. 8230my goal is just to know who is viewing my info and when. So, are they allowed to trade That would tell me if they indeed have an incentive to look into their clients info. btw the brokerage i refer to is 8220Alpari8221 and more specifically their 8220Jforex8221 or 8220direct PRO8221 accounts. Those are both web based. However the 8220direct8221 (not 8220direct pro8221) platform is downloaded onto the clients computer, and thus more private. so they say it was really difficult to ge them to describe the layers of privacy and what they were able to view, until i talked to someone who was clearly not a trader. I really go the sense from tech support that they had something to hide8230.they danced around the question for about an hour until i finally put it into 8220yes8221 or 8220no8221 8230. and finally even then after another 20 minutes they admited they can view terminals wheneever they see fit. btw the brokerage i refer to is 8220Alpari8221 and more specifically their 8220Jforex8221 or 8220direct PRO8221 accounts. Those are both web based. However the 8220direct8221 (not 8220direct pro8221) platform is downloaded onto the clients computer, and thus more private. so they say it was really difficult to ge them to describe the layers of privacy and what they were able to view, until i talked to someone who was clearly not a trader. I really go the sense from tech support that they had something to hide8230.they danced around the question for about an hour until i finally put it into 8220yes8221 or 8220no8221 8230. and finally even then after another 20 minutes they admited they can view terminals wheneever they see fit. I appreciate the feedback from you guys8230however i think some of that is a bit incorrect. From what I was told at alpari almost all employees have access to full view of all charts and even notes, and trendlines, etc8230. on each customers terminal. Even if its just the tech support, that is still alot of prying eyes. What it tells me is that i need to get a job doing that so that i disect your years of reserach and strategy building8230.. actually if you are a swing trader and i notice that you have a good history of making solid returns, i could just go home that night and copy your trade. I suppose that only a few people might do that but i guarantee you it is happening. Companies like Tradestation however, are not web based platforms and i have been reassured by them that they are not able to view that kind of personal details. I was actually shocked to learn that some brokerages do that. They are making money from their most talanted clients without and then charging their I appreciate the feedback from you guys8230however i think some of that is a bit incorrect. From what I was told at alpari almost all employees have access to full view of all charts and even notes, and trendlines, etc8230. on each customers terminal. Even if its just the tech support, that is still alot of prying eyes. What it tells me is that i need to get a job doing that so that i disect your years of reserach and strategy building8230.. actually if you are a swing trader and i notice that you have a good history of making solid returns, i could just go home that night and copy your trade. I suppose that only a few people might do that but i guarantee you it is happening. Companies like Tradestation however, are not web based platforms and i have been reassured by them that they are not able to view that kind of personal details. I was actually shocked to learn that some brokerages do that. They are making money from their most talanted clients without and then charging their what i mostly did not appreciate at alpari was how they danced around it for an hour before comming out with it. You would have had to be there to know what i mean8230it was game playing to the max. I distincly got the sense that i had hit it right on the nail with that guy personally. I cant say that i blame him, but i8217m not going to let him copy the reserach and work that i8217ve put in for over 3 years now every day. ANSWER: In the United States, employees of brokerage firms are permitted to trade for their own accounts BUT they CAN NOT trade for customers of the firm. Employees ARE NOT permitted to trade personal accounts other than their own. Not all the personnel of a brokerage firm have access to customer accounts, especially those in technical support. Only those designated in tech support can assist customer with any technical problems they may have but most can not access customer vital information. Only operations personnel and certain compliance staff can access customer accounts, especially as it pertains to positions, balances and trade activity. In most major firms, the levels of access to customers accounts is very tightly controlled and audited both internally and by outside auditors as well as regulators. No reputable firm would let non authorized employees have access to customer accounts. Tech support usually has access to some of the entitlements a customer may have but are either blocked from customer data or are prohibited from viewing such data. EDDIE W Once again you have demonstrated that you have no idea what you are talking about, nor do you understand the rules amp regulations that govern the securities industry nor do you know anything about brokerage operations Not all employees are permitted to look into customer account. In this day and age customer balances ARE NOT updated manually nor can balances be updated without offsetting cash entries. Employees entering orders before customer orders is called front running which is illegal and has absolutely nothing to do about commissions. And in most firms employees DO pay a commission QUESTION: What is the cheapest site for Day trading Hi, I am trading stocks from about a few months and I am using sharebuilder. I am more interested in day trading than investing in longterm. I trade with about 1000 to 2000 USD per day. Sharebuilder is charging to buy and to sell which I think too much for a day trader like me with small amounts of capital. Can some one advice good site that is best for day trading with low charges and fees. I know zecco used provide free trades earlier but not anymore. Please advice. Thank you ANSWER: 1- You do not have enough experience to day trade, there8217s no way that 8220a few months8221 of trading8221 is sufficient experience to even consider day trading. 2-Sharebuilders is a firm for novices or inexperienced investors that want to occasionally invest, it is not a brokerage firm that one would use for trading, let alone day trading. 3-Most firms like Scottrade Chas. Schwab TDAmeritrade Fidelity E-Trade and Thinkorswim will all charge around 8211 for eacxhs trade, but they have a much better trading platform. 4-You DO NOT have sufficient capital to be a real 8220day trader8221, If as a day trader you get tagged as a 8220pattern trader8221 you will be required to open a margin account AND maintain a minimum equity of ,000 8211 this is not a ,000 balance it8217s ,000 in equity. 5-You do not have enough experience to day trade, nor do you have sufficient capital Sorry to bust your bubble, but this is reality based on 45 years in the industry. QUESTION: Questions about day trading. Anyone I8217ve been using e-trade but with the per trade its getting to be a little much when you buy and sell. What are some better sites for day trading. I have about ,000 I8217m using to buy and sell with. अनुलेख I understand the risks8230i realize that8217s not much money to trade with but I8217m not looking to make a fortune doing this. Please all I8217m looking for is a good site to use that doesn8217t charge much per trade when using about ,000 Again8230i realize the risk i8217m taking8230 Please answer the question and not give me a lesson8230 Third time i8217ve posted and no one ever answers but everyone is plenty willing to tell me the risks. First good answer gets 8220Best Answer8221 and good karma What does it mean to be a pattern day trader I8217m only looking to make 3-4 trades per week if that changes anything. ANSWER: First, with only ,000.00 you are limited to periodic day trading. If you make 4 or more day trades in any 5 consecutive business days, you will be labeled a 8220pattern day trader.8221 At that point you must have a margin account and maintain a minimum balance of ,000.00. That is a regulatory requirement, so it will aplly with any broker. Second, if you are going to day trade, you need a reliable service and a good trading platform more than cheap fees. There are many brokers that I am not familar with. But I doubt that you will get cut rate trading fees with any broker suitable for day trading. The key to reducing costs is to trade in high volume. When I day trade I usually trade a 1000 shares. That makes the per share cost low. I think it will be difficult to be successful if you are trading 100 shares. Especially on a regular basis. I use Scottrade. per trade. They have good service for routine trading. But their Elite trading platform has some issues. If I was a serious day trader, I would look for someone with a better trading platform. Perhaps TDAmeritrade or Schwab Haven8217t tried them, but they have good reputations. Perhaps the best thing to do would be move your account to another broker and try them out while you build up your account size to the needed K. QUESTION: Stocktrading, Few questions about the basic please Hi, I8217ve been looking into trading stocks for a while now, I8217ve done a few simulators and stuff in the past but im wanting to do it for real, so im wondering whats the best way to go about doing it I8217d prefer an online site that doesn8217t require a huge bank balance straight away just so i can have a bit of a play around with it first If anyone could recommend some and their honest opinions of them I would be great appreciative. ANSWER: All major brokerage firms and mutual fund companies provide their clients with on-line services, including trading platforms, latest market amp financial news and research. Customer need to select the site that is best for them. Traders have requirements in a site, while investors have other requirements. Although most sites are geared to general securities and commodities, however customers may have special needs for the types of products they trade, and the markets in which they trade. It seems that the most popular firms for on-line investingtrading all of which provide excellent platforms and services are Scottrade Chas. Schwab TDAmeritrade Fidelity E-Trade, Vanguard, T. Rowe Price and Thinkorswim. In your situation, you may be best served if you select Scottrade or Ameritrade 8212-Express 8212- You have no idea what you re talking about 8211 By Federal law to open a margin account you need to have and maintain equity of at least ,000, most firms require ,500. Also all trades in the equities markets settle in three business and the transactions are posted to accounts onth settlement day of the trade. ALL trades settle on the settlement day including margin transactions Required margins are calculated on a trade date bases but all trades still settle on the settlement date, Not every one would agree with you comment that Facebook is the best stock of the week only those with little or no experience would make such a comment in this type of media QUESTION: What do some of the best trading systems return Generally ones that use indicators (oscillators, etc.), and are not commercially sold, such as those that can be programmed on tradestation. Thanks for your help There are two factors on which the returns depends: 1. Trading style: If you are an aggressive trader, takes risk, balance portfolios well, keep track of the market news, have experience then you get high returns. 2. Trading platform: If you are working with a easy-to-use trading platform system which charges low brokerage and gives various facilities like timely updates and tips, also manage your account well do contribute to your gains. When i started trading, i was totally confused about the system i should use. one of my friend asked me to use finexo. from that day i am using this system and finding it suitable to my trading style. these people charges low fees, connect our portfolios well with the market and thus contribute in our profits. My Average monthly returns with finexo is 11.5. Which is pretty good compared to other systems who promises something else and the reality differs. Friend i am no advertising anything. this is what i experienced it and i am sharing with you. though some features of finexo are not very competitive and has a scope of further improvement. but the basic requirements like timely market news and trading tips, expert views, fund managers, technical analysis charts are very well formed and managed by Finexo QUESTION: how can earn safely in currency trading plz tell me the strategy for do this ANSWER: Trading currencies is a fast paced way to both win and lose money. More than US trillion of currencies are traded daily among brokers, traders, banks and individuals. Unlike other stock transactions, when someone wins a trade in currencies, someone else loses. The fluctuations are based on buying and selling one currency against another and can create large losses and equally large wins, offering no assurances either way. Function Individuals who trade currencies online do so through brokerage houses using various trading platforms. The currency movements are called pips and are defined as 8220the smallest price change that a given exchange rate can make8221 by investopedia. Each pip has a value, generally the equivalent of 1100th of one percent of a currency unit 8212 in the case of American dollars, a pip would be 0.01 cent, or FAQ-ANSWER.0001. When you trade currencies, you choose which pair you think will move based on economic factors and trading strategies. If you think that the euro is ready to increase in value and that this would cause the dollar to decrease, you could either buy euros or sell dollars, making money either way if you are right. Types Currencies are traded in pairs against each other such as eurodollar or British poundyen. The most commonly traded currency is the U. S. dollar, USD, due to its liquidity. Other actively traded currencies are the euro, EUR, Japanese yen, JPY, British pound, GBP, and the Swiss franc, CHF. Considerations Currency trading is as safe as your available account balance. Traders set stop losses or triggers that indicate how much you are willing to lose on a given trade. The market fluctuates enough so that if your stops are set far away from the low or high point, you can absorb the fluctuations easier and make money. If your account balance is low, you have less money to lose so your stops have to be tighter. Market fluctuations will likely cause you to lose money based on your inability to ride the ups and downs. Warning If anyone tells you that trading currencies is a safe way to make money, be very wary of what they might be trying to sell you. Trading currencies is not safe for small traders with limited resources and little knowledge of market movements. The safest way to trade currencies is with a large cushion in your margin account, to always use stop losses, and to remove your winnings as often as possible. Benefits Trading currencies can be a lucrative way to earn a living, if you take proper precautions with each trade. Most brokerage houses offer demo accounts so you can learn the particulars of trading before using your money. These demo accounts are helpful, but there is a significant emotional difference when you are trading with your own money. Keeping emotions out of currency trading is one of the most difficult aspects to learn and practice. If you can master your fears and your greed while maintaining a sufficient account balance to absorb the fluctuations, you will have a better chance to benefit from currency trades. QUESTION: What is the riskiest stock investment right now ANSWER: To do successful trades, you have to have your own set of trading rules. I8217m going to share with you some of my trading rules. I can tell you 70 members of our trading group can8217t be wrong. We follow our own sets of trading rules. Whether or not you8217ll use them is another matter. I8217ll also include some trading sayings. A 8220On Wall Street there aren8217t any gifts.8221 No one gives anyone else anything 8211 not even stock tips. B Bulls Buyers earn money. Bears Sellers earn money. Pigs get fat. Hogs Greedy Traders get slaughtered. they lose the money in their trading accounts. C Here8217s what no one in the trading won8217t do: 1 We WILL NOT trade 8220cheap8221 inexpensive stocks. We will not trade. BB dot BB, which is the Bulletin Board,.PK dot PK, which is the Pink Sheet O-T-C Over-the-Counter. The above stocks are far too risky and volatile. 2 We WILL NOT trade any stock which trades less than .51 per share. We do not want to be part of any 8220pity party8221. 3 We WILL NOT trade any stock which has less than 400,000 sharesvolume per day. Volume less than this makes the stock too risky and volatile for the retail trader. Those traders with deeper pockets having more money can trade stocks with less volume. 4 We WILL NOT trade any IPOs Initial Public Offerings. These stocks do not have any history to follow. They are far too risky. 5 We WILL NOT trade any stock with less than 18 months of trading history. 6 We WILL NOT trade against the trend. 7a We WILL NOT trade any stock betwen the price of .01 to .51 up OR down. Stocks in this range are known as 8220the doldrums8221 8211 they have a tendency to get stuck and not move. 7b We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to .51 another 8220doldrum range8221. 7c We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to 6.51 8211 yet another 8220doldrum range8221. D1 When we do our research, we check the following: The Earnings Announcement Date. This happens 4 times each year, about every 3 months. Different stocks have different EADs. D2 We check for stock splits. D3 We check the sector and the industry. We check for the trend in that stock8217s sector. D4 We ALWAYS check the news for each stock. F When ALL the criteria and rules are met, Plan your trade. THEN trade your plan. When you know the proper strategies, know how to use them AND you follow your rules, you can earn money when the stock goes up. You can earn money when the stock goes down, You can earn money when the stock goes sideways. USUALLY numbers in the stock market are expressed in percentages and in dollars and cents. Here8217s an example: ABC is currently at .50 per share. You did your investigating and research. This stock passed ALL your rules. You have your entry at .78 or 1 to prove the stock8217s trend. Your target is .56 or 10 IF the trade should go against you and you lose money, you will get out of the trade at .56 or 8. This is so you can trade another day. As a foot note: We DO NOT put any more than 15 of our total trading account balance in any one trade. If our balance is ,000 we do not put any more than ,500 into any trade. Our entry is ,78. We can buy 50 shares of ABC. For some reason or another, brokerrs and others like rounded off numbers of shares. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: How do you invest in stocks Where can I find information about stock companies that I can invest in How do you invest in stocks ANSWER: 8220Stock tips8221 aren8217t really tips at all. To do successful trades, you have to have your own set of trading rules. I8217m going to share with you some of my trading rules. I can tell you 70 members of our trading groups can8217t be wrong. We follow our own sets of trading rules. Whether or not you8217ll use them is another matter. I8217ll also include some trading sayings. A 8220On Wall Street there aren8217t any gifts.8221 No one gives anyone else anything 8211 not even stock tips. B Bulls Buyers earn money. Bears Sellers earn money. Pigs get fat. Hogs Greedy Traders get slaughtered. they lose the money in their trading accounts. C Here8217s what no one in our trading gruops won8217t do: 1 We WILL NOT trade 8220cheap8221 inexpensive stocks. We will not trade. BB dot BB, which is the Bulletin Board,.PK dot PK, which is the Pink Sheet O-T-C Over-the-Counter. The above stocks are far too risky and volatile. 2 We WILL NOT trade any stock which trades less than .51 per share. We do not want to be part of any 8220pity party8221. 3 We WILL NOT trade any stock which has less than 400,000 sharesvolume per day. Volume less than this makes the stock too risky and volatile for the retail trader. Those traders with deeper pockets having more money can trade stocks with less volume. 4 We WILL NOT trade any IPOs Initial Public Offerings. These stocks do not have any history to follow. They are far too risky. 5 We WILL NOT trade any stock with less than 18 months of trading history. 6 We WILL NOT trade against the trend. 7a We WILL NOT trade any stock betwen the price of .01 to .51 up OR down. Stocks in this range are known as 8220the doldrums8221 8211 they have a tendency to get stuck and not move. 7b We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to .51 another 8220doldrum range8221. 7c We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to 6.51 8211 yet another 8220doldrum range8221. D1 When we do our research, we check the following: The Earnings Announcement Date. This happens 4 times each year, about every 3 months. Different stocks have different EADs. D2 We check for stock splits. D3 We check the sector and the industry. We check for the trend in that stock8217s sector. D4 We ALWAYS check the news for each stock. F When ALL the criteria and rules are met: Plan your trade. THEN trade your plan. When you know the proper strategies, know how to use them AND you follow your rules, you can earn money when the stock goes up. You can earn money when the stock goes down, You can earn money when the stock goes sideways. USUALLY numbers in the stock market are expressed in percentages and in dollars and cents. Here8217s an example: ABC is currently at .50 per share. You did your investigating and research. This stock passed ALL your rules. You have your entry at .78 or 1 to prove the stock8217s trend. Your target is .56 or 10 IF the trade should go against you and you lose money, you will get out of the trade at .56 or 8. This is so you can trade another day. As a foot note: We DO NOT put any more than 15 of our total trading account balance in any one trade. If our balance is ,000 we do not put any more than ,500 into any trade. Our entry is ,78. We can buy 50 shares of ABC. For some reason or another, brokerrs and others like rounded off numbers of shares. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221. A great first book is 8220Tradiong for Dummies8221 or 8220Investing for Dummies8221. Reasd just 5 pages each day. Write in it, make notes in it. underline sentences and paragraphs which impress you. Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: what stocks should i invest in I8217m doing a school competition and losing miserably, i have 8 Grand left. what should i do with it ANSWER: You already found out 8220stock tips8221 aren8217t really tips at all, didn8217t you. Stock tips don t do anything for you, but make you late for the party. To do successful trades, you have to have your own set of trading rules. AND follow them. I8217m going to share with you some of my trading rules. I can tell you 70 members of our trading groups can8217t be wrong. We follow our own sets of trading rules. Whether or not you8217ll use them is another matter. I8217ll also include some trading sayings. My family invested over ,000 U. S. to discover the following: A 8220On Wall Street there aren8217t any gifts.8221 No one gives anyone else anything 8211 not even stock tips. B BUlls BUyers earn money. BEars SEllers earn money. Pigs get fat. Hogs Greedy Traders get slaughtered. They lose the money in their trading accounts. C Here8217s what no one in our trading groups won8217t do: 1 We WILL NOT trade 8220cheap8221 inexpensive stocks. We will not trade. BB dot BB. OB dot OB, which is the Bulletin Board,.PK dot PK, which is the Pink Sheet O-T-C Over-the-Counter. The above stock categoriesclassifications are far too risky and volatile. 2 We WILL NOT trade any stock which trades less than .51 per share. We do not want to be part of any 8220pity party8221. 3 We WILL NOT trade any stock which has less than 400,000 sharesvolume per day. Volume less than this makes the stock too risky and volatile for the retail trader. Those traders having more money can trade stocks with less volume. 4 We WILL NOT trade any IPOs Initial Public Offerings. These stocks do not have any history to follow. They are far too risky. 5 We WILL NOT trade any stock with less than 18 months of trading history. 6 We WILL NOT trade against the trend. 7a We WILL NOT trade any stock betwen the price of .01 to .51 8211 up OR down. Stocks in this range are known as 8220the doldrums8221 8211 they have a tendency to get stuck and not move. 7b We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to .51 another 8220doldrum range8221. 7c We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to 6.51 8211 another 8220doldrum range8221. D1 When we do our research, we check the following: The Earnings Announcement Date. This happens 4 times each year, about every 3 months. Different stocks have different EADs. D2 We check for stock splits. D3 We check the sector and the industry. We check for the trend in that stock8217s sector. D4 We ALWAYS check the news for each stock we are interested in making our investment in. F When ALL the criteria and rules are met, Plan your trade. THEN trade your plan. When you know the proper strategies, know how to use them AND you follow your rules, you can earn money when the stock goes up. You can earn money when the stock goes down, You can earn money when the stock goes sideways. USUALLY numbers in the stock market are expressed in percentages and in dollars and cents. Here8217s an example: ABC is currently at .50 per share. You did your investigating and research. This stock passed ALL your rules. You have your entry at .78 or 1 to prove the stock8217s trend. Your target is .56 or 10 IF the trade should go against you and you lose money, you will get out of the trade at .56 or 8. This is so you can trade another day. As a foot note: We DO NOT put any more than 15 of our total trading account balance in any one trade. If our balance is ,000 we do not put any more than ,500 into any single trade. Our entry is ,78. We can buy 50 shares of ABC. For some reason or another, brokers and others like rounded off numbers of shares. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: Good stocks I Don8217t know to much about stocks but im doing this project for class at Stocksquest. It8217s all real time stocks but with fake money. I was just wondering if any one could help me out and tell me some good stocks to buy so i can get a A in the class. Thanks you very much ANSWER: Getting an A does not happen from getting stock tips. Gettiong that A happens as the result of your thinking and doing process. I8217m going tp share with you some information I learned. This information cost my family in excess of ,000 U. S. You8217ll soon find out 8220stock tips8221 aren8217t really tips at all. To do successful trades, you have to have your own set of trading rules. I can tell you 70 members of our trading group can8217t be wrong. We follow our own sets of trading rules. Whether or not you8217ll use them is another matter. I8217ll also include some trading sayings. A 8220On Wall Street there aren8217t any gifts.8221 No one gives anyone else anything 8211 not even stock tips. B BUlls BUyers earn money. BEars SEllers earn money. Pigs get fat. Hogs Greedy Traders get slaughtered. they lose the money in their trading accounts. C Here8217s what no one in the trading groups won8217t do: 1 We WILL NOT trade 8220cheap8221 inexpensive stocks. We will not trade. BB dot BB or. OB dot OB, which is the Bulletin Board,.PK dot PK, which is the Pink Sheet O-T-C Over-the-Counter. The above stocks are far too risky and volatile. 2 We WILL NOT trade any stock which trades less than .51 per share. We do not want to be part of any 8220pity party8221. 3 We WILL NOT trade any stock which has less than 400,000 sharesvolume per day. Volume less than this makes the stock too risky and volatile for the retail trader. Those traders with deeper pockets having more money can trade stocks with less volume. 4 We WILL NOT trade any IPOs Initial Public Offerings. These stocks do not have any history to follow. They are far too risky. 5 We WILL NOT trade any stock with less than 18 months of trading history. 6 We WILL NOT trade against the trend. 7a We WILL NOT trade any stock betwen the price of .01 to .51 up OR down. Stocks in this range are known as 8220the doldrums8221 8211 they have a tendency to get stuck and not move. 7b We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to .51 another 8220doldrum range8221. 7c We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to 6.51 8211 yet another 8220doldrum range8221. D1 When we do our research, we check the following: The Earnings Announcement Date. This happens 4 times each year, about every 3 months. Different stocks have different EADs. D2 We check for stock splits. D3 We check the sector and the industry. We check for the trend in that stock8217s sector. D4 We ALWAYS check the news for each stock. F When ALL the criteria and rules are met, Plan your trade. THEN trade your plan. When you know the proper strategies, know how to use them AND you follow your rules, you can earn money when the stock goes up. You can earn money when the stock goes down, You can earn money when the stock goes sideways. USUALLY numbers in the stock market are expressed in percentages and in dollars and cents. Here8217s an example: ABC is currently at .50 per share. You did your investigating and research. This stock passed ALL your rules. You have your entry at .78 or 1 to prove the stock8217s trend. Your target is .56 or 10 IF the trade should go against you and you lose money, you will get out of the trade at .56 or 8. This is so you can trade another day. As a foot note: We DO NOT put any more than 15 of our total trading account balance in any one trade. If our balance is ,000 we do not put any more than ,500 into any trade. Our entry is ,78. We can buy 50 shares of ABC. For some reason or another, brokerrs and others like rounded off numbers of shares. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: i am new to know about shares, stock market. is there any web site to clear my doubts about how to invest etc. i am thinking to do share business. so plz clarify my doubts8230 ANSWER: You ll find out 8220stock tips8221 aren8217t really tips at all. Stock tips don t do anything for you, but make you late for the party. To do successful trades, you have to have your own set of trading rules. AND follow them. I8217m going to share with you some of my trading rules. I can tell you 70 members of our trading groups can8217t be wrong. We follow our own sets of trading rules. Whether or not you8217ll use them is another matter. I8217ll also include some trading sayings. My family invested over ,000 U. S. to discover the following: A 8220On Wall Street there aren8217t any gifts.8221 No one gives anyone else anything 8211 not even stock tips. B BUlls BUyers earn money. BEars SEllers earn money. Pigs get fat. Hogs Greedy Traders get slaughtered. They lose the money in their trading accounts. C Here8217s what no one in our trading groups won8217t do: 1 We WILL NOT trade 8220cheap8221 inexpensive stocks. We will not trade. BB dot BB. OB dot OB, which is the Bulletin Board,.PK dot PK, which is the Pink Sheet O-T-C Over-the-Counter. The above stock categoriesclassifications are far too risky and volatile. 2 We WILL NOT trade any stock which trades less than .51 per share. We do not want to be part of any 8220pity party8221. 3 We WILL NOT trade any stock which has less than 400,000 sharesvolume per day. Volume less than this makes the stock too risky and volatile for the retail trader. Those traders having more money can trade stocks with less volume. 4 We WILL NOT trade any IPOs Initial Public Offerings. These stocks do not have any history to follow. They are far too risky. 5 We WILL NOT trade any stock with less than 18 months of trading history. 6 We WILL NOT trade against the trend. 7a We WILL NOT trade any stock betwen the price of .01 to .51 8211 up OR down. Stocks in this range are known as 8220the doldrums8221 8211 they have a tendency to get stuck and not move. 7b We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to .51 another 8220doldrum range8221. 7c We WILL NOT trade any stock from .01 to 6.51 8211 another 8220doldrum range8221. D1 When we do our research, we check the following: The Earnings Announcement Date. This happens 4 times each year, about every 3 months. Different stocks have different EADs. D2 We check for stock splits. D3 We check the sector and the industry. We check for the trend in that stock8217s sector. D4 We ALWAYS check the news for each stock we are interested in making our investment in. F When ALL the criteria and rules are met, Plan your trade. THEN trade your plan. When you know the proper strategies, know how to use them AND you follow your rules, you can earn money when the stock goes up. You can earn money when the stock goes down, You can earn money when the stock goes sideways. USUALLY numbers in the stock market are expressed in percentages and in dollars and cents. Here8217s an example: ABC is currently at .50 per share. You did your investigating and research. This stock passed ALL your rules. You have your entry at .78 or 1 to prove the stock8217s trend. Your target is .56 or 10 IF the trade should go against you and you lose money, you will get out of the trade at .56 or 8. This is so you can trade another day. As a foot note: We DO NOT put any more than 15 of our total trading account balance in any one trade. If our balance is ,000 we do not put any more than ,500 into any single trade. Our entry is ,78. We can buy 50 shares of ABC. For some reason or another, brokers and others like rounded off numbers of shares. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: Need help from stock gurus to choose a broker for first time I8217m in college and thinking about investing. I plan on investing 00 to 00 and right now researching a good broker for noobs in the stock exchange. I plan on trading moderately, so basically buying a stock and sell it within a month or two. So i did some research and found FIRSTTRADE because it8217s pretty cheap such as no inactive or maintenance fees low margin interest rate, low rate for stock order. So i need some advice from some of those stock gurus out there if FIRSTTRADE is a good option. Any suggestions, hints 82308230 ANSWER: What you8217re considering doing is called Swing Trading. This is a skill that can take years to learn. I would suggest you find some good books to read joefahmy20100317recommended-reading-list-2 Firstrade8230. not a big brokerage from a traders point of view. the pricing is a little high, The minimum balance requirement is pretty good. You don8217t ask a thing about the platform. You don8217t ask a thing about 8220order types8221 (can they do an OCOBracket Order, trailing stops, etc). How about charting These are very important things82308230. And remember Always have an exit plan before you get in a trade. also The only thing worse than being wrong8230 is staying wrong. QUESTION: Delivery Trade Vs Day Trading. Paripassu Same demat for differtent brokers. Basis of listing I have some doubts regarding trading. You experts can helpadvice me regarding this. 1.In day trading all the shares which you sold today should buy on the same day. 2.In delivery trading you can buy share today and you can sell it tomorrow (or any other day which you want). If so if am selling shares today then how it is classified as delivery trading or day trading (intratrade) Or how I can prove that I am not doing Day trading 3.Suppose I am selling 10 RPL share today which I bought 10days back, then how it is determined that it is not under the category of day trading. (otherwise I have to buy it back according to day trading rules) 4.Suppose I have 10 RPL share, one share cost Rs. 400. I want to place an order of selling today for Rs.1000. Is it possible Or who has to decide the selling price (MinimumMaximum) 5.Is there any restriction that one cannot sell all the shares of particular company on same day (Suppose I have 100 RPL share. I want to sell all these today. Is it possible Of course if there are people to buy it only) 6.What is pari-passu 7.I have a Demat Account in ICCI. Can I use the same account to do trading in Sharekhan 8.Today (110208), the RPOWERL has been listed for Rs.530. What is the basis of listing the same Hope some people will help me to find out these things. ANSWER: To 8220bundle8221 most of your Qs into a few phrases: Since you asked this in the U. S.A. forum: To day trade an account MUST have AT LEAST ,000 U. S. in cash on-hand every trading day. This does not include any positions or any unsettled transactions. The time it takes to settle stock trades is 3 business days. As soon as the balance goes below ,000, the trader must fund the account with more money OR a whole new set of trading rules applies. This varies from broker to broker, but the K is a hard. fast rule. Your Q2: In the U. S. this is referred to as 8220swing8221 trading. Broker electronically track every trade by every trader. When the trade is placed, you confirm the trade AND you have the iopportunity to print every trade placed, confirmed and completed. Yuor account also reflects the balances. Your Q3. Day trading is in and out entering and exiting the same shares in the same company on the same trading day 8211 regardless of the price. Your Q4. You decide your own buying and selling prices through various kinds of orders. Your Q5. Refer to my remarks. Your Qs 6 amp 7: I DON8217T believe they apply to the U. S. exchanges. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: Hey, i wanted to know peoples opinouns on the yugioh deck i made take things out put things in. Machina Armored unit x1 Machina soldier x1 Time machine x1 Roll out x3 Royal Decree x1 Rare metalmortph x1 heavy mech support platform x3 Limiter Removal x1 Card trader x1 Torrential tribute x1 Magic cylinder x1 Gear goldem the moveing fortress x1 ancient gear beast x1 Machina fortress x2 dark hole x1 frontline base x1 Ancient gear engineer x1 Prohibition x1 perfect machine king x1 machine duplication x1 machina gearframe x2 machina peace keeper x2 ancient gear golem x1 ultimate offering x1 machina sniper x1 cyber dragon x1 mystical space typhoon x1 pot of avarice x1 future fusion x1 ancient gear soldier x1 mirror force x1 compulsory evacuation device x1 chthonian alliance x1 blast sphere x1 burden of the migh ty x1 Chineratech overdragon x1 so any sugestions on what to take out put into my deck so far its averaging pretty well. yes its a strange build and it averges well i geuss the only problem i seem to find is when i only pick up magics and traps and the reason i have the ancient gears are fillers for the machinas for there good effects and the thing is the higher the star the easyer i can just discard them for my machina fortress, and i do have a 8220Mst8221 ANSWER: Personally, I would have to give this deck a 410. Why You run many random cards that shouldn8217t be there. A deck should be consistent. Also, you run cards that are horrid for this format, and you8217re missing the staples that every deck should have. The thing that is annoying me the most is the fact that you8217re running pot of avarice. DON8217T A TON of people run Gravekeepers (and everyone else sides dimensional fissure), and Pot of Avarice would be a dead draw. I8217ve answered a ton of machina questions. Here8217s my favorite decklist (you can sub the pot of dualities out for upstart goblins and the solemn warnings for bottomless trap hole) monsters (19) red, yellow and green gadget x6 (2 of each) machina fortress x3 machina gearframe x3 machina force cyber dragon x2 jinzo x2 jinzo returner x2 spells (13) mystical space typhoon x2 monster reborn dark hole giant trunade book of moon solidarity x3 limiter removal pot of duality x3 traps (8) psychic shockwave x2 solemn judgment x1 dimensional prison x2 solemn warning x2 mirror force extra deck chimeratech fortress dragon Psychic shockwave will be out tomorrow, May 10, in Extreme Victory (I have a copy of it already from the sneak peek), This deck is based off of a deck that topped a YCS back in May 2010. I8217ve updated it to the current format. The deck is very well balanced. Here are a few of my other answers regarding machinas: Please feel free to email me if you have any additional questions P. S. Another important rule is that if you decide to run royal decree, run it at 3 and don8217t run any other traps. You don8217t want to run royal decree with traps otherwise, you get dead draws : I noticed that you used many of the machina mayhem structure deck cards. Meh. The only good ones were the gadgets (run 2 copies of each for control), cyber dragon, machina force (discard for machina fortress), machina gearframe, dimensional prison, and machina fortress. Everything else was kinda meh. QUESTION: What is a good motocross bike for a beginner girl I8217m 16, I8217ve never really ridden a real bike before, just messed around on mini bikes. I8217m about 582174 115-120 lbs. I heard Honda bikes are good But I8217m still a little lost. ANSWER: Hi Reggie, depending on what type of riding you are going to be doing, there are a lot of good beginner bikes out there. If you want a fool proof trail bike that will handle jumps or riding a motocross type track, go with a Honda CRF. I would stay away from anything two stroke (CR, RM, KX, YZ) unless you have a mechanic handy. All four japanese brands make a four stroke racing bike but these bikes are wicked fast and not really good beginner bikes. I have a Yamaha TTR125 that I ride as a play bike, and I am 6821728243 and 37 years old. The bike is tall enough and has good power. I have owned several Honda XR8217s and CRF8217s over the years, and these bikes are low maintenance and indestructible. When I raced I always used Yamahas. Now a days, all of the manufacturers base the four stroke bikes on the same platform so they8217re all good. But if you want one that you can just get on, kick it started, and ride off wherever, go with the Honda CRF 150 or 230. The best thing to do is go to a bike shop and sit on each size to see which one fits you right. You should be able to touch your feet on the ground and balance the bike. There are tons of used ones around in perfect shape go to your local gas station and buy a Cycle Trader and save a ton of money. The first time you ride that brand new one through a mud puddle or some brush it8217s going to look like a used one anyway. Hope I helped and good luck on your new venture QUESTION: ,000 in stock account. what are the benefits Alright, so I have an online stock account at zecco and I don8217t have ,000 in my account yet. but I know that once I do. I am able to make an unlimited amount of trades. are there any restricitons as far as the exact number I can make a trade or how many times I can keep buyingselling the same stock. I just don8217t want to do anything that will affect my account. धन्यवाद। ANSWER: In reality, you aren8217t any better off 8211 strategically than you are with the K. Why Because you must have that K in cash 8211 AT ALL TIMES. As soon as you place the first trade, you8217ll be considered a swing, intermediate or position trader. You might have more strategies to work with and use. You8217ll definitely have more buying power. In the same manner as every other trader with balances less than K, you8217ll be monitored. No more than 3 day trades in any rolling 5 day period. As soon as you place trade 4 or 5, you8217ll be labeled a 8220pattern day trader8221: Your account might be frozen and you won8217t be able to do any trading for a specified period of time 8211 according to your broker. Here is the kind of acco9unt you want and need: Type: speculator or speculative. NO retirement, 401k or any other type. You want a 8220margin account8221. You want approval to trade options 8211 Calls and Puts as well as Covered Calls. You can usually find excellent, easy-to-understand definitions of many financial and investment terms by going to this free site, recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221: investopedia Investopedia also has a free, paper trading platform. आप एक आभासी खाता सेट कर सकते हैं और लगभग व्यापार कर सकते हैं जैसे कि आप अपनी हार्ड-अर्जित धन के साथ व्यापार कर रहे थे। finance. yahoo is also recognized by Y A as a 8220Featured Knowledge Partner8221 Thanks for asking your Q I enjoyed answering it VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name QUESTION: how to buy stock online ANSWER: I usee Scottrade. Here is a good article that has very good comments from people compared brokers. ETrade vs. Scottrade vs. Ameritrade: Which is Better89 rate or flag this pageBy Sabah Karimi ETrade, Scottrade, and Ameritrade are today8217s leading online brokerage companies that offer a simple way to buy and sell stocks. If you8217re not an experienced investor, but still want to take a plunge into the stock market, learning about different options available can help you find out the benefits of each. Still, each brokerage offers different types of accounts and fees depending on the level of activity each period. Some also charge inactivity fees on top of variable commission rates and balance requirements. Knowing where to invest is the first step to building a successful portfolio. Here8217s a quick comparison of Etrade, Scottrade, and Ameritrade so you can make the best investment decisions: ETrade offers an extensive line of trading and investment services, covering many options in stocks, mutual funds, bonds, IPOs, Futures, and Options. The online resources are substantial, but may be intimidating for the beginning investor. ETrade does offer a user-friendly help center to guide you through rates, news, and different account options but requires a fair amount of review to get started. Highlights of ETrade offerings include: 99-.99 flat rates depending on number of stock and options trades with fees up to .99 for anything less than ,000 Mutual fund transaction fees of .99 1,000 no-load, no-transaction fee funds8217 for each account (but early redemption fees do apply) Asset allocation tools available online Access to advisors to help with asset allocation Bottom line: ETrade offers a variety of options for the seasoned investor, with premium services available for active traders. However, beginning investors may not find rates competitive enough to stick with them in the long term. Scottrade is ideal for average and inexperienced stock investors, and offers competitive startup rats as well as low monthly fees. Highlights of scottrade accounts include: 0 account minimum requirements flat rate for market and limit orders-no extra fees to worry about No inactivity fees you can leave your account alone for a period of time without worrying about stacking up fees Three platforms to choose from: Scottrade, scottrader, and scottradeElite. Bottom line: Scottrade is a great place for beginning investors to get started, and can help build a portfolio in a short amount of time. Ameritrade offers a very easy trading platform with its online services. It boasts .99 internet equity trades with no maintenance fees, so you don8217t have to pay any additional fees to get started with an account. Other highlights of Ameritrade include: Easy-to-access reporting and stock analysis each day Access to Ameritrade representatives throughout your state if you need advice or guidance A Command Center 2.08242 to make trading very easy and simple to follow Free trades for and a 0 bonus Bottom line: Ameritrade offers plenty of options for beginning investors, and is a great choice if you8217re looking for something simple and straightforward. The flat-rate is competitive, but do read the guidelines on which types of trades qualify under this program. If you need to speak with a representative or advisor, Ameritrade does make it easy to locate someone to guide you through the process. Today8217s online stock trading websites enable you to buy and trade stocks with ease you don8217t have to depend on a middleman to guide you through the process, and each one offers helpful tutorials to take you through the steps. Still, the services come at a price be sure to read the terms and conditions of each brokerage to calculate the real8217 cost of your transactions. Ameritrade and Scottrade offer convenient accounts for beginners, while ETrade is best suited for a seasoned investor. QUESTION: which is the best stock software ANSWER: Not very much info to go on here you8217re making us guess, which isn8217t very nice, because we8217ll have to broaden to several subjects. Do you mean for Technical Analysis Charting, trends, RSI, stochastics, CCI, moving averages, etc. Or do you mean for Fundamental Analysis PE ratios, cash flows, balance sheets, stock recommendations, etc. When you say 8220best8221 do you mean most advanced, fastest, most indicators, most widely used, most expensive, best for advanced users or best for beginners You have to tell us where you are coming from and what you are trying to do before we can be specific. The Cadilac of Technical Analysis software is called TradeStation, but it is very expensive with loads of features and I believe it even has a back-testing system for writing your own program indicators. You would not buy this system for an occasional trade, but would be a full-time trader or fund manager to warrent this system. Otherwise, it is overkill. The most technologically advanced Technical Analysis software is RealTick, at TerraNovaOnline TerraNova is an online broker with low rates, owned by Townsend Electronics. Townsend is the company that recently digitized and electronified the NASDAQ. I believe they are in the process of doing the American Stock Exchange now. These people are 8220the8221 technology innovators. Also with TerraNova, you can trade anything and everything, including stocks, futures, options, commodities, forex, all of it. I8217m not aware of another broker whom can do this. To trade everything, Realtick leases for 5mo, but one segment is 5mo. For beginners, or occasional traders, they have the Investor platform, which is RealTick sized down to one screen. I believe this platform is free, or very little, so very well may be your 8220best8221 bet QUESTION: Anyone use Zecco or Trade King for investing Basically, I8217m sick of fidelity8217s ridiculous fees and commissions and am looking for a cheaper option. Unfortuantly, I8217ve got around ,000 so I can8217t qualify for Zecco8217s free 10 trades per month. But I trade very actively and the commissions really add up. I8217m leaning toward Trade King or Zecco, most likely TK. One question I have though is, how long does it take them to verify a sale let you use the money again for another trade. I have to wait 3 days with fidelity and I8217m hoping to cut that time down. It8217s not very convenient if you wish to day trade. Any advice is appreciated, Thanks ANSWER: I have not used either of those so I don8217t know if they are good are not. I have read a lot of complaints about Zecco. I use Scottrade, and although the commission is a bit higher ( per trade) I have been extremely satisfied with them. I think you need to consider trading platform, research tools, customer service, and other fees in addition to the commission. The only way to reduce the 3 day settlement period is to have a margin account. It will still take 3 days for a trade to settle, but that will be behind the scene and will not impact your trading. Also, as an active trader, be aware of the day trading rules. If you make 4 or more day trades in any 5 consecutive business days, you will be labeled a pattern day trader. At that point you must have a margin account and maintain a minimum account balance of ,000.00. QUESTION: What online broker is the best (e. g. has reasonable fees, etc) I8217m looking to start investing in stocks and am looking for an online broker that has reasonable feescharges. Which one would you recommendsuggest ANSWER: Personally my vote would be with TradeKing (my current broker), ETrade, or ThinkorSwim but it really depends on how active of a trader you are and what exactly you trading (equities, options, forex, futures, bonds) 1. Cost to openmaintain account: TradeKing is FAQ-ANSWER. Several online discount brokers have no minimum account balance but then are fee loaded. Others are the exact opposite. My suggestion is to narrow down your options to a few brokers you like based upon your own research and online reviews and then take a closer look at their commission amp fee disclaimers. 2. Buy sell transaction coststaxes (technical lingo for this is 8216trade commissions8217): For most brokers this is a fairly straightforward deal because a lot of them have switched to 8216flat fee trading8217, ie trades that are one flat commission rate no matter how much volume you are doing, whether it8217s a penny stock, order size, etc. Examples would be TradeKing, Scottrade, Zecco, amp OptionsHouse. TradeKing has super low commissions at .95 for equities, and .95 per trade plus .65 per contract for options. These can be optimal for moderate trading however, if you are doing a lot of day trading or heavy volume you8217ll want to look at at discount broker that has a commission structure based on shareorder size or how much volume you are doing as a client. These brokers do tend to have more account fees though because they typically offer direct access trading, more advanced trading tools, etc. Examples would be MB Trading, TradeStation Securities, ThinkorSwim, amp Interactive Brokers. 3. Customer Service: TradeKing would be one of the top rated options. SmartMoney gave them the 1 spot for customer service this year (2010) plus numerous other awards since 2006 including best broker, Barron8217s has given them a four star rating the past several years, tradeWISER put them as the 2 top online broker for 2009, and Kiplinger8217s gave them a 5 star rating in 2008. It8217s hard to beat that trophy shelf IMO. You can get into other broker account features as well including if they have a mobile trading platformapp, do they have an investment community, do they offer direct access trading, etc. Some of the best sources I have found for my decisions (I8217m an active trader) have been tradeWISER, Barron8217s, and SmartMoney. All three of these sites do their annual reviews and have their own lists. (links below) QUESTION: is 8216the share centre8217 website a good website to buy and sell shares Has anyone used it and what do you think any details of your expierence of the site will be apreciated, i am looking to invest on the london stock exchange and am looking for the best and easiest way to do this. I came accross thesharecentre website and thought it was good Any other suggestions would be great thanks ANSWER: The Share Centre uk is very good. Deal in UK (LSE, AIM) and IRS stocks unit trustsoeics and ETFs warrants and covered warrants gilts and corporate bonds. Worth a look8230 You can trade at the Standard Tariff of 1 (min 2.50 for purchases and min 7.50 for certificated and non-certificated sales) with account fees of 2.50 p. q. VAT, or under the Trader Option at 7.50 per trade with account fees of 20 VAT p. q. Under Standard Tariff orders are placed either by batch-dealing (3 times a day) or at best on the basis of indicative prices. Limit, stop loss and tracking stop loss orders are monitored up to 30 days free of charge, or for up to 12 months via batch-dealing subject to a monthly charge after 30 days. The self-select ISA account fee is 0.125 VAT p. q. VAT on the first 12.5k and at 0.1 p. q. VA on the nest 12.5k and 0.75 p. q. VAT on the balance (min 5). The self-select PEP account fee is 0.125 p. q. VAT. The SIPP is administered by Sippdeal with an account fee of 10 p. q. VAT. Research and tools include a SharePicker, FundPicker and pension, school fees and regular investment calculators. The Share Centre provides the trading platform for Virgin Sharedealing, AWD MoneyeXtra and This Is Money, but with their own individual QUESTION: Which is best for a Roth IRA: Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, or Vanguard I am 18 years old and looking to start a Roth IRA. As I don8217t have a ton of extra income I8217d like to keep fees as low as possible. After some initial research, I8217ve narrowed it down to these three companies. I am interested in investing in mutual funds and stocks. Which of these would be the best to start the IRA with Edit: I understand that I am able to withdraw contributions at any time (though its not a great idea8230 but in the case of emergency it8217s alright), so I am not entirely concerned about liquidityemergency fund. I feel safer with these more established brokerages rather than a ten year old one thousands of miles away 8211 it8217s just a matter of which one to use. ANSWER: If your currentfuture employer offers an employee 401k plan. Invest up to the matching of your employers contribution. That matching is free money and equals a great rate of return for your money. If plan offers an election to invest in a money market fund you may want to invest in it until you learn more. Of course your dollar cost avg over the years should be on your side since your 18 and have many years of investing ahead. Next invest in a Roth IRA up to the max allowed(yearly). If you then have more money to invest, go back to your 401k plan and invest the max allowed(yearly). So after you do all the above and want to invest more you should be able to decide how. Only invest money that you can afford to lose. Making some quick money is nice but if you lose it, it gets right ugly. You may also think about ETF8217s instead of mutual funds, stocks. and options. Most ETF8217s will have a lower expense than mutual funds. As for which company is best, TD has a 0 initial deposit and looks to be the cheapest in fees when buying more than 1,000 shares. I also liked their trading platform. Fidelity has ,500 initial or 0 month0 quarter deposit. Vanguard has a ,000 flat initial. So I would and will more than likely choose TD. Plus we have 401k with Fidelity and I believe in never having all your eggs in one basket. Try what you learn on demo sites. They can be a very fun but educational way to learn from mistakes. If you pick 75 right with play money then you might be ready to start slowly investing. simulator. investopedia simulator. zacks fxcmopen-free-100k. jsp alpari-idcenmetatrader48230 Or just google for more. I use Lightning Strikes Trading System for trading in any time frame and it works on forex, stocks, bonds, etf8217s, mutual funds, etc8230 They have 3 free training sessions a week and you don8217t have to buy the software to join in the live chat and text. You can even watch some recorded past live sessions. Here are some past charts that I used. f1.grp. yahoofsv1MB16R0zjjaZ8230 f1.grp. yahoofsv1MB16RxjOUQt8230 There are 7 indicators (2 short, 2 medium, and 3 long term) and if volume is reported another one is added (on balance volume). Plus whatever time-frame is used the 2 green horizontal lines are the support and resistance for that time frame. So when indicators are all touching the bottom price is at or very, very near support. At top is at or very, very near resistance. Which helps my entryexits and riskreward ratio. f1.grp. yahoofsv1MB16R9Wv-wt8230 f1.grp. yahoofsv1MB16R9wSKdV8230 f1.grp. yahoofsv1QCt6R2fYIj68230 f1.grp. yahoofsv1QCt6R3R0VQe8230 If you can not view charts above I can email them. Here are my favorite sites. stockcharts Has basically all you need from fundamental to technical terms. Plus stock screens, charts, public chart lists, and much more useful info. fidelity Has good learning resources. moneycentral. msnhome. asp In addition to yahoo finance. reuters For news and more. marketwatchdefault. aspx For news and more. valueprimeindex. php For rating stock riskreward ratio and reports. barchart For investing in more than stocks. investopedia For more great learning tools. lightninglive For best software timing your entryexits any time frame for day traders and long term investors. Others worth exploring. equis stockta Best Wishes, Burt Whitley QUESTION: Rate My Yugioh Deck. (Cyber Dragons) Fusions: Cyber End Dragon Cyber Twin Dragon 2x Monsters: Cyber Dragon 3x Proto Cyber Dragon 3x Cyber Valley Jinzo Yellow Gadget 2x Green Gadget 2x Red Gadget 2x Machina Fortress 2x Kinetic Soldier Blast Sphere Cyber Laser Dragon Cyber Barrier Dragon Anchient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon B. E.S Big Core MK-2 Shredder Barrel Dragon Koa8217ki Meiru Dragon (meant to summon Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon easier) Unions: Machina Gearframe Machina peacekeeper Heavy Mech Support Platform 2x MagicSpell: Monster Recovery Pot of Greed Card Trader Return of the Doom Phonton Generator Unit 2x Limiter Removal 3x Solidarity Monster Reborn Shrink Graceful Charity De-spell Swords of Revealing Light Future Fusion 2x Mystical Space Typhoon 2x Trap: Call of the Haunted D2 Shield Mirror Force Metalmorph Time Machine Rare Metalmorph Dimensional Prison 2x Wall Of Revealing Light Roll Out Dust Tornado Attack Reflector Unit Trap Hole Magic Jammer Compulsory Evacuation de vice Tell me What You Think and rate it from 1 8211 10. Thx guys. Also tell me wut i should take out andor add. ANSWER: um82308230i dont like it not much balance 2108230.try these monsters instead then try to work around the spells and traps. for cyber dragon you want all machines and stall cards until you get the right cards to summon cyber end dragon or chimertech over dragon. monsters: 18 cyber dragon x2 proto cyber dragon x3 cyber dragon zwei x3 cyber phoenix x2 cyber valley x3 honest x2 shining angel x3 also future fusion you can only have 1 in a deck QUESTION: Rate my Machina Deck Okay so i bought the Machina Structure deck and i added some cards to it please tell me if its good what i need to improve and what cards should i remove. धन्यवाद। Monsters: (30) Drillago Red Gadget x2 Green Gadget x2 Yellow Gadget x2 Boot-Up Soldier 8211 Dread Dynamo Timeater Heavy Mech Support Platform x3 Bowganian Machina Fortress Machina Gearframe Machina Peacekeeper Scrap Recycler Commander Covington Machina Soldier Machina Sniper Machina Defender Machina Force Kinetic Soldier Blast Sphere Cyber Dragon Proto-Cyber Dragon ( I don8217t know if i should add 2 more of these so i can have 3) Armored Cybern x2 Cyber Valley The big Saturn Spells: (16) Machine Duplication x2 Change of heart Swords of Revealing light x2 Inferno Reckless Summon x2 Yellow Luster Shield 7 Completed Machina Armored Unit Prohibition Shrink Frontline Base Hand Destruction Card Trader Solidarity Traps: ( 15) Draining Shield Scrap-Iron Scarecrow Compulsory Evacuation Device x2 Rare Metamorph x2 Roll out x3 Sakuretsu Armor Birthright Time Machine Dimensional Prison Metalmorph Ceasefire P. S I don8217t know if i should add synchros i got Road Synchron and Road warrior so what d o ya think. I do have all 3 god cards too. ANSWER: This is too much man. You have to make it balanced out. Do not worry about the monsters, gadgets and floaters such as Machina Gearframe will place monsters in your hand anyways. Try this: its a solid machina deck with no Tech choices. 3x Machina Fortress 2x Red Gadget 2x Green Gadget 2x Yellow Gadget 3x Machina Gearframe 1x Machina Force 2x Machina Peacekeeper 2x Cyber Dragon 1x Limiter Removal 3x Smashing Ground 1x Dark Hole 1x Monster Reborn 3x Solidarity 2x Book of Moon Traps. 10 1x Mirror Force 1x Torrential Tribute 2x Bottomless Traphole 1x Solemn Judgement 1x Seven-tools of the Bandit 3x Dimensional Prison These are all the Machina cards you focus on are Gearframe as a recruiter, Force as the monster reborn for Fortress, and Fortress as a boss monster. The rest of the monsters should be floaters, or stuff that recruit other stuff, and staples such as Cyber Dragon because it is a staple, and it is a machine. Your Recruiters are the Gadgets and Gearframe, and then you have cyber dragons, Effect Veiler is a good card for Machinas, its so good that i think it became a staple for them. As for the spells and traps, they are 1 for 1 removal, meaning stuff like smashing ground, you ditch one card, to destroy one of your opponent8217s monsters. This is good because cards like gadgets and Gearframes can give you hand advantage, meaning with all that recruiting, your hand would be very warm and full. So one for one removal cards would shorten your hand just to the right amount as your opponent8217s and still maintain field advantage through Machina Fortress. You should be following these guidelines into making your Machina Deck. Follow the decklist i put out, and then start putting in some stuff that you would like to put in, but other Machina cards will not help. So far with your current Machina deck, the main points of Machinas which are Field Advantage, Hand advantage, and One for One removal is crippled. But don8217t worry, follow these guidelines to make your machina deck alot better. QUESTION: Scottrade restricted my account because of their own mistake, my options My broker company Scottrade, Inc. made a big mistake with one of my previous securities and caused me financial loss because of their mistake. They have restricted my account and funds even though it was Scottrade8217s mistake. The security in question had a reverse split but Scottrade did a mistake and made a forward split instead. I thought there8217s no way such a big broker company would do such a big mistake and I trusted their trading platform, which needs to be completely precise. After all money is at stake. When I signed up with Scottrade i expect a fully professional and precise trading platform. And in this case I had to trust their system as there was no time for me to call Scottrade and make sure such a big company has made or hasn8217t made a mistake. It8217s not my job to make sure they didn8217t make a mistake but Scottrade needs to provide error-free service that prevents novice-traders and other investors to get in such situations. I trusted ST and I believed a forward split was made and that I had to protect my profits. And because Scottrade made a forward split instead so I believed a forward split was made and that if it was really a mistake then sure Scottrade would have a restriction on that security. But that wasn8217t the case and Scottrade let me trade it. I put those shares for sale and had no restriction to sell it. Usually Scottrade has trading restrictions on RS or FS stocks but not so in this case. They only restricted the stock after I called them. They also issued no warning or statement to this date whatsoever. The trades went through but all the trades then got canceled within about one to two hour(s). Then i immediately called Scottrade to make sure all was ok and they told me they made a mistake with having confused a reverse split with a forward split and that all the trades were canceled. My account money balance and brokerage market value was restored back to it8217s previous state and I specifically asked if all was good now and no other implications expected and they said yes, all good. That was also recorded on their phone-call system that day which can be retrieved from their system. I did not do not possess any of those trades or money from that day at all and yet Scottrade has restricted my account, money and are not willing to give me a time-frame for their investigation. 2 weeks passed by and I almost forgot about the whole thing as there was no reason to think otherwise. There were no restrictions on my account and Scottrade told me all was fine too on that same day I called like I mentioned. However I then wanted to get some money out of my account and suddenly the Scottrade compliance department tells me they can8217t do it and have to restrict my account for their investigation about that incident. I have listed all my points to the Scottrade compliance department8217s manager and also have made screenshots from that day8217s incident with further documents and proof that Scottrade made the mistake. I8217m also aware that there are more shareholders who got hurt in this confusion caused by Scottrade. It8217s now three weeks since my account got restricted and i can8217t access my money and Scottrade is giving me no time-frame upon my request. It8217s absolutely unacceptable that they8217re holding my account and money hostage because of their mistake and that caused a lot of confusion amongst the shareholders of that security as well as made some of them perform these trades when they trusted Scottrade8217s trading platform. Now i8217m being hurt financially because of Scottrade as with each day that is passing i can8217t trade nor access my money. Scottrade8217s compliance manager seems not willing to cooperate and it seems that Scottrade is trying to look for any possible opportunity to blame their customers but themselves for Scottrade8217s big mistake. It8217s Scottrade here who needs to be investigated by Finra SEC and fined for this big mistake and confusion they have caused as well as them not being professional at all in regards to this case. Scottrade also needs to be immediately forced to lift the restrictions of individuals like me who got confused and hurt financially by Scottrade. I have already talked with a legal council law firm and they agree with me and that Scottrade can8217t restrict me like this as well as they should8217ve given me a time-frame for how long my account restriction lasts for their 8220investigation8221 (which they still didn8217t provide me with). I really wanted to solve this in a friendly manner with ST but they8217re giving me no choice other than getting my attorney up and running. Ideally i8217d like to avoid this and get my money asap from my account. What are my chances requesting a check of all my cash money balance and my ST account to be closed. I no longer want to be with those shady crooks if they are restricting me because of their mistake ANSWER: Call them. Call the SEC. Just make sure that they fix this for sure. Make sure that you followed all rules from the SEC and Scottrade before though. trader platform balance April 17, 2014 8220Go on, you know you want to.8221 How many times over the last few years have macro punters contemplating a sale of the euro heard that voice inside their heads From the sovereign crisis to Cyprus, from Fed tapering to ECB QE, there have been a myriad of (apparently very good) reasons to sell EURUSD, and yet here we are, knocking on the door of 1.40. Like the devil on Larry Kroger8217s shoulder, the voice looks at the chart and says it again. 8220Go on, you know you want to.8221 It8217s a siren song that8217s hard to resist, particularly now that the ECB has joined the chorus. In the absence of a ship-mast against which to lash themselves, punters would do well to examine some of the relevant narratives to determine whether it8217s a wise course to give in. 1) The 8216Japanification8217 story. A key argument against selling the euro has been the impressive rise in the Eurozone8217s basic balance over the last several years. Not only has the emasculation of domestic demand in much of Europe pushed the current account into a tasty surplus, but Eurozone banks8217 unwinding of foreign assets has maintained a healthy capital inflow as well. This combined demand for euros has gotta push it up, right The evidence is sketchy. Macro Man can find no stable and sustained relationship between the basic balance and the euro. That does not mean that there is no relationship, of course, merely that it does not appear to be a (let alone the) hegemonic driver of the euro exchange rate. Indeed, at some points in recent history there appears to have been a negative correlation between the two. The voice is getting louder8230. 2) Positioning. With so many different actors participating in currency markets, it can be quit difficult to get a true read on accurate positioning. Fortunately, the sector with the quickest trigger finger also happens to be the easiest to model positioning for, namely CTAs via the IMM data. The story there is one of modest (and declining) length. With the 50 and 100 day moving averages 50-120 pips lower from current spot, it wouldn8217t take much to trigger a flurry of stops, as that community exits longs and begins to go short. The siren8217s song, it8217s so beautiful8230. 3) FX Reserve managers. One of the earliest literary devices in this history of this space was the bequeathing of the sobriquet 8220Voldemort8221 upon the PBOC and SAFE. The rationale was simple: by accruing absurd levels of FX reserves to maintain artificially weak exchange rates (and artificially high current account surpluses), and then tradinginvesting these reserves aggressively, Voldemort and like-minded institutions were exerting a malevolent influence upon developed financial markets. Over the ensuing years, the influence of FX reserve managers has waxed and waned. Recently, China appears to have been at least moderately active diversifying the 100 bio that they spent in Q1 to weaken the RMB. However, how durable is this moving forwards The stated purpose of widening the RMB band and pushing the currency weaker was to discourage hot money speculation (both domestic and foreign.) For the time being, at least, it certainly seems to have worked moreover, it seems unlikely that the domestic corporate sector will play as many over-invoicing games as they have in the recent past. At the same time, China8217s current account balance has shrunk back the level (as a of GDP at least) of a dozen years ago, back when Voldemort was a mere Tom Riddle8230 It therefore seems likely that reserve accumulation should slow, perhaps dramatically8230and with less reserve accumulation comes less diversification demand for euros. Hmmm, Macro Man is reaching for his red sell tickets8230. 4) Interest rates. Rate differentials are the bread and butter of any study of exchange rate determination. Applying them to EURUSD appears to support the conclusions above. Based on the historical relationship with the 1y1y spread, for example, it looks like the euro should be closer to 1.20 than 1.40. It8217s an open and shut case, right Not so fast. Readers may recall that there were other interest rates than 1y1y swap spreads (themselves a proxy for monetary policy) that were driving the euro exchange rate in 2011 and 2012. A proper rate model should include some sovereign spread component. Macro Man ran two iterations of a very simple two factor model, using a measure of short term rate differentials and the 5 year SpainGermany spread as the input factors. One uses 2010-11 as the in-sample period (the Trichet model), and the other uses 2011-2014 as the in-sample period (the Draghi model.) The Trichet model is not dissimilar to something that Macro Man ran in real time in 2011. What8217s interesting to note is that the model broke lower relative to the actual market starting in July 2011- almost exactly the time that Italy and Spain got properly sucked into the sovereign crisis. While the model has consistently suggested that the euro is too high since, it has retained a reasonable degree of correlation with movements in the FX rate, even in the out of sample period. What is very interesting to note is the seemingly inexorable rise in the model since Draghi8217s 8220whatever it takes8221 speech in the summer of 2012. How does it look if we use Draghi as the in-sample Pretty darned good. Encouragingly, the basic shape of the model barely changes from the earlier version with a completely different in-sample data set. This version merely corrects for the structural break that occurred in July 2011. The message, as you can see, is that the euro is pretty fairly valued, and that the recent rise is completely justified. Now, one can quibble about using a model like this to try to pin-the-tail on an exact currency valuation. Indeed, Macro Man received a first-hand education on the dangers of such a practice three summers ago. Nevertheless, to his eye at least these models do a pretty darned good job in explaining the underlying direction of the euro8217s trend. And they both agree that it is up. As such, from his perspective selling euros, while potentially profitable around event risks like ECB meetings, does not carry a terribly large (or even positive) expected value on a more strategic basis. From his perch, therefore, it appears that punters8217 time could be more profitably spent finding a better trade. Go on, you know you want to. Holmes and Watson have repaired to Baker Street for a well-earned break, leaving Macro Man to confront the rather more prosaic task of making sense of this week8217s price action. With school holidays on either side of the Atlantic and Easter coming this weekend, it8217s probably safe to say that neither staffing levels nor market liquidity are particularly high at the moment. Even with that qualification, Tuesday8217s price action was a little crazy. The data, such as it were, was generally negative for liquidity (and therefore risk assets): a higher CPI and somewhat weaker Empire do not exactly scream 8220buy stocks8221 do they, particularly when equities (and equity managers) have been on the back foot recently. Yet buy stocks they did, at least until negative headlines about Ukraine hit the tape. Now, at his old job Macro Man had a large placard taped to one of his monitors, imploring him 8220DO NOT TRADE ON HEADLINES.8221 There is a reason for this. While the unraveling of eastern Ukraine is certainly a serious matter, as indeed is Russian intransigence, in February we learned that if Americans cannot find a place on the map, it doesn8217t matter. And so sometime after lunch, the market came to its senses and rallied back through the intra-day highs. All of this is one explanation for yesterday8217s price action. An alternative, possibly more accurate, explanation is that this week is option expiry week, cash equities are closed on (Good) Friday, and there is a pretty decent slug of open interest in the 1825 strike (25,000 calls and 47,000 puts.) Assuming that dealers are short this stuff, that8217s a lot of negative gamma to be hedging as Spooz cross the strike over8230and over8230.and over again. On an exclusive basis, Macro Man has procured some video footage of this hedging activity from yesterday: Holy whiplash, Batman Not that other assets were immune. Gold took a precipitous drop after breaking the 200 day, stopping just before the lows of early this month, before retracing to end the New York day just north of 1300. For longs expecting a Ukraine-related boost, it must have felt a bit like hanging out with Kenny Bania. Media reports suggest that Janet Yellen made a daring escape from Holloway Castle yesterday and has absconded back to the US, where she will today make a speech to the Economic Club of New York. Time will tell if she is still in the service of the Professor or whether she has made a break from his nefarious schemes. Going back to the SPX for a moment, one thing that caught Macro Man8217s eye in yesterday8217s tumult was the fact that yesterday8217s price action broke above last week8217s low, ensuring that the down trade is a 3 wave, corrective affair. While it certainly doesn8217t jive with your author8217s base case view of weakness next month, it would certainly be consistent with the notion that Woodford still has his tentacles wrapped around monetary policy (i. e. a dovish speech tomorrow.) Elsewhere, New Zealand8217s CPI printed a lower than expected 1.5 in Q1. It seems highly dubious that this will dissuade Governor Wheeler from continuing to hike rates, though of course it does raise the odd question or two about the ultimate magnitude of the cycle. To Macro Man8217s eye, AUDNZD looks to have formed rather a nice bottom and has conclusively closed above the 100 day moving average for the first time in a year (when it was at 1.25.) He will leave it to the reader (with the aid of Holmes, perhaps) to explain why a level of CPI consistent with a tightening cycle in New Zealand requires angst and hand-wringing in the United States8230 Zen Cart can be defined simply as an online store management system. Zen Cart Customization is based on PHP that uses a MySQL database and HTML components. It provides support for numerous languages and currencies. Zen Cart8217s default installation provides everything needed to maintain an online store. Products, customers, pricing, payment and shipping, newsletters, orders and more are managed by the store owner through the administration area. The shopping cart is set up to receive payments from major credit cards via the merchant8217s choice of numerous available payment gateway services, some built-in or easily added with free addons. Zen Cart is a free and user friendly online store management system which offers several exclusive benefits. Some of the major advantages of using Zen Cart customization are as follows: 1. It provides Easy Installation 2. Multilanguage support 3. Multidisplay modes 4. Multicustomer modes 5. Support for multiple sales and discounts 6. Support for multiple payment methods 7. Provision to add multiple extra pages 8. Facility to use any shopping cart template to provide attractive look 9. Multiple ad banner controller 10. PHP BB integration facility 11. Quantity based discounts Nowadays the open source ecommerce shopping cart software application is being used by numerous of business websites. This is because of its capability to offer many features available within this system, like New Merchandise Pricing Options, New Layout Settings, Improved Template System, New Attributes, Demonstration Mode, etc. In order for people to buy products or services website needs to be optimized to ensure that visitors to your website are able to buy your products or services. A lot of companies offer a great deal of information, but are not able to turn their visitors in to paying customers. This is due to the abvious reason, they do not use a system that is able to catch their customers and lock them in as potential customers. There are plenty of systems available on the internet, however one stand far above the crowd. The Zen Cart shopping cart system is an easy to implement software program which creates shopping cart and payment systems all in one. Having a functional shopping cart and ecommerce system attached to your website will increase your yearly revenues. Using the Zen cart templates and the Zen cart design will expand your business and web presence. Now the question comes that Why hire Zen Cart developers for custom Zen Cart Development solutions The reason is that Zen Cart developers always plays very significant role in Zen Cart customization of module development to build a successful online e-commerce based online store. A Zen Cart developer is the right person who put result-oriented strategies along with core knowledge on Zen Cart Development in order to offer tailor-made development and customization solutions. Every online visitor will give first preference to well designed and visually appealing web portal running in World Wide Web. Only OS Commerce customization or Zen Cart Development experts are proficient to finalize the customization process with minimum possible time. Hiring services of expert companies in Zen Cart customization and Zen Cart Development can help in maximizing the benefits offered by Cart system. Frequently Asked Questions QUESTION: Someone selling a ZEN I need a 8220cheap8221 one. Or I am willing to trade my 30gb IPOD black (like-new) ANSWER: hahaha, no way. Ipod Video sucks. I have a ZenVisionM (just for a week) but i8217m not gonna sell it. Try return the iPod for money back where you bought it. Try making up some stories. Or you can try to delete a system file in the iPod. It wont work and u8217ll have money back, haha. Dont worry, the system can be easily reinstalled by Apple, u8217r not harming anybody. Well, not that i8217m saying it8217s not wrong8230. anyway, try to do it. And i wanna say8230. I LOVE ZEN. QUESTION: Anyone know of Zen (or any) monastery that allow laymen, or ANY self-sustaining community that live in nature Serious answer only please8230 thank you very much. I am looking for a Zen (or any) monastery that allow lay people to live there permanently. Or is there any self-sustaining community that lives in 8220wilderness8221, or live modestly in community like Amish8217s Background: I don8217t hate people or the modern world way of living, it8217s just I try to avoid situations (distractions) where my 3 basic needs (food, clothing, and place to sleep) are being controlled by 8220the system8221 or other people. And also, since I found that I don8217t depend on modern day entertainment and can be easily satisfied by the nature8217s beauty, I found it8217s best if I can live in nature. So, I8217m pretty much looking for to live in a self-sustaining community that live close to the nature, where I can get my 3 basic needs from the nature or by myself, or by people that have the same way of thinking. That way I found that it will be easier to let love flourish in my heart (so that I can love difficult people easily, cause the fulfillment of my 3 basic needs don8217t depend on them anymore). Thanks To SSF: Thank you, I8217ll definitely contact them. No, monastery life that full of chores and rigid schedule is fine with me. My philosophy is, 8220if you don8217t work, you don8217t eat8221. To Joe714: I8217m sorry if I give the wrong impression or if I hurt your feeling. I don8217t look for freedom to do whatever I like, and I don8217t feel people who chose modern life pinheads. Maybe I should re-phrase my question, what I really want is to live in a community where people don8217t manipulate one another for their own benefits. Zen is good, since it provides a training to get rid of our 8220ego8221 (as I believe 8220ego8221 makes us want to manipulate other people for our own benefits). I am not looking for avoiding difficult people, but I found that only if I can fulfill my basic needs (without their interference), then I can live with them peacefully. ANSWER: The first person recommended Great Vow Zen Monastery in Oregon. This is an excellent choice. I8217ve practiced there and it offers a supportive environment for someone who is interested in serious Buddhist practice. There are many other Zen centers that accommodate lay practitioners in a rural setting. Some other options include: Providence Zen Center Green Gulch Zen Center Tassajara Zen Center Zen Mountain Monastery Zen Mountain Center Please keep in mind that you will need to pay all or some of your own way, if you decide to stay at one of these centers. Some centers can sometimes offer a worktrade opportunity for someone with specialized skills such as carpentry or website development. Best wishes on your path QUESTION: I want to become a day trader and want access to charts stocks. Where do I get all technical information I am thinking of becoming a day trader and want to slow with little initial capital. I have been trading stocks and options for a while but I want to become a day trader who has live information about the the technical stuff including the trends, all the charts, bearishbullish patterns, and deep research on stocks. Where do I begin I looked at some web sites like bigcharts, MarketWatch, CapitalIQ etc. but nothing as comprehensive as I want. Any suggestions ANSWER: Who have you been trading stocks and options with They should have a trading platform. Often though, a broker only allows trading through a website or web browser. A day trader must have a dedicated trading platform downloaded to the computer. The data feed for stocks is a minimum of mo. Check out NinjaTrader. The futures and forex data feeds are free through Zen-Fire. The best you can do anywhere is about mo for the stocks data feed. Download a free trial and start building your own historical database of prices for charting and analysis. Before you decide to become a day trader, check out these articles, first by the SEC (Securities amp Exchange Comm), second by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission, and third by the Motley Fool: sec. govinvestorpubsdaytips. htm ftc. govopa200005daytrading. shtm You really need to learn more about trading before you start making decisions about a system 8230 I would suggest initially exploring these sites and authors 8230 iitm (Van Tharp) hardrightedge (Alan Farley) They each have books on amazon, which you can review before purchasing. Also: New Trading Systems And Methods by Kaufman About: 8216Becoming a Day Trader8217 About: 8216Day Trading8217 AskMen: 8216How To Become A Day Trader8217 QUESTION: What are the similarities between Russian and Ottoman interactions with the west (1450-1750) ANSWER: 1450 1750 Major Developments Questions of periodization Continuities and breaks, causes of changes from the previous period and within this period Changes in trade, technology, and global interactio ns Knowledge of major empires and other political units and social systems Aztec, Inca, Ottoman, China, Portugal, Spain, Russia, France, Britian, Tokugawa, Mughal Characteristics of African kingdoms in general but knowing one as illustrative ( Kongo, Benin, Oyo, Dahomey, Ashanti, or Songhay Gender and empire (including the role of women in households and in politics) Slave systems and slave trade Demographic and environmental changes: diseases, animals, new crops, and comparative population trends Cultural and intellectual developments Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment Comparative global causes and impacts of cultural change Major developments and exchanges in the arts (Mughal, the Americas) Creation of new religions (Vodun, Zen, Sikhism, Protestantism) Diverse interpretations What are the debates about the timing and extent of European predominance in the world economy How does the world economic system of this period compare with the world economic network of the previous p eriod Major Comparisons and Snapshots Compare colonial administrations Imperial systems: European monarchy compared with a land-based Asian empire Coercive labor systems: slavery and other coercive labor systems in the Americas Analyze the development of empire (i. e. general empire building in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas Analyze the development of imperial systems: a European seaborne empire compared with a land-based Asian empire. Compare Russia8217s interaction with the West with the interaction of one of the following (Ottoman Empire, China, Tokugawa Japan, Mughal India) with the West Compare Mesoamerican and Andean systems of economic exchange Examples of What You Need to Know Below are examples of the types of information you are expected to know contrasted with examples of those things you are not expected to know for the multiple-choice section. Extent of Ottoman expansion, but not individual states Slave plantation systems, but not Jamaica8217s specific plantation system Institution of the harem, but not the Hurrem Sultan Relations between the Kongo and Portugal, but not individual rules Tokugawa Japan8217s foreign policy but not Hideyoshi Importance of European exploration, but not individual explorers Characteristics of European absolutism, but not specific rulers8230 QUESTION: Best software to create a web page Hello. could you suggest any software to create a web site wich main job is trading and marketing (of corse that just the topic) if you know someone advisable please tell me about. thanks for your help ANSWER: For general web sites, the best (technically) approach is write it from scratch using Notepad or some other simple editor to directly create all the pages. The simplest way (technically extremely inefficient and poor on search engines) is use a content management system like WordPress. It8217s a lot easier but the sites are horribly inefficient and slow compared to properly written pages. Fine for hobby use but not advisable for business. As you say you want a trading marketing site, there is another method. Get your domain name set up amp a web hosting package (probably the place you buy the name from). That gives you a web server accessible to the world. Then get a standard 8216web shop8217 package and put that on the server. It will take a couple of days to personalise it with your company graphics, details, terms of business etc. but far less time amp far more powerful than trying to create something from scratch. I8217d highly recommend 8216Zen Cart8217 as a web shop package, it8217s completely free, well supported and has plugins to to use just about every online payment system and postal shipping service in the world, plus a vast number of other options and add-on. The installation and setup info is good, and support is very easy via it8217s forum. See the link below. (No connection to it other than a long-time user). QUESTION: In what ways did Tang and song dynasty China resemble the classical Han dynasty period, and in what ways had C Please help me Please ANSWER: Both Tang and Song resemble Han in the following respects: 1) Highly centralized government and established, effective administrations at local level. 2) Flourishing trade: e. g. Tang s Silk Road Song sea trade far-reaching to Aden(Yeman and Euphrates). 3) Science and Technology: e. g. Tang s Woodblock printing, Clockworks, Medicine(Chinese Herbology), etc. Song s Gunpowder warfare, mechanical navigation, movable type printing, hydraulic engineering, etc. 4) Relatively long stable period. 5) Unsurpassable peak time for the Chinese culture: Tang s golden age in shi poetry, calligraphy, literature, etc. Song s painting, calligraphy, ci poetry, philosophy (Zen), etc. 6) Civil examination system (for Centralized bureaucracy) 7) Architecture, especially of Tang. 8) Tea, food and cuisines. 9) There might be more. QUESTION: exam help (zmm) I have to study the book 8220zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance8221 for my exam. It has lots of points and moments to remember. Can someone tell me which points are the most important to remember pls ANSWER: Pirsig seems to me to have been concerned with finding out the answer to the question Plato asked, 8220What is Good8221 The answer I think he found was 8220Be Here Now.8221 Whatever you do, give it your whole attention, become the process. Here are some quotes from Chapter 1. 8220You8217re completely in contact with it all. You8217re in the scene, not just watching it anymore, and the sense of presence is overwhelming8230and the whole thing, the whole experience, is never removed from immediate consciousness.8221 8220We want to make good time, but for us now this is measured with emphasis on 8220good8221 rather than 8220time8221 and when you make that shift in emphasis the whole approach changes. 8220 8220I would like, instead, to be concerned with the question 8220What is best,8221 a question which cuts deeply rather than broadly82308221 8220The Buddha, the Godhead, resides quite as comfortably in the circuits of a digital computer or the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of a mountain or in the petals of a flower. To think otherwise is to demean the Buddha8230which is to demean oneself. 8220 Wikipedia has this to say about the book in general: 8220In this book, Pirsig explores the meaning of the concept 8220quality8221 (a term which he capitalizes). In the sequel (Lila: An Inquiry into Morals), Pirsig expands his exploration of Quality into a complete metaphysic which he calls The Metaphysics of Quality. The Metaphysics of Quality is a philosophy, a theory about reality it asks questions such as what is real, what is good and what is moral. As the title suggests, much of the Metaphysics of Quality has to do with a non-intellectualizing, non-conceptualizing, Zen-like direct viewing of the universe. Yet Pirsig departs from Eastern thinking by arguing that reason and logic are just as important in seeking understanding.8221 And the American Society of Authors and Writers has this: 8220Pirsig created the Metaphysics of Quality (MOQ) to explain in his books the connection between quality and morality to reality. Both of his books claim that the topic they are exploring cannot be precisely defined because of humanity8217s limited experience. ZMM in particular is an important work because it functions at several different levels: gtas a history or summary of philosophy gtas a reply to anti-technology movements gtas an introduction to thinking in general gtas a skeptical book, questioning everything from our language and education system to the scientific method gtas a complaint of the low level of craftsmanship in modern trades8221 Don8217t know if that really covers all you asked, but I hope it gives you a place to start. I assume you8217ve read the book 8230 Good luck on the exam QUESTION: what do you think of my pokemon black 2 team what moves should I teach them what level should I evolve them at what hm8217s should I teach them what should I name them emboar elektross gothitelle gigalath simisage seismtoad you have to answer all 4 bullets get best answer Emboar Flare Blitz Flamethrower Earthquake Brick Break or Hyperbeam Elektross Thunder Iron Tail Aqua Tail Giga Impact Gothitelle Psychic Energy Ball Foul Play Zen Headbutt Gigalith Stone Edge Earthquake Superpower Earth Power Simisage Hyperbeam Solarbeam Rock Slide Focus Blast Seismitoad Hydropump Earthquake Drain Punch Ice Punch Evolution Levels Tepig(lvl. 17)8212Pignite(lvl. 36)8212Emboar Tynamo(lvl. 39)8212 Elektrik( Find or buy a thunderstone)8212 Elecktross Gothita(lvl. 32)8212 Gothorita(lvl. 41)8212Gothitelle Roggenrola(lvl. 25)8212Boldore(Trade with someone or have two ds system and trade between yourself) Gigalith Pansage(find or buy a leaf stone)8212Simisage Tympole(lvl. 25)8212Palpitoad(lvl 36) Seismitoad The HM Moves were listed in their movesets Emboar8211 Fahrenhiet or Boarbeque (might be offensive to Emboar LOL) Elektross8211Kable, Rick Ross(-.-), or Shock Boom Gothitelle8211Afrodisiac Gigalith8212Quartz Simisage8211Ginseng, or Malaboro Seismitoad8212Marinus, Tit Head (sorry kids..), Bel-Air, or Wollywog QUESTION: I want to know who create this martial art 1.Tae Kwan Do 2.Capoeira 3.Muay Thai 4. Jujitsu 5.Kempo 6.Karate ANSWER: 1) Tae Kwan Do 8212 General Choi Hunghi founded TaeKwanDo in 1955,bringing together the varies Kwans under the name of TaekwanDo, it comes from the ancient Tae Kyun kicking arts and Karate. 2) Capoeira 8211African slaves in Brazil. African slavery in Brazil began between 1500 and 1530, and continued through 1888, when the slaves were freed. The slaves brought much of their culture with them from Africa, so Capoeira became a Brazilian martial art but it still contained a heavy African influence. The slaves designed it to look like a dance, so the owners wouldn8217t guess they were learning to defend themselves. Source:Encyclopedia Funtrivia 3) Muay Thai 8212 Muay Thai is considered by some to be a derivation of a general indigenous martial art style native to southeast Asia. It was the first to be popularized outside of Southeast Asia. Traditionally in the past, Muay Thai was used as entertainment to kings. It is thought by some sources that gloves were made out of wrapped twine, tar, and broken pieces of glass to ensure a bloody event, however it is still a subject of debate. Source :answerstopicmuay-thai Nai Khanomtom8211The famous fighter generally believed as the Founder of Muay Thai. 4) Jujitsu 8212 Opinions differ as to the origin of the art. One traces it to Chin Gempin, a naturalized Chinese, of whom mention is made in the following paragraph. Another attributes it to Shirobei Akiyama, a physician at Nagasaki, who is stated to have learned three tricks of hakuda in China. A third, on the other hand, claims the art to be the production of pure Japanese ingenuity. स्रोत। judoinfojudohistory. htm 5) Kempo 8211 Source. by Ken Warner evolutionkarate Kempo history dates back many thousands of years. Kempo history has its roots in Asia 8211 China, Japan and Okinawa. But Kempo8217s history as far as North America is concerned hit a major turning point in Hawaii in the early 20th century. Evidence suggests that the first systematized methods of fighting came into existence in India as early as 2,000 B. C. It is also possible that links existed between these ancient Indian forms and the system known as Pankration which was practiced by the ancient Greeks. Historians have documented the existence of ancient trade routes between Greece and India. As a result of this contact, each culture had the power to influence the other. This influence may well have included the transfer of some martial arts methods. 6) Karate 8212 As legend has it, the evolution of karate began over a thousand years ago, possibly as early as the fifth century BC when Bodhidharma arrived in Shaolin-si (small forest temple), China from India and taught Zen Buddhism. He also introduced a systematized set of exercises designed to strengthen the mind and body, exercises which allegedly marked the beginning of the Shaolin style of temple boxing. Bodhidharma8217s teachings later became the basis for the majority of Chinese martial arts. In truth, the origins of karate appear to be somewhat obscure and little is known about the early development of karate until it appeared in Okinawa. Okinawa is a small island of the group that comprises modern day Japan. It is the main island in the chain of Ryuku Islands which spans from Japan to Taiwan. Surrounded by coral, Okinawa is approximately 10 km (6 mi) wide and only about 110 km (less than 70 mi) long. It is situated 740 km (400 nautical mi) east of mainland China, 550 km (300 nautical miles) south of mainland Japan and an equal distance north of Taiwan. Being at the crossroads of major trading routes, its significance as a 8220resting spot8221 was first discovered by the Japanese. It later developed as a trade center for southeastern Asia, trading with Japan, China, Indo China, Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo and the Philippines. In its earliest stages, the martial art known as 8220karate8221 was an indigenous form of closed fist fighting which was developed in Okinawa and called Te, or 8216hand8217. Weapons bans, imposed on the Okinawans at various points in their history, encouraged the refinement of empty-hand techniques and, for this reason, was trained in secret until modern times. Further refinement came with the influence of other martial arts brought by nobles and trade merchants to the island. Te continued to develop over the years, primarily in three Okinawan cities: Shuri, Naha and Tomari. Each of these towns was a center to a different sect of society: kings and nobles, merchants and business people, and farmers and fishermen, respectively. For this reason, different forms of self-defense developed within each city and subsequently became known as Shuri-te, Naha-te and Tomari-te. Collectively they were called Okinawa-Te or Tode, 8216Chinese hand8217. Gradually, karate was divided into two main groups: Shorin-ryu which developed around Shuri and Tomari and Shorei-ryu which came from the Naha area. 8220It is important to note, however, that the towns of Shuri, Tomari, Naha are only a few miles apart, and that the differences between their arts were essentially ones of emphasis, not of kind. Beneath these surface differences, both the methods and aims of all Okinawan karate are one in the same8221 (Howard, 1991). Gichin Funakoshi goes further to suggest that these two styles were developed based on different physical requirements Funakoshi, 1935). Shorin-ryu was quick and linear with natural breathing while Shorei-ryu emphasized steady, rooted movements with breathing in synchrony with each movement. Interestingly, this concept of two basic styles also exist in kung-fu with a similar division of characteristics (Wong, 1978). The Chinese character used to write Tode could also be pronounced 8216kara8217 thus the name Te was replaced with kara te 8211 jutsu or 8216Chinese hand art8217 by the Okinawan Masters. This was later changed to karate-do by Gichin Funakoshi who adopted an alternate meaning for the Chinese character for kara, 8217empty8217. From this point on the term karate came to mean 8217empty hand8217. The Do in karate-do means 8216way8217 or 8216path8217, and is indicative of the discipline and philosophy of karate with moral and spiritual connotations. The first public demonstration of karate in Japan was in 1917 by Gichin Funakoshi, at the Butoku-den in Kyoto (Hassell 1984). This, and subsequent demonstrations, greatly impressed many Japanese, including the Crown-Prince Hirohito, who was very enthusiastic about the Okinawan art. In 1922, Dr. Jano Kano, founder of the Japanese art of Judo, invited Funakoshi to demonstrate at the famous Kodokan Dojo and to remain in Japan to teach karate. This sponsorship was instrumental in establishing a base for karate in Japan. As an Okinawan 8220peasant art,8221 karate would have been scorned by the Japanese without the backing of so formidable a martial arts master (Maliszewski, 1992). Today there are four main styles of karate-do in Japan: Goju-ryu, Shito-ryu, Shotokan, and Wado-ryu: Goju-ryu developed out of Naha-te, its popularity primarily due to the success of Kanryo Higaonna (1853-1915). Higaonna opened a dojo in Naha using eight forms brought from China. His best student, Chojun Miyagi (1888-1953) later founded Goju-ryu, 8216hard soft way8217 in 1930. In Goju-ryu much emphasis is placed on combining soft circular blocking techniques with quick strong counter attacks delivered in rapid succession. Shito-ryu was founded by Kenwa Mabuni (1889-1952) in 1928 and was influenced directly by both Naha-te and Shuri-te. The name Shito is constructively derived from the combination of the Japanese characters of Mabuni8217s teachers8217 names 8211 Ankoh Itosu and Kanryo Higaonna. Shito-ryu schools use a large number of kata, about fifty, and is characterized by an emphasis on power in the execution of techniques. Shotokan was founded by Gichin Funakoshi (1868-1957) in Tokyo in 1938. Funakoshi is considered to be the founder of modern karate. Born in Okinawa, he began to study karate with Yasutsune Azato, one of Okinawa8217s greatest experts in the art. In 1921 Funakoshi first introduced Karate to Tokyo. In 1936, at nearly 70 years of age, he opened his own training hall. The dojo was called Shotokan after the pen name used by Funakoshi to sign poems written in his youth. Shotokan Karate is characterized by powerful linear techniques and deep strong stances. Wado-ryu, 8216way of harmony8217, founded in 1939 is a system of karate developed from jujitsu and karate by Hienori Otsuka as taught by one of his instructors, Gichin Funakoshi. This style of karate combines basic movements of jujitsu with techniques of evasion, putting a strong emphasis on softness and the way of harmony or spiritual discipline Source. karateinternationalkaratehistory. QUESTION: is kobe going to get better than what he is now for next season and what do you think will happen to them ANSWER: Definitely. He will need to heal. I am sure he will add to his game new moves offensively and defensively and see what he can do to work more on his left hand and inside moves. Kobe is going to have to find a way if at all possible to take care of those knees, once they are gone, his career will be over. Kobe is at the point in his career when we will see a more muscular version of the same athlete. The biggest opportunity and frustration is to learn a new system with a different cast of characters. He thrived with the triangle offense and Phil Jackson8217s Zen like coaching style. What happens to Artest, Shannon Brown Will Lamar Odom be traded What changes will be made Whatever the changes they have to be efficient and the right move. Kobe8217s body is on the clock. He can ill afford to waste 1-2 years rebuilding the team. If at all possible, without Jerry West being in the front office, Phil Jackson retired, and the conference competitors getting even bolder and more capable of winning the big one. LA has to find a way to reload with Kobe, that my friend is the challenge. QUESTION: a few PS3 questions first of all is the system worth it or is a x box pro a better choice can i play PS2 games on a PS3 will the guitar and microphones from the PS2 work on the PS3 and last of all can i play DVDs on the PS3 sorry i dont really know that much about console as i have only owned a original nintendo, N64 and PS2 so any other info u can give me would b fantastic. merci hmm im getting alot of contraversy on the issue of can i play PS2 games on a PS38230thats my main concern actually cuz i have so many PS2 games but i dont have the money to buy a whole lot of PS3 games at the moment. and yes the guitar and the mics have a usb adapter on them. also does the PS3 have any DDR games ANSWER: ONLY ps3 consoles with 4 usb ports are backwards compatible 8211 20 and 60 gigabyte systems and some 80 gig bundles 8211 that8217s the facts about that your guitar and mic will work on a ps3 yes. there is a DDR game on ps3 and more are planned trade in ps2 games and buy ps3 ones or psn cards to buy downloadable games there are a lot of awesome psn games for cheap prices battlefield 1943 8211 .99 burn zombie burn .99 savage moon add-on pack .99 shatter .99 zen pinball street fighter 2 table add-on .48 marvel vs. capcom 2 .99 flower .99 piyotama ( puzzle game ) .99 plus many more 8211 so you don8217t need a lot of cash to get great games plays blu-ray and upconverts dvd QUESTION: Can we give GM Cupcake a bit of appreciation Maybe this was all part of a plan. All those rumors, those wreckages, those gm-doesn8217t-do-anything, those trades8230 maybe it was all part of a plan. who would know Phil Jackson is a psychological guy. In fact, he is the Zen Master. Maybe this was all part of a plan, Shaq gets out. Bynum, Odom in. Offseason: Kobe tells Bynum he8217s a piece o8217 crap. Tells the management what to do. Kobe apologizes but trade rumors appeared. Fisher comes in. Trade talks downplayed. Kobe wins with TEAM USA. Season starts, a loss to the Rockets, lakers started 9-7, but have been 14-4 since then. Bynum improves, bench improves. Getting Shaq out was a wise decision. The Lakers have won games by 10 or more in 16 games. What do you think Does the GM deserve some credit ANSWER: Getting rid of Shaq was a 8220DUH8221 decision8230we didn8217t want his fat lazy butt here while he8217s being paid 20 or 30 million dollars (which he asked for in the extension while on his last year) The decision was right but he got the wrong players in return8230I wish he had gotten Eddie Jones and Haslem instead of Brian Grant and his big fat contract gutting our team for 2 years. Odom and Butler did their thing when they were here8230new system, new surrounding and team was in full rebuild mode until injuries crippled the team. They were hanging onto the 6th spot for the most of the year until the last 2-3 weeks of the season. Then Mitch did the unimaginable of trading Butler for a notorious bust in Kwame8230the move still hasn8217t paid off. His incompetence of signing quality point guards is well known8230Sasha in 04, Smush in 05, Atkins in 04 thru the GP deal, Shammond Williams, Aaron Mckie, etc8230.He wouldn8217t have landed Derek Fisher if Utah didn8217t let him go off his contract and Fish chose LA as one of his spots since his daughter was getting treatment for eye cancer Yes he hung onto Bynum even though people including Phil Jackson and other fans called for him to be traded for any available all star He offered Brian Cook like a 3 year 15 milion dollar contract while signing someone who has a similar game in Vladimir Radmonovic He signed Vlad Rad for 6 years 30 million and dude went snowboarding and pretty much was on the shelf for most of the season last year due to that and to some hand injury while goofing around in practice Vlad Rad has played limited minutes this year and he sprained his ankle and his out for another week or so8230he has probably shown up to play like 10 of the time, otherwise he8217s just a roster filler thats all. He does not fit Phil Jackson8217s triangle system and he8217s still unsure of his role year Luke Walton8230now he8217s a great compliment to kobe and perfeectly fits the traingle system but he wasn8217t planing on going anywhere. We could8217ve offered Brian Cook8217s contract to this guy and signed a true power forwardbig body available like a Brian Sknner or a Chris Webber or whatever. We didn8217t have to give him our MLE The PF position is the Lakers8217 weakest position and even tho Odom is doing a decent job this year at that slot, only a matter of time before he gets his fragile shoulder injured again while gobbling up rebounds8230he8217s more of a SF than a PF SO he hasn8217t met all the needs of his team but he sure did resist the temptaion of trading Bynum or Kobe when the media and non Laker fans wanted him to The only sure thing i would give him credit for is the Trevor Ariza deal8230he struck gold with a young lanky permieter defender and gave up an average backup Shooting Guard and a soft overpaid 8220forward8221 QUESTION: Is this a good PC to put together for my brother Ok, my brother told me to make a wishlist of PC parts to make a great gaming computer for around 00 and he wants it Nvidia based since he said the HD 4850 and HD 4870 ran too hot for his taste and he likes green better. This is a cart I made in Newegg LITE-ON 20x dvdr dvd burner - .99 RAIDMAX AZTEC ATX mid tower - .99( rebate) Western Digital 640gb 7200rpm - .99 MSI OC GTX 260 896mb GDDR3- 9.99( rebate) Sony NEC optiaric DVD ROM - .99 CORSAIR 4gb ddr2 800- .50( rebate) Intel Core 2 quad q6600- 4.99 ZEROtherm ZEN fz120- .99 EVGA nforce 780i SLI Intel motherboard with corsair 750watt psu combo deal - 9.98( 2 Rebates) Added up with shipping, it is 50.42 minus all the rebates which equals to 35 Is this good or can I do better with a 00 budget my brother gave me to work with. This is the cheapest gtx 260 i could find and my brother doesn8217t mind paying an extra My brother has the OS covered ANSWER: You didn8217t mention an operating system8230 I bought the OEM vista premium x64bit from newegg and it works great with newer hardware like your system there8230 9 shipped, I got lucky and caught it on sale for shipped in June at newegg. Just let your brother know I have a ASUS 4870 that runs idle at 45C but ASUS sends additional software that controls the fan speed constantly. I think the ASUS 4870 is out of stock but I would hope the the other manufactures put that kind of software into their packages as well8230 FYI If you go with vista you need to go with an IDE DVD, or have one handy when you install, unless you can get the raid drivers to go in when you press F6. I couldn8217t get it for the life of me and gave up but you cannot use an SATA HD and a SATA DVD unless you do8230 Luckily I had an old IDE DVD in another computer laying around8230 Don8217t forget the Artic Silver 5 to butter the CPU with, also works good if you take the graphics card apart and clean and spread some on the CPU as well8230 Kinda stabilized my 48708230 Since I know he is a gamer I would just go with a neweggProductProduct. aspxItemN82E16819115037 more L2 cache than a 6600 and 30 bucks cheaper, plus faster as well8230 MSI has always made me quinge as far as motherboards and products. Kinda the middle of the road on quality in my opinion. Some have had good luck with MSI but I haven8217t had much success for long with them8230 EVGA has a trade up program where you can trade up getting a discount on your trade up of your graphics card8230 QUESTION: Even if there is no God, why do people allow the bad guys to get rich, powerful and important Even if there is no God and the atheists are right, why do the bad people seem to go into power and money, and no one does anything about it. No one questions it. People praise them. rap stars, even talentless pop stars, who are just rich or pretty, people in politics, even down to the small scale. I8217m sure these people just simply work and take their power, but the 8220good8221 people just let it happen. Even people that everyone idolizes like The Beatles, Madonna, etc, they aren8217t shining examples of humanity either at all, and yet people praise them like gods. We basically devalue ourselves and say, oh Madonna, The Beatles, George Bush, these people are richer and more influential than me, and even though they may not be the best people, they8217re BETTER than me, and so be it, and what not. Our world is in a huge state of, I don8217t even know. जबरदस्त हंसी। Confused I guess. If there WAS a God, he8217d stop all of this If there isn8217t a God, shouldn8217t WE do SOMETHING. ANSWER: The reason celebrities get rich and idolized is that they, or their marketers, have convinced people that they have something people need. People buy their records, films, books, posters, or other souvenirs because they want to emulate them, feel like them, be them. Since that8217s not possible, they either buy all the stuff or they try to tear them down and humanize them by following the gossip magazines and TV shows. Even without the stars8217 help, competitions develop among fans over who is the greater star. Any cultural contribution the star might make is subjugated to the dictates of fame. And if by chance a star should be come known for bringing actual intellectual content to a song, a role or some other expression of their trade, they are suddenly regarded as experts on the topic. They may actually know something more than their fans about it because they read a book or attended a lecture, but they are more likely to be listened to than the author or the lecturer because they are already stars. That can be a good thing, if it brings attention to a worthy subject. That8217s why movie stars 8220testify8221 before legislative bodies. But it8217s just as likely to make their agents nervous because it8217s less likely to bring in the money than pure, mindless entertainment. So even if a star has a good heart and a fairly agile mind, the industry tends to focus on revenue generation and to discourage serious thought among fans in general. Fans don8217t seem to mind. That8217s why they8217re fans (short for fanatic). It8217s all about what they think the star is, not necessarily what she does. And it8217s not just entertainers that do this. Politicians often resort to the 8220cult of personality8221, emphasizing their 8220virtue8221 and 8220character8221 rather than any proven ability to solve problems. Religions do it too. How many Christians prefer to be cheerleaders for Jesus rather than actually try to live according to his teachings There is an old zen proverbkoan that goes: 8220If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him,8221 meaning that it is not the man that matters but the way that he revealed. The reason there are 8220stars8221 in virtually every field of human interest is that it serves the needs of the people around them, the investors, the organizers, the publicizers, the spin doctors and all those who stand to gain from the celebrity8217s celebrity. If you8217re looking for the true evil in the system, it8217s usually found there. These people8217s sole purpose is to keep the star-maker machinery running smoothly, so that the money and the power keep flowing their way. And when someone gets wise to them, she either has to be brought on board or rendered quiet, invisible or discredited, whatever it takes. That8217s why managers don8217t like an informed fandom, electorate, congregation, etc. It makes things uncertain and chaotic. It tends to break up a nice, smooth operation. For that matter, the faithful sheep don8217t much enjoy chaos either. They prefer an emblem they can unite behind, even if it has been turned into a meaningless figurehead. If 8220meaning8221 is required, the handlers will generate just enough sloganry to keep the crowds calm and loyal. So maybe WE do get something out of all this corruption too: a nice, happy world. If it turned out to be a choice (and it likely is), would you rather be happy or informed Illusions can be great stress-reducers, even if it means the 8220bad guys8221 are getting away with something. Think about this: if there were no 8220stars8221 in the world, no one 8220special8221, what would happen to our own aspirations Did you ever want to be a rockstar Exactly why The reasons the most corrupt political dictators manage to keep their power are (1) common fear of punishment for defiance, (2) armies of soldiers who are rewarded for loyalty, and (3) the understanding that if he can do it, I potentially could do it too. Apply these principles to entertainment, religion, etc. and you8217ll find they don8217t change much. We could beat back the system. We could teach everyone the truth and get them all to agree to see everyone as equal and to value only results, not dreams. But as long as people have dreams, or a need to see themselves (or vicariously, someone) as 8220special8221, it8217ll start all over again. The only person you can fix is yourself. QUESTION: nail polish and makeup not tested on animals popular makeup and nail polish not tested on animals if thats possible. ANSWER: A lot of all cosmetic brands that don8217t test on animals. Abra Therapeutics, Inc. Afrumos Afterglow Cosmetics Alba Botanica Almay Allens Naturally Anna Marie8217s Aromatherapy Arbonne International Aroma Bella Aroma Crystal Therapy Ashambri Skincare Aubrey Organics Aunt Bee8217s Skincare Aurom re Ayurvedic Imports Austin Rose Avon Australasian College of Health Sciences Avalon Natural Products Badger Balm Beauty Without Cruelty Belisama Bath amp Body B sso de Nat ra Better Botanicals Biokleen Biogime International Bio Pac Blooming Lotus Body Bistro Body Butter Factory The Body Shop Bonicca Natural Body Care Bronzo Sensual Bug Off (802-860-1680) Cactus amp Ivy California North CamoCare Caswell Massey Co. Ltd. Christine Valmy Inc. Citra Solv Clear Conscience, Inc. Clean Kids Naturally Clearly Natural Color My Image Comforts for the Mind, Body and Spirit Crazy Rumors Cuccio Natural Daisy Blue Naturals Deodorant Stones of America (DSA) Dermalogica Desert Mermaid Devita Natural Skin Care Systems Dickinson Brands Dr. Bronner8217s Magic Soaps Dr. Go odpet Dr. Ken8217s (Floss amp Go) Duchess Marden Earth Dance Botanical Bodycare Earth Friendly Products Earth Alive Earth8217s Beauty Earth Solutions Eco-Dent Elara Elemental Herbs Elizabeth Van Buren Essential Oil Therapy ELON Essentials Emerita EO ProductsSmall World Trading Company FACE atelier Fleabusters Forever New International Freeman French TransitCrystal Body Deodorant Gabriel Cosmetics Glad Rags The Good Home Co. Gourmet Body Treats GratefulBody Green Girl Basics Greenridge Herbals Greenwood Naturals Grime Eater Products Halo, Purely for Pets Hard Candy Hawaiian Resources Company HC Pain Spray Healthy Times Baby8217s Herbal Garden Heather8217s Natural amp Organic Cleaning Products Hoke 2 Hugo Naturals Infinite Aloe Inky Loves Nature Innersense ISH Ionic Rescue JR Liggett Jacki8217s Magic Lotion Jason Natural Cosmetics Jess8217 Bee Natural Lip Balm Joe Blasco Cosmetics Joyful Hands Holistic Pet Care Juice Beauty Kirk8217s Natural Products Kiss My Face KSA Jojoba Lakon Herbals Lather, Inc. Lip-Ink International Little Forest Natural Baby Products Lobob Lotus Moon Louise Bianco Skin Care Maggie8217s Pure Land Products Magick Botanicals Mary Kay Max Green Alchemy M re Cie Mi Amore Skincare, LLC Method Products Mia Rose Products Mountain Green of Arizona Mountain Ocean Ltd. Mystic Wonders, Inc Nadina8217s Cremes Naikid Nail Aid NakedHerbs, LLC Naturade, Inc. Nature Clean Nature8217s Gate Nature8217s Soap Dish Naturopathica Nectar Essences New Vision NutriBiotic ONLY YOURx Skin Care Oracle Organics Orange-Mate Organic Health and Beauty Organix-South, Inc. (TheraNeem) Orjene Organics Osea International OutsideIn Cosmetics Parissa Paul Mitchell Pittstown Soapworks Planet, Inc. Pro-Tec Pet Health Pure Touch PureOlogy Queen Helene Revlon Rachel Perry Recycline Rejuvi Laboratory, Inc. Ren e Rouleau Skin Care SanRe Organic Skinfood Sappo Hill Soap Works Scandia Spa Sea Chi Organics Sedona Spa Products Seventh Generation Sewing Expressions, LLC. Shaman Earthly Organics ShiKai Simplers Botanical Company Simply Soap Skin Care For Athletes (Morning Indigo) The Soap Opera Soapworks Soluzione Spa Products Sombra Cosmetics Sonoma Soap Sound Earth, LLC Spasome Balms amp Intelligent Pure All Natural Therapeuticals Spring Rain Botanicals St. John8217s Herb Garden Strong Products Studio Magic Suki Sunfeather Natural Soap Company, Inc. Tom8217s of Maine Tony amp Tina Too Faced Cosmetics Unicure Un-Petroleum Lip Care Urban Decay V8217TAE Parfum amp Body Care Vermont Soapworks Warm Earth Cosmetics Well In Hand Whole Spectrum Aromatherapy Wholefood Farmacy Zen Spa ZuZu Luxe QUESTION: How to take credit cards I have a book, tshirts etc that I sell at trade shows. Usually with no internet connection. I dont want to pay a monthly fee for virtual terminals yet I need to take credit cards at shows. 2checkout has a way so you can email the customer an invoice and then they pay for it on their side. Ok that would work for taking payments at shows and is PCI compliant. What about my website Ive installed zen cart. I need a way to take credit cards that works easily with zencart or another cheap shopping cart (php based) and I can take orders somehow out at tradeshows. Any help is really appreciated. How would you set this up ANSWER: To be able to accept credit card payments from your customers you have to get a merchant account. They are going to check your credit and want to know what type of business you have. You don8217t need a terminal. You can process payments right online but you have to pay for it. It8217s not free. VISAMC etc8230 take a small percentage of every transaction you run. It8217s usually about 2-3 but you should shop around. If you have poor credit, you will have to get a co-signer. Try Central Payment Systems. They are pretty good. Also, your bank may offer merchant services as well so ask them. If you have an online business then accepting credit cards is critical to your success. QUESTION: Are There Any Games Like Kingdom Hearts or Super Mario for the Playstation 3 Hi i just recently got a PS3 because I thought that Kingdom Hearts 3 would be soon coming out, but not long after that did I hear that KH:3 would be on the Playstation 4 instead. I still have my PS3 and don8217t have any games that I absolutely LOVE for it..Because I am not able to purchase KH:3, I was wondering if there are any Super Mario games available for this system or similar ones Should I keep searching for PS3 games or try to trade in my PS3 for the new PS4 when it comes out Is the new Kingdom Hearts (KH:3) for sure coming out on the Playstation 4 ANSWER: kingdom hearts 2.5 is coming to ps3 pretty soon and it8217s got the first 2 games remade in hd. so you can play that game in a few weeks or so you can8217t play super mario because that is a nintendo game and not playstation. but there are a lot of those platform games on the ps3. just look up a list of the genre on ps3 or look in the playstation store. you can get a demo of most of the games since you way you can8217t find any games you like you should try demos and try all types of games. not just one genre or games you have heard about a lot. there are a ton of great ps3 games that are not retail titles or are smaller indie games and a lot of really fun games. I8217ll list a bunch and you can try the demos. I8217m sure you8217ll like some of these games ( plus you can get ps1 classics so might want to play some older games like the final fantasy series or others ) shatter rainbow moon persona 4 arena super stardust hd burn zombie burn trine. trine 2 flower dead nation the last guy elephunk digger hd zen pinball marvel pinball little big planet 2 rayman 3 hd sly cooper series rocket birds hardboiled chicken pixeljunk series savage moon sound shapes I recommend you go into the playstation store. sort by genre then by what has a demo or just what has a demo and start trying a bunch of games old and new release. you will find games you like and even better find you like games you8217d never have considered before. this opens you to more games QUESTION: ok8230 821793 gmc jimmy tahoe xl blazer, in park starts, revs just fine,(auto tranny)put in gear2go and dies, help fuel filter not plugged, tranny somewhat new, fuses good, yada yada, im really confused trying to help a friend. you can put it into gear and hold it there with the break on, but as soon as you let off the breaks it just dies, the tranny was professionally installed and worked great up till this. yes there is plenty of trany fluid in the transmission. and overall the vacume system appears visually intact. any ideas i sourced through a chiltons but found it to be of little or no help(plus i am half an idiot sometimes)so there it is. hopefully someone out there in the matrix can shed some light on this grey area for me. thanks, zen. ANSWER: The first thing i would try is to see if it starts in Neutral. but it sounds like you have some sort of vacume problem and when you are putting a load on the engine it just quits. check also the pcv valve (positive crancase ventilation..it plugs into the top of the valve cover..just pull it out and shake it making sure you here it rattle. then check all the vacume lines as its a 93 and they are probably in need of replacement8230.If that doesn8217t work8230trade it in on a FORD QUESTION: Can anyone please help me with my world history extra credit questions Q21 the major zen sects stressed a. military prowess b. monastic life c. prayer d. meditation and riddles e. an organized clergy Q21 Oversaw the conquest of germania minor, defeated antony and cleopatra at actium, conquered pannonia and illyria and established the principate (roman empire) a. augustus b. julius caesar c. tiberius d. nero e. caligua Q22 An important aztec innovation in technology was a. hydraulic agriculture which significantly increased food production b. the sbdidian knife which equals in sharpness modern sugical scalpels c. the invention of the wheel d. in as tronomy which established the b asis for a much more accurate calendar e. in mechanics which made it possible to build much higher pyramids Q23 in england the viking threat led to a. a loss of religious faith b. complete collapse of the will to resist the invaders c. establishment of stronger and more unified states d. attempted invasions of those regions by muslims e. founding of a viking kingdom within england and along the baltic sea Q24 the idealized social system espoused by chivalry a. arose out of the first crusade was influenced by moslem stories and chasons de geste and is largely the work or filliam of aquitaine his daughter eleanor and her daughter marie b. it idealized women of royal or noble rank c. it served to set the nobility apart from the common serfs and was much sought after by the emerging middle class d. all of these e. A and C only Q25 which of the following did not contribuute to the disappearance of the cliff dwellers a. arrival of the navajo b. arrival of the apache c. arrival of the europeans d. internecine conflicts e. drought Q26 what was the importance of the edict of milan a. established the system that gave rulers of byzantium secular and spiritual power b. split the roman empire into two sections c. gave christians freedom to worship within the roman empire d. affirmed christ as divine e. none of the above Q27 the idealized social system espoused by chivalry a. arose out of the first crusade, was influenced by moslem stories and chasons de geste and is largely the work of william of aquitaine, his daighter eleanor and her daughter marie b. it idealized women of royal or noble rank c. it served to set the nobility apart from the common serfs and was much sought after by emerging middle class d. all of these e. a and c only Q28 christian monastic communities did all of the following except a. opened schools b. ran hospitals c. took care of travelors, the elderly widows, orphans, and the poor d. introduced new agricultural techniques e. became centers of learning and commerce Q29 justinian and theodoras major aim was to a. establish an immense asiatic empire b. restore romes trading ties to asia c. restore the roman empire to its previous size and splendor d. defend Christendom from the muslim hordes e. all of the above Q30 Split the roman world into two halves, introduced serfdom, persecuted christians, and made alliances with the german tribes a. septimus severus b. diocletian c. aurelian d. valentinian I e. Decius People, these questions are on my final, already had these questions on the test, but the instructor doesnt give the answers for the question, justgives a score on the test. he doesnt go over the test either so i want to know the correct answers so i can study for my final ANSWER: Credible responses are far more likely to result from posing one question at a time. QUESTION: Who may help me w this What religion is native to Ancient Japan a. Shinto b. Hinduism c. Christianity d. Islam What is the name of the religion that mixes Japanese martial arts and meditation with Buddhism a. Orthodox Buddhism b. Islam c. Zen Buddhism d. Hindu Buddhism In what way did geography affect the development of Ancient Japan a. Due to the island locale, the first emperors were sea captains. b. Mountainous terrain and islands resulted in regional governments. c. Had a centralized government system because of plains. d. Farmers encouraged democracy. The warrior waycode of Japan was also known as a. Chivalry b. Shogun c. Buddhism d. Bushido Emperors in Ancient Japan were known as a. Sumo wrestlers b. Obas c. Shoguns d. Ninjas One reason the Ancient Kingdoms in Western Africa prospered was that they a. They were located along the Tigris and Euphrates River b. Had no contact with the rest of the world c. Followed the Hindu beliefs of their rulers d. Developed extensive trade in gold, ivory, and salts A similarity between the ancient African kingdoms Mali and Ghana is that these kingdoms a. Limited the power of their rulers b. Practiced Christianity c. Established economies based on trade d. Isolated themselves from contact with other cultures Leader of Mali known for his Islamic faith a. Ramses II b. Mansa Musa c. Mohammad d. Oba Which Ancient African Kingdom is known for building a stone monument a. Zimbabwe b. Ghana c. Mali d. Kongo Which African language is a mixture of Bantu (African language) and Arabic a. Ghanaese b. Apartheid c. Swahili d. Tagalo Which M esoAmerican civilization included human sacrifice as part of its religious practice a. Olmec b. Inca c. Aztec d. Hopi Which MesoAmerican civilization used the math concept of zero a. Olmec b. Inca c. Aztec d. Maya Which MesoAmerican civilization had a centralized government system and was located in the Andes Mountains of South America a. Olmec b. Inca c. Aztec d. Maya Which European country conquered the MesoAmerican civilizations a. England b. Portugal c. Spain dherlands Native MesoAmerican religions were a. Monotheistic b. Polytheistic c. Christianity d. Hinduism According to this 8220code,8221 a knight was supposed to champion right against injustice and evil, never surrender, or flinch in the face of the enemy. What do we call this code a. Chivalry b. Feudalism c. Vassalage d. Divine right was not a slave, but was bound to the fief and couldn t leave. a. Free person b. Serf c. Vassal d. Page The most powerful church in Europe during the Middle Ages was a. Pagans b. Islam c. Roman Catholic Church d. Methodist Church The greatest leader during the Western European Medieval period was a. Pepin b. Frank c. Henry VIII d. Charlemagne Who was the strongest leader of the Byzantine Empire a. Charlemagne b. Elizabeth I c. Medici d. Justinian The biggest disaster to hit 14th century Europe was . a. Bubonic PlagueBlack Death b. AIDS c. Cancer d. Famine The Crusades were fought over a. The Nile River b. France c. Jerusalem d. Scotland During the Crusades, Christian crusaders battled a. Joan of Arc b. Muslims c. Byzantines d. Aryans True or False: All Crusaders went for religious reasons. a. True b. False ANSWER: Dude. Do you homework, don8217t get us to do it QUESTION: Phil Jackson is an overrated coach agreed And this is coming from a Knicks fan where Phil Jackson was 1 of the most popular 6th men in the NBA of that decade helping NY win 2 NBA rings. However, as a coach he is overrated and I am glad people are coming to this realization after I have thought this for many of years. Phil Jackson only goes to established teams. The Bulls started off bad with Doug Collins cause M. J. was still learning how to be an NBA player in his youth and he lacked the help, but then Pippen came and the Bulls slowly crept into the playoffs with the more maturity they obtained. Phil Jackson ever the opportunist came in exactly when the M. J. and Pippen duo metastasized to what it grew to be and the self-proclaimed Zen Master rode the coattails of some very good teams to success. He then went to L. A. to a team that had the most dominant player in the game in Shaq and an up and coming sidekick in Kobe along with other good pieces. They were already a playoff team before him and with the West aging and Shaq becoming more and more dominant along w. the huge talent discrepancy of the conferences in the early millennium Phil once again rode the coattails of success. These last couple of years Post-Shaq w. Kobe8217s inabilities to live up to his hype Phil has shown to be just slightly above average coach no more no less than what Flip Saunders has proved to be. You want an underrated coach look at Larry Brown. That guy took a untalented Clippers team to the playoffs and they had not been back for some time after Brown was gone a more than a decade to be exact. Or how about the Pacers they were terrible without him and he gave them the means and was the cornerstone to how good the Pacers would be for the rest of the 908217s. The same can be said about the 76ers and before Brown the Pistons were 1st round fodder in the Jerry Stackhouse days they made a couple of trades had a new team and Brown took them to a championship at Phil Jackson8217s expense. Look what he is doing now in Charlotte in a couple of years who knows how good they would be and I would name the Knicks as a Brown failure although he did not have the players to work under his system and management didn8217t give him much of a chance. Nate is a good coach and you forget him taking the Sonics to a division title. Sure, they had Allen and Shard, but their starting C. was Jerome James for Christ sakes. I also agree it is a player8217s league, but a coach could have an impact on a game with his decision they were put in a position to lead and they should. Pat Riley is a legendary coach. Great coaches still living: Pat Riley, Jerry Sloan, Gregg Popovich, Jeff Van Gundy, Lenny Wilkens, Rudy Tomjanovic, Paul Silas, Hubie Brown, Mike Fratello, Chuck Daly (died, but he should be honored for his greatness), Rick Adelman, Don Nelson and George Karl are better basketball minds than Phil is too. Larry Brown GoodAverage coaches: Phil Jackson, Mike Brown, Mike D8217Antoni, Eddie Jordan, Mike Dunleavy Sr. Flip Saunders, Jim O8217Brien, Sam Mitchell, Avery Johnson, Ric Carlisle, Byron Scott, Nate McMillan, Mo Cheeks Terrible: PJ Carlesimo, Lon Kruger, Tim Floyd, Mike Woodson (the Hawks can be so much better than what they are w. that roster), Lawrence Frank ANSWER: YES HE IS ABSOLUTELY AND POSITIVELY OVERRATED. SHAQ AND KOBE IN 2000 WOULD HAVE WON CHAMPIONSHIP ANYWAYS. BY 2000, NOBODY COULD STOP SHAQ IN THE LOW POST. IT WAS GOONA HAPPEN ANYWAYS WITHOUT PHIL JACKSON. zen trading system
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